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High-Resolution Quaternary Seismic Stratigraphy, New York Bight Continental Shelf, OFR 02-152

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Previous Investigations

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The first investigations of the subsurface structure of the continental shelf off the New York - New Jersey metropolitan area were seismic-refraction studies by Ewing and others (1950; 1963) and Brown and others (1961). These studies identified a large sedimentary basin off the coast of New Jersey adjacent to a shallow buried platform south of Long Island, later named the Baltimore Canyon Trough and the Long Island Platform, respectively (Fig. 3). A major fault, the New York Bight Fault, extends along the western margin of the New York Bight
Index map showing major regional geologic features of the study area.  Also link to larger image.
Figure 3. Index map showing major regional geologic features of the study area. Also link to larger image.
Basin, a Mesozoic rift basin (Hutchinson and Grow, 1984). Early single-channel seismic-reflection investigations of the sedimentary sequences in the Long Island Platform and Baltimore Canyon Trough were conducted by Robertson (1964), Emery and Uchupi (1965), Uchupi and Emery (1967), and Garrison (1970). Later, Schlee and others (1976) used multi-channel seismic-reflection profiling to identify acoustic reflectors within the upper Late Jurassic-Cenozoic strata of the Baltimore Canyon Trough and Long Island Platform. They allowed for a rudimentary reconstruction of the effects of post-Triassic rift sea-level oscillations on the stratigraphic evolution of the shelf and identification of five regional acoustic horizons within the upper sedimentary units of the Long Island Platform.

High-resolution seismic-reflection data were collected in 1968 to help evaluate potential aggregate resources off the south shore of Long Island (Williams, 1976). Although these profiles were located approximately 1.5 km apart and are of relatively poor quality compared to present standards of digitally acquired data, Williams (1976) was able to create a rudimentary description of the inner-continental shelf sedimentary sequences. Williams (1976) indicated that Upper Cretaceous coastal-plain strata are unconformably overlain by Pleistocene sediments south of Long Island, with no preservation of Tertiary sedimentary units. This regional unconformity, first identified by Emery and Uchupi (1965), is believed to have been created initially during the mid-Oligocene and is correlative with the Atlantic coastal-plain Reflector of Poag (1978) and Hutchinson and Grow (1984). The unconformity also has been identified as a contact between Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary strata and overlying Pleistocene sediment under the adjacent subaerial areas of New Jersey and Long Island, New York using well-log data (Suter and others, 1949; Enright, 1970). In many places within the study area the Pleistocene sediment cover is thin or missing and the Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary coastal-plain strata crop out on the
Geologic interpretation of sidescan-sonar image.  Also link to larger image.
Figure 4. Geologic interpretation of sidescan-sonar image. Also link to larger image.
sea floor (Williams and Duane, 1974; Williams, 1976; Schwab and others, 1997a, 1997b, 2000a) (Fig. 4).

The Quaternary stratigraphy of the New York Bight continental shelf was strongly impacted by Pleistocene glaciation as the study area was situated in front of the terminus of the Wisconsinan Laurentide continental ice sheet (Fig. 5). Thus, the study area was affected by glacial isostatic rebound, forebulge collapse, and re-emergence (Dillon and Oldale, 1978) and was characterized by glacially induced major sea-level fluctuations described by Shackleton and others (1988). The repeated emergence and submergence of the continental shelf led to the dissection of the Cretaceous to early Tertiary coastal-plain strata and Quaternary section by subaerial fluvial incision, and
Map showing the southern limit of Wisconsinan glacial advance and the positions of proglacial lakes formed in the late Pleistocene.  Also link to larger image.
Figure 5. Map showing southern limit of Wisconsinan glacial advance & positions of proglacial lakes formed in late Pleistocene. Also link to larger image.
shoreface ravinement during the transgression. This has resulted in a Wisconsinan glacial outwash-plain and modern barrier-island complexes resting unconformably over a sequence of pre-Wisconsinan Pleistocene glaciofluvial and shallow marine units (Suter and others, 1949; Soren, 1978; Oldale and Coleman, 1992). These processes have left a reworked, lithologically complex Quaternary stratigraphic record composed of age-mixed deposits resulting from similar physical processes, but differing widely in the time of genesis. Long Island and New Jersey well log-data indicate that preservation of Pleistocene and Holocene strata is quite patchy (Suter and others, 1949; Enright, 1970).

The 170-km-long Hudson Shelf Valley, the largest physiographic feature on the continental shelf (Figs. 1 and 3), bisects the New York Bight region. The Hudson Shelf Valley is the submerged seaward extension of the ancestral Hudson River drainage system that, unlike most incised valleys on the Atlantic shelf, has not been infilled with sediment. The valley head is located in a broad shallow basin (Christiansen Basin) and extends offshore 20-40 m below the shelf surface to a seaward terminus at a shelf-edge delta (Ewing and others, 1963; Emery and Uchupi; 1972; Uchupi and others, 2000). Weiss (1974) hypothesized that the ancestral Hudson River began to develop in the Late Cretaceous when post-Atlantic rifting caused continued uplift and tilting of the margin, resulting in landward erosion and marginal seaward growth that continued into the Tertiary. The Hudson Shelf Valley is thought to have been repeatedly downcut during periods of Pleistocene marine regression (Suter and others, 1949; Weiss, 1974). This downcutting may have been amplified by catastrophic drainage of late Wisconsinan glacial lakes 12,000 - 14,000 yr BP(Newman and others, 1969; Uchupi and others, 2000) (Fig. 5). The shoreline was located approximately at the 60 m isobath at this time (Thieler and others, 1999a, 1999b).

Seismic-reflection transects across the seaward terminus region (Ewing and others, 1963) show at least four different buried channels (Knott and Hoskins, 1966). Knebel and others (1979) suggested that the lowstand trend of the Hudson Channel migrated significantly on the shelf; they documented an infilled, paleo-Hudson channel that diverges south of the main valley 30 km from Christiansen Basin (Fig. 3).

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