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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2011-1039

Continuous Resistivity Profiling and Seismic-Reflection Data Collected in April 2010 From Indian River Bay, Delaware

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Seismic-Reflection Profile Previews

The table below contains the previews of the chirp seismic-reflection profiles. The trackline map below is a “clickable” map. By clicking on a line name, a new window will open with the full-size JPEG image from that particular line segment. All of these lines were collected on April 13, 2010, which corresponds to Julian day 103. The x axis of the images represents the seismic shot number. The y axis of the images is the two-way travel time in seconds, which is the time for the transmitted signal to be reflected back to the receiver.

Trackline map of seismic-reflection lines collected in Indian River Bay on April 13, 2008. Line names provide hotlinks to the JPEG profiles.


Seismic-Reflection Profiles
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image
Thumbnail image of seismic-reflection profile and link to larger image

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Take Pride in America logo logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: GS Pubs Web Contact
Page Last Modified: Thursday, 24-Jul-2014 14:20:44 EDT

Link to seismic profile JPEG image laf1.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image laf2.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image laf3.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l1f2.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l1f2.001.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l2f1.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l3f1.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l4f1.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l4f1.001.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l4f1.002.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l4f1.003.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l5f2.002.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l5f2.001.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l4f1.004.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l5f1.jpg Link to seismic profile JPEG image l5f2.jpg