Ghaba Salt Basin Province and Fahud Salt Basin Province, Oman -- Geological Overview and Total Petroleum Systems


World Map with Province

Open-File Report 99-50-C

List of Figures

Figure 1. — Map showing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Province boundaries, province names and numbers, location of burial histories, and oil and gas field centerpoints (Petroconsultants, 1996) in Central and North Oman. Scale: 1:3,600,000. [Burial history location for: A, figure 12 near Saih Rawl field; B, figure 13 near Barik field; C, figure 15 near Yibal field; D, figure 15 near Jaleel field; E, figure 18 in Omani foredeep; F, figure 19 near Anaima-1 well].

Figure 2. — Map showing salt basins, structural elements, and major oil and gas fields of Oman. Modified from Loosveld and others (1996).

Figure 3. — Generalized northwest-southeast cross-section across northern Oman and the Ghaba Salt Basin, Central Oman Platform (Makarem High), and Fahud Salt Basin showing major oil and gas fields, proven occurrences, and potential traps (see figure 1 for location of line of section). See figure 5 for ages of units. Modified from Droste (1997).

Figure 4. — Generalized east-west cross-section across central Ghaba Salt Basin showing major oil and gas fields, proven occurrences, and potential traps (see figure 1 for location of line of section). See figure 5 for ages of units. Modified from Droste (1997).

Figure 5. — Stratigraphic section of Oman showing source rocks and producing reservoirs for Ghaba and Fahud Salt Basins. Modified from Loosveld and others (1996) and Droste (1997).

Figure 6. — Geographic distribution of oil types found in Oman and appoximate `Q' oil migration fairway. Data compiled from numerous sources including Grantham and others (1988), Sykes and Abu Risheh (1989), Guit and others, (1995), Lake (1996), Al-Ruwehy and Frewin (1998), Richard and others (1998), and Terken (1998, in press). Not all oils shown here are discussed in this report. Solid green dots indicate oil fields; solid red dots indicate gas fields.

Figure 7. — Various populations for Oman oil types identified from cross plot of total carbon isotope versus C27 sterane percent. Modified from Terken (in press).

Figure 8. — Petroleum system events chart for North Oman Huqf/`Q' — Haushi(!) Total Petroleum System (201401), Ghaba Salt Basin Province (2014), Oman.

Figure 9. — Petroleum system events chart for North Oman Huqf — Shu'aiba(!) Total Petroleum System (201601), Fahud Salt Basin Province (2016), Oman.

Figure 10. — Petroleum system events chart for Middle Cretaceous Natih(!) Total Petroleum System (201602), Fahud Salt Basin Province (2016), Oman.

Figure 11. — Map showing Ghaba Salt Basin Province (2014), North Oman Huqf/`Q' — Haushi(!) Total Petroleum System (201401), and Ghaba-Makarem Combined Structural Assessment Unit (20140101). Oil and gas field centerpoints (Petro-consultants, 1996) and boundaries for pod of active source rock and minimum petroleum system are also shown. Scale = 1:3,600,000.

Figure 12. — Burial-history diagram, vitrinite reflectance equivalant (VRE), and stages of hydrocarbon (HC) generation for Huqf source rocks from unidentified well in vicinity of Saih Rawl field, Ghaba Salt Basin Province, Oman. Modified from Visser (1991).

Figure 13. — Burial-history diagram for deep-gas reservoirs, Barik Sandstone Member, showing temperatures and stages of oil and gas charge from Huqf intra-salt source rocks, Barik field, Ghaba Salt Basin. Modified from Borgomano and others (1996).

Figure 14. — Map showing Fahud Salt Basin Province (2016), North Oman Huqf — Shu'aiba(!) Total Petroleum System (201601), and Fahud-Huqf Combined Structural Assessment Unit (21060101). Oil and gas field centerpoints (Petro-consultants, 1996) and boundaries for pod of active source rock and minimum petroleum system are also shown. Scale = 1:2,750,000.

Figure 15. — Burial-history diagram, vitrinite reflectance equivalance (VRE), and stages of hydrocarbon (HC) generation for Huqf source rocks from unidentified well in vicinity of Yibal field, Fahud Salt Basin Province, Oman. Modified from Visser (1991).

Figure 16. — Burial-history diagram for deep-gas reservoirs, Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician Barik Sandstone Member, showing temperatures and stages of oil and gas charge from Huqf post-salt source rocks, Jaleel field, Fahud Salt Basin. Modified from Borgomano and others (1996).

Figure 17. — Map showing Fahud Salt Basin Province (2016), North Oman Middle Cretaceous Natih(!) Total Petroleum System (201602), and Natih/Fiqa Structural-Stratigraphic Assessment Unit (20160201). Oil and gas field centerpoints (Petroconsultants, 1996) and boundaries for pod of active source rock and minimum petroleum system also shown. Scale = 1:2,750,000.

Figure 18. — Burial-history diagram, burial temperatures, and vitrinite reflectance equivalent (VRE) for Natih Formation source rocks in Late Cretaceous/Tertiary foredeep, Fahud Salt Basin, north Oman. Modified from Terken (1998; in press).

Figure 19. — Burial-history diagram and major diagenetic events of Wasia Group near Anaima-1 well, Fahud Salt Basin, north Oman. Modified from Harris and Frost (1984).

List of Tables

Table 1. — Characteristics of oils and source rocks of Ghaba and Fahud Salt Basin Provinces, Oman.

Table 2. — Allocation of oil and as fields to petroleum systems and assessment units of the Ghaba and Fahud Salt Basin Provinces.

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U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-50D