U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1005
Surficial Geology of the Sea Floor in Long Island Sound Offshore of Plum Island, New York
Title | List of Figures | Conversion Factors | Abstract | Introduction | Setting | Methods | Bathymetry | Sidescan Sonar | Sediments | Bottom Photography | GIS Data Catalog | Summary | Acknowledgments | References | Contacts
Figure 17. Sand-wave profiles of waves on shoal north of Plum Island. Arrows show direction of net sediment transport. Profile A-A' shows waves with asymmetries suggesting a westward net sediment transport. Profiles B-B' and C-C' show waves with asymmetries suggesting an eastward net sediment transport. Profile D-D' shows waves that are symmetrical and are probably not moving. Vertical exaggeration is 6X in profiles A-A', B-B', and C-C' and 7X in profile D-D'. Locations of profiles shown in figure 16. |