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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1153

Sea-Floor Texture and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf From Salisbury to Nahant, Massachusetts, Including the Merrimack Embayment and Western Massachusetts Bay

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Figure showing bathymetry (upper left), backscatter (upper right) with physiographic zone boundaries, and bottom photographs (center) along a seismic reflection profile (bottom two panels). Yellow line on bathymetry panel is the location of the seismic profile. Shelf valleys formed often between bedrock highs during the lowstand and unconformably overlie glacial-marine deposits.

Figure 18. Figure showing bathymetry (upper left), backscatter (upper right) with physiographic zone boundaries, and bottom photographs (center) along a seismic reflection profile (bottom two panels). Yellow line on bathymetry panel is the location of the seismic profile (also shown in fig. 13). Shelf valleys formed often between bedrock highs during the lowstand and unconformably overlie glacial-marine deposits. RZ, rocky zone; SV, shelf valley; NR, nearshore ramp; SW, southwest; NE, northeast; m, meters; s, seconds; km, kilometers. From Barnhardt and others (2006).

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