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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1072

Geophysical and Sampling Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Duxbury to Hull, Massachusetts

List of Figures

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Figure 1.  Map showing the location of the survey area (outlined in red) offshore of eastern Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull.  The 50-meter depth contour is shown.  Black rectangle indicates area of detail shown in figures 2, 4, and 5.

Thumbnail image of Figure 1, map showing the survey area.

Figure 2.  Map showing tracklines of geophysical data collected by USGS (red and green lines) and NOAA (purple lines). USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Thumbnail image of Figure 2, map showing tracklines.

Figure 3.  Photographs of research vessels used for mapping surveys in this project. A, RV Megan T. Miller; B, RV Rafael; C, RV Connecticut; D, RV Thomas Jefferson.

Thumbnail image of Figure 3, photographs of four research vessels.

Figure 4.  Map showing shaded-relief topography of seafloor in study area. Coloring and bathymetric contours represent depths in meters, relative to the Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) datum.

Thumbnail image of Figure 4, a map showing the bathymetry of the survey area.

Figure 5.  Map showing sampling sites over acoustic-backscatter intensity in the study area.  Backscatter intensity is an acoustic measure of the hardness and roughness of the seafloor.  In general, higher values (light tones) represent rock, boulders, cobbles, gravel, and coarse sand.  Lower values (dark tones) generally represent fine sand and muddy sediment.  Tonal variations may occur across track in the sidescan-sonar data and between survey days in the multibeam echosounder data.

Thumbnail image of Figure 5, a map showing  the acoustic-backscatter intensity of the survey area.

Figure 6.  Photograph of the SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS), which was used to collect photographic data and sediment samples.

Thumbnail image of Figure 6, photograph of the SEABOSS instrument being deployed.
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