Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Handling effects on dispersal of PIT-tagged Flannelmouth Sucker, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Using environmental DNA to assess the response of steelhead/Rainbow Trout and Coastrange Sculpin populations to postfire debris flows in coastal streams of Big Sur, California, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Silver Chub spawning confirmed in the Maumee River, a tributary of Lake Erie, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 4
- Fish size structure analysis via ordination: A visualization aid, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 4
- Retention of p-Chip microtransponders and posttagging survival of small-bodied stream fishes, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 4
- Estimating internal transmitter and external tag retention by Walleye in the Laurentian Great Lakes over multiple years, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 2
- Precision of four calcified structures for age estimation of Black Carp, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 1
- Bringing partners together: A symposium on native lampreys and the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 6
- Encounter rates and catch-and-release mortality of steelhead in the Snake River basin, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 1
- Tagger effects in aquatic telemetry: Short-term and delayed impacts of surgery in Atlantic salmon smolts, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 2
- Imperfect detection and misidentification affect inferences from data informing water operation decisions, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 2
- Quantifying the contributions of tributaries to large-river fish populations through mark-recapture modeling, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 2
- Validating morphometrics as a nonlethal tool to determine Arctic Grayling sex, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 1
- Avoiding a macabre future for Macrhybopsis: A special section on improving management and conservation of chubs, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Evaluation of shoreline rotenone application to control Largemouth Bass recruitment in small impoundments, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (44) - 1
- Occurrence, abundance, movement, and habitat associations of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in tributaries to Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah, 2024, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 3
- Assessing potential spawning locations of Silver Chub in Lake Erie, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Growth performance of Rainbow Trout in reservoir tributaries and implications for steelhead growth potential above Skagit River dams, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Does release size into net-pens affect survival of captively reared juvenile endangered suckers in Upper Klamath Lake?, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Silver carp herding: A telemetry evaluation of efficacy and implications for design and application, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 6
- Genetic structure of the Silver Chub indicates distinctiveness of Lake Erie population, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Conservation at the nexus of niches: Multidimensional niche modeling to improve management of Prairie Chub, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Conservation decision support for Silver Chub habitat in Lake Erie, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Why are larger fish farther upstream? Testing multiple hypotheses using Silver Chub in two Midwestern United States riverscapes, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Spatial and temporal overlap between hatchery- and natural-origin steelhead and Chinook salmon during spawning in the Klickitat River, Washington, USA, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 6
- Lake sturgeon population trends in the St. Clair–Detroit River System, 2001–2019, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 4
- Combining expert knowledge of a threatened trout distribution with sparse occupancy data for climate-related projection, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Synthesis of larval lamprey responses to dewatering: State of the science, critical uncertainties, and management implications, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 6
- Validation and comparison of age estimates for Smallmouth Buffalo in Oklahoma based on otoliths, pectoral fin rays, and opercula, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Biotic and abiotic factors affecting short-term survival of two age-0 Rainbow Trout strains in Colorado streams, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Spawning locations, movements, and potential for stock mixing of walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Estimates of predator densities using mobile DIDSON surveys: Implications for survival of Central Valley Chinook Salmon, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Drawdown, habitat, and kokanee populations in a western U.S. reservoir, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 2
- Salvage using electrofishing methods caused minimal mortality of burrowed and emerged larval lampreys in dewatered habitats, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 6
- Laboratory studies of potential competition for food and substrate among early juvenile Missouri River sturgeon and sympatric chub species, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Flow–recruitment relationships for Shoal Chub and implications for managing environmental flows, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Aerial application of organic pellets eliminates Lake Trout recruitment from a primary spawning reef in Yellowstone Lake, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 2
- Life-cycle model reveals sensitive life stages and evaluates recovery options for a dwindling Pacific salmon population, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 1
- Suppression of invasive fish in the west: Synthesis and suggestions for improvement, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 2
- Variation in Prairie Chub hatch relationships across wet and dry years in the upper Red River basin, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 5
- Engaging stakeholders to develop a decision support model of conservation risk and management capacity to prioritize investments in Bull Trout recovery, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 3
- Valuing angling on reservoirs using benefit transfer, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 2
- Alaskan Yelloweye Rockfish fecundity revealed through an automated egg count and digital imagery method, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 4
- Winter habitat selection and efficacy of telemetry to aid Grass Carp removal efforts in a large reservoir, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 1
- An assessment of fish herding techniques: Management implications for mass removal and control of silver carp, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 1
- Grass carp reproduction in small tributaries of Truman Reservoir, Missouri: Implications for establishment in novel habitats, 2023, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 1
- Water and endangered fish in the Klamath River Basin: Do Upper Klamath Lake surface elevation and water quality affect adult Lost River and Shortnose Sucker survival?, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 6
- Combination of acoustic telemetry and side-scan sonar advances suppression efforts for invasive lake trout in a submontane lake, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 6
- Avian predation on juvenile and adult Lost River and Shortnose Suckers: An updated multi-predator species evaluation, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 6
- Streamwide evaluation of survival and reproduction of MYY and wild Brook Trout populations, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 6
- Nutrient restoration of a large, impounded, ultra-oligotrophic western river to recover declining native fishes, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 4
- Trout responses to stocking rates and river discharge within a southeast U.S. hydropeaking tailwater, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 4
- Spatial and temporal distribution and habitat selection of native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and nonnative Utah Chub, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 4
- Redear Sunfish occurrence, abundance, growth, and size structure as related to abiotic and biotic factors in Florida lakes, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 3
- Informing management of Henrys Lake, Idaho using an integrated catch-at-age model, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 4
- Temporal trends in macroscopic indicators of fish health in the South Branch of the Potomac River, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 2
- Critical thermal maximum of stream fishes including distinct populations of Smallmouth Bass, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 2
- Using surrogate taxa to inform response methods for invasive Grass Carp in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 1
- Factors affecting spatiotemporal variation in survival of endangered winter-run Chinook Salmon outmigrating from the Sacramento River, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 2
- Relationship of trout growth to frequent electrofishing and diet collection in a headwater stream, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 1
- Modern reporting methods for angler tag-return studies:Trends in data quality, choice of method, and future considerations, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 1
- Influence of seasonal extreme flows on Brook Trout recruitment, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (151) - 2
- Accuracy and precision of otolith-derived age Interpretations for known-age lake trout, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 1
- Recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 3
- Quantifying the spatial structure of invasive lake trout in Yellowstone Lake to improve suppression efficacy, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (42) - 1
- Evaluation of visual implant elastomer, PIT, and p-Chip tagging methods in a small-bodied minnow species, 2022, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) -
- Development and evaluation of habitat suitability criteria for native fishes in three Arizona streams, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Modeling distribution of endemic Bartram’s Bass Micropterus sp. cf. coosae: Disturbance and proximity to invasion source increase hybridization with invasive Alabama Bass, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 5
- Seasonal diet and habitat use of large, introduced Rainbow Trout in an Ozark Highland stream, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 6
- Age-0 Silver Carp otolith microchemistry and microstructure reveal multiple early life environments and protracted spawning in the upper Mississippi River, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 1
- Flow dynamics influence fish recruitment in hydrologically connected river-reservoir landscapes, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 6
- Assessing potential stock structure of adult Coho Salmon in a small Alaska watershed: Quantifying run timing, spawning locations, and holding areas with radiotelemetry, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 5
- Adult sockeye salmon responses to transplanting upstream of an impassable dam, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 6
- Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation and length categories for Utah Chub, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 5
- Relative effectiveness of D-Frame dip nets, quatrefoil light traps, and towed ichthyoplankton nets for larval Muskellunge, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 5
- A review of factors affecting PIT tag detection using mobile arrays and use of mobile antennas to detect PIT-tagged suckers in a wadeable Ozark stream, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Environmental conditions associated with occurrences of the threatened Yaqui Catfish in the Yaqui River Basin, Mexico, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - S1
- Northern Madtom use of artificial reefs in the St. Clair–Detroit River System, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - S1
- Genetic structure and diversity of the endemic Carolina Madtom and conservation implications, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - S1
- Evaluation of remote site incubators to incubate wild- and hatchery-origin Westslope Cutthroat Trout embryos, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Range expansion and factors affecting abundance of invasive Flathead Catfish in the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers, Pennsylvania, USA, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - S1
- Genetic structure of Maryland Brook Trout populations: Management implications for a threatened species, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 4
- Introduction to a special section: Integrated pest management—extending a terrestrial paradigm to aquatic environments, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (43) - 2
- Evaluating fish rescue as a drought adaptation strategy using a life cycle modeling approach for imperiled coho salmon, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Historical data provide important context for understanding declines in Cutthroat Trout, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Performance of subyearling fall Chinook salmon tagged with 8‐, 9‐, and 12‐mm passive integrated transponder tags in the Snake River, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Retention of passive integrated transponder tags in a small-bodied catfish, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Second fin ray shows promise for estimating ages of juvenile but not adult Lake Sturgeon, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Variation in black bass angler characteristics by stream size and accessibility in Oklahoma’s Ozark Highland streams, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Survival and movement patterns of Rainbow Trout stocked in a groundwater-influenced warmwater stream, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Development of genetic baseline information to support the conservation and management of wild Brook Trout in North Carolina, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 3
- Assessment of two techniques for remediation of lacustrine rocky reef spawning habitat, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 2
- Application of genetic stock identification and parentage-based tagging in a mixed-stock recreational chinook salmon fishery, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Perceived constraints and negotiations to trout fishing in Georgia based on angler specialization level, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 1
- Fish diversity, endemism, threats, and conservation in the Jinsha River basin (upper Yangtze River), China, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 4
- Effects of latitude, season, and temperature on Lake Sturgeon movement, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 4
- Chemical controls for an integrated pest management program, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 2
- A brief introduction to integrated pest management for aquatic systems, 2021, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 2
- Effects of density reduction on age-specific growth of stream-dwelling Brown Trout, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 6
- River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 6
- Movement dynamics of nonnative Burbot in the upper Green River system and implications for management, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 5
- Does fecundity of cisco vary in the Upper Great Lakes?, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 4
- Benthic suffocation of invasive lake trout embryos by fish carcasses and sedimentation in Yellowstone Lake, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 5
- Improved fish counting method accurately quantifies high‐density fish movement in dual‐frequency identification sonar data files from a coastal wetland environment, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 4
- Indexing age-0 Walleye abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes Before fall, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 4
- Modeling larval American Shad recruitment in a large river, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (41) - 4
- Feeding ecology of age-0 gar at Lake Texoma inferred from analysis of stable isotopes, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in relation to habitat characteristics at multiple spatial scales, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 4
- Egg and larval collection methods affect spawning adult numbers inferred by pedigree analysis, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 2
- Electrofishing encounter probability, survival, and dispersal of stocked age-0 Muskellunge in Wisconsin lakes, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 2
- Assessing establishment and growth of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 2
- Influence of population density and length structure on angler catch rate in kokanee fisheries, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Movement dynamics of Smallmouth Bass in a large western river system, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Targeting aggregations of telemetered Lake Trout to increase gillnetting suppression efficacy, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Effects of temperature on hatching rate and early development of alligator gar and spotted gar in a laboratory setting, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 3
- Use of underwater videography to quantify conditions utilized by endangered Moapa Dace While spawning, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Semiautomated process for enumeration of fishes from recreational-grade side-scan sonar imagery, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- The effect of sediment cover and female characteristics on the hatching success of walleye, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Energetic status of Alaskan Chinook Salmon: Interpopulation comparisons and predictive modeling using bioelectrical impedance analysis, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Coldwater periods in warmwater streams: Microhabitat shifts from autumn to winter by Smallmouth Bass, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- Marking otoliths of Alligator Gar by immersion in oxytetracycline, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 3
- Population ecology and evaluation of suppression scenarios for an introduced Utah Chub population, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 1
- Hybridization and population genetics of Alligator Gar in Lake Texoma, 2020, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (40) - 3
- Submergence responses of cool-season annual plants and potential for fish habitat, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- A statewide evaluation of Florida Bass genetic introgression in Tennessee, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Evaluation of artificial cover units as a sampling technique and habitat enhancement for madtoms in rivers, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Age and growth of Freshwater Drum and Gizzard Shad occupying two reservoir-river complexes with different groundwater contributions, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- Morphological identification of Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp eggs using random forests machine learning classification, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- We ain’t afraid of no ghosts: Tracking habitat interactions and movement dynamics of ghost PIT tags under differing flow conditions in a sand bed river, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- Using a mechanistic model to develop management strategies to cool Apache Trout streams under the threat of climate change, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Factors affecting post-release survival of coded-wire tagged Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Michigan at four historical spawning locations, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- An importance–satisfaction analysis of trout license holders in Georgia, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- Black Carp in North America: A description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Shifting diets of Lake Trout in northeastern Lake Michigan, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Optimum electrofishing waveforms and parameters to induce a capture-prone response in juvenile Grass Carp, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 3
- Growth of hatchery‐reared chinook salmon in Lakes Michigan and Huron exhibits limited spatial variation but Is temporally linked to alewife abundance, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 6
- Predicting persistence of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout populations in an uncertain future, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Distribution and movement of steelhead and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Size selectivity of sampling gears used to sample Kokanee, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 2
- Understanding fish assemblage structure in lentic ecosystems: Relative effects of abiotic factors and management legacies, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Population dynamics and evaluation of management scenarios for white sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Decision analysis for the reintroduction of Bull Trout into the lower Pend Oreille River, Washington, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 5
- Evaluating the sustainability of a Cisco fishery in Thunder Bay, Ontario, under alternative harvest policies, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 3
- Potential for improving among-reader precision and accuracy of Walleye age estimates with minimal training, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Variation in Bluegill catch rates and total length distributions among four sampling gears used in two Wisconsin lakes dominated by small Ffsh, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- Characterizing angler preferences for Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Walleye fisheries in Wisconsin, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 4
- In situ evaluation of benthic suffocation methods for suppression of invasive Lake Trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 1
- Movement and diel habitat use of juvenile Neosho Smallmouth Bass in an Ozark stream, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 2
- Effects of air exposure during simulated catch-and-release angling on survival and fitness of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 1
- Impacts of nonnative Brown Trout on Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in a tributary stream, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) - 1
- Evaluation of a field protocol for internally-tagging fish predators using difficult-to-tag ictalurid catfish as examples, 2019, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (209) -
- Assessment of carbon dioxide piscicide treatments, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 6
- Population characteristics and management of lentic populations of nonnative Burbot in the Green River system, Wyoming, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (39) -
- Changes in growth of Rainbow Trout in a Catskill Mountain Reservoir following Alewife and White Perch Introductions, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 5
- Diet and condition of age‐0 Scaphirhynchus Sturgeon: Implications for shallow‐water habitat restoration, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 6
- Are hatchery-reared Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout effective predators on juvenile native fish?, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 5
- Effectiveness of ultrasonic imaging for evaluating presence and maturity of eggs in fishes in remote field locations, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 5
- Size and age of Stonecats in Lake Champlain; Estimating growth at the margin of their range to aid in population management, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 6
- Hybridization and genetic structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 6
- Responses of hatchery‐ and natural‐origin adult spring Chinook Salmon to a trap‐and‐haul reintroduction program, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 5
- Genetic population structure of Shoal Bass within their native range, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 3
- Lower lethal temperatures for nonnative freshwater fishes in Everglades National Park, Florida, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 3
- Fish community responses to submerged aquatic vegetation in Maumee Bay, Western Lake Erie, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 3
- Assessing angler effort, catch, and harvest and the efficacy of a use-estimation system on a multi-lake fishery in middle Georgia, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 4
- A rapid assessment method to estimate the distribution of juvenile Chinook Salmon in tributary habitats using eDNA and occupancy estimation, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 1
- Precision and relative effectiveness of a purse seine for sampling age-0 river herring in lakes, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 3
- Precision of four otolith techniques for estimating age of white perch from a thermally altered reservoir, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 3
- Effects of summer air exposure on the survival of caught-and-released salmonids, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 4
- Quantifying temporal trends in fisheries abundance using Bayesian dynamic linear models: A case study of riverine Smallmouth Bass populations, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 2
- Proactive Rainbow Trout suppression reduces threat of hybridization in the Upper Snake River Basin, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 4
- Efficacy of using data from angler-caught Burbot to estimate population rate functions, 2018, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (38) - 2
- Comparison of two viewing methods for estimating largemouth bass and walleye ages from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 6
- Survival, movement, and distribution of juvenile Burbot in a tributary of the Kootenai River, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 6
- Changes in movements of Chinook Salmon between lakes Huron and Michigan after Alewife population collapse, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 6
- A comparison of two mobile electrode arrays for increasing mortality of Lake Trout embryos, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 2
- Downstream migration and multiple dam passage by Atlantic Salmon smolts, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Age, year‐class strength variability, and partial age validation of Kiyis from Lake Superior, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Using pharyngeal teeth and chewing pads to estimate juvenile Silver Carp total length in the La Grange Reach, Illinois River, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Estimating age at a specified length from the von Bertalanffy growth function, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Comparing efficiency of American Fisheries Society standard snorkeling techniques to environmental DNA sampling techniques, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 3
- Simulated effects of YY-male stocking and manual suppression for eradicating nonnative Brook Trout populations, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Intra‐annual variability of Silver Carp populations in the Des Moines River, USA, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Evidence of Asian carp spawning upstream of a key choke point in the Mississippi River, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Life history migrations of adult Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in the upper Yellowstone River, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Comparison of American Fisheries Society (AFS) standard fish sampling techniques and environmental DNA for characterizing fish communities in a large reservoir, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Evaluation of genetic population structure of smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Use of electricity to sedate Lake Trout for intracoelomic implantation of electronic transmitters, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Bioenergetics models to estimate numbers of larval lampreys consumed by smallmouth bass in Elk Creek, Oregon, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Length limits fail to restructure a Largemouth Bass population: A 28‐year case history, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 3
- Otolith marking of juvenile shortnose gar by immersion in oxytetracycline, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- Exploring the use of environmental DNA to determine the species of salmon redds, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 5
- Large wood and in-stream habitat for juvenile coho salmon and larval lampreys in a Pacific Northwest stream, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 4
- A paired-laser photogrammetric method for in situ length measurement of benthic fishes, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- Test of a non-physical barrier consisting of light, sound, and bubble screen to block upstream movement of sea lamprey in an experimental raceway, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 3
- Earning their stripes: The potential of tiger trout and other salmonids as biological controls of forage fishes in a western reservoir, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 2
- Implanting 8-mm passive integrated transponder tags into small Brook Trout: Effects on growth and survival in the laboratory, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 3
- A comparison of age, size, and fecundity of harvested and reference White Sucker populations, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 3
- Nonnative trout invasions combined with climate change threaten persistence of isolated cutthroat trout populations in the southern Rocky Mountains, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 2
- Size and age structure of anadromous and landlocked populations of Rainbow Smelt, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 2
- Multinomial N-mixture models improve the applicability of electrofishing for developing population estimates of stream-dwelling Smallmouth Bass, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- Gear comparison for sampling age-0 Mountain Whitefish in the Madison River, Montana, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- Isotopic structure of Lake Whitefish in Lake Huron: Evidence for regional and local populations based on resource use, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- A refined electrofishing technique for collecting Silver Carp: Implications for management, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- A hidden-process model for estimating prespawn mortality using carcass survey data, 2017, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (37) - 1
- Comparing life history characteristics of Lake Michigan’s naturalized and stocked Chinook Salmon, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 5
- Do water level fluctuations influence production of walleye and yellow perch young-of-the-year in large northern lakes?, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Response of imperiled Okaloosa darters to stream restoration, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Effects of consumption-oriented versus trophy-oriented fisheries on Muskellunge population size structure in northern Wisconsin, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Colonial waterbird predation on Lost River and Shortnose suckers in the Upper Klamath Basin, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Demographic characteristics of an adfluvial bull trout population in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Economic value of angling on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry: Using secondary data to estimate the influence of seasonality, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Walleye population and fishery responses after elimination of legal harvest on Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Simulation modeling to explore the effects of length-based harvest regulations for Ictalurus fisheries, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 5
- Validation of a side-scan sonar method for quantifying walleye spawning habitat availability in the littoral zone of northern Wisconsin Lakes, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 4
- Using scenarios to assess possible future impacts of invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Genetic analysis shows that morphology alone cannot distinguish asian carp eggs from those of other cyprinid species, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 5
- Effects of coded-wire-tagging on stream-dwelling Sea Lamprey larvae, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 5
- Life history characteristics and vital rates of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in two headwater basins, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 6
- Predation on Chinook Salmon parr by hatchery salmonids and Fallfish in the Salmon River, New York, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- Population characteristics and the suppression of nonnative Burbot, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 5
- A framework for assessing the feasibility of native fish conservation translocations: Applications to threatened bull trout, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 4
- Impacts of Northern Pike on stocked Rainbow Trout in Pactola Reservoir, South Dakota, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 2
- Influences of summer water temperatures on the movement, distribution, and resources use of fluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 3
- Efficiency of two-way weirs and prepositioned electrofishing for sampling potamodromous fish migrations, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- Measuring the relationship between sportfishing trip expenditures and anglers’ species preferences, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 4
- Developing recreational harvest regulations for an unexploited lake trout population, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 2
- Population dynamics and evaluation of alternative management strategies for nonnative Lake Trout in Priest Lake, Idaho, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- Tradeoff between assessment and control of aquatic invasive species: A case study of sea lamprey management in the St. Marys River, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- Assigning sex and reproductive stage to adult Lake Sturgeon using ultrasonography and common morphological measurements, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- A simple prioritization tool to diagnose impairment of stream temperature for coldwater fishes in the Great Basin, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 1
- Diet overlap and predation between largemouth bass and walleye in Wisconsin lakes using DNA barcoding to improve taxonomic resolution, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (36) - 3
- Raft and floating radio frequency identification (RFID) antenna systems for detecting and estimating abundance of PIT-tagged fish in rivers, 2016, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 6
- Deployment of paired pushnets from jet-propelled kayaks to sample ichthyoplankton, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 5
- Evaluation of daily creel and minimum length limits for Black Crappies and Yellow Perch in Wisconsin, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 1
- Diel resource partitioning among juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout during summer, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- Combining split-beam and dual-frequency identification sonars to estimate abundance of anadromous fishes in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 2
- Underwater videography outperforms above-water videography and in-person surveys for monitoring the spawning of Devils Hole Pupfish, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 6
- Effectiveness of a refuge for lake trout in western Lake Superior I: Empirical analysis of past performance, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 5
- Effectiveness of a refuge for Lake Trout in Western Lake Superior II: Simulation of future performance, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 5
- Population dynamics of the Cui-ui of Pyramid Lake, Nevada: A Potamodromous catostomid subject to failed reproduction, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 5
- Comparison of electronarcosis and carbon dioxide sedation effects on travel time in adult Chinook and Coho Salmon, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 5
- Survival, growth, and tag retention in age-0 Chinook Salmon implanted with 8-, 9-, and 12-mm PIT tags, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Multiscale analysis of river networks using the R package linbin, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 35
- Muskellunge growth potential in northern Wisconsin: implications for trophy management, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Effects of increased discharge on spawning and age-0 recruitment of rainbow trout in the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Influence of sectioning location on age estimates from common carp dorsal spines, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Transport, dam passage, and size selection of adult Atlantic Salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 6
- Life history diversity of Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout: managing for persistence in a rapidly changing environment, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Effectiveness of two commercial rotenone formulations in the eradication of virile crayfish Orconectes virillis, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- Agonistic behavior among three stocked trout species in a novel reservoir fish community, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- Effects of lake surface elevation on shoreline-spawning Lost River Suckers, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- Response of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp to repeated water gun operation in an enclosed shallow pond, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- An evaluation of the efficiency of minnow traps for estimating the abundance of minnows in desert spring systems, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 3
- Landscape prediction and mapping of game fish biomass, an ecosystem service of Michigan rivers, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 2
- Using larval fish community structure to guide long-term monitoring of fish spawning activity, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 2
- Reservoir area of influence and implications for fisheries management, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 2
- Trophic ecology of northern pike and their effect on conservation of westslope cutthroat trout., 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 1
- A laboratory evaluation of tagging-related mortality and tag loss in juvenile humpback chub, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 1
- Origin of Atlantic Sturgeon collected off the Delaware coast during spring months, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 1
- Status and conservation of interior Redband Trout in the western United States, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 1
- Influence of Smallmouth Bass predation on recruitment of age-0 Yellow Perch in South Dakota glacial lakes, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 4
- Ground-based thermal imaging of stream surface temperatures: Technique and evaluation, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (35) - 6
- Pathologic and physiologic effects associated with long-term intracoelomic transmitters in captive Siberian sturgeon, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 5
- An interpolation method for stream habitat assessments, 2015, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 1
- Evaluation of catch-and-release regulations on Brook Trout in Pennsylvania streams, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 1
- Spatial and temporal variation of the gill rakers of gizzard shad and silver carp in three Midwestern rivers, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) -
- Annual variation of spawning Cutthroat Trout in a small Western USA stream: A case study with implications for the conservation of potamodromous trout life history diversity, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 5
- Dynamics of an introduced and unexploited Lake Whitefish population in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 5
- Factors influencing successful eradication of nonnative brook trout from four small Rocky Mountain streams using electrofishing, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 5
- Fishing for Northern Pike in Minnesota: A comparison of anglers and dark house spearers, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 3
- A semi-automated method of monitoring dam passage of American Eels Anguilla rostrata, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 4
- Performance of a surface bypass structure to enhance juvenile steelhead passage and survival at Lower Granite Dam, Washington, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 3
- Quantifying the effectiveness of conservation measures to control the spread of anthropogenic hybridization in stream salmonids: A climate adaptation case study, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 3
- Lipid and moisture content modeling of amphidromous Dolly Varden using bioelectrical impedance analysis, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 3
- American white pelican predation on Cui-ui in Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (1) - 34
- Sampling characteristics and calibration of snorkel counts to estimate stream fish populations, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 6
- Using spatial resampling to assess redd count survey length requirements for Pacific Lamprey, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 5
- Growth and smolting in lower-mode Atlantic Salmon stocked into the Penobscot River, Maine, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 1
- Assessing distribution of migratory fishes and connectivity following complete and partial dam removals in a North Carolina River, 2014, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (34) - 5
- Experimental evaluation of size-dependent predation by adult post-spawned rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) on larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 1
- Comparison of harvest scenarios for the cost-effective suppression of Lake Trout in Swan Lake, Montana, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Correcting length-frequency distributions for imperfect detection, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Increased piscivory by lake whitefish in Lake Huron, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Physiological responses of adult rainbow trout experimentally released through a unique fish conveyance device, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Broad-scale patterns of Brook Trout responses to introduced Brown Trout in New York, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Comparison of electrofishing techniques to detect larval lampreys in wadeable streams in the Pacific Northwest, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Development of a stock-recruitment model and assessment of biological reference points for the Lake Erie walleye fishery, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 5
- Prescribed-fire effects on an aquatic community of a southwest montane grassland system, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 5
- Creel survey sampling designs for estimating effort in short-duration Chinook salmon fisheries, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 5
- Spatial and temporal variation in efficiency of the Moore egg collector, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 6
- Predicting paddlefish roe yields using an extension of the Beverton–Holt equilibrium yield-per-recruit model, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 5
- Juvenile movement among different populations of cutthroat trout introduced as embryos to vacant habitat, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 4
- Mortality of Palmetto bass following catch-and-release angling, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 4
- Posthandling survival and PIT tag retention by alewives—a comparison of gastric and surgical implants, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 4
- Self-reporting bias in Chinook salmon sport fisheries in Idaho: implications for roving creel surveys, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 4
- Effects of depletion sampling by standard three-pass pulsed DC electrofishing on blood chemistry parameters of fishes from Appalachian streams, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 2
- Disinfection of three wading boot surfaces infested with New Zealand mudsnails, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 3
- An individual-based model for population viability analysis of humpback chub in Grand Canyon, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 3
- Spatial consistency of chinook salmon redd distribution within and among years in the Cowlitz River, Washington, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 3
- To stock or not to stock? Assessing restoration potential of a remnant American shad spawning run with hatchery supplementation, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 3
- Biological consequences of the coaster brook trout restoration stocking program in Lake Superior tributaries with Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 2
- An evaluation of liquid ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) as a candidate piscicide, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 2
- Influences of riparian vegetation on trout stream temperatures in central Wisconsin, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 4
- Anesthesia of juvenile Pacific Lampreys with MS-222, BENZOAK, AQUI-S 20E, and Aquacalm, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 2
- Frequency and Severity of Trauma in Fishes Subjected to Multiple-pass Depletion Electrofishing, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 1
- Sampling efficiency of the Moore egg collector, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 1
- Channel unit use by Smallmouth Bass: Do land-use constraints or quantity of habitat matter?, 2013, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (33) - 2
- Habitat associations of fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Strategies to control a common carp population by pulsed commercial harvest, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- A prototype splitter apparatus for dividing large catches of small fish, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- High-density polyethylene pipe: A new material for pass-by passive integrated transponder antennas, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 1
- Effect of brook trout removal from a spawning stream on an adfluvial population of Lahontan cutthroat trout, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 3
- Effectiveness of common fish screen materials to protect lamprey ammocoetes, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 3
- Effect of survey design and catch rate estimation on total catch estimates in Chinook salmon fisheries, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- Field-based evaluations of horizontal flat-plate fish screens, II: Testing of a unique off-stream channel device - The Farmers Screen, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 3
- Elevated streamflows increase dam passage by juvenile coho salmon during winter: Implications of climate change in the Pacific Northwest, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- A comparative and experimental evaluation of performance of stocked diploid and triploid brook trout, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- Feeding response of sport fish after electrical immobilization, chemical sedation, or both, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 4
- Incorporating movement patterns to improve survival estimates for juvenile bull trout, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- Precision of channel catfish catch estimates using hoop nets in larger Oklahoma reservoirs, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 6
- Lake trout status in the main basin of Lake Huron, 1973-2010, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 2
- Movement patterns, habitat use, and survival of Lahontan cutthroat trout in the Truckee River, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 5
- Relying on fin erosion to identify hatchery-reared brown trout in a Tennessee river, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 5
- Backwaters in the upper reaches of reservoirs produce high densities of age-0 crappies, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 4
- Use of a seismic air gun to reduce survival of nonnative lake trout embryos: A tool for conservation?, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 2
- A study of the spawning ecology and early life history survival of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 3
- Site choice among Minnesota walleye anglers: The influence of resource conditions, regulations and catch orientation on Lake Preference, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 2
- Effectiveness of seining after electrofishing to characterize stream fish communities, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 1
- Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program distribution models, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 1
- Trolling may intensify exploitation in crappie fisheries, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 2
- The spatial scale for cisco recruitment dynamics in Lake Superior during 1978-2007, 2012, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (32) - 3
- Evaluation of two forms of electroanesthesia and carbon dioxide for short-term anesthesia in walleye, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Increasing thiamine concentrations in lake trout eggs from Lakes Huron and Michigan coincide with low alewife abundance, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 6
- Population dynamics of Lake Ontario lake trout during 1985-2007, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Estimating the hatchery fraction of a natural population: a Bayesian approach, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Landscape models of brook trout abundance and distribution in lotic habitat with field validation, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 4
- Patterns of hybridization of nonnative cutthroat trout and hatchery rainbow trout with native redband trout in the Boise River, Idaho, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 6
- Effect of rainbow trout size on response to rotenone and antimycin, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 6
- Evaluation of offshore stocking of Lake Trout in Lake Ontario, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 4
- Spawning habitat unsuitability: an impediment to cisco rehabilitation in Lake Michigan?, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Selectivity evaluation for two experimental gill-net configurations used to sample Lake Erie walleyes, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Tag loss and short-term mortality associated with passive integrated transponder tagging of juvenile Lost River suckers, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 6
- Short-term response of subadult white sturgeon to hopper dredge disposal operations, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 1
- Characterization of plasma vitellogenin and sex hormone concentrations during the annual reproductive cycle of the endangered razorback sucker, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Physiological effects of potassium chloride, formalin and handling stress on bonytail, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Assessing the feasibility of native fish reintroductions: A framework applied to threatened bull trout, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 1
- Evaluation of a gastric radio tag insertion technique for anadromous river herring, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) -
- Evaluation of hypotheses for explaining temporal trends in Atlantic salmon parr densities in Northeast U.S. Rivers, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Movement and spawning of American shad transported above dams on the Roanoke River, North Carolina and Virginia, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Assessing the effects of catch and release regulations on a quality adfluvial brook trout population using a computer based age-structure model, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- Effects of hatchery fish density on emigration, growth, survival, and predation risk of natural steelhead parr in an experimental stream channel, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Predation on juvenile pacific salmon oncorhynchus spp. in downstream migrant traps in prairie creek, california, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 1
- Survival of angled saugers in the lower Tennessee River, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 3
- Movement Patterns of American Shad Transported Upstream of Dams on The Roanoke River, North Carolina and Virginia, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Radiotelemetry to estimate stream life of adult chum salmon in the McNeil River, Alaska, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Recovery of coded wire tags at a caspian tern colony in San Francisco Bay: A technique to evaluate impacts of avian predation on juvenile salmonids, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 1
- Developing user-friendly habitat suitability tools from regional stream fish survey data, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 1
- Spawning habitat selection of hickory shad, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 3
- Movement and survival of brown trout and rainbow trout in an ozark tailwater river, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Biology, status, and management of the yellowstone cutthroat trout, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 5
- Spatiotemporal distribution and population characteristicsof a nonnative lake trout population, with implications for suppression, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 2
- Identification of American shad spawning sites and habitat use in the Pee Dee River, North Carolina and South Carolina, 2011, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (31) - 6
- Habitat selection and spawning success of walleye in a tributary to Owasco Lake, New York, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 1
- Genetic structure and diversity among brook trout from Isle Royale, Lake Nipigon, and three Minnesota tributaries of Lake Superior, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 2
- Lake trout population dynamics in the Northern Refuge of Lake Michigan: Implications for future rehabilitation, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 3
- The bioeconomic impact of different management regulations on the Chesapeake Bay blue crab fishery, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- The bioenergetic consequences of invasive-induced food web disruption to Lake Ontario alewives, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- Population viability of Arctic grayling in the Gibbon River, Yellowstone National Park, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- Effects of water hardness on size and hatching success of silver carp eggs, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 1
- Interactions between walleyes and smallmouth bass in a Missouri River reservoir with consideration of the influence of temperature and prey, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 2
- Evaluation of methods for identifying spawning sites and habitat selection for alosines, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 2
- Influence of drought conditions on brown trout biomass and size structure in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 3
- Use of portable antennas to estimate abundance of PIT-tagged fish in small streams: Factors affecting detection probability, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 2
- Development of standard weight equations for Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico amphidromous fishes, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 5
- Evidence of panmixia between sympatric life history forms of coastal cutthroat trout in two lower Columbia River tributaries, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 3
- Anchoring submersible ultrasonic receivers in river channels with stable substrate, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 30
- Dispersal of smallmouth bass from a simulated tournament weigh-in site, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 4
- Survival of shovelnose sturgeon after abdominally invasive endoscopic evaluation, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 1
- Estimation and modeling of electrofishing capture efficiency for fishes in wadeable warmwater streams, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 2
- A digital underwater video camera system for aquatic research in regulated rivers, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- A likelihood framework for joint estimation of salmon abundance and migratory timing using telemetric mark-recapture, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 6
- Management of bacterial kidney disease in Chinook Salmon hatcheries based on broodstock testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: A multiyear study, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 4
- Factors associated with mortality of walleyes and saugers caught in live-release tournaments, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) - 1
- Effectiveness of a redesigned water diversion using rock vortex weirs to enhance longitudinal connectivity for small Salmonids, 2010, North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Evaluating the power to detect temporal trends in fishery independent surveys: A case study based on Gillnets Set in the Ohio waters of Lake Erie for walleye, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 3
- Hatch Timing Variations Among Reservoir Gizzard Shad Populations: Implications for Stocked Sander spp. Fingerlings, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 2
- Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Upper Mississippi River, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 1
- A spatial model to assess the effects of hydropower operations on Columbia River fall Chinook Salmon spawning habitat, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 5
- Physiological development and vulnerability to Ceratomyxa shasta of fall-run Chinook Salmon in the Upper Klamath River Watershed, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 6
- Defining and characterizing coolwater streams and their fish assemblages in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 4
- Behavior of steelhead fry in a laboratory stream is affected by fish density but not rearing environment, 2009, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (29) - 6
- Drift dynamics of larval pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon in a natural side channel of the Upper Missouri River, Montana, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Detecting the response of fish assemblages to stream restoration: Effects of different sampling designsf, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Linking landscapes and habitat suitability scores for diadromous fish restoration in the susquehanna river basin, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Using bioenergetics modeling to estimate consumption of native juvenile salmonids by nonnative northern pike in the Upper Flathead River System, Montana, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Habitat use of juvenile pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon with implications for water-level management in a downstream reservoir, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Response of fish populations to natural channel design restoration in streams of the Catskill Mountains, New York, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Population size and relative abundance of adult Alabama shad reaching jim woodruff lock and dam, Apalachicola River, Florida, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 3
- Fish passage in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Effect of artificial sunlight on the retention of external calcein marks on lake trout, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 4
- Survival of the faucet snail after chemical disinfection, pH extremes, and heated water bath treatments, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Adherence of Myxobolus cerebralis myxospores to waders: Implications for disease dissemination, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Factors affecting bottom trawl catches: Implications for monitoring the fishes of Lake Superior, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- Influences of body size and environmental factors on autumn downstream migration of bull trout in the Boise River, Idaho, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- Length variation in age-0 westslope cutthroat trout at multiple spatial scales, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Validation of daily ring deposition in the otoliths of age-0 channel catfish, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- An evaluation of the precision of fin ray, otolith, and scale age determinations for brook trout, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 6
- Measuring the performance of two stationary interrogation systems for detecting downstream and upstream movement of PIT-tagged salmonids, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 2
- Comparison of rainbow smelt age estimates from fin rays and otoliths, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- Field-based evaluations of horizontal flat-plate fish screens, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 6
- Lake Erie Yellow perch age estimation based on three structures: Precision, processing times, and management implications, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 2
- Influences of fragmentation on three species of native warmwater fishes in a Colorado River Basin headwater stream system, Wyoming, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 6
- Changes in consumption by alewives and lake whitefish after dreissenid mussel invasions in Lakes Michigan and Huron, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- Seasonal variation in sensitivity of larval sea lampreys to the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Habitat use and movement patterns by adult saugers from fall to summer in an unimpounded small-river system, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 2
- Fish assemblages in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Zero-inflated modeling of fish catch per unit area resulting from multiple gears: Application to channel catfish and shovelnose sturgeon in the Missouri River, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 4
- Physical, biotic, and sampling influences on diel habitat use by stream-dwelling bull trout, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 1
- Lake trout population dynamics at Drummond Island Refuge in Lake Huron: Implications for future rehabilitation, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 4
- Estimating fish body condition with quantile regression, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 2
- Physiological response of some economically important freshwater salmonids to catch-and-release fishing, 2008, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (28) - 5
- Survival and tag retention of Pacific lamprey larvae and macrophthalmia marked with coded wire tags, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Population dynamics and angler exploitation of the unique muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Relative abundance, site fidelity, and survival of adult lake trout in Lake Michigan from 1999 to 2001: Implications for future restoration strategies, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Effect of relative volume on radio transmitter expulsion in subadult common carp, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 3
- Natural landscape and stream segment attributes influencing the distribution and relative abundance of riverine smallmouth bass in Missouri, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Simulated effects of recruitment variability, exploitation, and reduced habitat area on the muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Electrofishing capture probability of smallmouth bass in streams, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Using multiple gears to assess acoustic detectability and biomass of fish species in lake superior, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Distinguishing centrarchid genera by use of lateral line scales, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Electrofishing effort required to estimate biotic condition in southern Idaho Rivers, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 3
- Vertical distribution of fish biomass in Lake Superior: Implications for day bottom trawl surveys, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 3
- A comparison of shoreline seines with fyke nets for sampling littoral fish communities in floodplain lakes, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 2
- Temperature-mediated differences in bacterial kidney disease expression and survival in Renibacterium salmoninarum-challenged bull trout and other salmonids, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 2
- Year-class formation of upper St. Lawrence River northern pike, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 2
- Preferences, specialization, and management attitudes of trout anglers fishing in Tennessee tailwaters, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Tag return models allowing for harvest and catch and release: Evidence of environmental and management impacts on striped bass fishing and natural mortality rates, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 2
- Movement and habitat use of stocked juvenile paddlefish in the Ohio River system, Pennsylvania, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Toxicity of 5% rotenone to nonindigenous Asian swamp eels, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 2
- Estimating fishing mortality, natural mortality, and selectivity using recoveries from tagging young fish, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 3
- Selection of spawning sites by coho salmon in a northern California stream, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Use of eyeballs for establishing ploidy of Asian carp, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Summer microhabitat use of fluvial bull trout in Eastern Oregon streams, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Assessment of gaseous CO2 and AQUI-S as anesthetics when surgically implanting radio transmitters into cutthroat trout, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Smallmouth bass and largemouth bass predation on juvenile Chinook salmon and other salmonids in the Lake Washington basin, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- An efficient smolt trap for sandy and debris-laden streams, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 4
- Evidence that lake trout served as a buffer against sea lamprey predation on burbot in Lake Erie, 2007, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (27) - 1
- Survival and growth of age-0 steelhead after surgical implantation of 23-mm passive integrated transponders, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 3
- Comparison of native and introduced flathead catfish populations in Alabama and Georgia: Growth, mortality, and management, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Posttournament survival and dispersal of adult striped bass, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Dietary calcein marking of brook trout, Atlantic salmon, yellow perch, and coho salmon scales, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Variables influencing the presence of subyearling fall Chinook salmon in shoreline habitats of the Hanford Reach, Columbia River, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Random versus fixed-site sampling when monitoring relative abundance of fishes in headwater streams of the upper Colorado River basin, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Using on-site bioassays to determine selenium risk to propagated endangered fishes, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Predicted changes in subyearling fall Chinook salmon rearing and migratory habitat under two drawdown scenarios for John Day Reservoir, Columbia River, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Survival of largemouth bass from populations infected with largemouth bass virus and subjected to simulated tournament conditions, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Effects of live-well conditions on mortality and largemouth bass virus prevalence in largemouth bass caught during summer tournaments, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 4
- Visual implant elastomer and anchor tag retention in largemouth bass, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 3
- The effects of river impoundment and hatchery rearing on the migration behavior of juvenile steelhead in the Lower Snake River, Washington, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Juvenile salmonid use of freshwater emergent wetlands in the floodplain and its implications for conservation management, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Comparing historical catch rates of American shad in multifilament and monofilament nets: A step toward setting restoration targets for Virginia stocks, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Predicting crappie recruitment in Ohio reservoirs with spawning stock size, larval density, and chlorophyll concentrations, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Age, growth, and mortality of introduced flathead catfish in Atlantic rivers and a review of other populations, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Age-structured mark-recapture analysis: A virtual-population-analysis-based model for analyzing age-structured capture-recapture data, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Effects of sediment cover on survival and development of white sturgeon embryos, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Abundance of adult saugers across the Wind River watershed, Wyoming, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Abundance trends and status of the Little Colorado River population of humpback chub, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 1
- Improving the design of acoustic and midwater trawl surveys through stratification, with an application to Lake Michigan prey fishes, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 3
- Evaluating redband trout habitat in sagebrush desert basins in southwestern Idaho, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 2
- Intercalibration of research survey vessels on Lake Erie, 2006, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (26) - 3
- Seasonal movement and habitat use by sub-adult bull trout in the upper Flathead River system, Montana, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of black bass in Skiatook Lake, Oklahoma, after introduction of smallmouth bass and a liberalized harvest regulation on spotted bass, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Quantifying production of salmon fry in an unscreened irrigation system: A case study on the Rangitata River, New Zealand, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Recent water temperature trends in the Lower Klamath River, California, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Understanding the output of a Smith-Root GPP electrofisher, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- A new sampler design for measuring sedimentation in streams, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Temporal and spatial variation in relative abundance and length structure of salmonids in reservoirs: Implications for monitoring, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Electroshocking and PIT tagging of juvenile Atlantic salmon: Are there interactive effects on growth and survival?, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of nonnative fishes in streams of the western United States, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Movements of fluvial Bonneville cutthroat trout in the Thomas Fork of the Bear River, Idaho-Wyoming, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) -
- Validation of abundance estimates from mark–recapture and removal techniques for rainbow trout captured by electrofishing in small streams, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Evaluation of a prototype surface flow bypass for juvenile salmon and steelhead at the powerhouse of Lower Granite Dam, Snake River, Washington, 1996-2000, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Relationships between recapture rates from different gears for estimating walleye abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Range and movement of resident holdover and hatchery brown trout tagged with radio transmitters in the Farmington River, Connecticut, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- A new method to compute standard-weight equations that reduces length-related bias, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Centrarchid assemblages in Mississippi state-operated fishing lakes, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- An empirical model for estimating annual consumption by freshwater fish populations, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Efficacy of a benthic trawl for sampling small-bodied fishes in large river systems, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- A sampler for capturing larval and juvenile Atlantic menhaden, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Effect of block net use and time of sampling on backpack electrofishing catches in three Kansas reservoirs, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Winter ice processes and pool habitat associated with two types of constructed instream structures, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- Multilevel assessment of fish species traits to evaluate habitat degradation in streams of the upper midwest, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Juvenile rainbow trout production in New York tributaries of Lake Ontario: implications for Atlantic salmon restoration, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Morphology and aging precision of statoliths from larvae of Columbia river basin lampreys, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Laboratory studies on the vulnerability of young white sturgeon to predation, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Hooking mortality and physiological responses of striped bass angled in freshwater and held in live-release tubes, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Growth, dispersal, mortality, and contribution of largemouth bass stocked into Chickamauga Lake, Tennessee, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Optimization of an acoustic telemetry array for detecting transmitter-implanted fish, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Thiamine status of Cayuga Lake rainbow trout and its influence on spawning migration, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 4
- Low summer water temperatures influence occurrence of naturalized salmonids across a mountain watershed, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- Refining boat electrofishing equipment to improve consistency and reduce harm to fish, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 2
- Recent water temperature trends in the lower Klamath River, California, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 1
- Effect of measurement error on tests of density dependence of catchability for walleyes in northern Wisconsin angling and spearing fisheries, 2005, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (25) - 3
- Age structure and mortality of walleyes in Kansas reservoirs: Use of mortality caps to establish realistic management objectives, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Age estimation for shovelnose sturgeon: A cautionary note based on annulus formation in pectoral fin rays, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 2
- Factors affecting condition of flannelmouth suckers in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 2
- Evaluation of stomach tubes and gastric lavage for sampling diets from blue catfish and flathead catfish, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Injury and mortality of warmwater fishes immobilized by electrofishing, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Movement, home range, and site fidelity of bluegills in a Great Plains Lake, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Comparison of three underwater antennas for use in radiotelemetry, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Electrofishing power requirements in relation to duty cycle, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Seasonal Daphnia biomass in winterkill and nonwinterkill glacial lakes of South Dakota, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Electrofishing injury and short-term mortality in hatchery-reared rainbow trout stocked into an Ozark stream, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Consumption dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Evaluation of shortnose sturgeon spawning in the Pinopolis Dam tailrace, South Carolina, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- A comparison of injectable fluorescent marks in two genera of darters: Effects on survival and retention rates, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Standard weight (Ws) equations for four rare desert fishes, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 2
- An alternative approach to detection of length-related biases in standard weight equations, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Evaluation of three gears for sampling spawning populations of rainbow trout in a large Alaskan river, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Seasonal movement of brown trout in the Clinch River, Tennessee, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- The role of density dependence in growth patterns of ceded territory walleye populations of northern Wisconsin: Effects of changing management regimes, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Fish populations associated with habitat-modified piers and natural woody debris in Piedmont Carolina reservoirs, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Stock-specific migration timing of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Temporal and spatial estimates of adult striped bass mortality from telemetry and transmitter return data, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- The influence of hook type, angler experience, and fish size on injury rates and the duration of capture in an Alaskan catch-and-release rainbow trout fishery, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Anchor and visible implant elastomer tag retention by hatchery rainbow trout stocked into an Ozark stream, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Acoustic-tracking and radio-tracking of horseshoe crabs to assess spawning behavior and subtidal habitat use in delaware bay, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Ice processes affect habitat use and movements of adult cutthroat trout and brook trout in a Wyoming foothills stream, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Imaging fall Chinook salmon redds in the Columbia River with a dual-frequency identification sonar, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Reintroduction of the flannelmouth sucker in the lower Colorado River, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 1
- Comparative survival and growth of Atlantic salmon from egg stocking and fry releases, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 4
- Status of lake trout rehabilitation on Six Fathom Bank and Yankee Reef in Lake Huron, 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (24) - 3
- Winter diel habitat use and movement by subadult bull trout in the upper Flathead River, Montana, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Factors associated with stocked cutthroat trout populations in high-mountain lakes, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- The importance of environmental quality and catch potential to fishing site selection by freshwater anglers in Mississippi, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- Comparison of migration rate and survival between radio-tagged and PIT-tagged migrant yearling chinook salmon in the Snake and Columbia rivers, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- Movement and habitat use by radio-tagged paddlefish in the upper Mississippi River and tributaries, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Migration of precocious male hatchery chinook salmon in the Umatilla River, Oregon, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- Effects of flooding on abundance of native and nonnative fishes downstream from a small impoundment, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- Historic and modern abundance of wild lean lake trout in Michigan waters of Lake Superior: Implications for restoration goals, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Relative contribution of stocked walleyes in Tennessee reservoirs, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- Impacts of the Columbia River hydroelectric system on main-stem habitats of fall chinook salmon, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- Radio tag retention and tag-related mortality among adult sockeye salmon, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- Latitudinal comparisons of walleye growth in North America and factors influencing growth of walleyes in Kansas reservoirs, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- A predictive risk model for electroshock-induced mortality of the endangered Cape Fear shiner, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 3
- Population characteristics and ecological role of northern pike in shallow natural lakes in Nebraska, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- A comparison of measures of riverbed form for evaluating distributions of benthic fishes, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- Catchability of Walleyes to Fyke Netting and Electrofishing in Northern Wisconsin Lakes, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 4
- Factors influencing poststocking dispersal of razorback sucker, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Evacuation of Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags from Northern Pikeminnow Consuming Tagged Juvenile Chinook Salmon, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 4
- Impacts of Daily Bag Limit Reductions on Angler Effort in Wisconsin Walleye Lakes, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 4
- Influence of flow and temperature on survival of wild subyearling fall chinook salmon in the Snake River, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 2
- Evidence of offshore lake trout reproduction in Lake Huron, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 4
- Evidence of sexually dimorphic introgression in Pinaleno Mountain Apache trout, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Effect of swimming activity on relative weight and body composition of juvenile rainbow trout, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Relation of age-0 largemouth bass abundance to hydrilla coverage and water level at Lochloosa and Orange Lakes, Florida, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Comparison of electrofishing and rotenone for sampling largemouth bass in vegetated areas of two Florida lakes, 2003, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (23) - 1
- Spawning characteristics of redband trout in a headwater stream in Montana, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Development of a stream habitat index for the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregions, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 2
- Effect and acceptance of bluegill length limits in Nebraska natural lakes, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Performance of barbed and barbless hooks in a marine recreational fishery, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 1
- Effects of triploid grass carp on aquatic plants, water quality, and public satisfaction in Washington State, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 1
- Effects of antenna placement and antibiotic treatment on loss of simulated transmitters and mortality in hybrid striped bass, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 1
- Quantifying flow-dependent changes in subyearling fall chinook salmon rearing habitat using two-dimensional spatially explicit modeling, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 3
- Comparison of subyearling fall chinook salmon's use of riprap revetments and unaltered habitats in Lake Wallula of the Columbia river, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Recruitment variation of crappies in response to hydrology of Tennessee reservoirs, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Initial poststocking mortality, oxytetracycline marking, and year-class contribution of black-nosed crappies stocked into Tennessee reservoirs, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Uncertainty of exploitation estimates made from tag returns, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Electrofishing for crappies: Electrical settings influence immobilization efficiency, injury, and mortality, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Predictive evaluation of size restrictions as management strategies for tennessee reservoir crappie fisheries, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- Reestablishing a spawning population of lake trout in Lake Superior with fertilized eggs in artificial turf incubators, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 3
- Sample size requirements for in situ vegetation and substrate classifications in shallow, natural Nebraska Lakes, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 4
- A night seining technique for sampling juvenile Atlantic salmon in streams, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 2
- Tag retention and survival of Age-0 Atlantic salmon following surgical implantation with passive integrated transponder tags, 2002, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (22) - 1
- Summer habitat use by Columbia River redband trout in the Kootenai River drainage, Montana, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Precision and bias of largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass ages estimated from scales, whole otoliths, and sectioned otoliths, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Fall and winter habitat use and movement by Columbia River redband trout in a small stream in Montana, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Body conditions and stomach contents of subadult trout during fall and winter in three Wyoming tailwaters, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 4
- Evaluating the efficiency of a one-square-meter quadrat sampler for riffle-dwelling fish, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Retention of internal anchor tags by juvenile striped bass, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Effects of an agricultural drainwater bypass on fishes inhabiting the Grassland Water District and the lower San Joaquin River, California, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Effects of developmental stage at stocking on growth and survival of Atlantic salmon fry, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Sample-size requirements for evaluating population size structure, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Guidance of yearling shortnose and pallid sturgeon using vertical bar rack and louver arrays, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Management of Pacific herring closed pound spawn-on-kelp fisheries to optimize fish health and product quality, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 4
- Short-duration electrical immobilization of lake trout, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 2
- An apparatus for preparing benthic samples aboard ship, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Statistical properties of relative weight distributions of four salmonid species and their sampling implications, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- A standardized sampling protocol for channel catfish in prairie streams, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Proposed standard-weight equations for brook trout, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 1
- Tag retention, growth, and survival of red swamp crayfish marked with a visible implant tag, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 2
- Residence times and diel passage distributions of radio-tagged juvenile spring chinook salmon and steelhead in a gatewell and fish collection channel of a Columbia River Dam, 2001, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (21) - 3
- Observations of health indices used to monitor a tailwater trout fishery, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 1
- Conserving inland cutthroat trout in small streams: how much stream is enough?, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (30) -
- Predictability of Bristol Bay, Alaska, sockeye salmon returns one to four years in the future, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 1
- Evaluation of a 16-inch minimum length limit for smallmouth bass in Pallette Lake, Wisconsin, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 1
- Physiological development and migratory behavior of subyearling fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 1
- Migratory behavior and forebay delay of radio-tagged juvenile fall chinook salmon in a lower snake river impoundment, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 1
- Preliminary study of gill NA+,K+-ATPase activity in juvenile spring chinook salmon following electroshock or handling stress, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 2
- Effects of a spring flushing flow on the distribution of radio-tagged juvenile rainbow trout in a Wyoming tailwater, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 2
- Forecasting survival and passage of migratory juvenile salmonids, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 3
- Optimum temperature for growth and preferred temperatures of age-0 lake trout, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 3
- Seasonal changes in ruffe abundance in two Lake Superior tributaries: Implications for control, 2000, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (20) - 3
- Transferability of habitat suitability criteria: Response to comment, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Indexing the relative abundance of age-0 white sturgeons in an impoundment of the lower Columbia River from highly skewed trawling data, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Nonlethal gill biopsy does not affect juvenile chinook salmon implanted with radio transmitters, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 3
- Reintroduction of lake sturgeon in the St. Louis River, western Lake Superior, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 3
- Accuracy and precision of stream reach water surface slopes estimated in the field and from maps, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 1
- Effects of reservoir hydrology on reproduction by largemouth bass and spotted bass in Normandy Reservoir, Tennessee, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 1
- Post flood persistence and recolonization of endangered tidewater goby populations, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) -
- Diel movement and habitat use by paddlefish in Navigation Pool 8 of the upper Mississippi River, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 1
- Effectiveness of an electrical barrier in blocking a sea lamprey spawning migration on the Jordan River, Michigan, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Effect of slope and headpond on passage of American shad and blueback herring through simple Denil and deepened Alaska steeppass fishways, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 1
- Efficacy of identifying stocked crappies in a Tennessee reservoir through oxytetracycline marking, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 4
- An evaluation of six internal anchor tags for tagging juvenile striped bass, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Status of lake trout rehabilitation in the Northern Refuge of Lake Michigan, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 3
- Short-term physiological responses of wild and hatchery-produced red drum during angling, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 3
- Postflood persistence and recolonization of endangered tidewater goby populations, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Effectiveness of an existing estuarine no-take fish sanctuary within the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 1999, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (19) - 2
- Detection of PIT-tagged subyearling Chinook salmon at a Snake River dam: Implications for summer flow augmentation, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 3
- Evaluation of a new miniature pressure-sensitive radio transmitter, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 2
- Sampling effort and estimates of species richness based on prepositioned area electrofisher samples, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 1
- Habitat associations of small fishes around islands in the upper Mississippi River, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 2
- Gill net saturation by lake trout in Michigan waters of Lake Superior, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 4
- Thermal marking of Atlantic salmon otoliths, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 2
- Estimates of loss rates of jaw tags on walleyes, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 1
- A collapsible trap for capturing ruffe, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 2
- Evidence for early metamorphosis of sea lampreys in the Chippewa River, Michigan, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 4
- Longevity of Lake Superior lake trout, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 3
- Seasonal migration and homing of channel catfish in the lower Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, 1998, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (18) - 1
- Transferability of habitat suitability criteria for fishes in warmwater streams, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) -
- Relationship between vegetation coverage and abundance, size, and diet of juvenile largemouth bass during winter, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Introgression and susceptibility to disease in a wild population of rainbow trout, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 4
- Video evaluation of passage efficiency of American shad and sea lamprey in a modified Ice Harbor fishway, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 4
- Movement of saugers in the lower Tennessee River determined by radio telemetry, and implications for management, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Comparison of three qualitative habitat indices and their applicability to prairie streams, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 2
- Trends in relative weight of walleye stocks in Wyoming reservoirs, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 1
- Estimating the impacts of reservoir elevation changes on kokanee emergence in flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming-Utah, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 2
- Habitat use and feeding ecology of riverine juvenile American shad, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 4
- Effects of variable recruitment on catch-curve analysis for crappie populations, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 1
- Age at sexual maturity, sex ratio, fecundity, and longevity of isolated headwater populations of Westslope cutthroat trout, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 1
- Comment: Cautions on forcing regression equations through the origin, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 1
- Influence of basin-scale physical variables on life history characteristics of cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 4
- Survival of hatchery-reared lake trout stocked near shore and off shore in Lake Ontario, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Survival rates of adult lake trout in northwestern Lake Michigan, 1983-1993, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 2
- Passage and behavior of adult American shad in an experimental louver bypass system, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Proposed standard weight (W(s)) equations for interior cutthroat trout, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Irregularly shaped otoliths from saugers prevent back-calculation of length at previous ages in Wyoming, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 3
- Introduction to ecology and management of potamodromous salmonids, 1997, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (17) - 4
- Performance of antimycin in high-gradient streams, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 2
- Establishment of a fish community in the hayden-rhodes and salt-gila aqueducts, Arizona, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 4
- Natural thermal refugia for temperate warmwater stream fishes, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) -
- Estimation of potential maximum biomass of trout in Wyoming streams to assist management decisions, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 4
- Comparative diets of hatchery and wild Atlantic salmon smolts in the Merrimack River, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 2
- Predation on ruffe by native fishes of the St. Louis River Estuary, Lake Superior, 1989-1991, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 1
- Mitigation of unionid mortality caused by zebra mussel infestation: cleaning of unionids, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 4
- Vacuum hand pump apparatus for collecting water samples from a horizontal intragravel pipe, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (16) - 1
- Mortality estimates of striped bass caught in Albemarle Sound and Roanoke River, North Carolina, 1996, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 2
- Effect of gear selectivity on recommended allowable harvest with application to the Lake Erie yellow perch fishery, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 1
- Skin reflectance as a non-lethal measure of smoltification for juvenile salmonids, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) -
- Mortality estimates of striped bass, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) -
- Estimating losses to predation of recently released American shad larvae C482 in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) -
- Improving electrofishing catch consistency by standardizing power, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) -
- Largemouth bass response to habitat and water quality rehabilitation in a backwater of the upper Mississippi River, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 4
- Phototaxis of larval and juvenile northern pike, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 3
- Responses of bluegills and black crappies to dissolved oxygen, temperature, and current in backwater lakes of the upper Mississippi River during winter, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 2
- Applying computer simulation models as learning tools in fishery management, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 4
- Optimizing sampling effort for sampling warmwater stream fish communities, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) -
- Abundance indices for determining the status of lake trout restoration in Michigan waters of Lake Superior, 1995, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (15) - 4
- Quantifying precision of in situ length and weight measurements of fish, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 2
- Evaluation of tire reefs for enhancing aquatic communities in concrete-lined canals, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 3
- Historical decline and current status of coho salmon in California, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 1
- White sturgeon spawning and rearing habitat in the lower Columbia River, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) -
- Declining survival of lake trout stocked during 1963-1986 in U.S. waters of Lake Superior, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 2
- Survival of caged Atlantic salmon in the Merrimack River, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 2
- Development of an antimycin-impregnated bait for controlling common carp, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 2
- Efficacy of electrofishing to assess plasma cortisol concentration in juvenile chinook salmon passing hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River, 1994, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (14) - 2
- Forecasting contributions of lake whitefish year-classes to a Lake Superior commercial fishery from estimates of yearling abundance, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 2
- A prepositioned areal electrofishing apparatus for sampling stream habitats, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 4
- Survival of lake trout stocked in U.S. Waters of Lake Ontario, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) -
- Preservation of genetic variation in the Green Lake strain lake trout derived from remnant domestic and feral populations, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 2
- Evaluation of a bypass system for spent American shad at Holyoke Dam, Massachusetts, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) -
- Genetic comparison of naturally spawned and artificially propagated Lake Ontario trout fry: evaluation of a stocking strategy for species rehabilitation, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 2
- Predation of juvenile salmonids by smallmouth bass and northern squawfish in the Columbia River near Richland, Washington, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 4
- Dynamics of a yellow perch population in western Lake Superior, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 3
- Volitional migration of Atlantic salmon from seasonal holding ponds, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (13) - 2
- Modeling the response of native steelhead to hatchery supplementation programs in an Idaho River, 1993, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 1
- Selective dipnetting of largemouth bass during electrofishing, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 3
- Fyke-net and gill-net size selectivities for yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 1
- Evaluating fishery rehabilitation under uncertainty: A bioeconomic analysis of quota management for the Green Bay yellow perch fishery, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 4
- Effect of stocking season and technique on survival of lake trout in Lake Ontario, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 1
- Fabrication of stainless steel spherical anodes for use with boat-mounted boom electroshocker, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 4
- Evaluating enhancement of striped bass, 1992, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (12) - 1
- Rotenone persistence in freshwater ponds: Effects of temperature and sediment adsorption, 1991, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (11) - 2
- Stocking of hatchery-reared striped bass, 1991, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (11) - 3
- Tolerance of subyearling American shad to short-term exposure to gas supersaturation, 1991, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (11) - 1
- Stocking of hatchery-reared striped bass in the Patuxent River, Maryland: survival, relative abundance, and cost-effectiveness, 1991, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (11) -
- Growth and survival of stocked lake trout with nuclear cataracts in Lake Ontario, 1991, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (11) - 3
- Evaluation of condition indices for estimation of growth of largemouth bass and white crappie, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) - 4
- Comments: questions on habitat preference, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) -
- Sterilizing effects of cobalt-60 and cesium-137 radiation on male sea lampreys, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) - 3
- Management implications of a model of predation by a resident fish on juvenile salmonids migrating through a Columbia River reservoir, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) - 3
- Changes in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan salmonid sport fishery, 1969-1985, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) - 4
- Sample size requirements and analysis of tag recoveries for paired releases of lake trout, 1990, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (10) - 2
- Variation in capture efficiency of a beach seine for small fishes, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 2
- Comparison of fish catches with buoyant pop nets and seines in vegetated and nonvegetated habitats, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 2
- Efficacy of benzocaine as an anesthetic for salmonid fishes, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 2
- Effects of water temperature on the mortality of field-collected fish marked with fluorescent pigment, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 3
- Use of spring scales for weighing live fish in the field, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 4
- Downstream migration of recently metamorphosed sea lampreys in the Ocqueoc River, Michigan, before and after treatment with lampricides, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 3
- Side-scan sonar mapping of lake trout spawning habitat in northern Lake Michigan, 1989, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (9) - 3
- Use of a portable electric barrier to estimate Chinook salmon escapement in a turbid Alaskan river, 1988, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (8) - 4
- Relation between distance transferred from natal stream and recovery rate for hatchery coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, 1988, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (8) - 2
- Effects of variation in flow on distribution of northern squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) below McNary Dam on the Columbia River, 1988, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (8) - 1
- Comparison of hatchery-reared lake trout stocked as fall fingerlings and as spring yearlings in Lake Ontario, 1988, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (8) - 4
- Basis for managing the harvest of Chinook salmon, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 4
- Habitat suitability index curves for paddlefish, developed by the delphi technique, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 1
- Horizontal ichthyoplankton tow-net system with unobstructed net opening, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 1
- Toxicity of TFM lampricide to early life stages of walleye, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 4
- Effect of brief navigation-related dewaterings on fish eggs and larvae, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 1
- Comparative efficacy of 16 anesthetic chemicals on rainbow trout, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 2
- Minimum tailwater flows in relation to habitat suitability and sport-fish harvest, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 4
- Effects of freezing in and out of water on length and weight of Lake Michigan bloaters, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 2
- Visual observations of historical lake trout spawning grounds in western Lake Huron, 1987, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (7) - 3
- Persistence of rotenone in ponds at different temperatures, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) - 1
- Harvest, survival, growth, and movement of five strains of hatchery-reared rainbow trout in Virginia streams, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) -
- Changes in growth and maturity of walleyes associated with stock rehabilitation in western Lake Erie, 1964-1983, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) - 2
- Marking fingerling striped bass and blue tilapia with coded wire tags and microtaggants, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) - 3
- Evaluation of coded wire tags for marking lake trout, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) - 2
- Occurrence of anadromous brown trout in two lower Columbia River tributaries, 1986, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (6) - 2
- Stocking and hooking mortality of planted rainbow trout in Jocassee Reservoir, South Carolina, 1985, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (5) - 4
- First evidence of successful natural reproduction by planted lake trout in Lake Huron, 1984, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 1
- Relationship of young-of-the-year northern pike to aquatic vegetation types in backwaters of the upper Mississippi River, 1984, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 4B
- Role of fish distribution on estimates of standing crop in a cooling reservoir, 1984, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 3
- Analysis of potential yield per recruit for striped bass produced in Chesapeake Bay, 1984, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) -
- On the ability to detect the influence of Spawning stock on recruitment, 1984, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (4) - 2
- Fish abundance and population stability in a reservoir tailwater and an unregulated headwater stream, 1983, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (3) - 4
- Selective control of common crap: ineffectiveness of 2-(digeranylamino)-ethanol (GD-174) in pond trials, 1983, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (3) - 1
- Feeding activity and spawning time of striped bass in the Colorado River Inlet, Lake Powell, Utah, 1982, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2) - 4
- Riparian fencing, grazing, and trout habitat preference on Summit Creek, Idaho, 1982, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2) - 1
- Effects of an aquatic plant and suspended clay on the activity of fish toxicants, 1982, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2) - 3
- Survival, growth, and catchability of rainbow trout of four strains, 1982, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2) - 1
- Substrate conditions and abundance of lake trout eggs in a traditional spawning area in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1981, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (1) - 2
- The commercial fishery for walleyes in New York waters of Lake Erie, 1959-1978, 1981, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (1) - 2
- Polychlorinated biphenyl (Aroclor< 1254) residues in rainbow trout: effects on sensitivity to nine fishery chemicals, 1981, North American Journal of Fisheries Management (1) - 2