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Open-File Report 2018-1010

Laboratory Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates

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List of Figures

Instrumented oscillatory flow tunnel outfitted with rough-surfaced false floor. 1. Photograph of an instrumented oscillatory flow tunnel outfitted with rough-surfaced false floor.
Planar laser and aSOA placement in incipient motion experiments. 2. Photograph of a planar laser and an aSOA placement in incipient motion experiments.
Oscillatory flow tunnel outfitted with a movable sand floor, black cloth backdrop, and instrumentation. 3. Photograph of an oscillatory flow tunnel outfitted with movable sand floor, black cloth backdrop, and instrumentation.
Buried and unburied round (A) and ellipsoidal (B) aSOAs deployed in the sea floor interaction experiments. 4. Photographs of buried and unburied round (A) and ellipsoidal (B) artificial sand and oil agglomerates deployed in the sea-floor interaction experiments.
GoPro© camera deployed in the oscillatory flow tank in the trough of the rippled sand bed.  Also in view are round (green) and ellipsoidal (red) 2.5 cm aSOAs. 5. Photograph of a GoPro camera deployed in the oscillatory flow tank in the trough of the rippled sand bed.
Tightly (A) and loosely (B) arranged aSOAs to simulate a mat deployment of SOAs. 6. Photographs of tightly (A) and loosely (B) arranged artificial sand and oil agglomerates to simulate a mat deployment of sand and oil agglomerates.
Reference checkerboard placed in the tank after the experiments (A) and the automatically extracted grid corners found during image processing (B). 7. Photographs of reference checkerboard placed in the tank after the experiments (A) and the automatically extracted grid corners found during image processing (B).
Plot of aSOA diameter vs. shear stress on a log scale. 8. Plot of artificial sand and oil agglomerate diameter versus shear-stress on a log scale.

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