Figure 1. Location map of the Mississippi Gulf Islands survey areas for cruise IDs 2010-012-FA and 10CCT02. The red polygons outline two survey areas. The black box indicates the survey area that is the focus of this report. Figure 2 contains a more detailed view of this survey area.
Figure 2. The R/V Tommy Munro western survey area stretching from Cat Island to western Horn Island. The lines indicate geophysical survey tracklines.
Figure 3. The R/V Tommy Munro. Photo by the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi.
Figure 4 . Data acquisition setup onboard the R/V Tommy Munro. From left to right, interferometric bathymetry (SwathPlus 234/468), sidescan-sonar (Klein 3000/3900), and 512i sub-bottom Chirp seismic-reflection acquisition computers.