Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Using mercury and lead stable isotopes to assess mercury, lead, and trace metal source contributions to Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (957) -
- Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (957) -
- Produced water geochemistry from hydraulically stimulated Niobrara Formation petroleum wells: Origin of salinity and temporal perspectives on treatment and reuse, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (955) -
- The interplay of future solar energy, land cover change, and their projected impacts on natural lands and croplands in the US, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (947) -
- Elemental composition and potential toxicity of the riverine macrophyte Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. reflects land use in eastern North America, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (954) -
- Factors contributing to pesticide contamination in riverine systems: The role of wastewater and landscape sources, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (954) -
- qPCR-based phytoplankton abundance and chlorophyll a: A multi-year study in twelve large freshwater rivers across the United States, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (954) -
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water in Southeast Los Angeles: Industrial legacy and environmental justice, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (953) -
- Exploring spatial and temporal symptoms of the freshwater salinization syndrome in a rural to urban watershed, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (947) -
- Utica/Point Pleasant brine isotopic compositions (δ7Li, δ11B, δ138Ba) elucidate mechanisms of lithium enrichment in the Appalachian Basin, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (947) -
- Reduction of large vessel traffic improves water quality and alters fish habitat-use throughout a large river, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (946) -
- Detection of periodic peaks in Karenia brevis concentration consistent with the time-delay logistic equation, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (946) -
- Common use herbicides increase wetland greenhouse gas emissions, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (933) -
- Anaerobic biodegradation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and microbial community composition in soil amended with a dechlorinating culture and chlorinated solvents, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (932) -
- Dryland soil recovery after disturbance across soil and climate gradients of the Colorado Plateau, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (932) -
- A multi-marker assessment of sewage contamination in streams using human-associated indicator bacteria, human-specific viruses, and pharmaceuticals, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (930) -
- Flow cytometric assessments of metabolic activity in bacterial assemblages provide insight into ecosystem condition along the Buffalo National River, Arkansas, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (921) -
- Microplastic-mediated new mechanism of liver damage: From the perspective of the gut-liver axis, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (919) -
- A brief note on substantial sub-daily arsenic variability in pumping drinking-water wells in New Hampshire, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (919) -
- Multiple lines of evidence point to pesticides as stressors affecting invertebrate communities in small streams in five United States regions, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (915) -
- Planning hydrological restoration of coastal wetlands: Key model considerations and solutions, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (915) -
- Geologic sources and well integrity impact methane emissions from orphaned and abandoned oil and gas wells, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- Habitat and dissolved organic carbon modulate variation in the biogeochemical drivers of mercury bioaccumulation in dragonfly larvae at the national scale, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- Assessing microplastics contamination in unviable loggerhead sea turtle eggs, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- Legacy sediment as a potential source of orthophosphate: Preliminary conceptual and geochemical models for the Susquehanna River, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- PCB concentrations in riparian spiders (Tetragnathidae) consistently reflect concentrations in water and aquatic macroinvertebrates, but not sediment: Analysis of a seven-year field study, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- Transcriptomic profiles of brains in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to pharmaceuticals and personal care products from a wastewater treatment plant discharge, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (912) -
- Climate change and collapsing thermal niches of desert reptiles and amphibians: Assisted migration and acclimation rescue from extirpation, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (908) -
- Assessing the added value of antecedent streamflow alteration information in modeling stream biological condition, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (908) -
- Target and suspect per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in fish from an AFFF-impacted waterway, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (906) -
- Recent, widespread nitrate decreases may be linked to persistent dissolved organic carbon increases in headwater streams recovering from past acidic deposition, 2024, Science of the Total Environment (906) -
- Multi-omic responses of fish exposed to complex chemical mixtures in the Shenandoah River watershed, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (902) -
- Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (907) -
- Impacts of acute and chronic suspended solids exposure on juvenile freshwater mussels, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (905) -
- Ammonia and aquatic ecosystems – A review of global sources, biogeochemical cycling, and effects on fish, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (9097) -
- Spectral characterization of dissolved organic matter in groundwater to assess mixing with oil-field water near selected oil fields, southern California, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (905) -
- Simultaneous stream assessment of antibiotics, bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistant genes in an agricultural region of the United States, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (904) -
- Changes in chemical occurrence, concentration, and bioactivity in the Colorado River before and after replacement of the Moab, Utah wastewater treatment plant, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (904) -
- Fluid migration pathways to groundwater in mature oil fields: Exploring the roles of water injection/production and oil-well integrity in California, USA, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (900) -
- Long short-term memory models to quantify long-term evolution of streamflow discharge and groundwater depth in Alabama, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (901) -
- Cross-continental evaluation of landscape-scale drivers and their impacts to fluvial fishes: Understanding frequency and severity to improve fish conservation in Europe and the United States, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (897) -
- Global review reveals how disparate study motivations, analytical designs, and focal ions limit understanding of salinization effects on freshwater animals, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (892) -
- Synergistic soil, land use, and climate influences on wind erosion on the Colorado Plateau: Implications for management, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (893) -
- The truth is in the stream: Use of tracer techniques and synoptic sampling to evaluate metal loading and remedial options in a hydrologically complex setting, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (876) -
- Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Pennsylvania surface waters: A statewide assessment, associated sources, and land-use relations, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (888) -
- Model-based assessment and mapping of total phosphorus enrichment in rivers with sparse reference data, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (884) -
- Energy-related wastewater contamination alters microbial communities of sediment, water, and amphibian skin, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (880) -
- An assessment of the relation between metal contaminated sediment and freshwater mussel populations in the Big River, Missouri, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (876) -
- Understanding ecological response to physical characteristics in side channels of a large floodplain-river ecosystem, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (871) -
- Watershed- and reach-scale drivers of phosphorus retention and release by streambed sediment in a western Lake Erie watershed during summer, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (863) -
- The influence of short-term temporal variability on the efficacy of dragonfly larvae as mercury biosentinels, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (867) -
- Sources and chemical stability of soil organic carbon in natural and created coastal marshes of Louisiana, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (867) -
- Spatial patterns and seasonal timing of increasing riverine specific conductance from 1998 to 2018 suggest legacy contamination in the Delaware River Basin, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (858) - Part 1
- Modeled distribution shifts of North American birds over four decades based on suitable climate alone do not predict observed shifts, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (857) - Part 3
- Multi-omics responses in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings from the Maumee Area of Concern, Maumee River, Ohio, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (856) - Part 2
- Transcriptome signatures of wastewater effluent exposure in larval zebrafish vary with seasonal mixture composition in an effluent-dominated stream, 2023, Science of the Total Environment (856) - Part 2
- Comparative behavioral ecotoxicology of Inland Silverside larvae exposed to pyrethroids across a salinity gradient, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (857) - Part 3
- Drivers of Pb, Sb and As release from spent gunshot in wetlands: Enhancement by organic matter and native microorganisms, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (857) - Part 1
- Potential health effects of contaminant mixtures from point and nonpoint sources on fish and frogs in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (851) - 1
- Natural infrastructure in dryland streams (NIDS) can establish regenerative wetland sinks that reverse desertification and strengthen climate resilience, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (849) -
- Long-term impacts of impervious surface cover change and roadway deicing agent application on chloride concentrations in exurban and suburban watersheds, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (851) - Part 2
- Deciphering natural and anthropogenic nitrate and recharge sources in arid region groundwater, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (848) -
- PCB exposure is associated with reduction of endosymbionts in riparian spider microbiomes, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (842) -
- Soil carbon consequences of historic hydrologic impairment and recent restoration in coastal wetlands, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (848) -
- Mercury contamination and potential health risks to Arctic seabirds and shorebirds, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (844) -
- Dissolved organic matter within oil and gas associated wastewaters from U.S. unconventional petroleum plays: Comparisons and consequences for disposal and reuse, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (838) - 3
- Decadal trends of mercury cycling and bioaccumulation within Everglades National Park, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (838) - 1
- Air, land, and water variables associated with the first appearance and current spatial distribution of toxic Prymnesium parvum blooms in reservoirs of the Southern Great Plains, USA, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (836) -
- Implementing landscape connectivity with topographic filtering model: A simulation of suspended sediment delivery in an agricultural watershed, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (836) -
- Water availability drives instream conditions and life-history of an imperiled desert fish: A case study to inform water management, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (832) -
- Pesticide exposure of wild bees and honey bees foraging from field border flowers in intensively managed agriculture areas, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (831) -
- Effects of imported recharge on fluoride trends in groundwater used for public supply in California, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (830) -
- Urban landcover differentially drives day and nighttime air temperature across a semi-arid city, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (829) -
- Volatile organic compounds in groundwater used for public supply across the United States: Occurrence, explanatory factors, and human-health context, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (827) -
- Natural and anthropogenic influences on benthic cyanobacteria in streams of the northeastern United States, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (826) -
- Genomically diverse carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae from wild birds provide insight into global patterns of spatiotemporal dissemination, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (824) -
- Stable isotopes provide insight into sources and cycling of N compounds in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (816) -
- Loss of phylogenetic diversity under landscape change, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (822) -
- Perils of life on the edge: Climatic threats to global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (820) -
- Mine drainage precipitates attenuate and conceal wastewater-derived phosphate pollution in stream water, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (815) -
- Nitrogen reductions have decreased hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence from empirical and numerical modeling, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (814) -
- The statistical power to detect regional temporal trends in riverine contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (812) -
- Climate extremes as drivers of surface-water-quality trends in the United States, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (809) -
- The silence of the clams: Forestry registered pesticides as multiple stressors on soft-shell clams, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (819) -
- The developing zebrafish kidney is impaired by Deepwater Horizon crude oil early-life stage exposure: A molecular to whole-organism perspective, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (808) -
- Quantifying the stormwater runoff volume reduction benefits of urban street tree canopy, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 3
- Predicting regional fluoride concentrations at public and domestic supply depths in basin-fill aquifers of the western United States using a random forest model, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 4
- New-generation pesticides are prevalent in California's Central Coast streams, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 4
- Populations using public-supply groundwater in the conterminous U.S. 2010; Identifying the wells, hydrogeologic regions, and hydrogeologic mapping units, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 2
- Elevated levels of radiocarbon in methane dissolved in seawater reveal likely local contamination from nuclear powered vessels, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 2
- Targeted and non-targeted analysis of young-of-year smallmouth bass using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (806) - 2
- Experimental design and data relevance in a volcanic ash-leachate health study: Letter to the Editor re. Barone et al. (2021) ‘Surface reactivity of Etna volcanic ash and evaluation of health risks’, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (804) -
- Urban proximity while breeding is not a predictor of perfluoroalkyl substance contamination in the eggs of brown pelicans, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (803) -
- Post-fire temporal trends in soil-physical and -hydraulic properties and simulated runoff generation: Insights from different burn severities in the 2013 Black Forest Fire, CO, USA, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (802) -
- Evidence for interannual persistence of infectious influenza A viruses in Alaska wetlands, 2022, Science of the Total Environment (803) -
- Exposure of predatory and scavenging birds to anticoagulant rodenticides in France: Exploration of data from French surveillance programs, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (810) -
- Influence of redox gradients on nitrate transport from the landscape to groundwater and streams, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (800) -
- Machine learning predictions of nitrate in groundwater used for drinking supply in the conterminous United States, 2021, Science of the Total Environment
- Impacts of neonicotinoid seed treatments on the wild bee community in agricultural field margins, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (786) -
- The response of streams in the Adirondack region of New York to projected changes in sulfur and nitrogen deposition under changing climate, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (800) -
- Multiple in-stream stressors degrade biological assemblages in five U.S. regions, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (800) -
- Is there an urban pesticide signature? Urban streams in five U.S. regions share common dissolved-phase pesticides but differ in predicted aquatic toxicity, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (793) -
- Time marches on, but do the causal pathways driving instream habitat and biology remain consistent?, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (789) -
- Robust projections of future fire probability for the conterminous United States, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (789) -
- Repeated large-scale mechanical treatment of invasive Typha under increasing water levels promotes floating mat formation and wetland methane emissions, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (790) -
- Endangered Australian top predator is frequently exposed to anticoagulant rodenticides, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (788) -
- Associations between private well water and community water supply arsenic concentrations in the conterminous United States, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (787) -
- Pesticides in US Rivers: Regional differences in use, occurrence, and environmental toxicity, 2013 to 2017, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (787) -
- On the human appropriation of wetland primary production, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (785) -
- Nitrogen biogeochemistry in a boreal headwater stream network in interior Alaska, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (764) -
- Prevalence of neonicotinoids and sulfoxaflor in alluvial aquifers in a high corn and soybean producing region of the Midwestern United States, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (782) -
- Predicting the spatiotemporal exposure of aquatic species to intrusions of fire retardant in streams with limited data, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (782) -
- Reconnaissance of cumulative risk of pesticides and pharmaceuticals in Great Smoky Mountains National Park streams, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (781) -
- Examining historical mercury sources in the Saint Louis River estuary: How legacy contamination influences biological mercury levels in Great Lakes coastal regions, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (779) -
- Organic petrographic evaluation of carbonaceous material in sediments of the Kinnickinnic River, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A., 2021, Science of the Total Environment (782) -
- An increase in the slope of the concentration-discharge relation for total organic carbon in major rivers in New England, 1973 to 2019, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (778) -
- Estimating blue carbon sequestration under coastal management scenarios, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (777) -
- Microbial pathogens and contaminants of emerging concern in groundwater at an urban subsurface stormwater infiltration site, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (775) -
- Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of contaminants in agricultural watersheds with implications for land management, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (774) -
- Multi-region assessment of chemical mixture exposures and predicted cumulative effects in USA wadeable urban/agriculture-gradient streams, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (773) -
- Coexistence of multiple leaf nutrient resorption strategies in a single ecosystem, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (772) -
- Groundwater quality of aquifers overlying the Oxnard Oil Field, Ventura County, California, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (771) -
- In vitro effects-based method and water quality screening model for use in pre- and post-distribution treated waters, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (768) -
- Variation in metal concentrations across a large contamination gradient is reflected in stream but not linked riparian food webs, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (769) -
- Wildfires: Identification of a new suite of aromatic polycarboxylic acids in ash and surface water, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (770) -
- Groundwater development leads to decreasing arsenic concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (771) -
- Global response of terrestrial gross primary productivity to climate extremes, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (750) -
- Lithium in groundwater used for drinking-water supply in the United States, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (767) -
- Evidence that watershed nutrient management practices effectively reduce estrogens in environmental waters, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (758) -
- Small atoll fresh groundwater lenses respond to a combination of natural climatic cycles and human modified geology, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (756) -
- From satellites to frogs: Quantifying ecohydrological change, drought mitigation, and population demography in desert meadows, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (758) -
- An approach for decomposing river water-quality trends into different flow classes, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (755) - Part 2
- Germination potential of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) swamp soil seed bank along geographical gradients, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (759) -
- Transport and speciation of uranium in groundwater-surface water systems impacted by legacy milling operations, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (761) -
- Geochemical and geophysical indicators of oil and gas wastewater can trace potential exposure pathways following releases to surface waters, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (755) - Part 1
- Groundwater discharges as a source of phytoestrogens and other agriculturally derived contaminants to streams, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (755) -
- Maternal transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls in Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus), Puget Sound, Washington, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (764) -
- Evaluating the dynamics of groundwater, lakebed transport, nutrient inflow and algal blooms in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (765) -
- Elucidating controls on cyanobacteria bloom timing and intensity via Bayesian mechanistic modeling, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (755) - Part 1
- Complexity of groundwater age mixing near a seawater intrusion zone based on multiple tracers and Bayesian inference, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (753) -
- Movement of synthetic organic compounds in the food web after the introduction of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, USA, 2021, Science of the Total Environment (752) -
- Beyond neonicotinoids – Wild pollinators are exposed to a range of pesticides while foraging in agroecosystems, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (742) -
- Trihalomethane precursors: Land use hot spots, persistence during transport, and management options, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (742) -
- Carbon storage and sediment trapping by Egeria densa Planch., a globally invasive, freshwater macrophyte, 2020, Science of the Total Environment
- Pesticide mixtures show potential toxicity to aquatic life in U.S. streams, water years 2013-2017, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (745) -
- Endocrine disrupting activities and geochemistry of water resources associated with unconventional oil and gas activity, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (748) -
- Fates and fingerprints of sulfur and carbon following wildfire in economically important croplands of California, U.S., 2020, Science of the Total Environment (750) -
- Concentrations and size distribution of TiO2 and Ag engineered particles in five wastewater treatment plants in the United States, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (753) -
- Pesticides and their degradates in groundwater reflect past use and current management strategies, Long Island, New York, USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (752) -
- Plant biomass and rates of carbon dioxide uptake are enhanced by successful restoration of tidal connectivity in salt marshes, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (750) -
- Soil organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates of inland, freshwater wetlands: Sources of variability and uncertainty, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (749) -
- Spatiotemporal variation in occurrence and co-occurrence of pesticides, hormones, and other organic contaminants in rivers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, United States, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (728) -
- Biological nitrogen fixation across major biomes in Latin America: Patterns and global change effects, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (746) -
- Wastewater-based epidemiology pilot study to examine drug use in the Western United States, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (745) -
- Degradation of RDX (Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) in contrasting coastal marine habitats: Subtidal non-vegetated (sand), subtidal vegetated (silt/eel grass), and intertidal marsh, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (745) -
- Hydrologic modeling to examine the influence of the forestry reclamation approach and climate change on mineland hydrology, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (743) -
- Wildfire-driven changes in hydrology mobilize arsenic and metals from legacy mine waste, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (743) -
- Fish growth rates and lake sulphate explain variation in mercury levels in ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (743) -
- Leachable phosphorus from senesced green ash and Norway mapleleaves in urban watersheds, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (743) -
- Reduction in drinking water arsenic exposure and health risk through arsenic treatment among private well households in Maine and New Jersey, USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (738) - 10
- Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new floating transient electromagnetic methodology, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (740) -
- Scaling responses of leaf nutrient stoichiometry to the lakeshore flooding duration gradient across different organizational levels, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (740) -
- Freshwater neurotoxins and concerns for human, animal, and ecosystemhealth: A review of anatoxin-a and saxitoxin, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (736) -
- Short- and long-term responses of riparian cottonwoods (Populus spp.) to flow diversion: Analysis of tree-ring radial growth and stable carbon isotopes, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (735) -
- Poultry litter as potential source of pathogens and other contaminants in groundwater and surface water proximal to large-scale confined poultry feeding operations, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (735) -
- Evaluating the potential role of bioactive chemicals on the distribution of invasive Asian carp upstream and downstream from river mile 278 in the Illinois waterway, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (735) -
- Fluoride occurrence in United States groundwater, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (732) -
- Forecasting water demand across a rapidly urbanizing region, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (730) -
- Economic, land use, and ecosystem services impacts of Rwanda's Green Growth Strategy: An application of the IEEM+ESM platform, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (729) -
- Time-dependent accumulation of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, and Zn in mayfly and caddisfly larvae in experimental streams: Metal sensitivity, uptake pathways, and mixture toxicity, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (732) -
- The relation of geogenic contaminants to groundwater age, aquifer hydrologic position, water type, and redox conditions in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern and south-central USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (723) -
- Climate change effects on biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, and natural resource management in the United States, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (733) -
- Mixed organic and inorganic tapwater exposures and potential effects in greater Chicago area, USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (719) -
- Estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation habitat provides organic carbon storage across a shifting landscape, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (717) -
- Preferential elution of ionic solutes in melting snowpacks: Improving process understanding through field observations and modeling in the Rocky Mountains, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (710) -
- The response of stream ecosystems in the Adirondack region of New York to historical and future changes in atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (716) -
- Estimating burn severity and carbon emissions from a megafire in boreal forests of China, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (716) -
- Influence of land use and region on glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in streams in the USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (707) -
- Daily stream samples reveal highly complex pesticide occurrence and potential toxicity to aquatic life, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (715) -
- Estimation of nonlinear water-quality trends in high-frequency monitoring data, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (715) -
- Seasonal drivers of chemical and hydrological patterns in roadside infiltration-based green infrastructure, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (714) -
- Fluxes of agricultural nitrogen and metolachlor metabolites are highly correlated in a first order stream in Maryland, USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (716) -
- The method controls the story - Sampling method impacts on the detection of pore-water nitrogen concentrations in streambeds, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (709) -
- Time scales of arsenic variability and the role of high-frequency monitoring at three water-supply wells in New Hampshire, USA, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (709) -
- The assessment and remediation of mercury contaminated sites: A review of current approaches, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (707) -
- Resolving selenium exposure risk: Spatial, temporal, and tissue-specific variability of an endemic fish in a large, dynamic estuary, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (707) -
- Methylmercury exposure in wildlife: A review of the ecological and physiological processes affecting contaminant concentrations and their interpretation, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (711) -
- Nonlinear patterns in mercury bioaccumulation in American alligators are a function of predicted age, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (707) -
- Could a freshwater fish be at the root of dystrophic crises in a coastal lagoon?, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (711) -
- Spatial variability of phytoplankton in a shallow tidal freshwater system reveals complex controls on abundance and community structure, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (700) -
- De facto water reuse: Bioassay suite approach delivers depth and breadth in endocrine active compound detection, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (699) -
- Relation of fish intersex to contaminants in riverine sport fishes, 2020, Science of the Total Environment (643) -
- Evaluating environmental change and behavioral decision-making for sustainability policy using an agent-based model: A case study for the Smoky Hill River Watershed, Kansas, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (695) -
- Exposure and potential effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals in protected streams of the US National Park Service southeast Region, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (704) -
- Dissolved organic matter in the deep TALDICE ice core: A nano-UPLC-nano-ESI-HRMS method, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (700) -
- The importance of natural versus human factors for ecological conditions of streams and rivers, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (704) -
- Modeling groundwater nitrate exposure in private wells of North Carolina for the Agricultural Health Study, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (655) -
- Prioritizing chemicals of ecological concern in Great Lakes tributaries using high-throughput screening data and adverse outcome pathways, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (686) -
- A space-time geostatistical model for probabilistic estimation of harmful algal bloom biomass and areal extent, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (695) -
- Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants on arctic wildlife and fish, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (696) -
- A generically parameterized model of lake eutrophication (GPLake) that links field-, lab- and model-based knowledge, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (695) -
- Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition gradients in the Denver-Boulder metropolitan area and Colorado Front Range – Preliminary implications for Rocky Mountain National Park and interpolated deposition maps, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (691) -
- Predicting attenuation of salinized surface- and groundwater-resources from legacy energy development in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (690) -
- Corrigendum to “A comprehensive analysis of interseasonal and interannual energy and water balance dynamics in semiarid shrubland and forest ecosystems” [Sci. Total Environ. 651 (2019) 381–398], 2019, Science of the Total Environment (686) -
- Estimating domestic well locations and populations served in the contiguous U.S. for years 2000 and 2010, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (687) -
- Methane and nitrous oxide temporal and spatial variability in two midwestern USA streams containing high nitrate concentrations, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (685) -
- Return flows from beaver ponds enhance floodplain-to-river metals exchange in alluvial mountain catchments, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (685) -
- Predicting hydrologic disturbance of streams using species occurrence data, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (686) -
- Success of lake restoration depends on spatial aspects of nutrient loading and hydrology, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (679) -
- Arsenic concentrations after drinking water well installation: Time-varying effects on arsenic mobilization, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (678) -
- An economic evaluation of adaptation pathways in coastal mega cities: An illustration for Los Angeles, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (678) -
- Use of high-throughput screening results to prioritize chemicals for potential adverse biological effects within a West Virginia Watershed, 2019, Science of the Total Environment
- An integrated statistical and deterministic hydrologic model for analyzing trace organic contaminants in commercial and high-density residential stormwater runoff, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (673) -
- Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish and macroinvertebrate assemblages, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (672) -
- Wetland drying linked to variations in snowmelt runoff across Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (666) -
- Pesticides and pollinators: A socioecological synthesis, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (662) -
- Managing dams for energy and fish tradeoffs: What does a win-win solution take?, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (669) -
- Recent trends in nutrient and sediment loading to coastal areas of the conterminous U.S.: Insights and global context, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (654) -
- Linking fire and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (662) -
- Reimagining the potential of Earth observations for ecosystem service assessments, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (665) -
- Nutrients mediate the effects of temperature on methylmercury concentrations in freshwater zooplankton, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (667) -
- Human-induced and natural carbon storage in floodplains of the Central Valley of California, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (651) - Part 1
- Effects of urban multi-stressors on three stream biotic assemblages, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (660) -
- Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (653) -
- Social equity shapes zone-selection: Balancing aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery in the transboundary Danube River Basin, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (656) -
- Use of blood clotting assays to assess potential anticoagulant rodenticide exposure and effects in free-ranging birds of prey, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (657) -
- Modelling gully-erosion susceptibility in a semi-arid region, Iran: Investigation of applicability of certainty factor and maximum entropy models, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (655) -
- Mixed-chemical exposure and predicted effects potential in wadeable southeastern USA streams, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (655) -
- Water-quality trends in US rivers: Exploring effects from streamflow trends and changes in watershed management, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (656) -
- Identification of conservation and restoration priority areas in the Danube River based on the multi-functionality of river-floodplain systems, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (654) -
- Water-quality trends in U.S. rivers, 2002 to 2012: Relations to levels of concern, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (650) - 2
- Point sources and agricultural practices control spatial-temporal patterns of orthophosphate in tributaries to Chesapeake Bay, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (652) -
- Towards globally customizable ecosystem service models, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (650) - 2
- Fate and transport of nitrapyrin in agroecosystems: Occurrence in agricultural soils, subsurface drains, and receiving streams in the Midwestern US, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (650) - 23-24
- Predicting the occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern in surface water and sediment across the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes Basin, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (651) - 1
- Geochemical sourcing of runoff from a young volcanic watershed to an impacted coral reef in Pelekane Bay, Hawaii, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (649) -
- Effects of ferric sulfate and polyaluminum chloride coagulation enhanced treatment wetlands on Typha growth, soil and water chemistry, 2019, Science of the Total Environment (648) -
- Tracing the cycling and fate of the munition, Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine in a simulated sandy coastal marine habitat with a stable isotopic tracer, 15N-[RDX], 2019, Science of the Total Environment (647) -
- Inferring watershed hydraulics and cold-water habitat persistence using multi-year air and stream temperature signals, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (636) -
- Examination of contaminant exposure and reproduction of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting in Delaware Bay and River in 2015, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (639) -
- Food web contaminant dynamics of a large Atlantic Slope river: Implications for common and imperiled species, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (633) -
- Temporal evaluation of estrogenic endocrine disruption markers in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) reveals seasonal variability in intersex, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (646) -
- Transient coastal landscapes: Rising sea level threatens salt marshes, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (640-641) -
- A semi-arid river in distress: Contributing factors and recovery solutions for three imperiled freshwater mussels (Family Unionidae) endemic to the Rio Grande basin in North America, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (631-632) -
- Pharmaceuticals, hormones, pesticides, and other bioactive contaminants in water, sediment, and tissue from Rocky Mountain National Park, 2012–2013, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (643) -
- Quantifying anthropogenic contributions to century-scale groundwater salinity changes, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (642) -
- Chesapeake Bay's water quality condition has been recovering: Insights from a multimetric indicator assessment of thirty years of tidal monitoring data, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (637-638) -
- Bioactive contaminants of emerging concern in National Park waters of the northern Colorado Plateau, USA, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (636) -
- Wetlands receiving water treated with coagulants improve water quality by removing dissolved organic carbon and disinfection byproduct precursors, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (622-623) -
- Pharmaceutical manufacturing facility discharges can substantially increase the pharmaceutical load to U.S. wastewaters, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (636) -
- Methane in groundwater from a leaking gas well, Piceance Basin, Colorado, USA, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (634) -
- Habitat mosaics and path analysis can improve biological conservation of aquatic biodiversity in ecosystems with low-head dams, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (619-620) -
- Brook trout distributional response to unconventional oil and gas development: Landscape context matters, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (628-629) -
- Human Bacteroides and total coliforms as indicators of recent combined sewer overflows and rain events in urban creeks, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (630) -
- Oil and gas development footprint in the Piceance Basin, western Colorado, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (616-617) -
- Surrounding land cover types as predictors of palustrine wetland vegetation quality in conterminous USA, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (619-620) -
- Modeling drivers of phosphorus loads in Chesapeake Bay tributaries and inferences about long-term change, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (616–617) -
- Juvenile coho salmon growth and health in streams across an urbanization gradient, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (625) -
- Increasing chloride in rivers of the conterminous U.S. and linkages to potential corrosivity and lead action level exceedances in drinking water, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (613-614) -
- Watershed export of fine sediment, organic carbon, and chlorophyll-a to Chesapeake Bay: Spatial and temporal patterns in 1984–2016, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (619-620) -
- Complex mixtures of dissolved pesticides show potential aquatic toxicity in a synoptic study of Midwestern U.S. streams, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (613-614) -
- Association between degradation of pharmaceuticals and endocrine-disrupting compounds and microbial communities along a treated wastewater effluent gradient in Lake Mead, 2018, Science of the Total Environment (622-623) -
- A detailed risk assessment of shale gas development on headwater streams in the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, U.S.A., 2018, Science of the Total Environment (610-611) -
- Estimating virus occurrence using Bayesian modeling in multiple drinking water systems of the United States, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (619-620) -
- Influence of sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity on macroinvertebrate communities across 99 wadable streams of the Midwestern USA, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (599-600) -
- Domestic well locations and populations served in the contiguous U.S.: 1990, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (607-608) -
- Holistic assessment of occurrence and fate of metolachlor within environmental compartments of agricultural watersheds, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (612) -
- Persistent organic pollutants in fat of three species of Pacific pelagic longline caught sea turtles: Accumulation in relation to ingested plastic marine debris, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (610-611) - 1
- Rodenticide incidents of exposure and adverse effects on non-raptor birds, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (609) -
- A hybrid machine learning model to predict and visualize nitrate concentration throughout the Central Valley aquifer, California, USA, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (601-602) -
- Evaluating the impact of irrigation on surface water – groundwater interaction and stream temperature in an agricultural watershed, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (599-600) -
- Effect of salinity on mercury methylating benthic microbes and their activities in Great Salt Lake, Utah, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (581-582) -
- Unconventional oil and gas spills: Materials, volumes, and risks to surface waters in four states of the U.S., 2017, Science of the Total Environment (581-582) -
- The history of mercury pollution near the Spolana chlor-alkali plant (Neratovice, Czech Republic) as recorded by Scots pine tree rings and other bioindicators, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (586) -
- Planting richness affects the recovery of vegetation and soil processes in constructed wetlands following disturbance, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Stable isotopic composition of perchlorate and nitrate accumulated in plants: Hydroponic experiments and field data, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (595) -
- Disturbance automated reference toolset (DART): Assessing patterns in ecological recovery from energy development on the Colorado Plateau, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (584-585) -
- Occurrence, temporal variation, and estrogenic burden of five parabens in sewage sludge collected across the United States, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (593-594) -
- Similarities and differences in occurrence and temporal fluctuations in glyphosate and atrazine in small Midwestern streams (USA) during the 2013 growing season, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Nationwide reconnaissance of contaminants of emerging concern in source and treated drinking waters of the United States, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (581-582) -
- Aquatic concentrations of chemical analytes compared to ecotoxicity estimates, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Shifts in microbial community structure and function in surface waters impacted by unconventional oil and gas wastewater revealed by metagenomics, 2017, Science of the Total Environment
- Environmental signatures and effects of an oil and gas wastewater spill in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- A regional assessment of chemicals of concern in surface waters of four Midwestern United States national parks, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Comparison of in vitro estrogenic activity and estrogen concentrations insource and treated waters from 25 U.S. drinking water treatment plants, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Nationwide reconnaissance of contaminants of emerging concern in source and treated drinking waters of the United States: Pharmaceuticals, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- The importance of quality control in validating concentrationsof contaminants of emerging concern in source and treateddrinking water samples, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- Rainfall-runoff of anthropogenic waste indicators from agricultural fields applied with municipal biosolids, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (580) -
- NDVI, scale invariance and the modifiable areal unit problem: An assessment of vegetation in the Adelaide Parklands, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (584–585) -
- Using groundwater age distributions to understand changes in methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE) concentrations in ambient groundwater, northeastern United States, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (579) -
- The precipitation of indium at elevated pH in a stream influenced by acid mine drainage, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (574) -
- Large decadal-scale changes in uranium and bicarbonate in groundwater of the irrigated western U.S, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (586) -
- Virulence and biodegradation potential of dynamic microbial communities associated with decaying Cladophora in Great Lakes, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (574) -
- Investigating dynamic sources of pharmaceuticals: Demographic and seasonal use are more important than down-the-drain disposal in wastewater effluent in a University City setting, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (572) -
- Prediction of fish and sediment mercury in streams using landscape variables and historical mining, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (571) -
- Spatial and temporal variability of contaminants within estuarine sediments and native Olympia oysters: A contrast between a developed and an undeveloped estuary, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (557-558) -
- Western Lake Erie Basin: Soft-data-constrained, NHDPlus resolution watershed modeling and exploration of applicable conservation scenarios, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (569-570) -
- Comparison of mercury mass loading in streams to atmospheric deposition in watersheds of Western North America: Evidence for non-atmospheric mercury sources, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Mercury and methylmercury in aquatic sediment across western North America, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Trends in mercury wet deposition and mercury air concentrations across the U.S. and Canada, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- A synthesis of terrestrial mercury in the western United States: Spatial distribution defined by land cover and plant productivity, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Potential interactions among disease, pesticides, water quality and adjacent land cover in amphibian habitats in the United States, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (566-567) -
- Controls on selenium distribution and mobilization in an irrigated shallow groundwater system underlain by Mancos Shale, Uncompahgre River Basin, Colorado, USA, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (566-567) -
- Land use effects on pesticides in sediments of prairie pothole wetlands in North and South Dakota, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (565) -
- Reservoirs and water management influence fish mercury concentrations in the western United States and Canada, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Microbial pathogens in source and treated waters from drinking water treatment plants in the United States and implications for human health, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (562) -
- Evaluation of leaf removal as a means to reduce nutrient concentrations and loads in urban stormwater, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (571) -
- Assessing potential health risks to fish and humans using mercury concentrations in inland fish from across western Canada and the United States, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (571) -
- Assessing the relationship between groundwater nitrate and animal feeding operations in Iowa (USA), 2016, Science of the Total Environment (566-567) -
- Spatiotemporal patterns of mercury accumulation in lake sediments of western North America, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Mercury risk to avian piscivores across western United States and Canada, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Pre/post-closure assessment of groundwater pharmaceutical fate in a wastewater‑facility-impacted stream reach, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Source, variability, and transformation of nitrate in a regional karst aquifer: Edwards aquifer, central Texas., 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Mercury in western North America: A synthesis of environmental contamination, fluxes, bioaccumulation, and risk to fish and wildlife, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Land cover changes associated with recent energy development in the Williston Basin; Northern Great Plains, USA, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (566-567) -
- Detection of hepatitis E virus and other livestock-related pathogens in Iowa streams, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (566-567) -
- Endocrine disrupting activities of surface water associated with a West Virginia oil and gas industry wastewater disposal site, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (557-558) -
- Methylmercury degradation and exposure pathways in streams and wetlands impacted by historical mining, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Decadal-scale export of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment from the Susquehanna River basin, USA: Analysis and synthesis of temporal and spatial patterns, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (563-564) -
- Modeled effects of soil acidification on long-term ecological and economic outcomes for managed forests in the Adirondack region (USA), 2016, Science of the Total Environment (565) -
- Contamination with bacterial zoonotic pathogen genes in U.S. streams influenced by varying types of animal agriculture, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (563-564) -
- A millennial-scale record of Pb and Hg contamination in peatlands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California, USA, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (551-552) -
- Spatial and temporal patterns of mercury concentrations in freshwater fish across the Western United States and Canada, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- A new look at liming as an approach to accelerate recovery from acidic deposition effects, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (562) -
- Avian mercury exposure and toxicological risk across western North America: A synthesis, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Hg concentrations in fish from coastal waters of California and Western North America, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Effect of variable annual precipitation and nutrient input on nitrogen and phosphorus transport from two Midwestern agricultural watersheds, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (559) -
- Negative effects of excessive soil phosphorus on floristic quality in Ohio wetlands, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (551-552) -
- Hydrologic indicators of hot spots and hot moments of mercury methylation potential along river corridors, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Organic contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries: Prevalence and potential aquatic toxicity, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (554-555) -
- Development and application of freshwater sediment-toxicity benchmarks for currently used pesticides, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (550) -
- Surface-air mercury fluxes across Western North America: A synthesis of spatial trends and controlling variables, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (568) -
- Ecological relevance of current water quality assessment unit designations in impaired rivers, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (536) -
- Exposure of native bees foraging in an agricultural landscape to current-use pesticides, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (542) -
- Contrasting distributions of groundwater arsenic and uranium in the western Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia: Implication for origins and fate controls, 2016, Science of the Total Environment (541) -
- Ecotoxicoparasitology: Understanding mercury concentrations in gut contents, intestinal helminths and host tissues of Alaskan gray wolves (Canis lupus), 2015, Science of the Total Environment (536) -
- Density of river otters (Lontra canadensis) in relation to energy development in the Green River Basin, Wyoming, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (532) -
- Impact of wastewater infrastructure upgrades on the urban water cycle: Reduction in halogenated reaction byproducts following conversion from chlorine gas to ultraviolet light disinfection, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (529) -
- Trends in pesticide concentrations and use for major rivers of the United States, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (538) -
- Calculating salt loads to Great Salt Lake and the associated uncertainties for water year 2013; updating a 48 year old standard, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (536) -
- Modeling groundwater nitrate concentrations in private wells in Iowa, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (536) -
- Effects of land use on greenhouse gas fluxes and soil properties of wetland catchments in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (533) -
- Patterns and predictability in the intra-annual organic carbon variability across the boreal and hemiboreal landscape, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (520) -
- Enhanced biological processes associated with alopecia in polar bears (Ursus maritimus), 2015, Science of the Total Environment (529) -
- Exposure to runoff from coal-tar-sealed pavement induces genotoxicity and impairment of DNA repair capacity in the RTL-W1 fish liver cell line, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (520) -
- Desertification, salinization, and biotic homogenization in a dryland river ecosystem, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (511) -
- Characterization of Missouri surface waters near point sources of pollution reveals potential novel atmospheric route of exposure for bisphenol A and wastewater hormonal activity pattern, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (524-525) -
- Characterization of hydraulic fracturing flowback water in Colorado: Implications for water treatment, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (512-513) -
- Simulating the effect of climate change on stream temperature in the Trout Lake Watershed, Wisconsin, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (511-522) -
- Porewater dynamics of silver, lead and copper in coastal sediments and implications for benthic metal fluxes, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (517) -
- At the crossroads: Hazard assessment and reduction of health risks from arsenic in private well waters of the northeastern United States and Atlantic Canada, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (505) -
- Risk assessment of brine contamination to aquatic resources from energy development in glacial drift deposits: Williston Basin, USA, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (508) -
- Endocrine disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals and other contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents, urban streams, and fish in the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi River Regions, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (517) -
- Establishing a definition of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) health: A guide to research and management activities, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (514) -
- Steep spatial gradients of volcanic and marine sulfur in Hawaiian rainfall and ecosystems, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (514) -
- Concentrations of hormones, pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in groundwater affected by septic systems in New England and New York, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (512-513) -
- Total- and methyl-mercury concentrations and methylation rates across the freshwater to hypersaline continuum of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (511) -
- Prevalence of toxin-producing Clostridium botulinum associated with the macroalga Cladophora in three Great Lakes: Growth and management, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (511) -
- Pesticide concentrations in frog tissue and wetland habitats in alandscape dominated by agriculture, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (502) -
- Biogeochemical environments of streambed-sediment pore waters with and without arsenic enrichment in a sedimentary rock terrain, New Jersey Piedmont, USA, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (505) -
- East versus West: organic contaminant differences in brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) eggs from South Carolina, USA and the Gulf of California, Mexico, 2015, Science of the Total Environment (438) -
- Contaminants of legacy and emerging concern in largescale suckers (Catostomus macrocheilus) and the foodweb in the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Flow and sorption controls of groundwater arsenic in individual boreholes from bedrock aquifers in central Maine, USA, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (505) -
- River chloride trends in snow-affected urban watersheds: increasing concentrations outpace urban growth rate and are common among all seasons, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (508) -
- Inhalable desert dust, urban emissions, and potentially biotoxic metals in urban Saharan-Sahelian air, 2014, Science of the Total Environment
- Long-term trends in alkalinity in large rivers of the conterminous US in relation to acidification, agriculture, and hydrologic modification, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (488-489) -
- Incorporation of inorganic mercury (Hg2+) in pelagic food webs of ultraoligotrophic and oligotrophic lakes: the role of different plankton size fractions and species assemblages, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (494-495) -
- Human and bovine viruses in the Milwaukee River Watershed: hydrologically relevant representation and relations with environmental variables, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (490) -
- Males exceed females in PCB concentrations of cisco (Coregonus artedi) from Lake Superior, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (493) -
- Methylmercury production in sediment from agricultural and non-agricultural wetlands in the Yolo Bypass, California, USA, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Health status of Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) collected along an organic contaminant gradient in the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Differentiating transpiration from evaporation in seasonal agricultural wetlands and the link to advective fluxes in the root zone, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Concurrent photolytic degradation of aqueous methylmercury and dissolved organic matter, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Mercury cycling in agricultural and managed wetlands, Yolo Bypass, California: Spatial and seasonal variations in water quality, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Factors affecting temporal variability of arsenic in groundwater used for drinking water supply in the United States, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (505) -
- Spatial and temporal trends in occurrence of emerging and legacy contaminants in the Lower Columbia River 2008-2010, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Assessing reproductive and endocrine parameters in male largescale suckers (Catostomus macrocheilus) along a contaminant gradient in the lower Columbia River, USA, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Foodweb transfer, sediment transport, and biological impacts of emerging and legacy organic contaminants in the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA: Contaminants and Habitat (ConHab) Project, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Persistent organic contaminants in Saharan dust air masses in West Africa, Cape Verde and the eastern Caribbean, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (468-469) -
- A survey of benthic sediment contaminants in reaches of the Columbia River Estuary based on channel sedimentation characteristics, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Pesticide Toxicity Index: a tool for assessing potential toxicity of pesticide mixtures to freshwater aquatic organisms, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (476-477) -
- Mercury accumulation in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) from Lake Huron, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (470-471) -
- Sampling trace organic compounds in water: a comparison of a continuous active sampler to continuous passive and discrete sampling methods, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (473-474) -
- Toxicity and accumulation of silver nanoparticles during development of the marine polychaete Platynereis dumerilii, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (476-477) -
- Mercury cycling in agricultural and managed wetlands: a synthesis of methylmercury production, hydrologic export, and bioaccumulation from an integrated field study, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Metolachlor metabolite (MESA) reveals agricultural nitrate-N fate and transport in Choptank River watershed, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (473-474) -
- Evaluation of wastewater contaminant transport in surface waters using verified Lagrangian sampling, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (470-471) -
- Methylmercury production in and export from agricultural wetlands in California, USA: the need to account for physical transport processes into and out of the root zone, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (472) -
- A GIS-based vulnerability assessment of brine contamination to aquatic resources from oil and gas development in eastern Sheridan County, Montana, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (472) -
- Using SPMDs for monitoring hydrophobic organic compounds in urban river water in Korea compared with using conventional water grab samples, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (470-471) -
- Routine screening of harmful microorganisms in beach sands: implications to public health, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (472) -
- Correlation of gene expression and contaminat concentrations in wild largescale suckers: a field-based study, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- Mycotoxins: diffuse and point source contributions of natural contaminants of emerging concern to streams, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (470-471) -
- Discharges of produced waters from oil and gas extraction via wastewater treatment plants are sources of disinfection by-products to receiving streams, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (466-467) -
- Improvement of the R-SWAT-FME framework to support multiple variables and multi-objective functions, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (466-467) -
- Mercury cycling in agricultural and managed wetlands of California: experimental evidence of vegetation-driven changes in sediment biogeochemistry and methylmercury production, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (484) -
- From streets to streams: Assessing the toxicity potential of urban sediment by particle size, 2014, Science of the Total Environment (444) -
- Sediment quality assessment in tidal salt marshes in northern California, USA: An evaluation of multiple lines of evidence approach, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (454-455) -
- Mercury in gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Alaska: Increased exposure through consumption of marine prey, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (468-469) -
- Widespread occurrence of neuro-active pharmaceuticals and metabolites in 24 Minnesota rivers and wastewaters, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (461-462) -
- Predicting the toxicity of metal mixtures, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (466-467) -
- Trends in concentrations of nitrate and total dissolved solids in public supply wells of the Bunker Hill, Lytle, Rialto, and Colton groundwater subbasins, San Bernardino County, California: Influence of legacy land use, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (452-453) -
- Mercury cycling in agricultural and managed wetlands of California: seasonal influences of vegetation on mercury methylation, storage, and transport, 2013, Science of the Total Environment
- River flow changes related to land and water management practices across the conterminous United States, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (463-464) -
- Landscape factors and hydrology influence mercury concentrations in wading birds breeding in the Florida Everglades, USA, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (458-460) -
- Occurrence and partitioning of antibiotic compounds found in the water column and bottom sediments from a stream receiving two wastewater treatment plant effluents in northern New Jersey, 2008., 2013, Science of the Total Environment (458-460) -
- Differential mercury transfer in the aquatic food web of a double basined lake associated with selenium and habitat, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (454-455) -
- Chemical contaminants in water and sediment near fish nesting sites in the Potomac River basin: determining potential exposures to smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), 2013, Science of the Total Environment (443) -
- Reproductive health of yellow perch Perca flavescens in selected tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (447) -
- Occurrence and persistence of fungicides in bed sediments and suspended solids from three targeted use areas in the United States, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (447) -
- Fate of geothermal mercury from Yellowstone National Park in the Madison and Missouri Rivers, USA, 2013, Science of the Total Environment (443) -
- Earthworm bioassays and seedling emergence for monitoring toxicity, aging and bioaccumulation of anthropogenic waste indicator compounds in biosolids-amended soil, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (433) -
- Environmental fate model for ultra-low-volume insecticide applications used for adult mosquito management, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (438) -
- MiniSipper: A new in situ water sampler for high-resolution, long-duration acid mine drainage monitoring, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (439) -
- Spatial and temporal trends in PCBs in sediment along the lower Rhone River, France, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (433) - 1
- Potential pollutant sources in a Choptank River (USA) subwatershed and the influence of land use and watershed characteristics, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (430) -
- Thiamine deficiency: a viable hypothesis for paralytic syndrome in Baltic birds. Commentary on Sonne et al., 2012. A review of the factors causing paralysis in wild birds: implications for the paralytic syndrome observed in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment 416:32-39, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (433) -
- Predicting Impacts of Increased CO2 and Climate Change on the Water Cycle and Water Quality in the Semiarid James River Basin of the Midwestern USA, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (430) -
- Nutrient removal using biosorption activated media: preliminary biogeochemical assessment of an innovative stormwater infiltration basin, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (432) -
- Point sources of emerging contaminants along the Colorado River Basin: Source water for the arid Southwestern United States, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (430) -
- Assessing time-integrated dissolved concentrations and predicting toxicity of metals during diel cycling in streams, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (425) -
- Zinc isotope investigation of surface and pore waters in a mountain watershed impacted by acid rock drainage, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (420) -
- Concentration of organic contaminants in fish and their biological effects in a wastewater-dominated urban stream, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (420) -
- Effects of watershed densities of animal feeding operations on nutrient concentrations and estrogenic activity in agricultural streams, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (414) - 1
- Patterns of metal composition and biological condition and their association in male common carp across an environmental contaminant gradient in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada and Arizona, USA, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (416) -
- The population structure of Escherichia coli isolated from subtropical and temperate soils, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (417-418) -
- Chemical mixtures in untreated water from public-supply wells in the U.S. — Occurrence, composition, and potential toxicity, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (431) -
- Laboratory investigations of the effects of nitrification-induced acidification on Cr cycling in vadose zone material partially derived from ultramafic rocks, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (435-436) -
- Modeling of soil erosion and sediment transport in the East River Basin in southern China, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (441) -
- Concentration, distribution, and translocation of mercury and methylmercury in mine-waste, sediment, soil, water, and fish collected near the Abbadia San Salvatore mercury mine, Monte Amiata district, Italy, 2012, Science of the Total Environment (414) -
- Effects of biologically-active chemical mixtures on fish in a wastewater-impacted urban stream, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 22
- Tumor prevalence and biomarkers of genotoxicity in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) in Chesapeake Bay tributaries, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (410-411) -
- Water and heat transport in boreal soils: Implications for soil response to climate change, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 10
- Relating nutrient and herbicide fate with landscape features and characteristics of 15 subwatersheds in the Choptank River watershed, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 19
- Occurrence and concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in groundwater used for public drinking-water supply in California, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 18
- Sulfate threshold target to control methylmercury levels in wetland ecosystems, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 11
- Effects of biologically-active chemical mixtures on fish in a wastewater-impacted urban stream, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 22
- Water and heat transport in boreal soils: Implications for soil response to climate change, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 10
- Removal of inorganic mercury and methylmercury from surface waters following coagulation of dissolved organic matter with metal-based salts, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 3
- Water- and sediment-quality effects on Pimephales promelas spawning vary along an agriculture-to-urban land-use gradient, 2011, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 22
- Linking non-culturable (qPCR) and culturable enterococci densities with hydrometeorological conditions, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 16
- Sexual difference in PCB concentrations of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 7
- Sexual difference in PCB concentrations of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from Lake Ontario, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 7
- Contribution of PAHs from coal-tar pavement sealcoat and other sources to 40 U.S. lakes, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 2
- Persistent organic pollutants in fish tissue in the mid-continental great rivers of the United States, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 5
- Composition, distribution, and potential toxicity of organochlorine mixtures in bed sediments of streams, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 3
- Temporal and spatial distributions of sediment mercury at salt pond wetland restoration sites, San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 5
- Invertebrate mercury bioaccumulation in permanent, seasonal, and flooded rice wetlands within California's Central Valley, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 3
- CO2, CO, and Hg emissions from the Truman Shepherd and Ruth Mullins coal fires, eastern Kentucky, USA, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 7
- Anthropogenic tracers, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and endocrine disruption in Minnesota lakes, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 1
- Pollutant fate and spatio-temporal variability in the choptank river estuary: Factors influencing water quality, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 9
- Multivariate analysis of the geochemistry and mineralogy of soils along two continental-scale transects in North America, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (409) - 1
- The occurrence of antibiotics in an urban watershed: From wastewater to drinking water, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 8
- Erratum to Sources and temporal dynamics of arsenic in a New Jersey watershed, USA, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 1
- Concentrations and loads of suspended sediment-associated pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California and tributaries during storm events, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (408) - 2
- Enantiomer fractions of chlordane components in sediment from U.S. Geological Survey sites in lakes and rivers, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 22
- Contrasting residence times and fluxes of water and sulfate in two small forested watersheds in Virginia, USA, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 14
- Selenium and trace element mobility affected by periodic displacement of stratification in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 19
- Sexual difference in PCB concentrations of walleyes (Sander vitreus) from a pristine lake, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 15
- Groundwater quality impacts from the land application of treated municipal wastewater in a large karstic spring basin: Chemical and microbiological indicators, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 8
- Feather mercury concentrations and physiological condition of great egret and white ibis nestlings in the Florida Everglades, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 8
- Evaluating the spatial variation of total mercury in young-of-year yellow perch (Perca flavescens), surface water and upland soil for watershed-lake systems within the southern Boreal Shield, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 13
- How useful are the "other" semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs); the mini-unit (15.2 cm long)?, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 13
- Identification of methyl triclosan and halogenated analogues in male common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Las Vegas Bay and semipermeable membrane devices from Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 6
- Selenium mass balance in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, 2009, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 7
- Density currents in the Chicago River: Characterization, effects on water quality, and potential sources, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (401) - 1-3
- A national reconnaissance of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States - I) Groundwater, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (402) - 2-3
- A national reconnaissance for pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States - II) Untreated drinking water sources, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (402) - 2-3
- Chemical contaminants, health indicators, and reproductive biomarker responses in fish from rivers in the Southeastern United States, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (390) - 2-3
- Chronic toxicity of hydrogen peroxide to Daphnia magna in a continuous exposure, flow-through test system, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (392) - 2-3
- The effects of land use on fluvial sediment chemistry for the conterminous U.S. - Results from the first cycle of the NAWQA Program: Trace and major elements, phosphorus, carbon, and sulfur, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (400) - 1-3
- Seasonal and event variations in δ34S values of stream sulfate in a Vermont forested catchment: Implications for sulfur sources and cycling, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (404) - 2-3
- Organohalogen concentrations in blood and adipose tissue of Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (406) - 1-2
- Sources of organochlorine contaminants and mercury in seabirds from the Aleutian archipelago of Alaska: Inferences from spatial and trophic variation, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (406) - 1-2
- Utilizing geochemical, hydrologic, and boron isotopic data to assess the success of a salinity and selenium remediation project, Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (392) - 1
- Density currents in the Chicago River: Characterization, effects on water quality, and potential sources, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (401) - 1-3
- Mass balance and isotope effects during nitrogen transport through septic tank systems with packed-bed (sand) filters, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (407) - 1
- Determining annual suspended sediment and sediment-associated trace element and nutrient fluxes, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (400) - 1-3
- Sunlight, season, snowmelt, storm, and source affect E. coli populations in an artificially ponded stream, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (390) - 2-3
- Effectiveness of household reverse-osmosis systems in a Western U.S. region with high arsenic in groundwater, 2008, Science of the Total Environment (389) - 2-3
- Is there a risk associated with the insect repellent DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) commonly found in aquatic environments?, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (384) - 1-3
- Sources and temporal dynamics of arsenic in a New Jersey watershed, USA, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (379) - 1
- Chemical contaminants, health indicators, and reproductive biomarker responses in fish from the Colorado River and its tributaries, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (378) - 3
- Age and trophic position dominate bioaccumulation of mercury and organochlorines in the food web of Lake Washington, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (372) - 2-3
- Diel mercury-concentration variations in streams affected by mining and geothermal discharge, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (373) - 1
- Persistence of pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds in chlorinated drinking water as a function of time, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (373) - 1
- Factors to consider for trace element deposition biomonitoring surveys with lichen transplants, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (372) - 2-3
- Mercury concentrations and space use of pre-breeding American avocets and black-necked stilts in San Francisco Bay, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (384) - 1-3
- Arsenic attenuation by oxidized aquifer sediments in Bangladesh, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (379) - 2-3
- Diel changes in water chemistry in an arsenic-rich stream and treatment-pond system, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (384) - 1-3
- The distribution, occurrence and environmental effect of mercury in Chinese coals, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (384) - 1-3
- Arsenic in the environment: Biology and chemistry, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (379) - 2-3
- Influence of soil chemistry on metal and bioessential element concentrations in nymphal and adult periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.), 2007, Science of the Total Environment (374) - 2-3
- Efficiency of conventional drinking-water-treatment processes in removal of pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds, 2007, Science of the Total Environment (377) - 2-3
- Response to comment on “Persistence of pharmaceutical compounds and other organic wastewater contaminants in a conventional drinking-water-treatment plant”, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (354) - 1
- Water and solute mass balance of five small, relatively undisturbed watersheds in the U.S., 2006, Science of the Total Environment (358) - 1-3
- Urban contributions of glyphosate and its degradate AMPA to streams in the United States, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (354) - 2-3
- Association of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with live algae and total lipids in rivers - A field-based approach, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (354) - 1
- Geochemistry of bed and suspended sediment in the Mississippi river system: Provenance versus weathering and winnowing, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (362) - 1-3
- Mercury in ground water, septage, leach-field effluent, and soils in residential areas, New Jersey coastal plain, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (361) - 1-3
- Occurrence of antibiotics in wastewater treatment facilities in Wisconsin, USA, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (361) - 1-3
- North American prairie wetlands are important nonforested land-based carbon storage sites, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (361) - 1-3
- The spatial and temporal trends of Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn in Seine River floodplain deposits (1994-2000), 2006, Science of the Total Environment (356) - 1-3
- Occurrence of organic wastewater compounds in effluent-dominated streams in Northeastern Kansas, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (371) - 1-3
- Application of artificial neural networks to assess pesticide contamination in shallow groundwater, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (367) - 1
- Comparative evaluation of short-term leach tests for heavy metal release from mineral processing waste, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (364) - 1-3
- Environmental contaminants and biomarker responses in fish from the Columbia River and its tributaries: spatial and temporal trends, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (366) - 2-3
- Mobilization of lead and other trace elements following shock chlorination of wells, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (367) - 2-3
- Atmospheric mercury speciation in Yellowstone National Park, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (367) - 1
- North American prairie wetlands are important nonforested land-based carbon storage sites, 2006, Science of the Total Environment (36) - 1-3
- Elemental content of lichens of the Point Reyes Peninsula, northern California, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (343) - 1-3
- Laser ablation ICP-MS profiling and semiquantitative determination of trace element concentrations in desert torotise shells: Documenting the uptake of elemental toxicants, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (339) - 1-3
- Laser ablation ICP-MS profiling and semiquantitative determination of trace element concentrations in desert tortoise shells: Documenting the uptake of elemental toxicants, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (339) - 1-3
- Mercury concentrations in water from an unconfined aquifer system, New Jersey coastal plain, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (346) - 1-3
- Environmental contaminants and biomarker responses in fish from the Rio Grande and its U.S. tributaries: Spatial and temporal trends, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (350) - 1-3
- Impact of geochemical stressors on shallow groundwater quality, 2005, Science of the Total Environment (348) - 1-3
- Persistence of pharmaceutical compounds and other organic wastewater contaminants in a conventional drinking-water-treatment plant, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (329) - 1-3
- Historical trends in occurrence and atmospheric inputs of halogenated volatile organic compounds in untreated ground water used as a source of drinking water, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (321) - 1-3
- Mercury and methylmercury concentrations and loads in the Cache Creek watershed, California, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (327) - 1-3
- Urban contribution of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants to streams during differing flow conditions, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (328) - 1-3
- Book review: Bioindicators & biomonitors, principles, concepts, and applications, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (328) - 1-3
- Trace elements in moose (Alces alces) found dead in Northwestern Minnesota, USA, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (330) - 1-3
- The geochemistry of Seine River Basin particulate matter: Distribution of an integrated metal pollution index, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (328) - 1-3
- Herbicide concentrations in the Mississippi River basin: The importance of chloroacetanilide herbicide degradates, 2004, Science of the Total Environment (321) - 1-3
- Distribution of total and methyl mercury in sediments along Steamboat Creek (Nevada, USA), 2004, Science of the Total Environment (322) - 1-3
- Photodegradation of roxarsone in poultry litter leachates, 2003, Science of the Total Environment (302) - 1-3
- Application of ultrafiltration and stable isotopic amendments to field studies of mercury partitioning to filterable carbon in lake water and overland runoff, 2003, Science of the Total Environment (304) - 1-3
- Geographical distribution of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Norwegian and Russian Arctic, 2003, Science of the Total Environment (306) - 1-3
- Elemental chemistry of four lichen species from the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, 1987, 1995 and 2001, 2003, Science of the Total Environment (305) - 1-3
- An evaluation of biomarkers of reproductive function and potential contaminant effects in Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) sampled from the St. Johns River, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (289) - 1
- An evaluation of biomarkers of reproductive function and potential contaminant effects in Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) sampled from the St. Johns River, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (289) - 1-3
- Hazard assessment of selenium to endangered razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus), 2002, Science of the Total Environment (291) - 1-3
- Persistent organochlorine pollutants in ringed seals and polar bears collected from northern Alaska, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (287) - 1-2
- Effects of surface run-off on the transport of agricultural chemicals to ground water in a sandplain setting, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (295) - 1-3
- Levels of mercury in alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (297) - 1-3
- Distribution and significance of small, artificial water bodies across the United States landscape, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (299) - 1-3
- Groundwater vulnerability: Interactions of chemical and site properties, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (299) - 1-3
- Antimicrobial residues in animal waste and water resources proximal to large-scale swine and poultry feeding operations, 2002, Science of the Total Environment (299) - 1-3
- . Ecological conceptual models: a framework and case study on ecosystem management for South Florida sustainability, 2001, Science of the Total Environment (274) - 1-3
- Importance of the Mississippi River Basin for investigating agricultural–chemical contamination of the hydrologic cycle, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (248) - 2-3
- Occurrence and load of selected herbicides and metabolites in the lower Mississippi River, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (248) - 2-3
- Finding minimal herbicide concentrations in ground water? Try looking for their degradates, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (248) - 2-3
- Analysis of selected herbicide metabolites in surface and ground water of the United States, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (248) - 2-3
- Mercury mine drainage and processes that control its environmental impact, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (260) - 1-3
- Distribution, speciation, and transport of mercury in stream-sediment, stream-water, and fish collected near abandoned mercury mines in southwestern Alaska, USA, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (260) - 1-3
- Heavy metals in wild rice from northern Wisconsin, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (246) - 2-3
- Characterization and speciation of mercury-bearing mine wastes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (261) - 1-3
- 16-year trends in elements of lichens at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (263) - 1-3
- Determination of chloroacetanilide herbicide metabolites in water using high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection and high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2000, Science of the Total Environment (248) - 2-3
- Metal and sediment ingestion by dabbling ducks, 1999, Science of the Total Environment (231) - 2-3
- Mercury in alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in the southeastern United States, 1998, Science of the Total Environment (213) - 1-3
- Sediment ingestion of two sympatric shorebird species, 1998, Science of the Total Environment (224) - 1-3
- Tributary loading of mercury to Lake Michigan: Importance of seasonal events and phase partitioning, 1998, Science of the Total Environment (213) - 1-3
- Trace element trophic transfer in aquatic organisms: A critique of the kinetic model approach, 1998, Science of the Total Environment (213) - 2-3
- Testing and validating environmental models, 1996, Science of the Total Environment (183) - 1-2
- Bromine incorporation factors for trihalomethane formation for the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, 1996, Science of the Total Environment (192) - 1
- Regression equations for disinfection by-products for the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri rivers, 1996, Science of the Total Environment (191) - 3
- Speciation of trihalomethane mixtures for the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, 1996, Science of the Total Environment (180) - 2
- Selenium and other elements in freshwater fishes from the irrigated San Joaquin valley, California, 1992, Science of the Total Environment (126) - 1-2
- Selenium and other elements in freshwater fishes from the irrigated San Joaquin Valley, California, 1992, Science of the Total Environment (126) - 1992
- Characterization of alkyl carbon in forest soils by CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and dipolar dephasing, 1989, Science of the Total Environment (81-82) - C
- Application of INEPT nitrogen-15 and silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry to derivatized fulvic acids, 1989, Science of the Total Environment (81-82) - C
- Trace element residues in bluegills and common carp from the lower San Joaquin River, California, and its tributaries, 1988, Science of the Total Environment (74) -
- Selenium accumulation in mammals exposed to contaminated California irrigation drainwater, 1987, Science of the Total Environment (66) - 1
- Selenium contamination of the Grasslands, a major California waterfowl area, 1987, Science of the Total Environment (66) -
- C-13 NMR characterization of humic materials isolated by an MIBK partitioning procedure, 1987, Science of the Total Environment (62) - C
- Embryonic mortality and abnormalities of aquatic birds: Apparent impacts of selenium from irrigation drainwater, 1986, Science of the Total Environment (52) - 1-2
- The effects of heptachlor and lindane on birds, Columbia Basin, Oregon and Washington, 1976-1981, 1985, Science of the Total Environment (46) -
- Complexation of copper by aquatic humic substances from different environments, 1983, Science of the Total Environment (28) - 1-3
- Role of numerical simulation in analysis of ground-water quality problems, 1981, Science of the Total Environment (21) -