Open-File Report 2018-1010
List of TablesTable 1. Physical characteristics and expected critical stresses (Tc), in Pascal (Pa), of artificial sand and oil agglomerates (aSOAs). Not all aSOAs listed were deployed. Bold text indicates aSOA with observed incipient motion that is used in further analysis. Calculation of high-, medium-, and low-critical stresses for each aSOA are described in Plant and others (2013). Table 2. Observed and calculated critical stresses (Tc), in Pascals (Pa), for artificial sand and oil agglomerates (aSOAs) with observed incipient motion. TShields, the stress at the observed time of incipient motion, TShields, max. is the maximum stress in the oscillatory flow prior to the observed time of incipient motion, Tc, high is the calculated shear stress using an unmodified Shields parameter, and TShields, medium and TShields, low are modified critical shear-stress values for exposed particles in a mixed-grain-size bed (see Plant and others, 2013). |