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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1113

Summary of Oceanographic and Water-Quality Measurements in West Falmouth Harbor and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, 2009-2010


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All instruments were recovered successfully, and data were retrieved and processed using proprietary software from the instrument manufacturers and MATLAB data analysis software. Data were edited to remove spurious spikes, signals with biological fouling, and periods when an instrument was out of the water. Data were then converted to EPIC-compliant variables and placed into NetCDF format. NetCDF files allow for sharing of data in a common format that is machine-independent and contains appropriate metadata. Documentation of the U.S. Geological Survey's Oceanographic Time-Series Measurement Database can be found here.
The data are publicly served at, which contains details of all field activities associated with this project, Google Earth visualizations of deployment locations, and sampling interval information. The edited, final data files can be accessed using OpenDAP here. File naming conventions for time-series observations are described here. Data in formats that did not conform to the structure of the Time-Series Measurment Database can be found in the appendix.
Click on figures for larger images
thumbnail image of figure 12 and link to larger figure. A graph of data from mooring 859, Buzzards Bay North
Figure 12. Time series of pressure, east velocity, north velocity, water temperature, salinity, transmission, and dissolved oxygen (DO) from mooring 859, Buzzards Bay North
Thumbnail image of figure 5 and link to larger figure 13. A graph of data from mooring 860, Buzzards Bay South
Figure 13. Time series of pressure, east velocity, north velocity, water temperature, and salinity from mooring 860, Buzzards Bay South.
Thumbnail image of figure 6 and link to larger figure. 14.  A graph of data from moorings 861 and 862.
Figure 14. Time series of water level, mean along-path channel velocity (ebb/southwest positive), water temperature, and salinity from moorings 861 and 862, Cape Cod Canal at Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
Thumbnail image of figure 7 and link to larger figure 15. A graph of data from mooring 901, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor
Figure 15.Time series of ADCP depth below surface and mean along-path channel velocity (ebb/west positive) from mooring 901, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor.
Thumbnail image of figure 8 and link to larger figure 16. A graph of data from mooring 901, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor.
Figure 16.Time-series of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH from mooring 901, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor.
Thumbnail image of figure 9 and link to larger figure 17. A graph of data for morring 882, Mashapquit Creek
Figure 17.Time series of pressure, east velocity, and north velocity from mooring 882, Mashapaquit Creek.
Thumbnail image of figure 10 and link to larger figure 18. A graph of data from morring 883 Mashapquit Creek
Figure 18. Time series of water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll-A (CHLA), and nitrate (NO3) from mooring 883, Mashapaquit Creek.
Thumbnail image of figure 11 and link to larger figure 19. A graph of data for mooring 884, Mashapaquit Creek
Figure 19. Time series of salinity from three vertical elevations on mooring 884, Mashapaquit Creek..
Thumbnail image of figure 12 and link to larger figure 20. A graph of data from mooring 885, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction
Figure 20.Time series of pressure, east velocity, and north velocity from mooring 885, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction.
Thumbnail image of figure 13 and link to larger figure 21. A graph of data from mooring 886, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction
Figure 21.Time series of water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll-A (CHLA) from mooring 886, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction.
Thumbnail image of figure 13 and link to larger figure 22. A graph of data for mooring 886, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction
Figure 22. Comparison of dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements from YSI 6920 sensor and Aanderaa Optode at mooring 886, Inner-Middle Harbor Junction.
Thumbnail image of figure 13 and link to larger figure 23. A graph of data for mooring 887, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor
Figure 23.Time series of pressure, east velocity, and north velocity from mooring 887, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor.
Thumbnail image of figure 13 and link to larger figure 24. A graph of data from mooring 888, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor
Figure 24.Time series of water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll-A (CHLA) from mooring 888, mouth of West Falmouth Harbor.
Thumbnail image of figure 13 and link to larger figure 25. A graph of data for mooring 900, south cove of West Falmouth Harbor
Figure 25.Time series of east velocity, north velocity, and dissolved oxygen from mooring 900, South Cove of West Falmouth Harbor.

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