Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Influences of meteorological conditions, runoff, and bathymetry on summer thermal regime of a Great Lakes estuary, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 5
- Acute toxicity of lampricides to non-target species of concern in the Lake Champlain watershed, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Documentation of a probable spawning run of cisco Coregonus artedi in the Spanish River, Ontario, Canada, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Comparison of cisco (Coregonus artedi) aerobic scope and thermal tolerance between two latitudinally-separated populations, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 5
- Role of tributary cyanobacterial and nutrient transport and sediment processes on cyanobacterial bloom initiation in Lake Superior nearshore, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Predicting Lake Huron Dreissena spp. spatial distribution patterns from environmental characteristics, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 4
- Histological analysis of deepwater sculpin ovaries supports single spawning reproductive strategy, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 4
- Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Reproducing age variability in grass carp egg samples from the lower Sandusky River, Ohio, USA, using an egg-drift model, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 4
- Capturing potential: Leveraging grass carp behavior Ctenopharyngodon idella for enhanced removal, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) -
- Reproduction of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Maumee River, Ohio: Part 2—Optimal river conditions for egg and larval drift, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) -
- First documentation of grass carp spawning in Lake Erie’s Central Basin, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 3
- Reproduction of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Maumee River, Ohio: Part 1—Spawning area identification using bidirectional drift modeling, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) -
- The Metzger marsh restoration: A vegetation-centric look after 27 years, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 2
- Controls on in-stream nitrogen loss in western Lake Erie tributaries, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 2
- Assessing the probability of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) spawning in the Sandusky River using discharge and water temperature, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 2
- Seasonal differences in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) sensitivity to the pesticide TFM, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 1
- Seasonal differences in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) sensitivity to the pesticide TFM, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 1
- A comparison of stable isotopes and polychlorinated biphenyls 1 among genetic strains of Lake Ontario lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 1
- Spatial distribution and diet of Lake Michigan juvenile lake trout, 2024, Journal of Great Lakes Research (50) - 1
- Comprehensive assessment of macroinvertebrate community condition and sediment toxicity in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2021, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 6
- Field and laboratory validation of new sampling gear to quantify coregonine egg deposition and larval emergence across spawning habitat gradients, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 5
- Intra-lake trends and inter-lake comparisons of Mysis diluviana life history variables and their relationships to food limitation, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 5
- Contaminant risks in consuming fish from the Area of Concern in the Upper Niagara River, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 5
- Large-scale variation in lakebed properties interpreted from single-beam sonar in two Laurentian Great Lakes, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 5
- Seasonal habitat utilization provides evidence for site fidelity during both spawn and non-spawning seasons in Lake Ontario cisco Coregonus artedi, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 5
- Initial insights on the thermal ecology of lake whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 3
- Future climate-induced changes in mixing and deep oxygen content of a caldera lake with hydrothermal heat and salt inputs, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 3
- Factors influencing egg thiamine concentrations of Lake Ontario lake trout: 2019–2020, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 4
- Assessing impaired benthic communities using sediment toxicity and contaminant concentrations from reference sites inside the Niagara River Area of Concern, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 2
- Lake Ontario’s nearshore zooplankton: Community composition changes and comparisons to the offshore, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 3
- Behavioral and reproductive effects of the lampricides TFM and TFM:1% Niclosamide on native freshwater mussels, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 1
- Does hatchery rearing of lake trout affect their reproductive behavior in the wild?, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 1
- Agricultural conservation practices could help offset climate change impacts on cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, 2023, Journal of Great Lakes Research (49) - 1
- Genetic population structure of cisco, Coregonus artedi, in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 6
- An extrapolation method for estimating loads from unmonitored areas using watershed model load ratios, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 6
- Stream corridor and upland sources of fluvial sediment and phosphorus from a mixed urban-agricultural tributary to the Great Lakes, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 6
- Indicators of fish population responses to avian predation with focus on double-crested cormorants, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 6
- Predicting physical and geomorphic habitat associated with historical lake whitefish and cisco spawning locations in Lakes Erie and Ontario, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 6
- Effects of warming winter embryo incubation temperatures on larval cisco (Coregonus artedi) survival, growth, and critical thermal maximum, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 4
- Genome-wide genetic diversity may help identify fine-scale genetic structure among lake whitefish spawning groups in Lake Erie, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 5
- Variation of cisco egg size among Laurentian Great Lakes populations, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 3
- Results of the collaborative Lake Ontario bloater restoration stocking and assessment, 2012–2020, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances in a Lake Ontario food web, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Microbial source tracking and evaluation of best management practices for restoring degraded beaches of Lake Michigan, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Depth drives growth dynamics of dreissenid mussels in Lake Ontario, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) -
- Evaluation of post-stocking dispersal and mortality of juvenile lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Ontario using acoustic telemetry, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- An evaluation of fish spawning on degraded and remnant reefs in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Condition of macroinvertebrate communities in the Buffalo River Area of Concern following sediment remediation, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 1
- Thiamine status of lake trout in lake Ontario and its relation to diet after the colonization of round goby, 2005–2006, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 1
- Importance of nonindigenous harpacticoids (Crustacea: Copepoda) decrease with depth in Lake Ontario, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Multi-run migratory behavior of adult male lake sturgeon in a short river, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 5
- Condition of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Spatial and temporal variability in lake trout diets in Lake Ontario as revealed by stomach contents and stable isotopes, 2022, Journal of Great Lakes Research (48) - 2
- Towards improving an Area of Concern: Main-channel habitat rehabilitation priorities for the Maumee River, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 5
- A seasonal electric barrier blocks invasive adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and reduces production of larvae, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - S1
- An adaptive management implementation framework for evaluating supplemental sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) controls in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - S1
- A review of sea lamprey dispersal and population structure in the Great Lakes and the implications for control, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - S1
- Advances in the use of lampricides to control sea lampreys in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2000–2019, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) annual adult survival estimated from acoustic telemetry, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Slimy sculpin depth shifts and habitat squeeze following the round goby invasion in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Exploiting the physiology of lampreys to refine methods of control and conservation, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - S1
- Lampricide bioavailability and toxicity to invasive sea lamprey and non-target fishes: The importance of alkalinity, pH, and the gill microenvironment, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- The path toward consistent achievement of sea lamprey abundance and lake trout marking targets in Lake Ontario, 2000–2019, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Supplement 1
- Genomics reveals identity, phenology and population demographics of larval ciscoes (Coregonus artedi, C. hoyi, and C. kiyi) in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Metal accumulation in Lake Michigan prey fish: Influence of ontogeny, trophic position, and habitat, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) -
- Nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations in the Maumee River and tributaries during 2019 rain-induced fallow conditions, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Foreword: Control and conservation of lampreys beyond 2020 - Proceedings from the 3rd Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III), 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Setting and tracking suppression targets for sea lampreys in the Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Evidence that copepod biomass during the larval period regulates recruitment of Lake Erie walleye, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Shining a light on Laurentian Great Lakes cisco (Coregonus artedi): How ice coverage may impact embryonic development, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 5
- Distribution, abundance and spatial variability of microplastic pollution on the surface of Lake Superior, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 5
- Coalescent methods reconstruct contributions of natural colonization and stocking to origins of Michigan inland Cisco (Coregonus artedi), 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 6
- Registration and application of sea lamprey pheromones for sea lamprey control in the United States and Canada, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Incorporation of non-native species in the diets of cisco (Coregonus artedi) from eastern Lake Ontario, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Response of fish assemblages to restoration of rapids habitat in a Great Lakes connecting channel, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- A review of osmoregulation in lamprey, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Enhancing Great Lakes coastal ecosystems research by initiating engagement between scientists and decision-makers, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidance behavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and niclosamide, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Trophic transfer efficiency in the Lake Superior food web: Assessing the impacts of non-native species, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- A renewed philosophy about supplemental sea lamprey controls, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Legacy contaminant-stable isotope-age relationships in Lake Ontario year-class Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Understanding sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes prior to broad implementation of sea lamprey control, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Quantifying Great Lakes sea lamprey populations using an index of adults, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Spatial and temporal distributions of Dreissena spp. veligers in Lake Huron: Does calcium limit settling success?, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 2
- What can commercial fishery data in the Great Lakes reveal about juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ecology and management?, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Trade-offs between suppression and eradication of sea lampreys from the Great Lake, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Environmental factors influencing annual sucker (Catostomus sp.) migration into a Great Lakes tributary, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Implications of tagging effects for interpreting the performance of sea lamprey traps in a large river, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 4
- Acoustic tag retention and tagging mortality of juvenile cisco Coregonus artedi, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 3
- Evidence of successful river spawning by lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 2
- Progress towards integrating an understanding of chemical ecology into sea lamprey control, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Before the first meal: The elusive pre-feeding juvenile stage of the sea lamprey, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Seasonal movements of muskellunge in the St. Clair – Detroit River System: Implications for multi-jurisdictional fisheries management, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 2
- Stationary hydroacoustics demonstrates vessel avoidance biases during mobile hydroacoustic surveys of alewife in Lake Ontario, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Lake-wide annual status of Mysis diluviana population in Lake Michigan in 2015, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Telemetry evaluation of carbon dioxide as a behavioral deterrent for invasive carps, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- A case study of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control and ecology in a microcosm of the Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Winter severity, fish community, and availability to traps explain most of the variability in estimates of adult sea lamprey in Lake Superior, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Status of the major aquaculture carps of China in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Using simulation to understand annual sea lamprey marking rates on lake trout, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Evidence of host switching: Sea lampreys disproportionately attack Chinook salmon when lake trout abundance is low in Lake Ontario, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Supp 1
- Assessing the assumptions of classification agreement, accuracy, and predictable healing time of sea lamprey wounds on lake trout, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Supp 1
- Larval Coregonus spp. diets and zooplankton community patterns in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Identifying sources and year classes contributing to invasive grass carp in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Validation of the model-predicted spawning area of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella in the Sandusky River, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 17
- Where you trap matters: Implications for integrated sea lamprey management, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Estimating age and growth of invasive sea lamprey: A review of approaches and investigation of a new method, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Supp 1
- Eradication of sea lampreys from the Laurentian Great Lakes is possible, 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Supp 1
- Using decision analysis to collaboratively respond to invasive species threats: A case study of Lake Erie grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), 2021, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - 1
- Evidence of spawning by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on substrates at the base of large boulders in northern Lake Huron, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 6
- Determining habitat limitations of Maumee River walleye production to western Lake Erie fish stocks: Documenting a spawning ground barrier, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 6
- A review of an electric weir and fishway in a Great Lakes tributary from conception to termination, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (47) - Suppl 1
- Spatial and vertical bias in down-looking ship-based acoustic estimates of fish density in Lake Superior: Lessons learned from multi-directional acoustics, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 6
- Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawn in the St. Marys River Rapids, Michigan, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon eggs during 14 years following the invasion of alewife in Lake Champlain, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 5
- Monthly suspended-sediment apportionment for a western Lake Erie agricultural tributary, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Gut contents from multiple morphs of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) at two offshore shoals in Lake Superior, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Spatial segregation of cisco (Coregonus artedi) and lake whitefish (C. clupeaformis) larvae in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Piscivory in recovering Lake Michigan Cisco (Coregonus artedi): The role of invasive species, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 5
- Long-term trends of Lake Michigan benthos with emphasis on the southern basin, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 3
- Does Lake Erie still have sufficient oxythermal habitat for cisco Coregonus artedi?, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 2
- Differentiation between lake whitefish and cisco eggs based on diameter, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 4
- Acute toxicity of the lampricides TFM and niclosamide: Effects on a vascular plant and a chironomid species, 2020, Journal of Great Lakes Research (46) - 1
- Evaluation of potential sources of sauger Sander canadensis for reintroduction into Lake Erie, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 6
- Ecosystem change and population declines in gulls: Shifting baseline considerations for assessing ecological integrity of protected areas, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 6
- Efficacy of increasing discharge to reduce tow-mediated fish passage across an electric dispersal barrier system in a confined channel, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 6
- Assessment of larval fish assemblages and nursery habitat in the St. Clair River delta, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 4
- Diet predictions of Lake Ontario salmonines based on fatty acids and correlations between their fat content and thiamine concentrations, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 5
- Zooplankton dynamics in a Great Lakes connecting channel: Exploring the seasonal composition within the St. Clair-Detroit River System, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 5
- Age truncation of alewife in Lake Michigan, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 5
- First record of the non-indigenous parasitic copepod Neoergasilus japonicus (Harada, 1950) in the Lake Ontario Watershed: Oneida Lake, New York, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 6
- Spatial patterns of rainbow smelt energetic condition in Lakes Huron and Erie in 2017: Evidence for Lake Huron resource limitation, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 4
- Assessment of site-specific agricultural Best Management Practices in the Upper East River watershed, Wisconsin, using a field-scale SWAT model, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (3) - 45
- A comparison of chlorophyll a values obtained from an autonomous underwater vehicle to satellite-based measures for Lake Michigan, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 4
- Resurgence of cisco (Coregonus artedi) population levels in Lake Michigan, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 4
- Seasonal patterns in hydrochemical mixing in three Great Lakes rivermouth ecosystems, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 3
- Status of Mysis diluviana in Lake Ontario in 2013: lower abundance but higher fecundity than in the 1990s, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 2
- Phenology and species diversity in a Lake Huron ichthyoplankton community: Ecological implications of invasive species dominance, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 1
- Tracking changes in nutrient delivery to western Lake Erie: Approaches to compensate for variability and trends in streamflow, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 1
- Defensible standardized ploidy assessments for Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinidae) intercepted from the commercial supply chain, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (45) - 2
- Seasonal trophic variation of yellow perch exceeds spatial variation in a large lake basin, 2019, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 2
- Stock structure, dynamics, demographics, and movements of walleyes spawning in four tributaries to Green Bay, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 5
- Evaluation of anal fin spines, otoliths, and scales for estimating age and back-calculated lengths of yellow perch in southern Green Bay, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 5
- Great Lakes coastal fish habitat classification and assessment, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 5
- Assessing the risk of diploid grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella in the certified triploid supply chain in Ohio, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 5
- The flathead catfish invasion of the Great Lakes, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 5
- Distribution and foraging patterns of common loons on Lake Michigan with implications for exposure to type E avian botulism, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 3
- Lateral and vertical distribution of downstream migrating juvenile sea lamprey, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 3
- Stomach contents and stable isotopes analysis indicate Hemimysis anomala in Lake Ontario are broadly omnivorous, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 3
- A surrogate regression approach for computing continuous loads for the tributary nutrient and sediment monitoring program on the Great Lakes, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 1
- Contaminant-associated health effects in fishes from the Ottawa and Ashtabula Rivers, Ohio, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 1
- Biomonitoring using invasive species in a large Lake: Dreissena distribution maps hypoxic zones, 2018, Journal of Great Lakes Research (44) - 4
- Cooperative science to inform Lake Ontario management: Research from the 2013 Lake Ontario CSMI program, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Assessing diet compositions of Lake Ontario predators using fatty acid profiles of prey fishes, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Evaluating factors driving population densities of mayfly nymphs in Western Lake Erie, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 6
- Genetic structure of muskellunge in the Great Lakes region and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of wild populations, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 6
- Vertical distribution of alewife in the Lake Ontario offshore: Implications for resource use, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Assessing condition of macroinvertebrate communities and bed sediment toxicity in the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern, New York, USA, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Effects of tow transit on the efficacy of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Electric Dispersal Barrier System, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 6
- Habitat use by juvenile salmonids in Lake Ontario tributaries-species, age, diel and seasonal effects, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Biotic and abiotic factors influencing zooplankton vertical distribution in Lake Huron, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 6
- Seasonal trends in eDNA detection and occupancy of bigheaded carps, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 4
- Efficacy and residual toxicity of a sodium hydroxide based ballast water treatment system for freshwater bulk freighters, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 4
- Deepwater sculpin status and recovery in Lake Ontario, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Assessment of phytoplankton resources suitable for bigheaded carps in Lake Michigan derived from remote sensing and bioenergetics, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- The deep chlorophyll layer in Lake Ontario: Extent, mechanisms of formation, and abiotic predictors, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Understanding ecosystem services adoption by natural resource managers and research ecologists, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- Acoustic deterrence of bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) to a broadband sound stimulus, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 4
- A population on the rise: The origin of deepwater sculpin in Lake Ontario, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Assessing the status of sediment toxicity and macroinvertebrate communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- Concentration and biochemical gradients of seston in Lake Ontario, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Confirmation of cisco spawning in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario using an egg pumping device, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- Simulation of rapid ecological change in Lake Ontario, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Movement patterns and spatial segregation of two populations of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- Ecosystem services in the Great Lakes, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 3
- Community stability within the St. Marys River fish community: Evidence from trawl surveys, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- Lethal and sub-lethal responses of native freshwater mussels exposed to granular Bayluscide®, a sea lamprey larvicide, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- Effects of internal phosphorus loadings and food-web structure on the recovery of a deep lake from eutrophication, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- Effects of food web changes on Mysis diluviana diet in Lake Ontario, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 5
- Asynchrony in the inter-annual recruitment of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in the Great Lakes region, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- In situ assessment of lampricide toxicity to age-0 lake sturgeon, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 1
- Exploring potential effects of cormorant predation on the fish community in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- It's like night and day: Diel net-effects on Cercopagidae densities in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 2
- Contribution of manipulable and non-manipulable environmental factors to trapping efficiency of invasive sea lamprey, 2017, Journal of Great Lakes Research (43) - 1
- Survival and metamorphosis of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) residing in Lakes Michigan and Huron near river mouths, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 6
- Effects of lake trout refuges on lake whitefish and cisco in the Apostle Islands Region of Lake Superior, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Freshwater polychaetes (Manayunkia speciosa) near the Detroit River, western Lake Erie: Abundance and life‐history characteristics, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Eurytemora carolleeae in the Laurentian Great Lakes revealed by phylogenetic and morphological analysis, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- White sucker Catostomus commersonii respond to conspecific and sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus alarm cues but not potential predator cues, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- Assessing condition of macroinvertebrate communities and sediment toxicity in the St. Lawrence River at Massena Area-of-Concern, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- Entrainment, retention, and transport of freely swimming fish in junction gaps between commercial barges operating on the Illinois Waterway, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- Gut content analysis of Lake Michigan waterbirds in years with avian botulism type E mortality, 2010–2012, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Age and growth of round gobies in Lake Huron: Implications for food web dynamics, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 6
- Predation on Pacific salmonid eggs and carcass's by subyearling Atlantic salmon in a tributary of Lake Ontario, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 2
- Observations of cocooned Hydrobaenus (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae in Lake Michigan, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Telemetry narrows the search for sea lamprey spawning locations in the St. Clair-Detroit River System, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Comparative diets of subyearling Atlantic salmon and subyearling coho salmon in Lake Ontario tributaries, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- Internal loading of phosphorus in western Lake Erie, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- First direct confirmation of grass carp spawning in a Great Lakes tributary, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 5
- Simulated impacts of climate change on phosphorus loading to Lake Michigan, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 3
- Mixed stock analysis of Lake Michigan's Lake Whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis commercial fishery, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 3
- Freshwater wrack along Great Lakes coasts harbors Escherichia coli: Potential for bacterial transfer between watershed environments, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 4
- Estimates of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diet in Lake Ontario using two and three isotope mixing models, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 3
- Toxicity of waters from the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern to the plankton species Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 2
- Research needs to better understand Lake Ontario ecosystem function: A workshop summary, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 1
- Identifying the origin of waterbird carcasses in Lake Michigan using a neural network source tracking model, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 3
- Identification of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush spawning habitat in northern Lake Huron using high-resolution satellite imagery, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 1
- Life history variation among four lake trout morphs at Isle Royale, Lake Superior, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 2
- Effect of stocking sub-yearling Atlantic salmon on the habitat use of sub-yearling rainbow trout, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 1
- Evidence that sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) complete their life cycle within a tributary of the Laurentian Great Lakes by parasitizing fishes in inland lakes, 2016, Journal of Great Lakes Research (42) - 1
- Past and future warming of a deep European lake (Lake Lugano): What are the climatic drivers?, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- Artificial reefs and reef restoration in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 1
- Complex interactions in Lake Michigan’s rapidly changing ecosystem, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - Supplement 3
- Factors associated with the deposition of Cladophora on Lake Michigan beaches in 2012, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- Changes in depth occupied by Great Lakes lake whitefish populations and the influence of survey design, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- Foraging mechanisms of siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet) on pelagic prey, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- PCB concentrations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) vary by sex, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- Validation of a spatial model used to locate fish spawning reef construction sites in the St. Clair–Detroit River system, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 4
- Suitability of Lake Erie for bigheaded carps based on bioenergetic models and remote sensing, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Stock-specific advection of larval walleye (Sander vitreus) in western Lake Erie: Implications for larval growth, mixing, and stock discrimination, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 3
- Improving efficiency and reliability of environmental DNA analysis for silver carp, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Diet shifts by planktivorous and benthivorous fishes in northern Lake Michigan in response to ecosystem changes, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - Suppl. 3
- Evaluating the importance of abiotic and biotic drivers on Bythotrephes biomass in Lakes Superior and Michigan, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 3
- Sea lamprey mark type, marking rate, and parasite-host relationships for lake trout and other species in Lake Ontario, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 1
- Little Galloo Island, Lake Ontario: Two decades of studies on the diet, fish consumption, and management of double-crested cormorants, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Potential impact of Chironomus plumosus larvae on hypolimnetic oxygen in the central basin of Lake Erie, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- A spatial classification and database for management, research, and policy making: The Great Lakes aquatic habitat framework, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Potential effects of climate change on the growth of fishes from different thermal guilds in Lakes Michigan and Huron, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Natural trophic variability in a large, oligotrophic, near-pristine lake, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Climate change projections for lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) recruitment in the 1836 Treaty Waters of the Upper Great Lakes, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Thiaminase activity in native freshwater mussels, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Avian botulism type E in waterbirds of Lake Michigan, 2010–2013, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- Application of the FluEgg model to predict transport of Asian carp eggs in the Saint Joseph River (Great Lakes tributary), 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 2
- From yellow perch to round goby: A review of double-crested cormorant diet and fish consumption at three St. Lawrence River colonies, 1999–2013, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 1
- Wildlife, urban inputs, and landscape configuration are responsible for degraded swimming water quality at an embayed beach, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 1
- Non-stationary recruitment dynamics of rainbow smelt: the influence of environmental variables and variation in size structure and length-at-maturation, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - 1
- Changes in the Lake Michigan food web following dreissenid mussel invasions: A synthesis, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (41) - Supplement 3
- Age and growth of round gobies in Lake Michigan, with preliminary mortality estimation, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 3
- Comparing methods for estimating larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) density in the St. Marys River for the purposes of control, 2015, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 3
- Fine scale habitat use by age-1 stocked muskellunge and wild northern pike in an upper St. Lawrence River bay, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40, Supplement 2) -
- Conservation Action Planning: Lessons learned from the St. Marys River watershed biodiversity conservation planning process, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 2
- A model to locate potential areas for lake sturgeon spawning habitat construction in the St. Clair–Detroit River System, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - Supplement 2
- Designing long-term fish community assessments in connecting channels: Lessons from the Saint Marys River, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - Supplement 2
- Enterococcus phages as potential tool for identifying sewage inputs in the Great Lakes region, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 4
- In vivo and in vitro phenotypic differences between Great Lakes VHSV genotype IVb isolates with sequence types vcG001 and vcG002, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 4
- Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: central basin hypoxia, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 2
- Examination of the influence of juvenile Atlantic salmon on the feeding mode of juvenile steelhead in Lake Ontario tributaries, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 2
- Lake trout in northern Lake Huron spawn on submerged drumlins, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 2
- Beach science in the Great Lakes, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 1
- Habitat used by juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the North Channel of the St. Clair River (Michigan, USA), 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) -
- Diet and habitat use by age-0 deepwater sculpins in northern Lake Huron, Michigan and the Detroit River, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) -
- Use of main channel and two backwater habitats by larval fishes in the Detroit River, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) -
- Conservation and management of fisheries and aquatic communities in Great Lakes connecting channels, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) -
- Occurrence, habitat, and movements of the endangered northern madtom (Noturus stigmosus) in the Detroit River, 2003-2011, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - Supplement 2
- A 200 year chronology of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) in Saginaw Bay, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 1
- Ecology and population status of trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) in western Lake Erie, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 1
- Habitat use by subyearling Chinook and coho salmon in Lake Ontario tributaries, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 1
- Survival and metamorphosis of low-density populations of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in streams following lampricide treatment, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 1
- An ecological basis for future fish habitat restoration efforts in the Huron-Erie Corridor, 2014, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - Supplement 2
- Notable decomposition products of senescing Lake Michigan Cladophora glomerata, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) - 3
- A description of the nearshore fish communities in the Huron-Erie Corridor using multiple gear types, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (40) -
- Laboratory-derived temperature preference and effect on the feeding rate and survival of juvenile Hemimysis anomala, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 4
- Sensitivity of fish density estimates to standard analytical procedures applied to Great Lakes hydroacoustic data, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 4
- First evidence of grass carp recruitment in the Great Lakes Basin, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 4
- Is reduced benthic flux related to the Diporeia decline? Analysis of spring blooms and whiting events in Lake Ontario, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 3
- Gastric evacuation rate, index of fullness, and daily ration of Lake Michigan slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii), 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 2
- Diel variation in summer habitat use, feeding periodicity, and diet of subyearling Atlantic salmon in the Salmon River Basin, New York, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of freshwater polychaetes, Manayunkia speciosa (Polychaeta), in the Great Lakes with a 70-year case history for western Lake Erie, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 2
- Mapping invasive Phragmites australis in the coastal Great Lakes with ALOS PALSAR satellite imagery for decision support, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - Suppl. 1
- Great Lakes rivermouth ecosystems: scientific synthesis and management implications, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 3
- Distribution and exploitation of Nile perch Lates niloticus in relation to stratification in Lake Victoria, East Africa, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 3
- Dynamics of fecal indicator bacteria, bacterial pathogen genes, and organic wastewater contaminants in the Little Calumet River: Portage Burns Waterway, Indiana, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 2
- Habitat use and diet composition of juvenile Atlantic salmon in a tributary of Lake Ontario, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 1
- Reevaluation of lake trout and lake whitefish bioenergetics models, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 2
- The contribution of cold winter temperatures to the 2003 alewife population collapse in Lake Huron, 2013, Journal of Great Lakes Research (39) - 4
- Influence of water temperature on rainbow smelt spawning and early life history dynamics in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 4
- Prey selection by the Lake Superior fish community, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 2
- Morphological evidence for discrete stocks of yellow perch in Lake Erie, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 3
- Mysis diluviana and Hemimysis anomala: reviewing the roles of a native and invasive mysid in the Laurentian Great Lakes region, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - Supplement 2
- Seasonal zooplankton dynamics in Lake Michigan: disentangling impacts of resource limitation, ecosystem engineering, and predation during a critical ecosystem transition, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 2
- Thermal and hydrologic suitability of Lake Erie and its major tributaries for spawning of Asian carps, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 1
- Low prevalence of VHSV detected in round goby collected in offshore regions of Lake Ontario, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 3
- Comparing seasonal dynamics of the Lake Huron zooplankton community between 1983-1984 and 2007 and revisiting the impact of Bythotrephes planktivory, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 3
- Age-specific light preferences and vertical migration patterns of a Great Lakes invasive invertebrate, Hemimysis anomala, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - Supplement 2
- Influences on Bythotrephes longimanus life-history characteristics in the Great Lakes, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 1
- Toxicity of waters from the St. Lawrence River at Massena Area-of-Concern to the plankton species Selenastrum capricornutum and Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 4
- Distribution, abundance and production of Hemimysis anomala in Lake Ontario, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) -
- Evaluation of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) residues following a lampricide treatment as a risk assessment to the endangered piping plover, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 2
- Use of flow-normalization to evaluate nutrient concentration and flux changes in Lake Champlain tributaries, 1990-2009, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 1
- New data on mitochondrial diversity and origin of Hemimysis anomala in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - Supplement 2
- Small-scale lacustrine drifts in Lake Champlain, Vermont, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - Supplement 1
- An exploratory investigation of the landscape-lake interface: Land cover controls over consumer N and C isotopic composition in Lake Michigan rivermouths, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 4
- Native rainbow smelt and nonnative alewife distribution related to temperature and light gradients in Lake Champlain, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 1
- Sex difference in polybrominated diphenyl ether concentrations of walleyes, 2012, Journal of Great Lakes Research (38) - 1
- Polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids: Biomarkers for native and exotic mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 2
- Bed morphology, flow structure, and sediment transport at the outlet of Lake Huron and in the upper St. Clair River, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 3
- Long-term trends in the St. Marys River open water fish community, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) -
- Thiamine concentrations in lake whitefish eggs from the upper Great Lakes are related to maternal diet, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 4
- Trophic connections in Lake Superior Part I: the offshore fish community, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 3
- Trophic connections in Lake Superior Part II: the nearshore fish community, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 3
- Evaluating the growth potential of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) feeding on siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 2
- Mid Holocene lake level and shoreline behavior during the Nipissing phase of the upper Great Lakes at Alpena, Michigan, USA, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 3
- Links between type E botulism outbreaks, lake levels, and surface water temperatures in Lake Michigan, 1963-2008, 2011, Journal of Great Lakes Research (37) - 1
- A short-term look at potential changes in Lake Michigan slimy sculpin diets, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 2
- Dreissenid mussels are not a "dead end" in Great Lakes food webs, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - SP1
- Diet of lake trout and burbot in northern Lake Michigan during spring: Evidence of ecological interaction, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 2
- Genetic diversity of lake whitefish in lakes Michigan and Huron: sampling, standardization, and research priorities, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - Supplement 1
- Migratory salmonid redd habitat characteristics in the Salmon River, New York, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 2
- Diet shift of double-crested cormorants in eastern Lake Ontario associated with the expansion of the invasive round goby, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 2
- Metrics of ecosystem status for large aquatic systems: a global comparison, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 1
- Occurrence of the Great Lake's most recent invader, Hemimysis anomala, in the diet of fishes in southeastern Lake Ontario, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 1
- The Lake Ontario zooplankton community before (1987-1991) and after (2001-2005) invasion-induced ecosystem change, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 4
- Hierarchical multi-scale classification of nearshore aquatic habitats of the Great Lakes: Western Lake Erie, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 4
- Use of chemosensory cues as repellents for sea lamprey: Potential directions for population management, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 4
- Comparison of thiaminase activity in fish using the radiometric and 4-nitrothiophenol colorimetric methods, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 4
- Spawning by walleye (Sander vitreus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in the Detroit River: Implications for spawning habitat enhancement, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 3
- Early observations on an emerging Great Lakes invader Hemimysis anomala in Lake Ontario, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 3
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) health indicators: linking individual-based indicators to a management-relevant endpoint, 2010, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 1
- Determining the efficacy of microsatellite DNA-based mixed-stock analysis of Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish commercial fishery, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (36) - 1
- A historical perspective on the "fish tumors or other deformities" beneficial use impairment at Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Heritage strain and diet of wild young of year and yearling lake trout in the main basin of Lake Huron, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Assessment of the "fish tumors or other deformities" beneficial use impairment in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus): II. Liver neoplasia, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Feeding ecology of lake whitefish larvae in eastern Lake Ontario, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- The effect of mayfly (Hexagenia spp.) burrowing activity on sediment oxygen demand in western Lake Erie, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Expansion of Dreissena into offshore waters of Lake Michigan and potential impacts on fish populations, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Predation by fallfish (Semotilus corporalis) on Pacific salmon eggs in the Salmon River, New York, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Movements of brown bullheads in Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie, Pennsylvania, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Assessment of the "fish tumors or other deformities" beneficial use impairment in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus): I. Orocutaneous tumors, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 4
- Abundance and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in offshore soft sediments in Western Lake Huron, 2001-2007, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Spatial and temporal variation in distribution of larval lake whitefish in eastern Lake Ontario: signs of recovery?, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Dreissenid mussels from the Great Lakes contain elevated thiaminase activity, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 2
- Stimulating a Great Lakes coastal wetland seed bank using portable cofferdams: implications for habitat rehabilitation, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 2
- Acoustic estimates of abundance and distribution of spawning lake trout on Sheboygan Reef in Lake Michigan, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Decline in bloater fecundity in Southern Lake Michigan after decline of Diporeia, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Characteristics of a refuge for native freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Lake St. Clair, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 1
- Shifts in the diet of Lake Ontario alewife in response to ecosystem change, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 2
- Fall diet and bathymetric distribution of deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii) in Lake Huron, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 3
- Perfluorinated compounds and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in great blue heron eggs from Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 3
- Gender difference in walleye PCB concentrations persists following remedial dredging, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 3
- Recent increases in the large glacial-relict calanoid Limnocalanus macrurus in Lake Michigan, 2009, Journal of Great Lakes Research (35) - 2
- Evaluating sampling strategies for larval cisco (Coregonus artedi), 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 2
- Effectiveness of piscicides for controlling round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus), 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 2
- Cattail invasion of sedge/grass meadows in Lake Ontario: Photointerpretation analysis of sixteen wetlands over five decades, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 2
- Maternal characteristics versus egg size and energy density: do stocked lake trout in Lake Ontario experience premature reproductive senescence?, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 4
- Diet composition and feeding periodicity of wild and hatchery subyearling Chinook salmon in Lake Ontario, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 4
- Predicted effects of proposed new regulation plans on sedge/grass meadows of Lake Ontario, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 4
- Resurgence of emerald shiners Notropis atherinoides in Lake Huron's main basin, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 3
- Distribution, abundance, and range of the round goby, Apollina melanostoma, in the Duluth-Superior Harbor and St. Louis River estuary, 1998-2004, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 3
- Ichthyoplankton assemblages of coastal west-central Lake Erie and associated habitat characteristics, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 4
- Thiamine and fatty acid content of Lake Michigan Chinook salmon, 2008, Journal of Great Lakes Research (34) - 4
- Contaminant exposure and biomarker response in embryos of Black-crowned Night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) nesting near Lake Calumet, Illinois, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 4
- Restoration and rehabilitation of native species in the Great Lakes: Overview, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Research to support sterile-male-release and genetic alteration techniques for sea lamprey control, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 2
- Composite analysis for Escherichia coli at coastal beaches, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 2
- Shell-free biomass and population dynamics of dreissenids in offshore Lake Michigan, 2001-2003, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) in Lake Erie, 1997-2005, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Environmental and ecological conditions surrounding the production of large year classes of walleye (Sander vitreus) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Occurrence and food habits of the round goby in the profundal zone of southwestern Lake Ontario, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 1
- Egg thiamine status of Lake Ontario salmonines 1995-2004 with emphasis on lake trout, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 1
- Diet and prey selection by Lake Superior lake trout during springs 1986-2001, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 1
- Regional differences in size-at-age of the recovering burbot (Lota lota) population in Lake Erie, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Restoration of wildcelery, Vallisneria americana Michx., in the lower Detroit River of the Lake Huron-Lake Erie Corridor, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Reappearance of deepwater sculpin in Lake Ontario: Resurgence or last gasp of a doomed population?, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Drying temperature effects on fish dry mass measurements, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 3
- Evidence of widespread natural reproduction by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in the Michigan waters of Lake Huron, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 4
- Predicting wetland plant community responses to proposed water-level-regulation plans for Lake Ontario: GIS-based modeling, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 4
- Activity, aggression, and habitat use of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) under laboratory conditions, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 2
- Distinguishing wild vs. stocked lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Ontario: Evidence from carbon and oxygen stable isotope values of otoliths, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 4
- First evidence of egg deposition by walleye (Sander vitreus) in the Detroit River, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 2
- Comparative diets of subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss) in the Salmon River, New York, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 4
- Evidence of lake whitefish spawning in the Detroit River: Implications for habitat and population recovery, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - 2
- Potential strategies for recovery of lake whitefish and lake herring stocks in eastern Lake Erie, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Changes in a population of exotic rainbow smelt in Lake Superior: Boom to bust, 1974-2005, 2007, Journal of Great Lakes Research (33) - Supplement 1
- Changes in seasonal nearshore zooplankton abundance patterns in Lake Ontario following establishment of the exotic predator Cercopagis pengoi, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 3
- Evaluation of bottom trawls as compared to acoustics to assess adult Lake Herring (Coregonus artedi) abundance in Lake Superior, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 2
- Spring-summer diet of lake trout on Six Fathom Bank and Yankee Reef in Lake Huron, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 2
- Estimating the size of fish consumed by double-crested cormorants: Considerations for better understanding cormorant-fish interactions, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 1
- Use of electric and bubble barriers to limit the movement of Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 1
- Evidence of Lake Trout reproduction at Lake Michigan's mid-lake reef complex, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 4
- Predation on walleye eggs by fish on reefs in western Lake Erie, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 3
- A practical method for obtaining useful quantities of pheromones from sea lamprey and other fishes for identification and control, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 4
- Hydroacoustic estimation of zooplankton biomass at two shoal complexes in the Apostle Islands Region of Lake Superior, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 4
- Storm-induced redistribution of deepwater sediments in Lake Ontario, 2006, Journal of Great Lakes Research (32) - 2
- An evaluation of effects of groundwater exchange on nearshore habitats and water quality of western Lake Erie, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) -
- Modeling the suppression of sea lamprey populations by use of the male sex pheromone, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 2
- A potential new energy pathway in Central Lake Erie: The round goby connection, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - SUPPL. 2
- Embryonic developmental progression in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (Walbaum, 1792) and its relation to lake temperature, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 2
- Effects of body size, condition, and lipid content on the survival of juvenile lake herring during rapid cooling events, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 3
- Potential oxygen demand of sediments from Lake Erie, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - Suppl. 2
- Sculpin community dynamics in Lake Michigan, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 3
- Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance and spatial distribution of pelagic prey fishes in western Lake Superior, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 4
- Occurrence of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda) in fishes of the Great Lakes with emphasis on its occurrence in round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) from Lake Huron, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 4
- Invasion history, proliferation, and offshore diet of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus in western Lake Huron, USA, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 4
- Hydrogeomorphic classification for Great Lakes coastal wetlands, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - Supplement 1
- Pathways of food uptake in native (Unionidae) and introduced (Corbiculidae and Dreissenidae) freshwater bivalves, 2005, Journal of Great Lakes Research (31) - 1
- Bioaccumulation of toxaphene congeners in the lake superior food web, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 2
- Modeling the suppression of sea lamprey populations by the release of sterile males or sterile females, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 4
- Late Holocene lake-level variation in southeastern Lake Superior: Tahquamenon Bay, Michigan, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) -
- Biotic and abiotic factors related to rainbow smelt recruitment in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior, 1978-1997, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) -
- Discrimination among spawning aggregations of lake herring from Lake Superior using whole-body morphometric characters, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - Supplement 1
- Relationships between bald eagle productivity and dynamics of fish populations and fisheries in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior, 1983-1999, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) -
- The nearshore benthic invertebrate community of southern Lake Michigan and its response to beach nourishment, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 1
- Landscape scale measures of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) bioenergetic growth rate potential in Lake Michigan and comparison with angler catch rates, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 4
- The fine structure of the sperm of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 4
- Lake herring (Coregonus artedi) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) diets in western Lake Superior, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 1
- Biotic and abiotic factors related to lake herring recruitment in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior, 1984-1998, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) -
- The status of Limnocalanus macrurus (Copepoda: Calanoida: Centropagidae) in Lake Erie, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 1
- Fleet dynamics of the commercial lake trout fishery in Michigan waters of Lake Superior during 1929-1961, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) - 2
- Spatial patterns in assemblage structures of pelagic forage fish and zooplankton in western Lake Superior, 2004, Journal of Great Lakes Research (30) -
- Assessment of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawning efforts in the lower St. Clair River, Michigan, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - 3
- Assessing assessment: Can the expected effects of the St. Marys River sea lamprey control strategy be detected?, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Host selection and lethality of attacks by sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in laboratory studies, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Fish biliary PAH metabolites estimated by fixed-wavelength fluorescence as an indicator of environmental exposure and effects, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - 1
- Genetic comparison of lake sturgeon populations: Differentiation based on allelic frequencies at seven microsatellite loci, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - 1
- Relation of concentration and exposure time to the efficacy of niclosamide against larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus), 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - SUPPL. 1
- Starvation resistance in lake trout fry, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - 3
- Seasonal patterns in growth, blood consumption, and effects on hosts by parasitic-phase sea lampreys in the Great Lakes: an individual-based model approach, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- In situ determination of the annual thermal habitat use by lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Huron, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Classifying sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes lake trout: observer agreement, evidence on healing times between classes and recommendations for reporting of marking statistics, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Effects of lampricide exposure on the survival, growth, and behavior of the unionid mussels Elliptio complanata and Pyganadon cataracta, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29 Suppl. 1) -
- Acute toxicity of TFM and a TFM/niclosamide mixture to selected species of fish, including lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and mudpuppies (Necturus maculosus), in laboratory and field exposures, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Environmental fate and effects of the lampricide bayluscide: a review, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29 Suppl. 1) -
- Boll weevil eradication: a model for sea lamprey control?, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Estimating lake-wide abundance of spawning-phase sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in the Great Lakes: extrapolating from sampled streams using regression models, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Classification of lentic habitat for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) larvae using a remote seabed classification device, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Estimating parasitic sea lamprey abundance in Lake Huron from heterogenous data sources, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Environmental fate and effects of the lampricide TFM: a review, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Compensatory mechanisms in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations: implications for alternative control strategies, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) parasite-host interactions in the Great Lakes, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Comparison of spring measures of length, weight, and condition factor for predicting metamorphosis in two populations of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) larvae, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Development and implementation of an integrated program for control of sea lampreys in the St. Marys River, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Response of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to pulsed DC electrical stimuli in laboratory experiments, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Optimizing larval assessment to support sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Selecting Great Lakes streams for lampricide treatment based on larval sea lamprey surveys, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Evaluation of strategies for the release of male sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Superior for a proposed sterile-male-release program, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Techniques and methods for estimating abundance of larval and metamorphosed sea lampreys in Great Lakes tributaries, 1995 to 2001, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Development of a pH/alkalinity treatment model for applications of the lampricide TFM to streams tributary to the Great Lakes, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Planning and executing a lampricide treatment of the St. Marys River using georeferenced data, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Recommendations for assessing sea lamprey damages: toward optimizing the control program in the Great Lakes, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Agreement among observers classifying larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) habitat, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Mark-recapture population estimates of parasitic sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Huron, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Reduction in sea lamprey hatching success due to release of sterilized males, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- The sterile-male-release technique in Great Lakes sea lamprey management, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Passage of four teleost species prior to sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) migration in eight tributaries of Lake Superior, 1954-1979, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- Effects of repeated TFM applications on riffle macroinvertebrate communities in four Great Lakes tributaries, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- The Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes region: An update, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - 1
- Sea lamprey abundance and management in Lake Superior 1957-1999, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) -
- Relative contributions of sampling effort, measuring, and weighing to precision of larval sea lamprey biomass estimates, 2003, Journal of Great Lakes Research (29) - Supplement 1
- The relationship between the abundance of smallmouth bass and double-crested cormorants in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 2
- Interspecific interactions, habitat use, and management of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes: An introduction, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 2
- Measurement error associated with surveys of fish abundance in Lake Michigan, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 1
- Little Galloo Island, Lake Ontario: A review of nine years of double-crested cormorant diet and fish consumption information, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 2
- Overlap in offshore habitat use by double-crested cormorants and boaters in western Lake Erie, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 2
- Interactions among zebra mussel shells, invertebrate prey, and Eurasian ruffe or yellow perch, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 4
- Evaluation of potential impacts on Great Lakes water resources based on climate scenarios of two GCMs, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 4
- Flow distribution in selected branches of St. Clair and Detroit rivers, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 3
- Bank recession and lakebed downcutting; response to changing water levels at Maumee Bay State Park, Ohio, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 3
- Foraging locations of double-crested cormorants on western Lake Erie: Site characteristics and spatial associations with prey fish densities, 2002, Journal of Great Lakes Research (28) - 2
- Annual production of burrowing mayfly nymphs (Hexagenia spp.) in U.S. waters of Lake St. Clair, 2001, Journal of Great Lakes Research (27) - 4
- Lake-wide distribution of Dreissena in Lake Michigan, 1999, 2001, Journal of Great Lakes Research (27) - 2
- Fish community dynamics in northeastern Lake Ontario with emphasis on the growth and reproductive success of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and white perch (Morone americana), 1978 to1997, 2001, Journal of Great Lakes Research (27) - 3
- Diets and diet overlap of nonindigenous gobies and small benthic native fishes co-inhabiting the St. Clair River, Michigan, 2001, Journal of Great Lakes Research (27) - 3
- First finding of the amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the mussel Dreissena bugensis in Lake Michigan, 2001, Journal of Great Lakes Research (27) - 3
- PCBs, liver lesions, and biomarker responses in adult walleye (Stizostedium vitreum vitreum) collected from Green Bay, Wisconsin, 2000, Journal of Great Lakes Research (26) - 3
- Lipid concentrations in Lake Michigan fishes: Seasonal, spatial, ontogenetic, and long-term trends, 2000, Journal of Great Lakes Research (26) - 4
- Age and growth of pike (Esox lucius) in Chivyrkui Bay, Lake Baikal, 2000, Journal of Great Lakes Research (26) - 2
- First record of Daphnia lumholtzi Sars in the Great Lakes, 2000, Journal of Great Lakes Research (26) - 3
- Effects of long-term changes in the benthic community on yellow perch in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 2000, Journal of Great Lakes Research (26) - 3
- Functional convergence among pelagic sculpins of Lake Baikal and deepwater ciscoes of the Great Lakes, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 4
- Spatial patterns in PCB concentrations of Lake Michigan lake trout, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 1
- Predation on lake trout eggs and fry: A modeling approach, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 1
- The effect of temperature and ration size on the growth, body composition, and energy content of juvenile coho salmon, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 2
- Maximum-limiting ages of Lake Michigan coastal dunes: Their correlation with Holocene lake level history, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 2
- Deglacial and lake level fluctuation history recorded in cores, Beaver Lake, Upper Peninsula, Michigan, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 2
- Nearshore versus offshore copper loading in Lake Superior sediments: Implications for transport and cycling, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 4
- Changes in the dreissenid community in the lower Great Lakes with emphasis on southern Lake Ontario, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 1
- Preferred temperatures of juvenile lake whitefish, 1999, Journal of Great Lakes Research (25) - 3
- Organochlorines, mercury, and selenium in great blue heron eggs from Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 1
- Avoidance behavior of ruffe exposed to selected formulations of piscicides, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Ecology of Siberian Taimen Hucho taimen in the Lake Baikal Basin, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 4
- Predation by ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) on fish eggs in Lake Superior, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Age and growth of lake sturgeon in the Upper St. Lawrence River, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 1
- A bioenergetics modeling evaluation of top-down control of ruffe in the St. Louis River, western Lake Superior, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Intra-lake variation in maturity, fecundity, and spawning of slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus) in southern Lake Ontario, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Fish community changes in the St. Louis River estuary, Lake Superior, 1989-1996: Is it ruffe or population dynamics?, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Overview of the International Symposium on Eurasian Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) Biology, Impacts, and Control, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Reproduction and early life history of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) on the St. Louis River, a Lake Superior tributary, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Reproductive potential and fecundity of lake trout strains in southern and eastern waters of Lake Ontario, 1977-1994, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 1
- Maturity schedules of lake trout in Lake Michigan, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 2
- Blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) in Lake Ontario: First record, entry route, and colonization potential, 1998, Journal of Great Lakes Research (24) - 3
- Piscivory by Lake Superior lake herring (Coregonis artedi) on Rainbow smelt (Osmerus moradax) in winter, 1993-1995, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 2
- Regionalized loads of sediment and phosphorus to lakes Michigan and Superior—high flow and long-term average, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 4
- Parasites of lake herring (Coregonus artedi) from Lake Superior, with special reference to use of parasites as markers of stock structure, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 4
- The effect of temperature on growth of juvenile bloater, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 4
- Contaminant exposure, biochemical, and histopathological biomarkers in white suckers from contaminated and reference sites in the Sheboygan River, Wisconsin, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 2
- Occurrence of zebra mussels in near-shore areas of western Lake Erie, 1997, Journal of Great Lakes Research (23) - 1
- Fecundity of hatchery lake trout in Lake Ontario, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Optimization of the Ames/salmonella mutagenicity assay for use with extracts of aquatic sediments, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Mobility of 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl in model systems containing bottom sediments and water from the lower Fox River, Wisconsin, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- A comparison of sediment toxicity test methods at three Great Lake Areas of Concern, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- A preliminary evaluation of sediment quality assessment values for freshwater ecosystems, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Assessing contamination in Great Lakes sediments using benthic invertebrate communities and the sediment quality triad approach, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Assessment of sediment quality in dredged and undredged areas of the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, Michigan USA, using the sediment quality triad, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect concentrations for the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Deformities, PCBs, and TCDD-equivalents in double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) of the Upper Great Lakes 1986–1991: Testing a cause-effect hypothesis, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Pellets versus feces: their relative importance describing the food habits of double-crested cormorants, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Hazard ranking of contaminated sediments based on chemical analysis, laboratory toxicity tests, and benthic community composition: Prioritizing sites for remedial action, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Linkages between chemical contaminants and tumors benthic Great Lakes fish, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Movement patterns of wintering lesser scaup in Grand Calumet River - Indiana Harbor Canal, Indiana, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 1
- Trophic analysis of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and white perch (Morone americana) in a Lake Superior Coastal food web, using stable isotope techniques, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Geographical distributions of lake trout strains stocked in Lake Ontario, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 4
- The effect of contaminated sediments on fecundity of the brown bullhead in three Lake Erie tributaries, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 4
- Bathythermal distribution, maturity, and growth of lake trout strains stocked in U.S. waters of Lake Ontario, 1978-1993, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 3
- Biology of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glehni) in the Delta of the Selenga River, Buryatia, Russia, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Contaminant trends in lake trout and walleye from the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 4
- Potential spawning habitat for lake trout on Julian's Reef, Lake Michigan, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 1
- Recovery of burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae: Hexagenia) in western Lake Erie, 1996, Journal of Great Lakes Research (22) - 2
- Long-term simulation of PCB export from the Fox River to Green Bay, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 3
- Lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Huron, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Comparison of lake trout-egg survival at inshore and offshore and shallow-water and deepwater sites in Lake Superior, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Chronic bioassays of rainbow trout fry with compounds representative of contaminants in Great Lakes fish, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 3
- Density-independent survival of wild lake trout in the Apostle Islands area of Lake Superior, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- A decade of predatory control of zooplankton species composition of Lake Michigan, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 4
- Progress toward lake trout restoration in Lake Michigan, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Winter diet of lake herring (Coregonus artedi) in western Lake Superior, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 3
- Lake trout spawning habitat in the Great Lakes - a review of current knowledge, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Predation on Mysis relicta by slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus) in southern Lake Ontario, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 2
- Availability of lake trout reproductive habitat in the Great Lakes, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- An evaluation of lake trout reproductive habitat on Clay Banks Reef, northwestern Lake Michigan, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Ontario, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Limitations to lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) rehabilitation in the Great Lakes imposed by biotic interactions occurring at early life stages, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Survival of lake trout eggs on reputed spawning grounds in Lakes Huron and Superior: In situ incubation, 1987-1988, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Predator-prey relations and competition for food between age-0 lake trout and slimy sculpins in the Apostle Island region of Lake Superior, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Genetic strategies for lake trout rehabilitation: a synthesis, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations in Lake Superior and their restoration in 1959-1993, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Population recovery and natural recruitment of lake trout at Gull Island Shoal, Lake Superior, 1964-1992, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Introduction to the Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Restoration of Lake Trout in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Lake trout restoration in the Great Lakes: stock-size criteria for natural reproduction, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Use of egg traps to investigate lake trout spawning in the Great Lakes, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Hatching, dispersal, and bathymetric distribution of age-0 wild lake trout at the Gull Island Shoal complex, Lake Superior, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Concentrations of dissolved and particulate Polychlorinated Biphenyls in water from the Saginaw River, Michigan, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 2
- Do toxic substances pose a threat to rehabilitation of lake trout in the Great Lakes? A review of the literature, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) -
- Lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Erie: a case history, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - Supplement 1
- Oligochaete fauna of western Lake Erie 1961 and 1982: Signs of sediment quality recovery, 1995, Journal of Great Lakes Research (21) - 3
- Biogenic silica in Lake Baikal sediments: results from 1990-1992 American cores, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 4
- Evaluation of effects caused by high copper concentrations in Torch Lake, Michigan, on reproduction of yellow perch, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 3
- A sediment budget for southern Lake Michigan: source and sink models for different time intervals, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Lake-level history of Lake Michigan for the past 12,000 years: the record from deep lacustrine sediments, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Effects of pulsed turbidity and vessel traffic on lake herring eggs and larvae, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 2
- Wave climate and nearshore lakebed response, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake Michigan, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- The geologic framework of southern Lake Michigan, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Rates and processes of bluff recession along the Lake Michigan shoreline in Illinois, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Lake Michigan's late Quaternary limnological and climate history from ostracode, oxygen isotope, and magnetic susceptibility, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Incidence of the leech Actinobdella pediculata on freshwater drum in Lake Erie, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 4
- Ecological comparisons of Lake Erie tributaries with elevated incidence of fish tumors, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 4
- The influence of ice on southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 1
- Overview of the southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study, 1994, Journal of Great Lakes Research (20) - 1
- Caspian tern reproduction in the Saginaw Bay ecosystem following a 100-year flood event, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 1
- A comparison of water quality criteria for the Great Lakes based on human and wildlife health, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 4
- Fecundity of walleyes in western Lake Erie, 1966 and 1990-91, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 4
- Polychlorinated biphenyls in Great Lakes lake trout and their eggs: relations to survival and congener composition 1979-1988, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 4
- Evidence of spring spawning lake trout in Lake Superior, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 3
- Growth-temperature relation for young-of-the-year ruffe, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 3
- Genetic and tagging evidence for movement of walleyes between Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair, 1993, Journal of Great Lakes Research (19) - 2
- Lake trout spawning habitat in the Six Fathom Bank-Yankee Reef lake trout sanctuary, Lake Huron, 1992, Journal of Great Lakes Research (18) - 1
- Reappearance of spoonhead sculpins (Cottus ricei) in Lake Michigan, 1992, Journal of Great Lakes Research (18) - 4
- Patterns of organochlorine contamination in lake trout from Wisconsin waters of the Great Lakes, 1992, Journal of Great Lakes Research (18) - 4
- Depressions and other lake-floor morphologic features in deep water, southern Lake Michigan, 1992, Journal of Great Lakes Research (18) - 2
- Diets of emerald and spottail shiners and potential interactions with other western Lake Erie planktivorous fishes, 1992, Journal of Great Lakes Research (18) - 1
- Distribution and abundance of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in the St. Clair-Detroit River system, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 4
- Burrowing mayfly nymphs in western Lake Erie, 1942-1944, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 4
- Long-term decline in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) of the western basin of Lake Erie, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 2
- Reproductive outcomes in colonial fish-eating birds: A biomarker for developmental toxicants in Great Lakes food chains: I. Historical and ecotoxicological perspectives, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 2
- Reproductive outcomes in colonial fish-eating birds: A biomarker for developmental toxicants in Great Lakes food chains: II. Spatial variation in the occurrence and prevalence of bill defects in young double-crested cormorants in the Great Lakes, 1979–1987, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 2
- A rationale for the use of colonial fish-eating birds to monitor the presence of developmental toxicants in Great Lakes fish, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 2
- Prey selection for the exotic cladoceran Bythotrephes cederstroemi by selected Lake Erie fishes, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 1
- Distribution, abundance, and biology of the alewife in U.S. waters of Lake Superior, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 3
- Influence of nearshore structure on growth and diets of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and white perch (Morone americana) in Mexico Bay, Lake Ontario, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 2
- Using larval fish abundance in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers to predict year-class strength of forage fish in Lakes Huron and Erie, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 1
- Periphyton accumulation at remote reefs and shoals in Lake Superior, 1991, Journal of Great Lakes Research (17) - 3
- Recovery of an offshore lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) population in eastern Lake Superior, 1990, Journal of Great Lakes Research (16) - 2
- Blue-sac disease in Lake Ontario lake trout, 1990, Journal of Great Lakes Research (16) - 1
- Contaminant residues in the bloater (Coregonus hoyi) of Lake Michigan, 1969-1986, 1990, Journal of Great Lakes Research (16) - 1
- Anchistropus spp. (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae): a new distribution record for Lake Erie, 1990, Journal of Great Lakes Research (16) - 1
- Food of forage fishes in western Lake Erie, 1975-76, 1989, Journal of Great Lakes Research (15) - 2
- Assessment of lake trout spawning habitat quality in central Lake Huron by submarine, 1989, Journal of Great Lakes Research (15) - 1
- Development of a benthic invertebrate objective for mesotrophic Great Lakes waters, 1989, Journal of Great Lakes Research (15) - 4
- Effect of submersed aquatic macrophytes on resource partitioning in yearling rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) and pumpkinseeds (Lepomis gibbosus) in Lake St. Clair, 1988, Journal of Great Lakes Research (14) - 3
- Acute toxicity of Daphnia pulex to six classes of chemical compounds potentially hazardous to Great Lakes aquatic biota, 1988, Journal of Great Lakes Research (14) - 4
- Comparative biology of the sculpins of Lake Superior, 1988, Journal of Great Lakes Research (14) - 1
- Zonation of mayfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae in the St. Marys River, 1988, Journal of Great Lakes Research (14) - 2
- Seasonal bathythermal distribution of juvenile lake trout in Lake Ontario, 1987, Journal of Great Lakes Research (13) - 2
- Acid rain stimulation of Lake Michigan phytoplankton growth, 1987, Journal of Great Lakes Research (13) - 2
- Dispersal of three strains of hatchery-reared lake trout in Lake Ontario, 1987, Journal of Great Lakes Research (13) - 2
- First records of a European cladoceran, Bythotrephes cederstroemi, in Lakes Erie and Huron, 1986, Journal of Great Lakes Research (12) - 2
- Depth distribution, diet, and overwinter growth of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in southeastern Lake Michigan sampled in December 1981 and March 1982, 1986, Journal of Great Lakes Research (12) - 4
- Invertebrate communities associated with Bangia atropurpurea and Cladophora glomerata in western Lake Erie, 1986, Journal of Great Lakes Research (12) - 3
- Observations on twinning in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the laboratory, 1985, Journal of Great Lakes Research (11) - 4
- Survival of lake trout eggs and fry reared in water from the upper Great Lakes, 1985, Journal of Great Lakes Research (11) - 4
- Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) as predators on young bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) in Lake Michigan, 1985, Journal of Great Lakes Research (11) - 1
- Introduction and spread of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Lakes Huron and Michigan, 1985, Journal of Great Lakes Research (11) - 4
- Effects of contaminants on toxicity of the lampricides TFM and Bayer 73 to three species of fish, 1985, Journal of Great Lakes Research (11) - 2
- Growth, reproduction, mortality, distribution, and biomass of freshwater drum in Lake Erie, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 1
- Distribution of Eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum, in the St. Clair-Detroit River system in 1978, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 3
- Catches of larval rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in plankton nets of different mesh sizes, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 1
- Food of young-of-the-year lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Presque Isle Harbor, Lake Superior, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 3
- Life cycle of a mayfly Hexagenia limbata in the St. Marys River between Lakes Superior and Huron, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 4
- Predation on lake whitefish eggs by longnose suckers, 1984, Journal of Great Lakes Research (10) - 3
- Additions of nutrients and major ions by the atmosphere and tributaries to nearshore waters of northwestern Lake Huron, 1983, Journal of Great Lakes Research (9) - 3
- Nearshore phytoplankton of Hammond Bay, Lake Huron, 1983, Journal of Great Lakes Research (9) - 4
- Seasonal food of juvenile lake trout in U.S. waters of Lake Ontario, 1983, Journal of Great Lakes Research (9) - 3
- Origins of rainbow smelt in Lake Ontario, 1983, Journal of Great Lakes Research (9) - 4
- Distribution and abundance of larval fish in the nearshore waters of western Lake Huron, 1983, Journal of Great Lakes Research (9) - 1
- Food of freshwater drum in western Lake Erie, 1982, Journal of Great Lakes Research (8) - 4