Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Increased pathogen exposure of a marine apex predator over three decades, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 10
- Detection and transport of environmental DNA from two federally endangered mussels, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 10
- Design, development, and implementation of IsoBank: A centralized repository for isotopic data, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 9
- Predicting future grizzly bear habitat use in the Bitterroot Ecosystem under recolonization and reintroduction scenarios, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 9
- Same streams in a different forest? Investigations of forest harvest legacies and future trajectories across 30 years of stream habitat monitoring on the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 7
- Rangewide occupancy of a flagship species, the Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) in southern California: Habitat associations and recovery from wildfire, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 7
- Broad-scale changes in lesser prairie-chicken habitat, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 5
- Deep learning workflow to support in-flight processing of digital aerial imagery for wildlife population surveys, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 4
- Comparing modern identification methods for wild bees: Metabarcoding and image-based morphological taxonomic assignment, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 4
- Composite estimation to combine spatially overlapping environmental monitoring surveys, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 3
- Allochthonous marsh subsidies enhances food web productivity in an estuary and its surrounding ecosystem mosaic, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 2
- Predicting the spatial distribution of wintering golden eagles to inform full annual cycle conservation in western North America, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 1
- Does daily activity overlap of seven mesocarnivores vary based on human development?, 2024, PLoS ONE (19) - 1
- Numbers of wildlife fatalities at renewable energy facilities in a targeted development region, 2024, PLoS ONE (18) - 12
- Diet composition and resource overlap of sympatric native and introduced salmonids across neighboring streams during a peak discharge event, 2024, PLoS ONE (18) - 1
- Extinction risk modeling predicts range-wide differences of climate change impact on Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 11
- An integrated framework for examining groundwater vulnerability in the Mekong River Delta region, 2023, PLoS ONE (10) - 18
- Comparing reintroduction strategies for the endangered San Francisco gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) using demographic models, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 10
- Move it or lose it: Predicted effects of culverts and population density on Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) connectivity, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 9
- Multi-scale assessment of roost selection by ‘ōpe‘ape‘a, the Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus semotus), 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 8
- Ooencyrtus pitosina (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)–A natural enemy of Samoan swallowtail butterfly Papilio godeffroyi (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 8
- Development and application of a qPCR-based genotyping assay for Ophidiomyces ophidiicola to investigate the epidemiology of ophidiomycosis, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 8
- Return(s) on investment: Restoration spending in the Columbia River Basin and increased abundance of salmon and steelhead, 2023, PLoS ONE (21 p.) - 18
- Migration, breeding location, and seascape shape seabird assemblages in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 6
- A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 6
- Implications of tree expansion in shrubland ecosystems for two generalist avian predators, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 6
- Modeled predictions of human-associated and fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations and loadings in the Menomonee River, Wisconsin using in-situ optical sensors, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 6
- Evaluating pharmaceuticals and other organic contaminants in the Lac du Flambeau Chain of Lakes using risk-based screening techniques, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 6
- Nest attendance, incubation constancy, and onset of incubation in dabbling ducks, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 5
- Movement ecology of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir and upstream tributaries, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 3
- Invasive predator diet plasticity has implications for native fish conservation and invasive species suppression, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 2
- Optimization and application of non-native Phragmites australis transcriptome assemblies, 2023, PLoS ONE (18) - 1
- Distributions of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the upper Great Lakes in the mid-twentieth century, when populations were in decline, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 12
- The economic costs of chronic wasting disease in the United States, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 12
- Evaluating noninvasive methods for estimating cestode prevalence in a wild carnivore population, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 11
- Modeling protected species distributions and habitats to inform siting and management of pioneering ocean industries: A case study for Gulf of Mexico aquaculture, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 9
- New strategies for characterizing genetic structure in wide-ranging, continuously distributed species: a Greater Sage-grouse case study, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 9
- Assembling a safe and effective toolbox for integrated flea control and plague mitigation: Fipronil experiments with prairie dogs, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 8
- Cumulative effects of piscivorous colonial waterbirds on juvenile salmonids: A multi predator-prey species evaluation, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 8
- A comprehensive assessment of mangrove species and carbon stock on Pohnpei, Micronesia, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 7
- Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) isotopic niches: Stable isotopes reveal diverse foraging strategies and habitat use in Arctic Alaska, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 7
- Human populations in the world’s mountains: Spatio-temporal patterns and potential controls, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 7
- Drought and nutrient pollution produce multiple interactive effects in stream ecosystems, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 7
- Assessing small-mammal trapping design using spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR) modeling on long-term monitoring data, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 7
- Assessing climate change impacts on Pacific salmon using bioenergetics and spatiotemporal explicit river temperature predictions under varying riparian conditions, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 5
- Changes in waterfowl migration phenologies in central North America: Implications for future waterfowl conservation, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 5
- Heterogeneity of recreationists in a park and protected area, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 5
- Mapping aquifer salinity gradients and effects of oil field produced water disposal using geophysical logs: Elk Hills, Buena Vista and Coles Levee Oil Fields, San Joaquin Valley, California, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 3
- The role of hydraulic and geomorphic complexity in predicting invasive carp spawning potential: St. Croix River, Minnesota and Wisconsin, United States, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 2
- Testing the potential of streamflow data to predict spring migration of an ungulate herds, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 1
- Transforming Palmyra Atoll to native-tree dominance will increase net carbon storage and reduce dissolved organic carbon reef runoff, 2022, PLoS ONE (17) - 1
- Effects of low pH on the coral reef cryptic invertebrate communities near CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 12
- Growing as slow as a turtle: Unexpected maturational differences in a small, long-lived species, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 11
- Incorporation of uncertainty to improve projections of tidal wetland elevation and carbon accumulation with sea-level rise, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 10
- Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Rano Raraku crater lake basin: Geochemical characterization and implications for the Ahu-Moai Period, 2021, PLoS ONE (10) - 16
- The Louisiana Amphibian Monitoring Program from 1997 to 2017: Results, analyses, and lessons learned, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 9
- Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies benefit from grassland/ pasture while bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies in the same landscapes benefit from non-corn/soybean cropland, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 9
- Historical changes in plant water use and need in the continental United States, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 9
- Novel microbiome dominated by Arcobacter during anoxic excurrent flow from an ocean blue hole in Andros Island, The Bahamas, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 8
- COVID-19 influences on US recreational angler behavior, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 8
- Adaptive two-stage inverse sampling design to estimate density, abundance, and occupancy of rare and clustered populations, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 8
- Habitat selection by wolves and mountain lions during summer in western Montana, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 7
- Belowground productivity varies by assessment technique, vegetation type, and nutrient availability in tidal freshwater forested wetlands transitioning to marsh, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 7
- A comparative baseline of coral disease in three regions along the Saudi Arabian coast of the central Red Sea, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 7
- Vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in Southcentral Alaska, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 7
- Assessing recovery of spectacled eiders using a Bayesian decision analysis, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 7
- Nutrient limitation of algae and macrophytes in streams: Integrating laboratory bioassays, field experiments, and field data, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 6
- Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data, 2021, PLoS ONE
- American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) as restoration bioindicators in the Florida Everglades, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 5
- Land conversion and pesticide use degrade forage areas for honey bees in America’s beekeeping epicenter, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 5
- Biogeography and ecology of Ostracoda in the U.S. northern Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 5
- Measurement of suction pressure dynamics of sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 4
- Balancing the need for seed against invasive species risks in prairie habitat restorations, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 4
- Effects of supplemental feeding on the fecal bacterial communities of Rocky Mountain elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 4
- A new addition to the embalmed fauna of ancient Egypt: Güldenstaedt’s White-toothed Shrew, Crocidura gueldenstaedtii (Pallas, 1811) (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla: Soricidae), 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 4
- Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae) can survive the winter under semi-natural conditions well beyond their current invasive range, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 3
- Shade, light, and stream temperature responses to riparian thinning in second-growth redwood forests of northern California, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 2
- Winter roost selection of Lasiurine tree bats in a pyric landscape, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 2
- Joint species distribution models of Everglades wading birds to inform restoration planning, 2021, PLoS ONE (16) - 1
- Influence of sediment and stream transport on detecting a source of environmental DNA, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 12
- Short-term impact of sediment addition on plants and invertebrates in a southern California salt marsh, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 11
- Assessing uranium and select trace elements associated with breccia pipe uranium deposits in the Colorado River and main tributaries in Grand Canyon, USA, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 11
- An open-sourced, web-based application to improve our ability to understand hunter and angler purchasing behavior from license data, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 10
- Assessing the efficacy of protected and multiple-use lands for bird conservation in the U.S., 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 9
- Shifting food web structure during dam removal—Disturbance and recovery during a major restoration action, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 9
- Wildlife resistance and protection in a changing New England landscape, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 9
- Concealment of juvenile bull trout in response to temperature, light, and substrate: Implications for detection, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 9
- Immune and sex-biased gene expression in the threatened Mojave desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 8
- Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 8
- The effects of tissue fixation on sequencing and transcript abundance of nucleic acids from microdissected liver samples of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), 2020, PLoS ONE
- Low oxygen: A (tough) way of life for Okavango fishes, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 7
- An invasive disease, sylvatic plague, increases fragmentation of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 7
- Stable isotope analysis of multiple tissues from Hawaiian honeycreepers indicates elevational movement, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 7
- Investigating the gene expression profiles of rehabilitated Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) following red tide exposure, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 7
- Changes in conservation value from grasslands to savannas to forests: How a temperate canopy cover gradient affects butterfly community composition, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 6
- Projected impacts of climate change on the range and phenology of three culturally-important shrub species, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 5
- Microplastics in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, USA: Occurrence and biological uptake, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 5
- The relationship between biodiversity and wetland cover varies across regions of the conterminous United States, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 5
- High spatial fidelity among foraging trips of Masked Boobies from Pedro Cays, Jamaica, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 4
- Novel insights into serodiagnosis and epidemiology of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, a newly recognized pathogen in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 4
- Describing historical habitat use of a native fish-Cisco (Coregonus artedi)-In Lake Michigan between 1930 and 1932, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 4
- The geometry of reaction norms yields insights on classical fitness functions for Great Lakes salmon, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 3
- A modeling workflow that balances automation and human intervention to inform invasive plant management decisions at multiple spatial scales, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 3
- A geospatially resolved wetland vulnerability index: Synthesis of physical drivers, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- How "simple" methodological decisions affect interpretation of population structure based on reduced representation library DNA sequencing: A case study using the lake whitefish, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- Molecular sequencing and morphological identification reveal similar patterns in native bee communities across public and private grasslands of eastern North Dakota, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- Advanced biofilm analysis in streams receiving organic deicer runoff, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- Extreme mortality and reproductive failure of common murres resulting from the northeast Pacific marine heatwave of 2014-2016, 2020, PLoS ONE
- Mercury and selenium concentrations in fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin, southwestern United States: A retrospective assessment, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- Trends of litter decomposition and soil organic matter stocks across forested swamp environments of the southeastern US, 2020, PLoS ONE (15) - 1
- Combining genetic and demographic monitoring better informs conservation of an endangered urban snake, 202, PLoS ONE (15) - 5
- Applying circuit theory and landscape linkage maps to reintroduction planning for California condors, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 12
- Age and growth of stocked juvenile Shoal Bass in a tailwater: Environmental variation and accuracy of daily age estimates, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 10
- Identifying and characterizing extrapolation in multivariate response data, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 12
- Estimating the degree to which distance and temperature differences drive changes in fish community composition over time in the upper Mississippi River, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 12
- Fossil tabulate corals reveal outcrops of Paleozoic sandstones in the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province, Southeastern USA, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 10
- Relative contribution of climate and non-climate drivers in determining dynamic rates ofboreal birds at the edge of their range, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 10
- Measuring sustainability of seed-funded Earth science informatics projects, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 10
- 13C and 15N NMR identification of product compound classes from aqueous and solid phase photodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 10
- Projected urban growth in the Southeastern USA puts small streams at risk, 2019, PLoS ONE (10) - 14
- Growth response of the ichthyotoxic haptophyte, Prymnesium parvum Carter, to changes in sulfate and fluoride concentrations, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 9
- Mortality, perception, and scale: Understanding how predation shapes space use in a wild prey population, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 9
- Laboratory assessment of alternative stream velocity measurement methods, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 9
- Temporal changes in avian community composition in lowland conifer habitats at the southern edge of the boreal zone in the Adirondack Park, NY, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 8
- Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) diving changes with productivity, behavioral mode, and sea surface temperature, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 8
- Using a Bayesian network to understand the importance of coastal storms and undeveloped landscapes for the creation and maintenance of early successional habitat, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 7
- Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 7
- Facilitating adaptation to climate change while restoring a montane plant community, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) -
- Mortality of Tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) and other alcids during an unusual mortality event in the eastern Bering Sea, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 5
- Using an individual-based model to assess common biases in lek-based count data to estimate population trajectories of lesser prairie-chickens, 2019, PLoS ONE
- Linking management planning for coastal wetlands to potential future wave attenuation under a range of relative sea-level rise scenarios, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 5
- Evaluating and using existing models to map probable suitable habitat for rare plants to inform management of multiple-use public lands in the California desert, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 4
- Environmental DNA sampling reveals high occupancy rates of invasive Burmese pythons at wading bird breeding aggregations in the central Everglades, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 4
- Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 3
- Molecular characterization of Bathymodiolus mussels and gill symbionts associated with chemosynthetic habitats from the U.S. Atlantic margin, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 3
- Migratory goose arrival time plays a larger role in influencing forage quality than advancing springs in an Arctic coastal wetland, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 3
- Trends in global shark attacks, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 2
- Diel activity of newly metamorphosed juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 2
- Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herds in North Dakota, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 2
- Whooping crane use of riverine stopover sites, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 1
- Morphology and genetics of Lythrum salicaria from latitudinal gradients of the Northern Hemisphere grown in cold and hot common gardens, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 1
- Modeling effects of crop production, energy development and conservation-grassland loss on avian habitat, 2019, PLoS ONE (14) - 1
- Public acceptability of development in the Northern Forest of Vermont, USA – the influence of wildlife information, recreation involvement, and demographic characteristics, 2019, PLoS ONE (13) - 12
- Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae in response to interactions with flow and sediment in a laboratory flume, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 12
- Communicating information on nature-related topics: Preferred information channels and trust in sources, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 12
- Invasive rat control is an efficient, yet insufficient, method for recovery of the critically endangered Hawaiian plant hau kuahiwi (Hibiscadelphus giffardianus), 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 11
- Demographic characteristics of an avian predator, Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla), in response to its aquatic prey in a Central Appalachian USA watershed impacted by shale gas development, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 11
- Concentrations of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in groundwater downgradient from large on-site wastewater discharges, 2018, PLoS ONE
- Multi-state occupancy models of foraging habitat use by the Hawaiian hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus semotus, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 10
- Growth and survival relationships of 71 tree species with nitrogen and sulfur deposition across the conterminous U.S., 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 10
- Differential changes in the onset of spring across US National Wildlife Refuges and North American migratory bird flyways, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 9
- Streamflow contributions from tribal lands to major river basins of the United States, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 9
- Prioritizing conserved areas threatened by wildfire and fragmentation for monitoring and management, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 9
- Multi-year data from satellite- and ground-based sensors show details and scale matter in assessing climate’s effects on wetland surface water, amphibians, and landscape conditions, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 9
- Habitat overlap between Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus and red panda Ailurus fulgens in Himalaya, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 9
- Forecasting effects of angler harvest and climate change on smallmouth bass abundance at the southern edge of their range, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 8
- Isolation by distance versus landscape resistance: Understanding dominant patterns of genetic structure in Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina), 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 8
- Value of sample information in dynamic, structurally uncertain resource systems, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 6
- Dynamic minimum set problem for reserve design: Heuristic solutions for large problems, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- A multiscale natural community and species-level vulnerability assessment of the Gulf Coast, USA, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 6
- Before-after, control-impact analysis of evidence for the impacts of water level on Walleye, Northern Pike and Yellow Perch in lakes of the Rainy-Namakan complex (MN, USA and ON, CA), 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 6
- A simple, cost-effective emitter for controlled release of fish pheromones: development, testing, and application to management of the invasive sea lamprey, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 6
- Isotope niche dimension and trophic overlap between bigheaded carps and native filter-feeding fish in the lower Missouri River, USA, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 5
- Nitrogen limitation, toxin synthesis potential, and toxicity of cyanobacterial populations in Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie River Estuary, Florida, during the 2016 state of emergency event, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 5
- Inferring the absence of an incipient population during a rapid response for an invasive species, 2018, PLoS ONE
- Landscape connectivity for bobcat (Lynx rufus) and lynx (Lynx canadensis) in the Northeastern United States, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- High costs of infection: Alphavirus infection reduces digestive function and bone and feather growth in nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus), 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 4
- Carnivore hotspots in Peninsular Malaysia and their landscape attributes, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 4
- Influenza A virus recovery, diversity, and intercontinental exchange: A multi-year assessment of wild bird sampling at Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 4
- Weather and landscape factors affect white-tailed deer neonate survival at ecologically important life stages in the Northern Great Plains, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 4
- Reexamining the frequency range of hearing in silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead (H. nobilis) carp, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- From top to bottom: Do Lake Trout diversify along a depth gradient in Great Bear Lake, NT, Canada?, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- Prey fish returned to Forster’s tern colonies suggest spatial and temporal differences in fish composition and availability, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- Doublethink and scale mismatch polarize policies for an invasive tree, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 3
- Modeling intrinsic potential for beaver (Castor canadensis) habitat to inform restoration and climate change adaptation, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- AMModels: An R package for storing models, data, and metadata to facilitate adaptive management, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- Delineating and identifying long-term changes in the whooping crane (Grus americana) migration corridor, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- Phytoforensics: Trees as bioindicators of potential indoor exposure via vapor intrusion, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- Egg turning behavior and incubation temperature in Forster’s terns in relation to mercury contamination, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- Development and characterization of two cell lines from gills of Atlantic salmon, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 2
- Time series sightability modeling of animal populations, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- Can data from disparate long-term fish monitoring programs be used to increase our understanding of regional and continental trends in large river assemblages?, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- Environmental DNA (eDNA): A tool for quantifying the abundant but elusive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- Estimating population extinction thresholds with categorical classification trees for Louisiana black bears, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- International migration patterns of Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) from four breeding populations in Alaska, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- Variation in angler distribution and catch rates of stocked rainbow trout in a small reservoir, 2018, PLoS ONE (13) - 1
- First evidence of bighead carp wild recruitment in Western Europe, and its relation to hydrology and temperature, 2017, PLoS ONE
- Increased sediment load during a large-scale dam removal changes nearshore subtidal communities, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 12
- Translating statistical species-habitat models to interactive decision support tools, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 12
- Intraspecific evolutionary relationships among peregrine falcons in western North American high latitudes, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 11
- No evidence of critical slowing down in two endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 11
- Oiling accelerates loss of salt marshes, southeastern Louisiana, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Mediterranean California’s water use future under multiple scenarios of developed and agricultural land use change, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 10
- Endemic chronic wasting disease causes mule deer population decline in Wyoming, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 10
- Linking functional response and bioenergetics to estimate juvenile salmon growth in a reservoir food web, 2017, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- An improved camera trap for amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and large invertebrates, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 10
- Contaminants of emerging concern in tributaries to the Laurentian Great Lakes: I. Patterns of occurrence, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 9
- Contaminants of emerging concern in tributaries to the Laurentian Great Lakes: II. Biological consequences of exposure, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 9
- The extremely divergent maternally- and paternally-transmitted mitochondrial genomes are co-expressed in somatic tissues of two freshwater mussel species with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Evaluating the role of land cover and climate uncertainties in computing gross primary production in Hawaiian Island ecosystems, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 9
- Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: Gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 9
- USA National Phenology Network’s volunteer-contributed observations yield predictive models of phenological transitions, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Studies of wolf x coyote hybridization via artificial insemination, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 9
- Maintenance of influenza A viruses and antibody response in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) sampled during the non-breeding season in Alaska, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Frequencies of decision making and monitoring in adaptive resource management, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Evidence of compounded disturbance effects on vegetation recovery following high-severity wildfire and spruce beetle outbreak, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 8
- Interpreting surveys to estimate the size of the monarch butterfly population: Pitfalls and prospects, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 7
- Use of navigation channels by Lake Sturgeon: Does channelization increase vulnerability of fish to ship strikes?, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 7
- A validation of 11 body-condition indices in a giant snake species that exhibits positive allometry, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Landscape context and the biophysical response of rivers to dam removal in the United States, 2017, PLoS ONE (7) - 12
- Thermal regimes of Rocky Mountain lakes warm with climate change, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 7
- Reassessing rainfall in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico: Local and global ecohydrological implications, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 7
- Shifting brucellosis risk in livestock coincides with spreading seroprevalence in elk, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 6
- A multi-scale evaluation of pack stock effects on subalpine meadow plant communities in the Sierra Nevada, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 6
- Quantile regression of microgeographic variation in population characteristics of an invasive vertebrate predator, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 6
- A new mechanistic approach for the further development of a population with established size bimodality, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 6
- Dynamic oceanography determines fine scale foraging behavior of Masked Boobies in the Gulf of Mexico, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 6
- Land use history and population dynamics of free-standing figs in a maturing forest, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 5
- The role of density-dependent and –independent processes in spawning habitat selection by salmon in an Arctic riverscape, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 5
- A hierarchical model for estimating the spatial distribution and abundance of animals detected by continuous-time recorders, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 5
- Characterization of the juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) microbiome throughout an ontogenetic shift from pelagic to neritic habitats, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 5
- Disturbance of a rare seabird by ship-based tourism in a marine protected area, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 5
- Improved supervised classification of accelerometry data to distinguish behaviors of soaring birds, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 4
- Evaluation of harvest and information needs for North American sea ducks, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 4
- Quantifying the demographic cost of human-related mortality to a raptor population, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 2
- Mitigating future avian malaria threats to Hawaiian forest birds from climate change, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Inter-nesting movements and habitat-use of adult female Kemp’s ridley turtles in the Gulf of Mexico, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 3
- Effects of food resources on the fatty acid composition, growth and survival of freshwater mussels, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 3
- Advancing the match-mismatch framework for large herbivores in the Arctic: Evaluating the evidence for a trophic mismatch in caribou, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 2
- Differential responses of dinitrogen fixation, diazotrophic cyanobacteria and ammonia oxidation reveal a potential warming-induced imbalance of the N-cycle in biological soil crusts, 2017, PLoS ONE (11) - 10
- Projected impacts of climate, urbanization, water management, and wetland restoration on waterbird habitat in California’s Central Valley, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Environmental factors affecting survival of immature Ixodes scapularis and implications for geographical distribution of lyme disease: The climate/behavior hypothesis, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Susceptibility and antibody response of the laboratory model zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) to West Nile Virus, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Beaver colony density trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 – 2013, 2017, PLoS ONE (12) - 1
- Nature vs. nurture: Evidence for social learning of conflict behaviour in grizzly bears, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Impacts of short-rotation early-growing season prescribed fire on a ground nesting bird in the central hardwoods region of North America, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 1
- Space use and habitat selection by resident and transient red wolves (Canis rufus), 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 12
- Twitter predicts citation rates of ecological research, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Ground squirrel shooting and potential lead exposure in breeding avian scavengers, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 12
- Predictors of current and longer-term patterns of abundance of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) across a leading-edge protected area, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Re-Occupancy of Breeding Territories by Ferruginous Hawks in Wyoming: Relationships to Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 4
- Gray wolf exposure to emerging vector-borne diseases in Wisconsin with comparison to domestic dogs and humans, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Managing climate change refugia for climate adaptation, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 8
- Smartphone-based distributed data collection enables rapid assessment of shorebird habitat suitability, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Defining ecosystem assets for natural capital accounting, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Multiple browsers structure tree recruitment in logged temperate forests, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Spatio-temporal variation in age structure and abundance of the endangered snail kite: Pooling across regions masks a declining and aging population, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 9
- When winners become losers: Predicted nonlinear responses of arctic birds to increasing woody vegetation, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Metabarcoding of fecal samples to determine herbivore diets: A case study of the endangered Pacific pocket mouse, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 11
- Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analyses of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis) from three areas in western North America; initial results and conservation implications, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 10
- Spatial variation in nutrient and water color effects on lake chlorophyll at macroscales, 2016, PLoS ONE
- Optimization of scat detection methods for a social ungulate, the wild pig, and experimental evaluation of factors affecting detection of scat, 2016, PLoS ONE (25) - 11
- The importance of species name synonyms in literature searches, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 9
- Potential of environmental DNA to evaluate Northern pike (Esox lucius) eradication efforts: An experimental test and case study, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 9
- Scale-dependent habitat selection and size-based dominance in adult male American alligators, 2016, PLoS ONE
- Chronic wasting disease drives population decline of white-tailed deer, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 8
- Differences found in the macroinvertebrate community composition in the presence or absence of the invasive alien crayfish, Orconectes hylas, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Predicting the occurrence of cave-inhabiting fauna based on features of the earth surface environment, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 8
- Inter-annual variability of area-scaled gaseous carbon emissions from wetland soils in the Liaohe Delta, China, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 8
- Evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife detection and observation technologies at a solar power tower facility, 2016, PLoS ONE (7) - 11
- Effects of seasonal weather on breeding phenology and reproductive success of alpine ptarmigan in Colorado, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 7
- Year-round monitoring of contaminants in Neal and Rogers Creeks, Hood River Basin, Oregon, 2011-12, and assessment of risks to salmonids, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 6
- Loss of genetic diversity and increased subdivision in an endemic Alpine Stonefly threatened by climate change, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 6
- State-dependent resource harvesting with lagged information about system states, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 6
- Seeing the forest through the trees: Considering roost-site selection at multiple spatial scales, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Wolf (Canis lupus) generation time and proportion of current breeding females by age, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 6
- Diet and macronutrient optimization in wild ursids: A comparison of grizzly bears with sympatric and allopatric black bears, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 5
- Nitrosation and nitration of fulvic acid, peat and coal with nitric acid, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 5
- Exotic plant infestation is associated with decreased modularity and increased numbers of connectors in mixed-grass prairie pollination networks, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 5
- Trace elements in stormflow, ash, and burned soil following the 2009 station fire in southern California, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 5
- Practical bias correction in aerial surveys of large mammals: Validation of hybrid double-observer with sightability method against known abundance of feral horse (Equus caballus) populations, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 5
- The structure of genetic diversity in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) along the North Pacific and Bering Sea coasts of Alaska, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 4
- Range expansion of moose in arctic Alaska linked to warming and increased shrub habitat, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 4
- Influence of manatees' diving on their risk of collision with watercraft, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 4
- Permissible Home Range Estimation (PHRE) in restricted habitats: A new algorithm and an evaluation for sea otters, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Exploring climate niches of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson) haplotypes in the western United States: Implications for evolutionary history and conservation, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Prioritizing avian species for their risk of population-level consequences from wind energy development, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Sex-based differences in Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chick growth rates., 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 3
- Efficiency of portable antennas for detecting passive integrated transponder tags in stream-dwelling salmonids, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 2
- Potential foraging decisions by a desert ungulate to balance water and nutrient intake in a water-stressed environment, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 2
- Ungulate reproductive parameters track satellite observations of plant phenology across latitude and climatological regimes, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 2
- Greenhouse gas fluxes from salt marshes exposed to chronic nutrient enrichment, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 2
- Coupled downscaled climate models and ecophysiological metrics forecast habitat compression for an endangered estuarine fish, 2016, PLoS ONE
- Differences in energy expenditures and growth dilution explain higher PCB concentrations in male summer flounder, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 1
- The impacts of human recreation on brown bears (Ursus arctos): A review and new management tool, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 1
- Rapid environmental change drives increased land use by an Arctic marine predator, 2016, PLoS ONE (6) - 11
- Novel and lost forests in the Upper Midwestern United States, from new estimates of settlement-era composition, stem density, and biomass, 2016, PLoS ONE (11) - 12
- The relationship between vessel traffic and noise levels received by killer whales (Orcinus orca), 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Influence of habitat and intrinsic characteristics on survival of neonatal pronghorn, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- How big of an effect do small dams have? Using geomorphological footprints to quantify spatial impact of low-head dams and identify patterns of across-dam variation, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- The shifting climate portfolio of the Greater Yellowstone Area, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Invaded invaders: Infection of invasive Brown Treesnakes on Guam by an exotic larval cestode with a life cycle comprised of non-native hosts, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Forecasting the effects of fertility control on overabundant ungulates: White-tailed deer in the National Capital Region, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Evaluating multi-level models to test occupancy state responses of Plethodontid salamanders, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- The effect of UV-C exposure on larval survival of the dreissenid quagga mussel, 2015, PLoS ONE (10 ) - 7
- A laboratory investigation of the suspension, transport, and settling of silver carp eggs using synthetic surrogates, 2015, PLoS ONE
- Taxonomic characterization of honey bee (Apis mellifera) pollen foraging based on non-overlapping paired-end sequencing of nuclear ribosomal loci, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Avian influenza ecology in North Atlantic sea ducks: Not all ducks are created equal, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Increased land use by Chukchi Sea polar bears in relation to changing sea ice conditions, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- Quantifying the adaptive cycle, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 12
- Piscine reovirus: Genomic and molecular phylogenetic analysis from farmed and wild salmonids collected on the Canada/US Pacific Coast, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- Strategic Grassland Bird Conservation throughout the annual cycle: Linking policy alternatives, landowner decisions, and biological population outcomes, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- Probing the carbonyl functionality of a petroleum resin and asphaltene through oximation and schiff base formation in conjunction with N-15 NMR, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- Hybridization between Yellowstone cutthroat trout and rainbow trout alters the expression of muscle growth-related genes and their relationships with growth patterns, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 10
- Conservation planning for offsetting the impacts of development: a case study of biodiversity and renewable energy in the Mojave Desert, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 11
- Exploration of the canyon-incised continental margin of the northeastern United States reveals dynamic habitats and diverse communities, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 10
- Developing a workflow to identify inconsistencies in volunteered geographic information: a phenological case study, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 10
- Large-scale range collapse of Hawaiian forest birds under climate change and the need 21st century conservation options, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) -
- Photosynthetic and growth response of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) mature trees and seedlings to calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen additions in the Catskill Mountains, NY, USA, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Projected future vegetation changes for the northwest United States and southwest Canada at a fine spatial resolution using a dynamic global vegetation model., 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 10
- Will the effects of sea-level rise create ecological traps for Pacific Island seabirds?, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) -
- Effects of land use on lake nutrients: The importance of scale, hydrologic connectivity, and region, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Stream vulnerability to widespread and emergent stressors: a focus on unconventional oil and gas, 2015, PLoS ONE
- Seasonally-dynamic presence-only species distribution models for a cryptic migratory bat impacted by wind energy development, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 7
- Modeling the complex impacts of timber harvests to find optimal management regimes for Amazon tidal floodplain forests, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Changes in data sharing and data reuse practices and perceptions among scientists worldwide, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Local variability mediates vulnerability of trout populations to land use and climate change, 2015, PLoS ONE (8) - 10
- Estimating the effects of habitat and biological interactions in an avian community, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Landscapes for energy and wildlife: conservation prioritization for golden eagles across large spatial scales, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Space use and habitat selection by resident and transient coyotes (Canis latrans), 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 7
- Designing a monitoring program to estimate estuarine survival of anadromous salmon smolts: simulating the effect of sample design on inference, 2015, PLoS ONE
- Didymosphenia geminata in the Upper Esopus Creek: current status, variability, and controlling factors, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- A collision risk model to predict avian fatalities at wind facilities: an example using golden eagles, Aquila chrysaetos, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 7
- Up in arms: Immune and nervous system response to sea star wasting disease, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 7
- Integrating multiple distribution models to guide conservation efforts of an endangered toad, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- Linking dynamic habitat selection with wading bird foraging distributions across resource gradients, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- Estimating population size for Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) with spatial capture-recapture models based on genotypes from one field sample, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- Two tickets to paradise: multiple dispersal events in the founding of hoary bat populations in Hawai'i, 2015, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- Unintended consequences of management actions in salt pond restoration: cascading effects in trophic interactions, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- The changing strength and nature of fire-climate relationships in the northern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A., 1902-2008, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- Demographic and spatiotemporal patterns of avian influenza infection at the continental scale, and in relation to annual life cycle of a migratory host, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 6
- Different populations of blacklegged tick nymphs exhibit differences in questing behavior that have implications for human lyme disease risk, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 5
- Composition, shell strength, and metabolizable energy of Mulinia lateralis and Ischadium recurvum as food for wintering surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata), 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 5
- Migratory Patterns of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Returning to a Large, Free-flowing River Basin, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 4
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling improves occurrence and detection estimates of invasive Burmese pythons, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 4
- First record of black band disease in the Hawaiian archipelago: response, outbreak, status, virulence, and a method of treatment, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Embryonic and larval development and early behavior in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella: implications for recruitment in rivers, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Mark-recapture and mark-resight methods for estimating abundance with remote cameras: a carnivore case study, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Home range use and movement patterns of non-native feral goats in a tropical island montane dry landscape, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Direct detection of fungal siderophores on bats with white-nose syndrome via fluorescence microscopy-guided ambient ionization mass spectrometry, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Occupancy modeling for improved accuracy and understanding of pathogen prevalence and dynamics, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 3
- Desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) are selective herbivores that track the flowering phenology of their preferred food plants, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 1
- Genetic diversity and host specificity varies across three genera of blood parasites in ducks of the Pacific Americas Flyway, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 2
- Effects of hierarchical roost removal on northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 1
- Implications of the circumpolar genetic structure of polar bears for their conservation in a rapidly warming Arctic, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 1
- Climate tolerances and habitat requirements jointly shape the elevational distribution of the American Pika (Ochotona princeps), with implications for climate change effects, 2015, PLoS ONE (10) - 8
- Vegetation controls on weathering intensity during the last deglacial transition in southeast Africa, 2015, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Survival and reproduction of myxobolus cerebralis-resistant Rainbow Trout introduced to the colorado river and increased resistance of age-0 progeny, 2014, PLoS ONE
- Trap configuration and spacing influences parameter estimates in spatial capture-recapture models, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Re-evaluating neonatal-age models for ungulates: Does model choice affect survival estimates?, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- Acoustic telemetry reveals large-scale migration patterns of walleye in Lake Huron, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 12
- Competitive replacement of invasive congeners may relax impact on native species: Interactions among zebra, quagga, and native unionid mussels, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 12
- Localized rejuvenation of a crystal mush recorded in zircon temporal and compositional variation at the Lassen Volcanic Center, northern California, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 12
- On the effects of scale for ecosystem services mapping, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 12
- Intrinsic variability in shell and soft tissue growth of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Persistence of DNA in carcasses, slime and avian feces may affect interpretation of environmental DNA data, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Mapping current and potential distribution of non-native Prosopis juliflora in the Afar region of Ethiopia, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Vulnerability of breeding waterbirds to climate change in the Prairie Pothole Region, U.S.A., 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- The relative impacts of climate and land-use change on conterminous United States bird species from 2001 to 2075, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Whitebark pine, population density, and home-range size of grizzly bears in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Transcriptomic analysis of the mussel Elliptio complanata identifies candidate stress-response genes and an abundance of novel or noncoding transcripts, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 11
- Influence of fuels, weather and the built environment on the exposure of property to wildfire, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 10
- Comparing bacterial community composition of healthy and dark spot-affected Siderastrea siderea in Florida and the Caribbean, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 10
- An online database for informing ecological network models:, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 10
- Prolonged instability prior to a regime shift, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 10
- Indicators of the statuses of amphibian populations and their potential for exposure to atrazine in four midwestern U.S. conservation areas, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- A comprehensive analysis of small-passerine fatalities from collisions with turbines at wind energy facilities, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- Two low coverage bird genomes and a comparison of reference-guided versus de novo genome assemblies, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- Incorporating cold-air pooling into downscaled climate models increases potential refugia for snow-dependent species within the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, CA, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- Physiological condition of juvenile wading birds in relation to multiple landscape stressors in the Florida Everglades: effects of hydrology, prey availability, and mercury bioaccumulation, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- Heterogeneous occupancy and density estimates of the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in waters of North America, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 9
- A nuclear DNA perspective on delineating evolutionarily significant lineages in polyploids: the case of the endangered shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 8
- Environmental and physiological influences to isotopic ratios of N and protein status in a montane ungulate in winter, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 8
- Migration, foraging, and residency patterns for Northern Gulf loggerheads: implications of local threats and international movements, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 7
- The southern megalopolis: using the past to predict the future of urban sprawl in the Southeast U.S., 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 7
- Temporal variation in fish mercury concentrations within lakes from the western Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 7
- Polar bears from space: Assessing satellite imagery as a tool to track Arctic wildlife, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) -
- Climate-driven effects of fire on winter habitat for caribou in the Alaskan-Yukon Arctic, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 7
- Movement-based estimation and visualization of space use in 3D for wildlife ecology and conservation, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 7
- Aboveground allometric models for freeze-affected black mangroves (Avicennia germinans): Equations for a climate sensitive mangrove-marsh ecotone, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- An integrated approach to the Taxonomic identification of prehistoric shell ornaments, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- Modeling Hawaiian ecosystem degradation due to invasive plants under current and future climates, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Use of genetic data to infer population-specific ecological and phenotypic traits from mixed aggregations, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- Muskie lunacy: does the lunar cycle influence angler catch of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)?, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Assessing landscape constraints on species abundance: Does the neighborhood limit species response to local habitat conservation programs?, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- Habitat availability is a more plausible explanation than insecticide acute toxicity for U.S. grassland bird species declines, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Fuzzy boundaries: color and gene flow patterns among parapatric lineages of the western shovel-nosed snake and taxonomic implication, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Mapping large-area landscape suitability for honey bees to assess the influence of land-use change on sustainability of national pollination services, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 6
- Roosting and foraging social structure of the endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Interacting effects of discharge and channel morphology on transport of semibuoyant fish eggs in large, altered river systems, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation is linked to decreased energetic condition in long-distance migrants, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Genomic characterization of H14 subtype influenza A viruses in New World waterfowl and experimental infectivity in mallards Anas platyrhynchos, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 5
- Long-term citizen-collected data reveal geographical patterns and temporal trends in lake water clarity, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 4
- Estimating abundances of interacting species using morphological traits, foraging guilds, and habitat, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 4
- Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) resource selection in the northern Bering Sea, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 4
- Mercury in the soil of two contrasting watersheds in the eastern United States, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Stream macroinvertebrate response models for bioassessment metrics: addressing the issue of spatial scale, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Using auxiliary information to improve wildlife disease surveillance when infected animals are not detected: A Bayesian approach, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Land cover and topography affect the land transformation caused by wind facilities, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Transmission of chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin white-tailed deer: Implications for disease spread and management, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- North Atlantic migratory bird flyways provide routes for intercontinental movement of avian influenza viruses, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Local extinction and unintentional rewilding of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) on a desert island, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Sampling strategies and biodiversity of influenza A subtypes in wild birds, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Remotely-sensed indicators of N-related biomass allocation in Schoenoplectus acutus, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Resource selection by the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) relative to terrestrial-based habitats and meteorological conditions, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- A methodology for adaptable and robust ecosystem services assessment, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Linking bovine tuberculosis on cattle farms to white-tailed deer and environmental variables using Bayesian hierarchical analysis, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Similar resilience attributes in lakes with different management practices, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 3
- Production of hybrids between western gray wolves and western coyotes, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Variability in seroprevalence of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies and associated factors in a Colorado population of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 1
- Cenozoic planktonic marine diatom diversity and correlation to climate change, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 1
- Market forces and technological substitutes cause fluctuations in the value of bat pest-control services for cotton, 2014, PLoS ONE (2) - 9
- Isolation and molecular characterization of a novel picornavirus from baitfish in the USA, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Disease and predation: Sorting out causes of a bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) decline, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 2
- Influence of climate change on productivity of American White Pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 1
- Fluorescence-based classification of Caribbean coral reef organisms and substrates, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 1
- How much Is enough? Minimal responses of water quality and stream biota to partial retrofit stormwater management in a suburban neighborhood, 2014, PLoS ONE (9) - 1
- Mapping monkeypox transmission risk through time and space in the Congo Basin, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 9
- Emulating natural disturbances for declining late-successional species: A case study of the consequences for Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea), 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 1
- Evaluating spatial overlap and relatedness of white-tailed deer in a chronic wasting disease management zone, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to identifying migration chronology in a continental migrant, 2013, PLoS ONE
- Assaying environmental nickel toxicity using model nematodes, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 10
- Nutrient limitation of native and invasive N2-fixing plants in northwest prairies, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 12
- An integrated model of environmental effects on growth, carbohydrate balance, and mortality of Pinus ponderosa forests in the southern Rocky Mountains, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 11
- Spatial ecological processes and local factors predict the distribution and abundance of spawning by steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across a complex riverscape, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 11
- Detection of salt marsh vegetation stress and recovery after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Barataria Bay, Gulf of Mexico using AVIRIS data, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 11
- Comparing bacterial community composition between healthy and white plague-like disease states in Orbicella annularis using PhyloChip™ G3 microarrays, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 11
- Nitrogen cycling responses to mountain pine beetle disturbance in a high elevation whitebark pine ecosystem, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 6
- Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators of abundance and density from spatial capture-recapture data, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 12
- Inferring the relative resilience of alternative states, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 10
- Validating predictions from climate envelope models, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 5
- Baseline monitoring of the western Arctic Ocean estimates 20% of the Canadian Basin surface waters are undersaturated with respect to aragonite, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 9
- Evaluating the effectiveness of an ultrasonic acoustic deterrent for reducing bat fatalities at wind turbines, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 6
- A network extension of species occupancy models in a patchy environment applied to the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus), 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 8
- Threatened and endangered subspecies with vulnerable ecological traits Also have high susceptibility to sea level rise and habitat fragmentation, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 8
- Aspects of embryonic and larval development in bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 8
- Land use planning and wildfire: development policies influence future probability of housing loss, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 8
- Fatty acid composition at the base of aquatic food webs is influenced by habitat type and watershed land use, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 8
- Estimating age ratios and size of Pacific walrus herds on coastal haulouts using video imaging, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Climatic correlates of tree mortality in water- and energy-limited forests, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Molecular detection and genotyping of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in mosquitoes during a 2010 outbreak in the Republic of Korea, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- The predicted influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken reproductive parameters, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Carnivore use of avocado orchards across an agricultural-wildland gradient, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Rivermouth alteration of agricultural impacts on consumer tissue δ15N, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Movements and habitat-use of loggerhead sea turtles in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the reproductive period, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Climate change winners: receding ice fields facilitate colony expansion and altered dynamics in an Adélie penguin metapopulation, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 4
- Interacting coastal based ecosystem services: recreation and water quality in Puget Sound, WA, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Evidence of territoriality and species interactions from spatial point-pattern analyses of subarctic-nesting geese, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 12
- At-sea behavior varies with lunar phase in a nocturnal pelagic seabird, the swallow-tailed gull, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Use of exposure history to identify patterns of immunity to pneumonia in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 4
- Conservation of avian diversity in the Sierra Nevada: moving beyond a single-species management focus, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 5
- Trends in amphibian occupancy in the United States, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 5
- Present, future, and novel bioclimates of the San Francisco, California region, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 3
- Effects of food availability on yolk androgen deposition in the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a seabird with facultative brood reduction, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 5
- Current and future land use around a nationwide protected area network, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 1
- Validation of eDNA surveillance sensitivity for detection of Asian carps in controlled and field experiments, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 3
- Impacts of tree rows on grassland birds & potential nest predators: A removal experiment, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 4
- Contraception can lead to trophic asynchrony between birth pulse and resources, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 1
- Representation of ecological systems within the protected areas network of the continental United States, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 1
- Explaining local-scale species distributions: relative contributions of spatial autocorrelation and landscape heterogeneity for an avian assemblage, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Evidence that life history characteristics of wild birds influence infection rates and exposure to influenza A viruses, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 3
- High seroprevalence of antibodies to avian influenza viruses among wild waterfowl in Alaska: implications for surveillance, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 3
- An ecohydraulic model to identify and monitor moapa dace habitat, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Regional contingencies in the relationship between aboveground Bbomass and litter in the world’s grasslands, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Of travertine and time: otolith chemistry and microstructure detect provenance and demography of endangered humpback chub in Grand Canyon, USA, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 12
- Modeling trends from North American Breeding Bird Survey data: a spatially explicit approach, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 12
- Semidiurnal temperature changes caused by tidal front movements in the warm season in seabed habitats on the Georges Bank northern margin and their ecological implications, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 2
- Red-backed vole brain promotes highly efficient in vitro amplification of abnormal prion protein from macaque and human brains infected with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease agent., 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 10
- Woodland dynamics at the northern range periphery: A challenge for protected area management in a changing world, 2013, PLoS ONE (8) - 7
- Global trophic position comparison of two dominant mesopelagic fish families (Myctophidae, Stomiidae) using amino acid nitrogen isotopic analyses, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 11
- Balancing precision and risk: should multiple detection methods be analyzed separately in N-mixture models?, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 12
- Interbasin water transfer, riverine connectivity, and spatial controls on fish biodiversity, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 3
- Evidence of late-summer mating readiness and early sexual maturation in migratory tree-roosting bats found dead at wind turbines, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 10
- Highly efficient amplification of chronic wasting disease agent by protein misfolding cyclical amplification with beads (PMCAb), 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 4
- Characterization of Atlantic cod spawning habitat and behavior in Icelandic coastal waters, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 12
- Molecular detection of hematozoa infections in tundra swans relative to migration patterns and ecological conditions at breeding grounds, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 9
- A novel antibody-based biomarker for chronic algal toxin exposure and sub-acute neurotoxicity, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 5
- Modeling future conservation of Hawaiian Honeycreepers by mosquito management and translocation of disease-tolerant Amakihi, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 11
- An accessible method for implementing hierarchical models with spatio-temporal abundance data, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 11
- Revealing the appetite of the marine aquarium fish trade: the volume and biodiversity of fish imported into the United States, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 5
- The genome of Chelonid herpesvirus 5 harbors atypical genes, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 10
- Health assessment and seroepidemiologic survey of potential pathogens in wild Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus), 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 9
- Temperature-dependent growth of Geomyces destructans, the fungus that causes bat white-nose syndrome, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 9
- Effects of spatial subsidies and habitat structure on the foraging ecology and size of geckos, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 8
- Mapping wintering waterfowl distributions using weather surveillance radar, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 7
- Ontogenetic and among-individual variation in foraging strategies of northeast Pacific white sharks based on stable isotope analysis, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 9
- Survival, growth and reproduction of non-native Nile tilapia II: Fundamental niche projections and invasion potential in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 7
- Housing arrangement and location determine the likelihood of housing loss due to wildfire, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 3
- Frequent arousal from hibernation linked to severity of infection and mortality in bats with white-nose syndrome, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 6
- Effects of trophic level and metamorphosis on discrimination of hydrogen isotopes in a plant-herbivore system, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 3
- Rapid microsatellite identification from Illumina paired-end genomic sequencing in two birds and a snake, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- The structure of Mediterranean rocky reef ecosystems across environmental and human gradients, and conservation implications, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- Three pathogens in sympatric populations of pumas, bobcats, and domestic cats: Implications for infections disease transmission, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- Zoonotic viruses associated with illegally imported wildlife products, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 1
- Eco-virological approach for assessing the role of wild birds in the spread of avian influenza H5N1 along the central Asian flyway, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- Selection indicates preference in diverse habitats: A ground-nesting bird (Charadrius melodus) using reservoir shoreline, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 1
- Rapid microsatellite identification from illumina paired-end genomic sequencing in two birds and a snake, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- Ecoregional analysis of nearshore sea-surface temperature in the North Pacific, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 1
- Presence of avian influenza viruses in waterfowl and wetlands during summer 2010 in California: Are resident birds a potential reservoir?, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- A spatial cluster analysis of tractor overturns in Kentucky from 1960 to 2002, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 1
- A plant distribution shift: temperature, drought or past disturbance?, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 2
- Selection indicates preference in diverse habitats: A Ground-Nesting bird (charadrius melodus) using reservoir shoreline, 2012, PLoS ONE (7) - 1
- Lipid catabolism of invertebrate predator indicates widespread wetland ecosystem degradation, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 1
- Movements of wolves at the northern extreme of the species' range, including during four months of darkness, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- Influence of body condition on influenza A virus infection in mallard ducks: Experimental infection data, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 8
- Wild bird migration across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: A transmission route for highly pathogenic H5N1, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 3
- Velocity-based movement modeling for individual and population level inference, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 8
- Parasite transmission in social interacting hosts: Monogenean epidemics in guppies, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 8
- Projected evolution of California's San Francisco Bay-Delta-River System in a century of continuing climate change, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 9
- Growth anomalies on the coral genera Acropora and Porites are strongly associated with host density and human population size across the Indo-Pacific, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 2
- Degradation of the disease-associated prion protein by a serine protease from lichens, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Alphacoronaviruses in New World Bats: Prevalence, Persistence, Phylogeny, and Potential for Interaction with Humans, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Degradation of the disease-associated prion protein by a serine protease from lichens., 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- A nuclear localization of the infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus NV protein is necessary for optimal viral growth, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 7
- Predator-induced demographic shifts in coral reef fish assemblages, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 6
- Increased fitness of rice plants to abiotic stress via habitat adapted symbiosis: A strategy for mitigating impacts of climate change, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 7
- Going coastal: Shared evolutionary history between coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska wolves (canis lupus), 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Comparative phylogeography of a coevolved community: Concerted population expansions in Joshua trees and four Yucca moths, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- A natural experiment on the condition-dependence of achromatic plumage reflectance in black-capped chickadees, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- Projected evolution of California's San Francisco bay-delta-river system in a century of climate change, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 9
- Parasite transmission in social interacting hosts: Monogenean epidemics in guppies, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 8
- Movements of wolves at the northern extreme of the species' range, including during four months of darkness, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- Alphacoronaviruses in new World bats: Prevalence, persistence, phylogeny, and potential for interaction with humans, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Modeling routes of chronic wasting disease transmission: Environmental prion persistence promotes deer population decline and extinction, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Projected changes to growth and mortality of Hawaiian corals over the next 100 years, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 3
- Estimating temporal trend in the presence of spatial complexity: A Bayesian hierarchical model for a wetland plant population undergoing restoration, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 12
- The effect of structural complexity, prey density, and "predator-free space" on prey survivorship at created oyster reef mesocosms, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 12
- Comparative phylogeography of a coevolved community: concerted population expansions in Joshua trees and four yucca moths, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 10
- Challenges in identifying sites climatically matched to the native ranges of animal invaders, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 2
- Cold-water coral distributions in the Drake Passage area from towed camera observations - Initial interpretations, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 1
- Inter-specific coral chimerism: Genetically distinct multicellular structures associated with tissue loss in Montipora capitata, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 7
- Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian Archipelago: Relating disease to environment, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 5
- Molecular detection of vertebrates in stream water: A demonstration using rocky mountain tailed frogs and Idaho giant salamanders, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 7
- Data sharing by scientists: Practices and perceptions, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 6
- Effect of commercially available egg cures on the survival of juvenile salmonids, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 6
- Evidence of segregated spawning in a single marine fish stock: Sympatric divergence of ecotypes in icelandic cod?, 2011, PLoS ONE (6) - 3
- The use of genetics for the management of a recovering population: temporal assessment of migratory peregrine falcons in North America, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 11
- Distribution of an invasive aquatic pathogen (viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus) in the Great Lakes and its relationship to shipping, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 4
- Model-based evaluation of highly and low pathogenic avian influenza dynamics in wild birds, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 6
- Evidence for a novel marine harmful algal bloom: Cyanotoxin (Microcystin) transfer from land to sea otters, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 9
- A rapid, strong, and convergent genetic response to urban habitat fragmentation in four divergent and widespread vertebrates, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 9
- An overview of marine biodiversity in United States waters, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 8
- Taqman Real-Time PCR Detects Avipoxvirus DNA in Blood of Hawaìi `Amakihi (Hemignathus virens), 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 5
- Mapping brucellosis increases relative to elk density using hierarchical Bayesian models, 2010, PLoS ONE (5) - 4
- Migration of whooper swans and outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in Eastern Asia, 2009, PLoS ONE (4) - 5
- Experimental infection of a North American raptor, American kestrel (Falco sparverius), with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1), 2009, PLoS ONE (4) - 10
- Comparison of monkeypox viruses pathogenesis in mice by in vivo imaging, 2009, PLoS ONE (4) - 8
- Bird-like anatomy, posture, and behavior revealed by an early jurassic theropod dinosaur resting trace, 2009, PLoS ONE (4) - 3
- A serological survey of infectious disease in Yellowstone National Park's canid community, 2009, PLoS ONE (4) - 9
- Phase shift from a coral to a corallimorph-dominated reef associated with a shipwreck on Palmyra atoll, 2008, PLoS ONE (3) - 8
- Introduced mammalian predators induce behavioural changes in parental care in an endemic New Zealand bird, 2008, PLoS ONE (3) - 6
- Blood parasites in Owls with conservation implications for the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis), 2008, PLoS ONE (3) - 5
- Evaluating the potential effectiveness of compensatory mitigation strategies for marine bycatch, 2008, PLoS ONE (3) - 6
- Wind, waves, and wing loading: Morphological specialization may limit range expansion of endangered albatrosses, 2008, PLoS ONE (3) - 12
- LoCoH: Non-parameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions, 2007, PLoS ONE (2) - 2
- Cultural diversity, economic development and societal instability, 2007, PLoS ONE (2) - 9
- Population response to habitat fragmentation in a stream-dwelling brook trout population, 2007, PLoS ONE (2) - 11