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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1234

Application of a Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Model for Guidance of Response Efforts Related to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Along the Coast of Alabama and Florida

Title Page | Contents | List of Figures | List of Tables | Conversion Factors | Abbreviations | Executive Summary | Introduction | Methods | Results | Digital Data Files | Discussion | Summary and Conclusions | References Cited | Appendix 1. Scenarios | Appendix 2. Example Model Input Files | Appendix 3. Calculations of Mobility and Potential Flux | Appendix 4. File Naming Conventions | Appendix 5. Time Step of Maximum Ebb and Flood for Inlets in the Model Domain

Metric # Name and description File Naming Convention
1 Significant wave height
2 Maximum and median alongshore current in the surf zone, spatially smoothed over 2 km
3 Locations of alongshore current convergences* in the maximum alongshore current smoothed over 2 km
4 Locations of alongshore current decelerations in the direction of flow (particles moving with the flow would encounter decreasing magnitude velocities) in the maximum alongshore current smoothed over 2 km
5 Sand and SRB mobility ratio of the combined wave-current shear stress to the critical stress value for high, medium, and low critical stress values Hh_Dd
6 SRB surf-zone integrated alongshore potential flux, smoothed over 2 km, for high, medium, and low critical stress values
7 Weighted mobility probability, e.g., mobility for all scenarios weighted by probability of occurrence, for high, medium, and low critical stress
8 Weighted potential flux, e.g., surf-zone integrated alongshore potential flux, smoothed over 2 km, for all scenarios weighted by probability of occurrence
9 Tidal mobility, e.g., mobility ratio at each of 24 hourly time steps from a time-series simulation including tidal current and water level variation.
*Not all scenarios have flow convergences. No convergence shapefile exists for scenarios H3_D6, H4_D5, H4_D12, H4_D13, H5_D4, H5_D5, and H5_D12.

Table 2. Nine metrics for hydrodynamic and surface residual ball and sediment mobility and alongshore redistribution in the northern Gulf of Mexico along the Alabama and Florida coast.
[In the file naming convention for associated geographic information system shapefiles, Hh_Dd indicates the individual scenario bin number (fig. 2) and xxx indicates file type extension]

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