Most of the data processing (see Data Processing page), tidal analysis (see Tidal Analysis page), and plots (see Time-Series Plots page) completed for this report were created using Matlab®
software, created by Mathworks ( Plots were converted to tagged PDF format using
Adobe ( Acrobat.
DISCLAIMER: The Matlab® m-files provide partial documentation of the techniques used
to create the plots in this report. The m-files are not turn-key programs and
are not supported by their creator or by USGS.
This code was designed
to run on Matlab® 2012b v8.0.0. Users are encouraged to look at
for more information about the
NetCDF format.
adcp_curr_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of vectorized water flow data.
adcp_magdir_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of water flow data magnitude and direction.
waves_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of wave measurement data.
wind_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of wind data from NDBC moored buoys and FRF.
ndbc_tpw_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of temperature, pressure and wave height from NDBC moored buoys.
pressure_ts: Creates multi-site plots of pressure measurements.
temp_ts: Creates multi-site plots of temperature measurements.
river_ts: Creates plots of the timeseries of river discharge data from USGS gauging stations.
ttide_adcp_indiv and ttide_adcp_merge : Perform tidal analysis on individual records of ADCP and Aquadopp data.
t_tide: Performs harmonic analysis of a time series (called by ttide_adcp_indiv.m, ttide_adcp_comb.m, ttide_aqdp_indiv.m, ttide_aqdp_comb.m, ttide_argn_indiv.m, and ttide_argn_comb.m; Pawlowicz and others, 2002).
Additional M-files
datenum2julian - A function to convert Julian Day to Matlab® datenum
dolandscape: An m-file to configure a figure's properties for landscape printing.
fixpaper: An m-file to configure a figure's properties such that the printed output looks like the on-screen display.
gmax: A function to calculate the maximum value in an array, ignoring NaN values.
gmean: A function to calculate the mean value in an array, ignoring NaN values.
gmin: A function to calculate the minimum value in an array, ignoring NaN values.
gregorian: A function to convert Julian days to Gregorian calendar dates.
gstd: A function to calculate the standard deviation of an array, ignoring NaN values.
hms2h: A function to convert hours, minutes, and seconds to hours.
julian: A function to convert Gregorian calendar dates to digital Julian days where the Julian day start and end at midnight.
julian2datenum: A function to convert Julian days to Matlab® datenum values.
pl66tn: A function to compute the low-passed time series from a time series of oceanographic data values using the PL64 filter described in Beardsley and others (1985).
replace_fill_nan: A function to replace netCDF fill values in an array with Not-a-Number (NaN).
s2hms - A function to convert seconds to integer hour,minute,seconds.
smart_interp: A function to interpolate an original time series data set onto a new time base.
suptitle: A function to place a title above all subplots.
tight_subplot: A function to create subplots with less space between plots.