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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1113

Summary of Oceanographic and Water-Quality Measurements in West Falmouth Harbor and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, 2009-2010


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Funding was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program.

Access to privately owned sites was provided by Jonathan Harley of the Chapoquoit Island Association, Alan Rottenberg, and Michael Jackson.

The captain and crew of the R/V Tioga skillfully deployed and recovered tripods in Buzzards Bay.

Faculty and staff of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, especially Tom Pham and William Klimm, assisted with instrument deployments in Cape Cod Canal.

Charles Worley and Michael Casso of the USGS deployed the ADCP on the rudder of the T/S Kennedy.

Robert Barton assisted with the fabrication of numerous instrument mounts.

Christine Sabens programmed several instruments, handled mooring documentation, and made several field support trips.


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