The data that are provided include maps, grids, and databases that can be examined using free viewer software. You will need to install the viewer software and also obtain a copy of the CD-ROM publication of the data. A copy of the CD-ROM can be obtained by contacting the U.S. Geological Survey at
USGS Information Services
Box 25286
Denver, CO 80225
You can also call 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) or contact online at
The maps that are provided on the CD-ROM are: -- map of regional geology -- map of more detailed geology -- map of potassium concentrations -- map of uranium concentrations -- map of thorium concentrations -- gamma-ray color-composite map -- digital elevation map -- Landsat bands 3, 2, 1 -- Landsat bands 5, 4, 3 -- Landsat bands 5, 4, 7 -- Landsat color-ratio composite of band ratios 3/4, 3/1, 5/7
The databases that are provided on the CD-ROM are:
bigbend.gdb -- database of survey flightlines
IntStreams.gdb -- intermittent streams
ParkBndry.gdb -- approximate Park boundary
PerStreams.gdb -- perennial streams
rdscat1.gdb -- category 1 roads
rdscat2.gdb -- category 2 roads
rdscat3.gdb -- category 3 roads
rdscat4.gdb -- category 4 roads
rdscat5.gdb -- category 5 roads
riogrande.gdb -- approximate course of Rio Grande River
springs.gdb -- springs
The grids that are provided on the CD-ROM are:
bbgeology.grd -- regional geology (100 m)
bigbenddem.grd -- grid of digital elevation (100 m)
bigbendgeol.grd -- detailed geology (100 m)
bigbendkf.grd -- potassium concentrations
bigbenduf.grd -- uranium concentrations
bigbendthf.grd -- thorium concentrations
tm1.grd -- Landsat band 1
tm2.grd -- Landsat band 2
tm3.grd -- Landsat band 3
tm4.grd -- Landsat band 4
tm5.grd -- Landsat band 5
tm6.grd -- Landsat band 6
tm7.grd -- Landsat band 7
tm31.grd -- Landsat band ratio 3/1
tm34.grd -- Landsat band ratio 3/4
tm57.grd -- Landsat band ratio 5/7
Intro | Geology | Gamma-ray Data | Landsat Data | Maps | Discussion | Conclusions | Listing of Data Files | References | Tutorial