Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Stream discharge determinations using slug additions and specific conductance, 2025, Water Resources Research (61) - 1
- Advancing sustainable groundwater management with a hydro-economic system model: Investigations in the Harney Basin, Oregon, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) -
- Self-potential tomography preconditioned by particle swarm optimization— Application to monitoring hyporheic exchange in a bedrock river, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 10
- Beyond the wedge: Impact of tidal streams on salinization of groundwater in a coastal aquifer stressed by pumping and sea-level rise, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 10
- Quantifying aspect-dependent snowpack response to high-elevation wildfire in the southern Rocky Mountains, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 9
- Social vulnerability and water insecurity in the western US: A systematic review of framings, indicators, and uncertainty, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 8
- Evaluating distributed snow model resolution and meteorology parameterizations against streamflow observations: Finer Is not always better, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 7
- Integrating depth measurements from gaging stations with image archives for spectrally based remote sensing of river bathymetry, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 7
- Quantifying compound and nonlinear effects of hurricane-induced flooding using a dynamically coupled hydrological-ocean model, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 7
- A conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality: State of the science and knowledge gaps, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 7
- Next generation public supply water withdrawal estimation for the conterminous United States using machine learning and operational frameworks, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 7
- Siting considerations for satellite observation of river discharge, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 6
- Climate driven trends in historical extreme low streamflows on four continents, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 6
- Catchment coevolution and the geomorphic origins of variable source area hydrology, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 6
- How to select an objective function using information theory, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 5
- Seasonal and species-level water-use strategies and groundwater dependence in dryland riparian woodlands during extreme drought, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 4
- A high-resolution, daily hindcast (1990-2021) of Alaskan river discharge and temperature from coupled and optimized physical models, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 4
- Climate-driven increases in stream metal concentrations in mineralized watersheds throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 4
- Urbanization and water management control stream water quality along a mountain to plains transition, 2024, Water Resources Research (60) - 2
- Train, inform, borrow, or combine? Approaches to process-guided deep learning for groundwater-influenced stream temperature prediction, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 12
- Identifying structural priors in a hybrid differentiable model for stream water temperature modeling, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 12
- Predicting daily river chlorophyll concentrations at a continental scale, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 11
- A watershed moment for western U.S. dams, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 10
- Local topography and streambed hydraulic conductivity influence riparian groundwater age and groundwater-surface water connection, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 9
- Importance of dense aquatic vegetation in seasonal phosphate and particle transport in an agricultural headwater stream, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 9
- Prolonged drought in a northern California coastal region suppresses wildfire impacts on hydrology, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 8
- River geomorphology affects biogeochemical responses to hydrologic events in a large river ecosystem, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 7
- Ensemble estimation of historical evapotranspiration for the conterminous U.S., 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 6
- Paired Air and Stream Temperature Analysis (PASTA) to evaluate groundwater influence on streams, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 4
- A framework for estimating global river discharge from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite mission, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 4
- Stream temperature prediction in a shifting environment: The influence of deep learning architecture, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 4
- Improved calculation of hydraulic conductivity for small-disk tension infiltrometers, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 3
- Can hydrological models benefit from using global soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff products as calibration targets?, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 2
- Moving Aircraft River Velocimetry (MARV): Framework and proof-of-concept on the Tanana River, 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 2
- Long-term, high-resolution permafrost monitoring reveals coupled energy balance and hydrogeologic controls on talik dynamics near Umiujaq (Nunavik, Québec, Canada), 2023, Water Resources Research (59) - 1
- Evaluating the sensitivity of multi-dimensional model predictions of salmon habitat to the source of remotely sensed river bathymetry, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 12
- Mapping 2-D bedload rates throughout a sand-bed river reach from high-resolution acoustical surveys of migrating bedforms, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 11
- Integrated modeling of dynamic marsh feedbacks and evolution under sea-level rise in a mesotidal estuary (Plum Island, MA, USA), 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 8
- Hydrologic connectivity and residence time affect the sediment trapping efficiency and dissolved oxygen concentrations of the Atchafalaya River Basin, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 11
- Going beyond low flows: Streamflow drought deficit and duration illuminate distinct spatiotemporal drought patterns and trends in the U.S. during the last century, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 9
- How does precipitation variability control bedload response across a mountainous channel network in a maritime climate?, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 8
- Projecting flood frequency curves under near-term climate change, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 8
- Geomorphic controls on floodplain connectivity, ecosystem services, and sensitivity to climate change: An example from the lower Missouri River, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 6
- Analysis of surface water trends for the conterminous United States using MODIS satellite data, 2003–2019, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 6
- Application of recursive estimation to heat tracing for groundwater/surface-water exchange, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 6
- Remote sensing of visible dye concentrations during a tracer experiment on a large, turbid river, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 4
- Using ensemble data assimilation to estimate transient hydrologic exchange flow under highly dynamic flow conditions, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 5
- Multi-task deep learning of daily streamflow and water temperature, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 4
- Strength and memory of precipitation's control over streamflow across the conterminous United States, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 3
- The occurrence of large floods in the United States in the modern hydroclimate regime: Seasonality, trends, and large-scale climate associations, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) -
- Reservoir attributes display cascading spatial patterns along river basins, 2022, Water Resources Research (58) - 1
- Seasonality of solute flux and water source chemistry in a coastal glacierized watershed undergoing rapid change: Wolverine Glacier watershed, Alaska, 2022, Water Resources Research (57) - 11
- Anomalous noble gas solubility in liquid cloud water: Possible implications for noble gas temperatures and cloud physics, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 12
- Accounting for fine-scale forest structure is necessary to model snowpack mass and energy budgets in montane forests, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) -
- Long-term Mississippi River trends expose shifts in the river load response to watershed nutrient balances between 1975 and 2017, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 11
- Concentration-discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 11
- Post-drought groundwater storage recovery in California’s Central Valley, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 10
- Evaluating streamwater dissolved organic carbon dynamics in context of variable flowpath contributions with a tracer-based mixing model, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 10
- Time-fractional flow equations (t-FFEs) to upscale transient groundwater flow characterized by temporally non-darcian flow due to medium heterogeneity, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 11
- Estimating and forecasting time-varying groundwater recharge in fractured rock: A state-space formulation with preferential and diffuse flow to the water table, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 9
- Influence of invasive submerged aquatic vegetation (E. densa) on currents and sediment transport in a freshwater tidal system, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) -
- Predicting water temperature dynamics of unmonitored lakes with meta-transfer learning, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 7
- Climate impacts on source contributions and evaporation to flow in the Snake River Basin using surface water isoscapes (δ2H and δ18O), 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 7
- Integrated hydrology and operations modeling to evaluate climate change impacts in an agricultural valley irrigated with snowmelt runoff, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 6
- Exploring the factors controlling the error characteristics of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission discharge estimates, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 6
- The timing and magnitude of changes to Hortonian overland flow at the watershed scale during the post-fire recovery process, 2021, Water Resources Research (35) - 5
- Substantial declines in salinity observed across the Upper Colorado River Basin during the 20th century, 1929 to 2019, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 5
- Measuring and interpreting multilayer aquifer-system compactions for a sustainable groundwater-system development, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 4
- Numerical analysis of the effect of subgrid variability in a physically based hydrological model on runoff, soil moisture, and slope stability, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 4
- Assessment of peak flow scaling and Its effect on flood quantile estimation in the United Kingdom, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 4
- Characterization of groundwater recharge and flow in California's San Joaquin Valley from InSAR-observed surface deformation, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 4
- Machine learning predicted redox conditions in the glacial aquifer system, northern continental United States, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 4
- Improving remotely sensed river bathymetry by image-averaging, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 3
- Precipitation characteristics and land cover control wet season runoff source and rainfall partitioning in three humid tropical catchments in central Panama, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Assessing the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge in California, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 3
- Three-dimensional distribution of residence time metrics in the glaciated United States using metamodels trained on general numerical models, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Using heat to trace vertical water fluxes in sediment experiencing concurrent tidal pumping and groundwater discharge, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Using turbulence to identify preferential areas for grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) larvae in streams: A laboratory study, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Identification of seasonal streamflow regimes and streamflow drivers for daily and peak flows in Alaska, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Characterizing physical properties of streambed interface sediments using in situ complex electrical conductivity measurements, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 21
- Direct observation of the depth of active groundwater circulation in an alpine watershed, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Permafrost promotes shallow groundwater flow and warmer headwater streams, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Effective hydrological events in an evolving mid‐latitude mountain river system following cataclysmic disturbance—A saga of multiple influences, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 2
- Signatures of hydrologic function across the critical zone observatory network, 2021, Water Resources Research (57) - 3
- Baseflow age distributions and depth of active groundwater flow in a snow‐dominated mountain headwater basin, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 12
- Water temperature controls for regulated canyon-bound rivers, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) -
- Comparison of groundwater storage changes from GRACE satellites with monitoring and modeling of major U.S. aquifers, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 12
- Nitrate in streams during winter low‐flow conditions as an indicator of legacy nitrate, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 11
- Estimating the effects of forest structure changes from wildfire on snow water resources under varying meteorological conditions, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 11
- Modeling water quality in watersheds: From here to the next generation, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 11
- Improved prediction of management-relevant groundwater discharge characteristics throughout river networks, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 10
- Unifying advective and diffusive descriptions of bedform pumping in the benthic biolayer of streams, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 11
- A one‐dimensional model for turbulent mixing in the benthic biolayer of stream and coastal sediments, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 12
- Hydrologic signals and surprises in U.S. streamflow records during urbanization, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 9
- Calibrated simulation of the long-term average surficial groundwater system and derived spatial distributions of its characteristics for the contiguous United States, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 8
- Land use effects on sediment nutrient processes in a heavily modified watershed using structural equation models, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 7
- The future of sediment transport and streamflow under a changing climate and the implications for long-term resilience of the San Francisco Bay-Delta, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 9
- Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S., 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 4
- Probabilistic categorical groundwater salinity mapping from airborne electromagnetic data adjacent to California’s Lost Hills and Belridge oil fields, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 6
- An experimental study of longitudinal incisional grooves in a mixed bedrock-alluvial channel, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 3
- Formation criteria for hyporheic anoxic microzones: Assessing interactions of hydraulics, nutrients and biofilms, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 3
- A classification of streamflow patterns across the coastal Gulf of Alaska, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 2
- Resolving small-scale forest snow patterns using an energy-balance snow model with a 1-layer canopy, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 1
- Estimating bedload from suspended load and water discharge in sand bed rivers, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 2
- Deposition potential and flow-response dynamics of emergent sandbars in a braided river, 2020, Water Resources Research (56) - 1
- Multiorder hydrologic position in the conterminous United States: A set of metrics in support of groundwater mapping at regional and national scales, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 12
- A parametric numerical analysis of factors controlling ground ruptures caused by groundwater pumping, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Advances in quantifying streamflow variability across continental scales: 2. Improved model regionalization and prediction uncertainties using hierarchical Bayesian methods, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 12
- Fishway entrance gate experiments with adult American Shad, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 12
- Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Copula theory as a generalized framework for flow-duration curve-based streamflow estimates in ungaged and partially gaged catchments, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a regulated, gravel-bed river, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- River water-quality concentration and flux estimation can be improved by accounting for serial correlation through an autoregressive model, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Mountain-block recharge: A review of current understanding, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Assessing the feasibility of satellite-based thresholds for hydrologically driven landsliding, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Morphological computation of dune evolution with equilibrium and non-equilibrium sediment-transport models, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 11
- Prediction and inference of flow-duration curves using multi-output neural networks, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 8
- Regionalization of groundwater residence time using metamodeling, 2019, Water Resources Research (54) - 9
- Streamflow reconstruction in the Upper Missouri River Basin using a novel Bayesian network model, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 9
- Salinity yield modeling of the Upper Colorado River Basin using 30-meter resolution soil maps and random forests, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 6
- Soil physical, hydraulic, and thermal properties in interior Alaska, USA: Implications for hydrologic response to thawing permafrost conditions, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) -
- The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow‐dominated regions of the western United States on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 3
- Winter precipitation and summer temperature predict lake water quality at macroscales, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 4
- Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 2
- POLARIS properties: 30-meter probabilistic maps of soil properties over the contiguous United States, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 4
- Temporal variability in nitrate – discharge relationships in large rivers as revealed by high frequency data, 2019, Water Resources Research (55) - 2
- A comparison of methods for streamflow uncertainty estimation, 2019, Water Resources Research (54) - 10
- Time-dependent pore filling, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 12
- Predicting geogenic arsenic in drinking water wells in glacial aquifers, north-central USA: Accounting for depth-dependent features, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 12
- Remote sensing of river bathymetry: Evaluating a range of sensors, platforms, and algorithms on the upper Sacramento River, California, USA, 2018, Water Resources Research (55) - 3
- Tidal response of groundwater in a leaky aquifer—Application to Oklahoma, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 10
- What makes a first‐magnitude spring?: Global sensitivity analysis of a speleogenesis model to gain insight into karst network and spring genesis, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 10
- Responses of unimpaired flows, storage, and managed flows to scenarios of climate change in the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 10
- Exploring drivers of regional water-quality change using differential spatially referenced regression – A pilot study in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 10
- Stream‐centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 9
- Mechanisms of earthquake‐induced chemical and fluid transport to carbonate groundwater springs after earthquakes, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 8
- Metamodeling for groundwater age forecasting in the Lake Michigan Basin, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 7
- Direct observations of hydrologic exchange occurring with less‐mobile porosity and the development of anoxic microzones in sandy lakebed sediments, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 7
- Spatial patterns of development drive water use, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 3
- Direct channel precipitation and storm type influence short-term fallout radionuclide assessment of sediment source, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 7
- Rethinking the use of seabed sediment temperature profiles to trace submarine groundwater flow, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 7
- Quantifying climate-related interactions in shallow and deep storage and evapotranspiration in a forested, seasonally water-limited watershed in the Southeastern United States, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 4
- On the sensitivity of annual streamflow to air temperature, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 4
- The role of frozen soil in groundwater discharge predictions for warming alpine watersheds, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 3
- Drivers of variability in public‐supply water use across the contiguous United States, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 3
- Snow sublimation in mountain environments and its sensitivity to forest disturbance and climate warming, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 2
- Investigating runoff efficiency in upper Colorado River streamflow over past centuries, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 1
- Regional variability of nitrate fluxes in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 1
- High‐elevation evapotranspiration estimates during drought: Using streamflow and NASA Airborne Snow Observatory SWE observations to vlose the upper Tuolumne River Basin eater balance, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 2
- Estimating wetland connectivity to streams in the Prairie Pothole Region: An isotopic and remote sensing approach, 2018, Water Resources Research (54) - 2
- Testing the limits of temporal stability: Willingness to pay values among Grand Canyon whitewater boaters across decades, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 12
- Estimating discharge and nonpoint source nitrate loading to streams from three end‐member pathways using high‐frequency water quality data, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 12
- Disturbance hydrology: Preparing for an increasingly disturbed future, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 12
- Flow and residence times of dynamic river bank storage and sinuosity-driven hyporheic exchange, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 10
- What determines water temperature dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system?, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 11
- Using paired in situ high frequency nitrate measurements to better understand controls on nitrate concentrations and estimate nitrification rates in a wastewater-impacted river, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 10
- The NorWeST summer stream temperature model and scenarios for the western U.S.: A crowd-sourced database and new geospatial tools foster a user-community and predict broad climate warming of rivers and streams, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 11
- Hydrologic impacts of landslide disturbances: Implications for remobilization and hazard persistence, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 10
- Predicting redox-sensitive contaminant concentrations in groundwater using random forest classification, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 8
- Dam removal: Listening in, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- Managed aquifer recharge through off-season irrigation in agricultural regions, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 8
- Hydrologic impacts of changes in climate and glacier extent in the Gulf of Alaska watershed, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 9
- How uncertainty analysis of streamflow data can reduce costs and promote robust decisions in water management applications, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- Fine particle retention within stream storage areas at base flow and in response to a storm event, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- Complex networks of functional connectivity in a wetland reconnected to its floodplain, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- Landform features and seasonal precipitation predict shallow groundwater influence on temperature in headwater streams, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- High-frequency dissolved organic carbon and nitrate measurements reveal differences in storm hysteresis and loading in relation to land cover and seasonality, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 7
- Reexamining ultrafiltration and solute transport in groundwater, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 6
- Calculation of in situ acoustic sediment attenuation using off-the-shelf horizontal ADCPs in low concentration settings, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 6
- Steady state fractionation of heavy noble gas isotopes in a deep unsaturated zone, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 4
- Thermal effect of climate change on groundwater-fed ecosystems, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 4
- Noble gas signatures in the Island of Maui, Hawaii: Characterizing groundwater sources in fractured systems, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 5
- Tropical river suspended sediment and solute dynamics in storms during an extreme drought, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 5
- Water quality data for national-scale aquatic research: The Water Quality Portal, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 2
- Generation of 3-D hydrostratigraphic zones from dense airborne electromagnetic data to assess groundwater model prediction error, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 2
- Tracer-based characterization of hyporheic exchange and benthic biolayers in streams, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 2
- Nutrient processes at the stream-lake interface for a channelized versus unmodified stream mouth, 2017, Water Resources Research (53) - 1
- Implementation and evaluation of a monthly water balance model over the US on an 800 m grid, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 12
- Panel regressions to estimate low-flow response to rainfall variability in ungaged basins, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 12
- Observed and simulated hydrologic response for a first-order catchment during extreme rainfall 3 years after wildfire disturbance, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 12
- Bounded fractional diffusion in geological media: Definition and Lagrangian approximation, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 11
- Analyses of infrequent (quasi-decadal) large groundwater recharge events in the northern Great Basin: Their importance for groundwater availability, use, and management, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 10
- Estimation of time-variable fast flow path chemical concentrations for application in tracer-based hydrograph separation analyses, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 9
- Time-lapse gravity data for monitoring and modeling artificial recharge through a thick unsaturated zone, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 9
- Flow reconstructions in the Upper Missouri River Basin using riparian tree rings, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 10
- Variation of organic matter quantity and quality in streams at Critical Zone Observatory watersheds, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 10
- Yosemite Hydroclimate Network: Distributed stream and atmospheric data for the Tuolumne River watershed and surroundings, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 9
- Geomorphological control on variably saturated hillslope hydrology and slope instability, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 6
- Model simulations of flood and debris flow timing in steep catchments after wildfire, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 8
- Does resolution of flow field observation influence apparent habitat use and energy expenditure in juvenile coho salmon?, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 8
- On the deterministic and stochastic use of hydrologic models, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 7
- Extraordinary sediment delivery and rapid geomorphic response following the 2008–2009 eruption of Chaitén Volcano, Chile, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 7
- Bayesian nitrate source apportionment to individual groundwater wells in the Central Valley by use of elemental and isotopic tracers, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 7
- Actively heated high-resolution fiber-optic-distributed temperature sensing to quantify streambed flow dynamics in zones of strong groundwater upwelling, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 7
- Inferring river bathymetry via Image-to-Depth Quantile Transformation (IDQT), 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 5
- Combined use of thermal methods and seepage meters to efficiently locate, quantify, and monitor focused groundwater discharge to a sand-bed stream, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 6
- The importance of base flow in sustaining surface water flow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 5
- Numerical experiments to explain multiscale hydrological responses to mountain pine beetle tree mortality in a headwater watershed, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 4
- Groundwater exchanges near a channelized versus unmodified stream mouth discharging to a subalpine lake, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 3
- Influence of vertical and lateral heat transfer on permafrost thaw, peatland landscape transition, and groundwater flow, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 2
- Evaluating geothermal and hydrogeologic controls on regional groundwater temperature distribution, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 2
- Identifying long term empirical relationships between storm characteristics and episodic groundwater recharge, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 1
- Quantifying watershed-scale groundwater loading and in-stream fate of nitrate using high-frequency water quality data, 2016, Water Resources Research (52) - 1
- Dating base flow in streams using dissolved gases and diurnal temperature changes, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- Using noble gas tracers to constrain a groundwater flow model with recharge elevations: A novel approach for mountainous terrain, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 10
- Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- Beyond annual streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin: a paleo-water-balance approach, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- The role of dynamic surface water-groundwater exchange on streambed denitrification in a first-order, low-relief agricultural watershed, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- Depth, ice thickness, and ice-out timing cause divergent hydrologic responses among Arctic lakes, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- Hydrologic implications of GRACE satellite data in the Colorado River Basin, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 12
- Reactive transport modeling of geochemical controls on secondary water quality impacts at a crude oil spill site near Bemidji, MN, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 6
- Flushing of distal hillslopes as an alternative source of stream dissolved organic carbon in a headwater catchment, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 10
- Predicting the resilience and recovery of aquatic systems: a framework for model evolution within environmental observatories, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 9
- On critiques of “Stationarity is dead: Whither water management?”, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 9
- Controls on the breach geometry and flood hydrograph during overtopping of non-cohesive earthen dams, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 8
- A new temperature profiling probe for investigating groundwater-surface water interaction, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 9
- On the use of rhodamine WT for the characterization of stream hydrodynamics and transient storage, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 8
- Mixing effects on nitrogen and oxygen concentrations and the relationship to mean residence time in a hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 9
- Multimodel analysis of anisotropic diffusive tracer-gas transport in a deep arid unsaturated zone, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 8
- Potential for real‐time understanding of coupled hydrologic and biogeochemical processes in stream ecosystems: Future integration of telemetered data with process models for glacial meltwater streams, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 8
- Organic contaminant transport and fate in the subsurface: evolution of knowledge and understanding, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 7
- Hydraulic fracturing water use variability in the United States and potential environmental implications, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 7
- Hydrology: The interdisciplinary science of water, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 6
- Identifying multiple timescale rainfall controls on Mojave Desert ecohydrology using an integrated data and modeling approach for Larrea tridentata, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 6
- Multiple regression and inverse moments improve the characterization of the spatial scaling behavior of daily streamflows in the Southeast United States, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 3
- A Bayesian kriging approach for blending satellite and ground precipitation observations, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 2
- Anomalous solute transport in saturated porous media: Relating transport model parameters to electrical and nuclear magnetic resonance properties, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 2
- Assessment of surface water chloride and conductivity trends in areas of unconventional oil and gas development — Why existing national data sets cannot tell us what we would like to know, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 1
- Quantifying stream thermal regimes at management-pertinent scales: combining thermal infrared and stationary stream temperature data in a novel modeling framework., 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 1
- River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 9
- Comparison of fluvial suspended-sediment concentrations and particle-size distributions measured with in-stream laser diffraction and in physical samples, 2015, Water Resources Research (51) - 1
- Multisensor earth observations to characterize wetlands and malaria epidemiology in Ethiopia, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 11
- Lattice Boltzmann methods applied to large-scale three-dimensional virtual cores constructed from digital optical borehole images of the karst carbonate Biscayne aquifer in southeastern Florida, 2014, Water Resources Research 2015-1133 (50) - 11
- Understanding the hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin using multisource climate and remote sensing data sets, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 11
- Dual-domain mass-transfer parameters from electrical hysteresis: Theory and analytical approach applied to laboratory, synthetic streambed, and groundwater experiments, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 10
- Runoff sources and flowpaths in a partially burned, upland boreal catchment underlain by permafrost, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 10
- Robust, low-cost data loggers for stream temperature, flow intermittency, and relative conductivity monitoring, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 8
- Continuous estimation of baseflow in snowmelt-dominated streams and rivers in the Upper Colorado River Basin: A chemical hydrograph separation approach, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 8
- Precipitation isotopes link regional climate patterns to water supply in a tropical mountain forest, eastern Puerto Rico, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 5
- Accuracy of travel time distribution (TTD) models as affected by TTD complexity, observation errors, and model and tracer selection, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 7
- A mechanistic modeling and data assimilation framework for Mojave Desert ecohydrology, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 6
- Assessment of parametric uncertainty for groundwater reactive transport modeling,, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 5
- Decadal surface water quality trends under variable climate, land use, and hydrogeochemical setting in Iowa, USA, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 3
- Climate change impacts on the temperature and magnitude of groundwater discharge from shallow, unconfined aquifers, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 4
- Dynamic hyporheic exchange at intermediate timescales: testing the relative importance of evapotranspiration and flood pulses, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 1
- Characteristic length scales and time-averaged transport velocities of suspended sediment in the mid-Atlantic Region, USA, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 2
- Watershed-scale modeling of streamflow change in incised montane meadows, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 3
- Coupled hydrological and biogeochemical processes controlling variability of nitrogen species in streamflow during autumn in an upland forest, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 2
- Quantifying the predictive consequences of model error with linear subspace analysis, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 2
- Lithologic influences on groundwater recharge through incised glacial till from profile to regional scales: Evidence from glaciated Eastern Nebraska, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 1
- Distributed Evaluation of Local Sensitivity Analysis (DELSA), with application to hydrologic models, 2014, Water Resources Research (50) - 1
- Control on groundwater flow in a semiarid folded and faulted intermountain basin, 2013, Water Resources Research (50) - 8
- Incorporating probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts into river management using a risk-based framework, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 8
- Interactions between hyporheic flow produced by stream meanders, bars, and dunes, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 9
- Effect of land cover and use on dry season river runoff, runoff efficiency, and peak storm runoff in the seasonal tropics of Central Panama, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 12
- Hyporheic zone denitrification: controls on effective reaction depth and contribution to whole-stream mass balance, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 10
- Evaluation of permeability and non-Darcy flow in vuggy macroporous limestone aquifer samples with lattice Boltzmann methods, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 1
- Statistical mapping of zones of focused groundwater/surface-water exchange using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 10
- Temporal dynamics of biogeochemical processes at the Norman Landfill site, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 10
- Effect of correlated observation error on parameters, predictions, and uncertainty, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 10
- The influence of stream thermal regimes and preferential flow paths on hyporheic exchange in a glacial meltwater stream, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 9
- Effects of error covariance structure on estimation of model averaging weights and predictive performance, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 9
- A generalized Grubbs-Beck test statistic for detecting multiple potentially influential low outliers in flood series, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 8
- Impacts of an ethanol-blended fuel release on groundwater and fate of produced methane: simulation of field observations, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 8
- Using heat as a tracer to estimate spatially distributed mean residence times in the hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 6
- Bridging groundwater models and decision support with a Bayesian network, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 10
- Hysteresis in suspended sediment to turbidity relations due to changing particle size distributions, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 9
- Coupled hydrogeomorphic and woody-seedling responses to controlled flood releases in a dryland river, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 5
- How runoff begins (and ends): characterizing hydrologic response at the catchment scale, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 5
- Variations in surface water-ground water interactions along a headwater mountain stream : comparisons between transient storage and water balance analyses, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) -
- Temporal variability of exchange between groundwater and surface water based on high-frequency direct measurements of seepage at the sediment-water interface, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 5
- Seawater circulation in sediments driven by interactions between seabed topography and fluid density, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 3
- Colloid transport in saturated porous media: Elimination of attachment efficiency in a new colloid transport model, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 5
- Use of NMR logging to obtain estimates of hydraulic conductivity in the High Plains aquifer, Nebraska, USA, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 4
- Characterizing particle-scale equilibrium adsorption and kinetics of uranium(VI) desorption from U-contaminated sediments, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 2
- Balancing practicality and hydrologic realism: a parsimonious approach for simulating rapid groundwater recharge via unsaturated-zone preferential flow, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 3
- Evaluating model structure adequacy: The case of the Maggia Valley groundwater system, southern Switzerland, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 1
- Simultaneous estimation of local-scale and flow path-scale dual-domain mass transfer parameters using geoelectrical monitoring, 2013, Water Resources Research (49) - 9
- A low-cost method to measure the timing of post-fire flash floods and debris flows relative to rainfall, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 5
- Analysis of rainfall-induced slope instability using a field of local factor of safety, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 9
- Physical controls and predictability of stream hyporheic flow evaluated with a multiscale model, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 10
- Resolving hyporheic and groundwater components of streambed water flux, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 8
- Thresholds of flow-induced bed disturbances and their effects on stream metabolism in an agricultural river, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 8
- Role of surface-water and groundwater interactions on projected summertime streamflow in snow dominated regions : An integrated modeling approach, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 11
- Influence of permafrost distribution on groundwater flow in the context of climate-driven permafrost thaw: Example from Yukon Flats Basin, Alaska, United States, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 7
- Direct geoelectrical evidence of mass transfer at the laboratory scale, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 10
- The influence of reservoirs, climate, land use and hydrologic conditions on loads and chemical quality of dissolved organic carbon in the Colorado River, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 12
- Practical estimates of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of bedrock outcrops using a modified bottomless bucket method, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Interannual variability of snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, United States: examples from two alpine watersheds, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Monitoring groundwater-surface water interaction using time-series and time-frequency analysis of transient three-dimensional electrical resistivity changes, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 7
- Exploring changes in the spatial distribution of stream baseflow generation during a seasonal recession, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Role of turbulence fluctuations on uncertainties of acoutic Doppler current profiler discharge measurements, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Factors controlling nitrate fluxes in groundwater in agricultural areas, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) -
- Stability of infinite slopes under transient partially saturated seepage conditions, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 5
- Synthesis of benthic flux components in the Patos Lagooncoastal zone, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 12
- Target loads of atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition for protection of acid sensitive aquatic resources in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 1
- A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 2
- Wildfire impacts on soil-water retention in the Colorado Front Range, United States, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 12
- Quantifying riverine surface currents from time sequences of thermal infrared imagery, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - 1
- The use of multiobjective calibration and regional sensitivity analysis in simulating hyporheic exchange, 2012, Water Resources Research (48) - W01538
- Transient groundwater chemistry near a river: Effects on U(VI) transport in laboratory column experiments, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 4
- Evaluating the potential for remote bathymetric mapping of a turbid, sand-bed river: 2. application to hyperspectral image data from the Platte River, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- Evaluating the potential for remote bathymetric mapping of a turbid, sand-bed river: 1. Field spectroscopy and radiative transfer modeling, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- Characterization of the intragranular water regime within subsurface sediments: pore volume, surface area, and mass transfer limitations, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- 3-D flow and scour near a submerged wing dike: ADCP measurements on the Missouri River, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- Long-term patterns and short-term dynamics of stream solutes and suspended sediment in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 7
- How restructuring river connectivity changes freshwater fish biodiversity and biogeography, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- Direction of unsaturated flow in a homogeneous and isotropic hillslope, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) -
- Predictive uncertainty analysis of a saltwater intrusion model using null-space Monte Carlo, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 5
- O2 reduction and denitrification rates in shallow aquifers, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 12
- Direction of unsaturated flow in a homogeneous and isotropic hillslope, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 2
- Effects of uncertain topographic input data on two-dimensional flow modeling in a gravel-bed river, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 3
- Effects of dynamically variable saturation and matrix-conduit coupling of flow in karst aquifers, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 11
- The significance of turbulent flow representation in single-continuum models, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 9
- Historical summer base flow and stormflow trends for New England rivers, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 7
- Spatial connectivity in a highly heterogeneous aquifer: From cores to preferential flow paths, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 5
- Simulating adsorption of U(VI) under transient groundwater flow and hydrochemistry: Physical versus chemical nonequilibrium model, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 8
- Independent effects of temperature and precipitation on modeled runoff in the conterminous United States, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 11
- Long-term patterns and short-term dynamics of stream solutes and suspended sediment in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 7
- Rethinking hyporheic flow and transient storage to advance understanding of stream-catchment connections, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 3
- Hydrologic response of catchments to precipitation: Quantification of mechanical carriers and origins of water, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 12
- Assessing the detail needed to capture rainfall-runoff dynamics with physics-based hydrologic response simulation, 2011, Water Resources Research (47) - 6
- Influence of hummocks and emergent vegetation on hydraulic performance in a surface flow wastewater treatment wetland, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 11
- Testing mixing models of old and young groundwater in a tropical lowland rain forest with environmental tracers, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 4
- An approach for modeling sediment budgets in supply-limited rivers, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - W10538
- Estimation of aquifer scale proportion using equal area grids: assessment of regional scale groundwater quality, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) -
- Effect of surficial disturbance on exchange between groundwater and surface water in nearshore margins, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 6
- Use of regression‐based models to map sensitivity of aquatic resources to atmospheric deposition in Yosemite National Park, USA, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 9
- Emergency use of groundwater as a backup supply: Quantifying hydraulic impacts and economic benefits, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 9
- Hillslope hydrologic connectivity controls riparian groundwater turnover: Implications of catchment structure for riparian buffering and stream water sources, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 10
- Map correlation method: Selection of a reference streamgage to estimate daily streamflow at ungaged catchments, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 10
- Factors influencing wood mobilization in Minnesota streams, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 10
- Effects of upstream dams versus groundwater pumping on stream temperature under varying climate conditions, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 6
- Quantification of surface water and groundwater flows to open‐ and closed‐basin lakes in a headwaters watershed using a descriptive oxygen stable isotope model, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 3
- Use of electrical imaging and distributed temperature sensing methods to characterize surface water–groundwater exchange regulating uranium transport at the Hanford 300 Area, Washington, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 10
- Mixing effects on apparent reaction rates and isotope fractionation during denitrification in a heterogeneous aquifer, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 8
- Comparison of aquifer characterization approaches through steady state groundwater model validation: A controlled laboratory sandbox study, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 4
- Mercury dynamics in relation to dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality during high flow events in three northeastern U.S. streams, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 7
- Impacts of precipitation seasonality and ecosystem types on evapotranspiration in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 2
- Evaluation of aquifer heterogeneity effects on river flow loss using a transition probability framework, 2010, Water Resources Research (46) - 1
- Channel water balance and exchange with subsurface flow along a mountain headwater stream in Montana, United States, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 11
- Technological advances in suspended‐sediment surrogate monitoring, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 4
- Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 1
- Use of models and observations to assess trends in the 1950–2005 water balance and climate of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 12
- Development of an objective‐oriented groundwater model for conjunctive‐use planning of surface water and groundwater, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 12
- Hydroecological factors governing surface water flow on a low-gradient floodplain, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 3
- High-quality unsaturated zone hydraulic property data for hydrologic applications, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Predicting fractional bed load transport rates: Application of the Wilcock‐Crowe equations to a regulated gravel bed river, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 6
- Spatial distribution and frequency of precipitation during an extreme event: July 2006 mesoscale convective complexes and floods in southeastern Arizona, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Impact of land use and land cover change on the water balance of a large agricultural watershed: Historical effects and future directions, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Not all water becomes wine: Sulfur inputs as an opportune tracer of hydrochemical losses from vineyards, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Numerical simulation of dune-flat bed transition and stage‐discharge relationship with hysteresis effect, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 4
- Streamflow changes in Alaska between the cool phase (1947–1976) and the warm phase (1977–2006) of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: The influence of glaciers, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 6
- Obtaining parsimonious hydraulic conductivity fields using head and transport observations: A Bayesian geostatistical parameter estimation approach, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 8
- Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and testing of a distributed hydrological model using error‐based weighting and one objective function, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 6
- Suspended sediment and carbonate transport in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska: Fluxes and potential future responses to climate change, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 6
- Effects of simplifying fracture network representation on inert chemical migration in fracture-controlled aquifers, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 1
- Hydrologic connectivity between landscapes and streams: Transferring reach‐ and plot‐scale understanding to the catchment scale, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 4
- Water velocity and the nature of critical flow in large rapids on the Colorado River, Utah, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 5
- Introduction to special section on impacts of land use change on water resources, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Sensitivity and resolution of tomographic pumping tests in an alluvial aquifer, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 2
- Use of heat to estimate streambed fluxes during extreme hydrologic events, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 1
- A new method for high-resolution characterization of hydraulic conductivity, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 8
- The stable isotope amount effect: New insights from NEXRAD echo tops, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 12
- Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 1
- Recent experimental data may point to a greater role for osmotic pressures in the subsurface, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 3
- Implications of anthropogenic river stage fluctuations on mass transport in a valley fill aquifer, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 4
- Inventories and mobilization of unsaturated zone sulfate, fluoride, and chloride related to land use change in semiarid regions, southwestern United States and Australia, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Assessing reservoir operations risk under climate change, 2009, Water Resources Research (45) - 4
- Framework for Understanding Structural Errors (FUSE): A modular framework to diagnose differences between hydrological models, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 12
- Geoelectrical inference of mass transfer parameters using temporal moments, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 5
- Analytical and numerical analyses of an unconfined aquifer test considering unsaturated zone characteristics, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 6
- Spatial and temporal variability in sedimentation rates associated with cutoff channel infill deposits: Ain River, France, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 5
- A reference data set of hillslope rainfall-runoff response, Panola Mountain Research Watershed, United States, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 6
- Method for estimating spatially variable seepage loss and hydraulic conductivity in intermittent and ephemeral streams, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 5
- Infiltration from an impoundment for coal‐bed natural gas, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Evolution of water and sediment chemistry, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 6
- Electrical characterization of non‐Fickian transport in groundwater and hyporheic systems, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 4
- Simulated response of water quality in public supply wells to land use change, 2008, Water Resources Research (45) - 7
- Heat as a tracer to determine streambed water exchanges, 2008, Water Resources Research (46) - 4
- An interactive Bayesian geostatistical inverse protocol for hydraulic tomography, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 12
- Tracer gauge: An automated dye dilution gauging system for ice‐affected streams, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 12
- Dating groundwater with trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF 5CF3), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), CF 3Cl (CFC-13), and CF2Cl2 (CFC-12), 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 2
- Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 8
- Sources, transformations, and hydrological processes that control stream nitrate and dissolved organic matter concentrations during snowmelt in an upland forest, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 12
- Source and transport controls on the movement of nitrate to public supply wells in selected principal aquifers of the United States, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 4
- Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 8
- Simulation assessment of the direct‐push permeameter for characterizing vertical variations in hydraulic conductivity, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 2
- Regional groundwater flow in mountainous terrain: Three‐dimensional simulations of topographic and hydrogeologic controls, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 10
- Scaling hyporheic exchange and its influence on biogeochemical reactions in aquatic ecosystems, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 12
- Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 2. Chemical retention from diffusion and slow advection, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 8
- Sensitivity of June near‐surface temperatures and precipitation in the eastern United States to historical land cover changes since European settlement, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 11
- Biomorphodynamics: Physical-biological feedbacks that shape landscapes, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 11
- Rain‐induced subsurface airflow and Lisse effect, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 7
- Reply to comment by T. N. Narasimhan on “A method to estimate groundwater depletion from confining layers”, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 6
- An exact solution for ideal dam-break floods on steep slopes, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 1
- Influence of perched groundwater on base flow, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 3
- Infinite slope stability under steady unsaturated seepage conditions, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 11
- Effects of turbulence on hydraulic heads and parameter sensitivities in preferential groundwater flow layers, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 3
- Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades, 2008, Water Resources Research (44) - 4
- Water use regimes: Characterizing direct human interaction with hydrologic systems, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 4
- Simple predictions of maximum transport rate in unsaturated soil and rock, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 5
- Stochastic uncertainty analysis for solute transport in randomly heterogeneous media using a Karhunen‐Loève‐based moment equation approach, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 7
- Potential effects of regional pumpage on groundwater age distribution, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 6
- Groundwater noble gas, age, and temperature signatures in an Alpine watershed: Valuable tools in conceptual model development, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 4
- Controls on the variability of net infiltration to desert sandstone, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 7
- Modeling the movement of a pH perturbation and its impact on adsorbed zinc and phosphate in a wastewater‐contaminated aquifer, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 7
- Ecohydrological controls on soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity within a pinyon‐juniper woodland, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 8
- A field assessment of the value of steady shape hydraulic tomography for characterization of aquifer heterogeneities, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 5
- A method to estimate groundwater depletion from confining layers, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 7
- Analysis of pumping‐induced unsaturated regions beneath a perennial river, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 8
- Cloud water in windward and leeward mountain forests: The stable isotope signature of orographic cloud water, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 12
- Transport and degradation of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the pyritic Rabis Creek aquifer, Denmark, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 10
- Dynamics of CFCs in northern temperate lakes and adjacent groundwater, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 4
- Identifying spatial variability of groundwater discharge in a wetland stream using a distributed temperature sensor, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 10
- Assessing the likely value of gravity and drawdown measurements to constrain estimates of hydraulic conductivity and specific yield during unconfined aquifer testing, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 12
- Evaluation of the applicability of the dual‐domain mass transfer model in porous media containing connected high‐conductivity channels, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 12
- Relating low‐flow characteristics to the base flow recession time constant at partial record stream gauges, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 1
- Carbon export and cycling by the Yukon, Tanana, and Porcupine rivers, Alaska, 2001-2005, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 2
- Reach‐averaged sediment routing model of a canyon river, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 2
- A field investigation of phreatophyte‐induced fluctuations in the water table, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 2
- Global impacts of conversions from natural to agricultural ecosystems on water resources: Quantity versus quality, 2007, Water Resources Research (43) - 3
- Reply to comment by F. Molz et al. on “Investigating the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site in Columbus, Mississippi, using a three‐dimensional inverse flow and transport model”, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 6
- Hydrogeophysical tracking of three‐dimensional tracer migration: The concept and application of apparent petrophysical relations, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 6
- Modeling the influence of river rehabilitation scenarios on bed material sediment flux in a large river over decadal timescales, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 12
- Debris flow deposition and reworking by the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 11
- Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 5
- Partitioning evapotranspiration in sparsely vegetated rangeland using a portable chamber, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 2
- Storage and transit time of chemicals in thick unsaturated zones under rangeland and irrigated cropland, High Plains, United States, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 3
- Simulation of reactive transport of uranium(VI) in groundwater with variable chemical conditions, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 4
- Stochastic uncertainty analysis for unconfined flow systems, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 9
- Use of radars to monitor stream discharge by noncontact methods, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 7
- Evaluating uncertainty in predicting spatially variable representative elementary scales in fractured aquifers, with application to Turkey Creek Basin, Colorado, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 8
- Flow resistance dynamics in step‐pool stream channels: 1. Large woody debris and controls on total resistance, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 5
- Quantifying surface water–groundwater interactions using time series analysis of streambed thermal records: Method development, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 10
- Relative contributions of transient and steady state infiltration during ephemeral streamflow, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 8
- Mountain hydrology of the western United States, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 8
- Detection of water quality trends at high, median, and low flow in a Catskill Mountain stream, New York, through a new statistical method, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 8
- Time series and recurrence interval models to predict the vulnerability of streams to episodic acidification in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 9
- Flow resistance dynamics in step‐pool channels: 2. Partitioning between grain, spill, and woody debris resistance, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 5
- Ammonium transport and reaction in contaminated groundwater: Application of isotope tracers and isotope fractionation studies, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 5
- Climate model biases in seasonality of continental water storage revealed by satellite gravimetry, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 3
- Beaver dams and overbank floods influence groundwater-surface water interactions of a Rocky Mountain riparian area, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 6
- Impacts of the 2004 tsunami on groundwater resources in Sri Lanka, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 5
- Longitudinal hydraulic analysis of river‐aquifer exchanges, 2006, Water Resources Research (42) - 8
- Saline tracer visualized with three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography: Field-scale spatial moment analysis, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Snow-fed streamflow timing at different basin scales: Case study of the Tuolumne River above Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite, California, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 7
- Comparison of constitutive flow resistance equations based on the Manning and Chezy equations applied to natural rivers, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 11
- Variations in climate and ephemeral channel recharge in southeastern Arizona, United States, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 11
- Effective discharge analysis of ecological processes in streams, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 11
- Quasi‐steady centrifuge method for unsaturated hydraulic properties, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 11
- An integrated environmental tracer approach to characterizing groundwater circulation in a mountain block, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 12
- Radiogenic 4He as a conservative tracer in buried‐valley aquifers, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 11
- Percolation and transport in a sandy soil under a natural hydraulic gradient, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 10
- Estimating sediment budgets at the interface between rivers and estuaries with application to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 9
- Virus fate and transport during artificial recharge with recycled water, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 10
- Averaged indicators of secondary flow in repeated acoustic Doppler current profiler crossings of bends, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 9
- Estimating changes in heat energy stored within a column of wetland surface water and factors controlling their importance in the surface energy budget, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 10
- Variation in the reference Shields stress for bed load transport in gravel‐bed streams and rivers, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 4
- Old groundwater influence on stream hydrochemistry and catchment response times in a small Sierra Nevada catchment: Sagehen Creek, California, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 2
- Estimating soil hydraulic parameters from transient flow experiments in a centrifuge using parameter optimization technique, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 4
- Nitrogen transport and transformations in a coastal plain watershed: Influence of geomorphology on flow paths and residence times , 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 2
- Influence of sediment storage on downstream delivery of contaminated sediment, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Numerical simulation of double‐diffusive finger convection, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 1
- Estimation of groundwater consumption by phreatophytes using diurnal water table fluctuations: A saturated‐unsaturated flow assessment, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 7
- Tropical cyclones and the flood hydrology of Puerto Rico, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 6
- CO2 dynamics in the Amargosa Desert: Fluxes and isotopic speciation in a deep unsaturated zone, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 2
- Use of dissolved and vapor‐phase gases to investigate methanogenic degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the subsurface, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 2
- Surface water acidification responses and critical loads of sulfur and nitrogen deposition in Loch Vale watershed, Colorado, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 1
- Solute transport and storage mechanisms in wetlands of the Everglades, south Florida, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Estimating contaminant loads in rivers: An application of adjusted maximum likelihood to type 1 censored data, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 7
- The role of topography on catchment‐scale water residence time, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Speciation and transport of newly deposited mercury in a boreal forest wetland: A stable mercury isotope approach, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 6
- How snowpack heterogeneity affects diurnal streamflow timing, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Incorporating seepage losses into the unsteady streamflow equations for simulating intermittent flow along mountain front streams, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 6
- Effects of urban development in the Puget Lowland, Washington, on interannual streamflow patterns: Consequences for channel form and streambed disturbance, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 7
- Nonlinear regression modeling of nutrient loads in streams: A Bayesian approach, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 7
- Effects of rainfall seasonality and soil moisture capacity on mean annual water balance for Australian catchments, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 6
- Changes in the water surface profile of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, between 1923 and 2000, 2005, Water Resources Research (41) - 5
- Comment on “Piezometric response in shallow bedrock at CB1: Implications for runoff generation and landsliding” by David R. Montgomery, William E. Dietrich, and John T. Heffner, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 3
- Lateral mixing in the Mississippi River below the confluence with the Ohio River, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 5
- A method for evaluating the importance of system state observations to model predictions, with application to the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 12
- A resampling procedure for generating conditioned daily weather sequences, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 4
- Log Pearson type 3 quantile estimators with regional skew information and low outlier adjustments, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 7
- Investigating the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site in Columbus, Mississippi, using a three‐dimensional inverse flow and transport model, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 4
- Temporal scaling of hydraulic head and river base flow and its implication for groundwater recharge, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 3
- Hydraulic tests in highly permeable aquifers, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 12
- Unsaturated flow and transport through a fault embedded in fractured welded tuff, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 4
- Estimating accumulation rates and physical properties of sediment behind a dam: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, northern California, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 11
- Spatial distribution of the largest rainfall‐runoff floods from basins between 2.6 and 26,000 km2 in the United States and Puerto Rico, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 1
- Conservative and reactive solute transport in constructed wetlands, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 1
- Evaluation of longitudinal dispersivity estimates from simulated forced‐ and natural‐gradient tracer tests in heterogeneous aquifers, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 1
- Interpretation of concentration‐discharge patterns in acid‐neutralizing capacity during storm flow in three small, forested catchments in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 5
- Inferring time‐varying recharge from inverse analysis of long‐term water levels, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 7
- Assessing denitrification in groundwater using natural gradient tracer tests with 15N: In situ measurement of a sequential multistep reaction, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 7
- Scale effects on headwater catchment runoff timing, flow sources, and groundwater‐streamflow relations, 2004, Water Resources Research (40) - 7
- Editorial, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 11
- An analytical formulation of two‐dimensional groundwater dispersion induced by surficial recharge variability, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 9
- Diel cycles in dissolved metal concentrations in streams: Occurrence and possible causes, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 9
- Radiogenic helium in shallow groundwater within a clay till, southwestern Ontario, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 12
- Transport and cycling of iron and hydrogen peroxide in a freshwater stream: Influence of organic acids, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 11
- Changes in the chemistry of lakes and precipitation in high-elevation national parks in the western United States, 1985–1999, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 6
- Interpreting tracer breakthrough tailing from different forced-gradient tracer experiment configurations in fractured bedrock, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 1
- Methods for using groundwater model predictions to guide hydrogeologic data collection, with application to the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 1
- Geochemical response to variable streamflow conditions in contaminated and uncontaminated streams, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 2
- Diagnostic tools for mixing models of stream water chemistry, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 3
- Use of hydraulic head to estimate volumetric gas content and ebullition flux in northern peatlands, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 3
- Regional flood probabilities, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 4
- Influence of transitional volcanic strata on lateral diversion at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 4
- Physical and hydraulic properties of volcanic rocks from Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 5
- Time‐lapse imaging of saline‐tracer transport in fractured rock using difference‐attenuation radar tomography, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 10
- Discharge indices for water quality loads, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 10
- Stochastic analysis of transverse dispersion in density‐coupled transport in aquifers, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 6
- Variations in flow and transport in thick desert vadose zones in response to paleoclimatic forcing (0-90 kyr): Field measurements, modeling, and uncertainties, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 7
- Pumping‐induced leakage in a bounded aquifer: An example of a scale‐invariant phenomenon, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 12
- Effect of isolated fractures on accelerated flow in unsaturated porous rock, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 12
- Direct assessment of groundwater vulnerability from single observations of multiple contaminants, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 12
- Comparisons of two moments‐based estimators that utilize historical and paleoflood data for the log Pearson type III distribution, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 9
- Inverse modeling of interbed storage parameters using land subsidence observations, Antelope Valley, California, 2003, Water Resources Research (39) - 2
- Natural and management influences on freshwater inflows and salinity in the San Francisco Estuary at monthly to interannual scales, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Using chemical, hydrologic, and age dating analysis to delineate redox processes and flow paths in the riparian zone of a glacial outwash aquifer‐stream system, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 8
- Dynamic interpretation of slug tests in highly permeable aquifers, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 3
- Analysis of δ15N and δ18O to differentiate NO3− sources in runoff at two watersheds in the Catskill Mountains of New York, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 5
- Pathways for nitrate release from an alpine watershed: Determination using δ15N and δ18O, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 5
- Partial entrainment of gravel bars during floods, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 7
- Denitrification in the recharge area and discharge area of a transient agricultural nitrate plume in a glacial outwash sand aquifer, Minnesota, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 7
- In‐stream sorption of fulvic acid in an acidic stream: A stream‐scale transport experiment, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 1
- Multispecies reactive tracer test in an aquifer with spatially variable chemical conditions, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Dispersive transport of bromide and nickel, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 8
- Consistency of patterns in concentration‐discharge plots, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 8
- Using groundwater temperature data to constrain parameter estimation in a groundwater flow model of a wetland system, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 8
- Evaluation of unsaturated zone water fluxes in heterogeneous alluvium at a Mojave Basin Site, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 10
- Macroscale water fluxes 3. Effects of land processes on variability of monthly river discharge, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 11
- The role of bedrock topography on subsurface storm flow, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Extracting low‐resolution river networks from high‐resolution digital elevation models, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 11
- Deep arid system hydrodynamics 2. Application to paleohydrologic reconstruction using vadose zone profiles from the northern Mojave Desert, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Deep arid system hydrodynamics 1. Equilibrium states and response times in thick desert vadose zones, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Steady shape analysis of tomographic pumping tests for characterization of aquifer heterogeneities, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Estimating the sources and transport of nutrients in the Waikato River Basin, New Zealand, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Weathering reactions and hyporheic exchange controls on stream water chemistry in a glacial meltwater stream in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Analysis of temperature profiles for investigating stream losses beneath ephemeral channels, 2002, Water Resources Research (38) - 12
- Interbasin groundwater flow in south central Nevada: A further comment on the discussion between Davisson et. al.. [1999a, 1999b] and Thomas [1999], 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 2
- A new tracer‐density criterion for heterogeneous porous media, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 1
- Analysis of streambed temperatures in ephemeral channels to determine streamflow frequency and duration, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 2
- Methyl tert‐butyl ether degradation in the unsaturated zone and the relation between MTBE in the atmosphere and shallow groundwater, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 2
- Quantifying the relative importance of flow regulation and grain size regulation of suspended sediment transport α and tracking changes in grain size of bed sediment β, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 1
- Confidence intervals for expected moments algorithm flood quantile estimates, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 6
- Seasonal subsidence and rebound in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 6
- Historical effects of El Nino and La Nina events on the seasonal evolution of the montane snowpack in the Columbia and Colorado River Basins, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 3
- A minimalist probabilistic description of root zone soil water, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 3
- Effective matrix diffusion in kilometer‐scale transport in fractured crystalline rock, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 3
- Development of channel organization and roughness following sediment pulses in single‐thread, gravel bed rivers, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 8
- Predictive modeling of flow and transport in a two‐dimensional intermediate‐scale, heterogeneous porous medium, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 10
- Solute transport along preferential flow paths in unsaturated fractures, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 10
- Interparticle collision of natural sediment grains in water, 2001, Water Resources Research (37) - 9
- Comment on RamaRao et al. [1995] and LaVenue et al. [1995], 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 9
- A compartmentalized solute transport model for redox zones in contaminated aquifers: 1. Theory and development, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 8
- A compartmentalized solute transport model for redox zones in contaminated aquifers: 2. Field‐scale simulations, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 8
- Development of a pore network simulation model to study nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 2
- Testing a full‐range soil‐water retention function in modeling water potential and temperature, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 10
- Identifying fracture‐zone geometry using simulated annealing and hydraulic‐connection data, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 7
- Estimating the variance and integral scale of the transmissivity field using head residual increments, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 5
- Timescales for migration of atmospherically derived sulphate through an alpine/subalpine watershed, Loch Vale, Colorado, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Effects of nearshore recharge on groundwater interactions with a lake in mantled karst terrain, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 8
- Mechanism and rate of denitrification in an agricultural watershed: Electron and mass balance along groundwater flow paths, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 6
- Colorado River sediment transport: 1. Natural sediment supply limitation and the influence of Glen Canyon Dam, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 2
- An analysis of the pilot point methodology for automated calibration of an ensemble of conditionally simulated transmissivity fields, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 4
- Estimating the theoretical semivariogram from finite numbers of measurements, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Influence of net freshwater supply on salinity in Florida Bay, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 7
- Characterizing multiple timescales of stream and storage zone interaction that affect solute fate and transport in streams, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 6
- Shallow subsurface storm flow in a forested headwater catchment: Observations and modeling using a modified TOPMODEL, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 9
- An evaluation of the Wyoming Gauge System for snowfall measurement, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 9
- Colorado River sediment transport: 2. Systematic bed‐elevation and grain‐size effects of sand supply limitation, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 2
- Dating young groundwater with sulfur hexafluoride: Natural and anthropogenic sources of sulfur hexafluoride, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 10
- Determination of hydrologic pathways during snowmelt for alpine/subalpine basins, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Tracer transport in fractured crystalline rock: Evidence of nondiffusive breakthrough tailing, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 7
- Bed material transport in the Virgin River, Utah, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 2
- Landslide triggering by rain infiltration, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 7
- Relations between basin characteristics and stream water chemistry in alpine/subalpine basins in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Multispecies reactive tracer test in an aquifer with spatially variable chemical conditions, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Unsaturated‐zone wedge beneath a large, natural lake, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 12
- Regional interdisciplinary paleoflood approach to assess extreme flood potential, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 10
- Modeling the influence of variable pH on the transport of zinc in a contaminated aquifer using semiempirical surface complexation models, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 12
- Stream chemistry modeling of two watersheds in the Front Range, Colorado, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Combining binary decision tree and geostatistical methods to estimate snow distribution in a mountain watershed, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Preface [to special section on recent Loch Vale Watershed research], 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Variability of bed mobility in natural, gravel‐bed channels and adjustments to sediment load at local and reach scales, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 12
- Sensitivity of a high-elevation Rocky Mountain watershed to altered climate and CO2, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Controls on nitrogen flux in alpine/subalpine watersheds of Colorado, 2000, Water Resources Research (36) - 1
- Comment on “Field study of spatial variability in unsaturated flow beneath and adjacent to playas” by Bridget R. Scanlon and Richard S. Goldsmith, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 2
- Soil water retention and maximum capillary drive from saturation to oven dryness, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 7
- Influence of various water quality sampling strategies on load estimates for small streams, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 12
- Evaluation of prediction intervals for expressing uncertainties in groundwater flow model predictions, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 9
- Denitrification in marine shales in northeastern Colorado, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 5
- Evaluating the use of “goodness‐of‐fit” measures in hydrologic and hydroclimatic model validation, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 1
- A procedure for classifying textural facies in gravel‐bed rivers, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 6
- Effects of hydraulic roughness on surface textures of gravel‐bed rivers, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 11
- Practical Scheffe‐type credibility intervals for variables of a groundwater model, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 1
- Simulations of snow distribution and hydrology in a mountain basin, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 5
- Stochastic analysis of virus transport in aquifers, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 7
- Quantification of aerobic biodegradation and volatilization rates of gasoline hydrocarbons near the water table under natural attenuation conditions, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 3
- Coupling groundwater and riparian vegetation models to assess effects of reservoir releases, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 12
- Reactive solute transport in streams: A surface complexation approach for trace metal sorption, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 12
- Long‐term trends in stream water and precipitation chemistry at five headwater basins in the northeastern United States, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 2
- A new multistage groundwater transport inverse method: presentation, evaluation, and implications, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 4
- The relationship between soil heterotrophic activity, soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leachate, and catchment-scale DOC export in headwater catchments, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 6
- Effects of sediment supply on surface textures of gravel‐bed rivers, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 11
- Correlative velocity fluctuations over a gravel river bed, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 2
- Evaluation of the atmosphere as a source of volatile organic compounds in shallow groundwater, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 1
- Pumping tests in networks of multilevel sampling wells: Motivation and methodology, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 11
- Improved method for the determination of nonpurgeable suspended organic carbon in natural water by silver filter filtration, wet chemical oxidation, and infrared spectrometry, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 1
- Quantification of precipitation measurement discontinuity induced by wind shields on national gauges, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 2
- Natural attenuation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in a freshwater tidal wetland: Field evidence of anaerobic biodegradation, 1999, Water Resources Research (35) - 12
- The discharge of nitrate-contaminated groundwater from developed shoreline to marsh-fringed estuary, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 11
- Reply to comment by E. Holzbecher on "Constant-concentration boundary condition: Lessons from the HYDROCOIN variable-density groundwater benchmark problem", 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 10
- A note on conservative transport in anisotropic, heterogeneous porous media in the presence of small-amplitude transients, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 12
- Effect of enhanced manganese oxidation in the hyporheic zone on basin-scale geochemical mass balance, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 4
- High-resolution Monte Carlo simulation of flow and conservative transport in heterogeneous porous media: 2. Transport results, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 4
- High-resolution Monte Carlo simulation of flow and conservative transport in heterogeneous porous media: 1. Methodology and flow results, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 4
- Interactions between pool geometry and hydraulics, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 12
- Flow modeling and permeability estimation using borehole flow logs in heterogeneous fractured formations, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 5
- Nitrogen transport and transformations in a shallow aquifer receiving wastewater discharge: A mass balance approach, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 2
- Simulation of variable-density flow and transport of reactive and nonreactive solutes during a tracer test at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 1
- A nonlinear model for analysis of slug-test data, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 1
- Data from selected U.S. Geological Survey National Stream Water Quality Monitoring Networks, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 9
- Interaction between stream temperature, streamflow, and groundwater exchanges in alpine streams, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 7
- Effect of groundwater springs on NO3− concentrations during summer in Catskill Mountain streams, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 8
- In situ determination of particle friction angles of fluvial gravels, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 8
- Comparison of hydrochemical tracers to estimate source contributions to peak flow in a small, forested, headwater catchment, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 7
- Detecting influential observations in nonlinear regression modeling of groundwater flow, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 7
- Evaluating the source and residence times of groundwater seepage to streams, New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 11
- The fate of geothermal arsenic in the Madison and Missouri Rivers, Montana and Wyoming, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 11
- Use of 3H/3He Ages to evaluate and improve groundwater flow models in a complex buried-valley aquifer, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 5
- Chemistry of unsaturated zone gases sampled in open boreholes at the crest of Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Data and basic concepts of chemical and physical processes in the mountain, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 6
- Tritium-helium 3 dating under complex conditions in hydraulically stressed areas of a buried-valley aquifer, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 5
- Development and testing of a compartmentalized reaction network model for redox zones in contaminated aquifers, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 6
- Base cation concentrations in subsurface flow from a forested hillslope: The role of flushing frequency, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 12
- Molybdate transport in a chemically complex aquifer: Field measurements compared with solute-transport model predictions, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 10
- Field study and simulation of diurnal temperature effects on infiltration and variably saturated flow beneath an ephemeral stream, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 9
- Detection of aquifer system compaction and land subsidence using interferometric synthetic aperture radar, Antelope Valley, Mojave Desert, California, 1998, Water Resources Research (34) - 10
- The travel times of solutes at the Cape Cod Tracer Experiment: Data analysis, modeling, and structural parameters inference, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 7
- Strontium 87/strontium 86 as a tracer of mineral weathering reactions and calcium sources in an alpine/subalpine watershed, Loch Vale, Colorado, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 6
- Deep well injection of brine from Paradox Valley, Colorado: Potential major precipitation problems remediated by nanofiltration, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 5
- Flow to a well of finite diameter in a homogeneous, anisotropic water table aquifer, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 6
- Effects of solution mining of salt on wetland hydrology as inferred from tree rings, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 3
- Analysis of the Cape Cod tracer data, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 1
- Regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 12
- Methods for predicting peak discharge of floods caused by failure of natural and constructed earthen dams, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 10
- Evaluation of process errors in bed load sampling using a Dune Model, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 10
- Constant-concentration boundary condition: Lessons from the HYDROCOIN variable-density groundwater benchmark problem, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 10
- An algorithm for computing moments-based flood quantile estimates when historical flood information is available, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 9
- Hydrological and chemical estimates of the water balance of a closed-basin lake in north central Minnesota, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 12
- Geochemical mole-balance modeling with uncertain data, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 8
- Soil-water movement under natural-site and waste-site conditions: A multiple-year field study in the Mojave Desert, Nevada, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 8
- Multiphase flow modeling of a crude-oil spill site with a bimodal permeability distribution, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 7
- Regional streamflow regimes and hydroclimatology of the United States, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 7
- Experimental design for estimating parameters of rate-limited mass transfer: Analysis of stream tracer studies, 1997, Water Resources Research (33) - 7
- Subsidence of agricultural lands in the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta, California: Role of aqueous and gaseous carbon fluxes, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 8
- Nitrate in groundwater and water sources used by riparian trees in an agricultural watershed: A chemical and isotopic investigation in southern Minnesota, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 4
- Identification of hydraulic conductivity structure in sand and gravel aquifers: Cape Cod data set , 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 5
- Infiltration and solute transport experiments in unsaturated sand and gravel, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Experimental design and overview of results, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 3
- Inferring shallow groundwater flow in saprolite and fractured rock using environmental tracers, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 6
- The use of streambed temperature profiles to estimate the depth, duration, and rate of percolation beneath arroyos, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 12
- Mineral nitrogen transformations in and under seasonal snow in a high-elevation catchment in the Rocky Mountains, United States, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 10
- Analysis of nitrate in near-surface aquifers in the midcontinental United States: An application of the inverse hyperbolic sine Tobit model, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 10
- Groundwater inflow measurements in wetland systems, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 3
- Estimation of rates of aerobic hydrocarbon biodegradation by simulation of gas transport in the unsaturated zone, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 7
- Effects of thermal vapor diffusion on seasonal dynamics of water in the unsaturated zone, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 3
- Effect of horizontal heat and fluid flow on the vertical temperature distribution in a semiconfining layer, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 5
- Modeling reservoir density underflow and interflow from a chemical spill, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 3
- Experimental investigation and modeling of uranium (VI) transport under variable chemical conditions, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 12
- Hydrogeologic controls on the groundwater interactions with an acidic lake in karst terrain, Lake Barco, Florida, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 4
- Age dating of shallow groundwater with chlorofluorocarbons, tritium/helium: 3, and flow path analysis, southern New Jersey coastal plain, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 4
- Use of precipitation and groundwater isotopes to interpret regional hydrology on a tropical volcanic island: Kilauea volcano area, Hawaii, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 12
- Sand deposition in the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon from flooding of the Little Colorado River, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 12
- Estimates of evapotranspiration or effective moisture in Rocky Mountain watersheds from chloride ion concentrations in stream baseflow, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 2
- Reactive solute transport in streams: 1. Development of an equilibrium- based model, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 2
- Direct simulation of groundwater age, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 2
- Reactive solute transport in streams: 2. Simulation of a pH modification experiment, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 2
- Evaluating the reliability of the stream tracer approach to characterize stream-subsurface water exchange, 1996, Water Resources Research (32) - 8
- Long-term hydrologic and biogeochemical responses of a soft water seepage lake in north central Wisconsin, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 1
- Transient hydrogeological controls on the chemistry of a seepage lake, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 9
- Effects of carbon and nitrate on denitrification in bottom sediments of an effluent-dominated river, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 4
- Evaluation of 11 equations for determining evaporation for a small lake in the North Central United States, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 4
- Simulation of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation processes at a crude oil spill site, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 12
- Comment on "Horizontal aquifer movement in a theis-theim confined system" by Donald C. Helm, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 12
- Eolian transport, saline lake basins, and groundwater solutes, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 12
- Modeling hexavalent chromium reduction in groundwater in field-scale transport and laboratory batch experiments, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 11
- Use of a reactive gas transport model to determine rates of hydrocarbon biodegradation in unsaturated porous media, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 11
- Hydrologic and geochemical effects on oxygen uptake in bottom sediments of an effluent-dominated river, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 10
- Combined use of groundwater dating, chemical, and isotopic analyses to resolve the history and fate of nitrate contamination in two agricultural watersheds, Atlantic coastal plain, Maryland, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 9
- Estimating 14C groundwater ages in a methanogenic aquifer, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 9
- State-dependent anisotrophy: Comparison of quasi-analytical solutions with stochastic results for steady gravity drainage, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 9
- Chemical evolution of groundwater near a sinkhole lake, northern Florida: 1. Flow patterns, age of groundwater, and influence of lakewater leakage, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 6
- Chemical evolution of groundwater near a sinkhole lake, northern Florida: 2. Chemical patterns, mass-transfer modeling, and rates of chemical reactions, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 6
- Processes controlling the chemistry of two snowmelt‐dominated streams in the Rocky Mountains, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 11
- Transport of chromium and selenium in a pristine sand and gravel aquifer: Role of adsorption processes, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 4
- Chlorofluorocarbons as tracers of groundwater transport processes in a shallow, silty sand aquifer, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 3
- Deducing the distribution of terminal electron-accepting processes in hydrologically diverse groundwater systems, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 2
- Modeling the effects of variable groundwater chemistry on adsorption of molybdate, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 2
- An updated model of induced airflow in the unsaturated zone, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 2
- Nonperiodic eddy pulsations, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 6
- Characterization of a high-transmissivity zone by well test analysis: Steady state case, 1995, Water Resources Research (31) - 1
- Hydrologic processes controlling sulfate mobility in a small forested watershed, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 2
- Influence of diurnal variations in stream temperature on streamflow loss and groundwater recharge, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 12
- Reply to “Comment on ‘An efficient numerical solution of the transient storage equations for solute transport in small streams" by R. L. Runkel and S. C. Chapra, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 10
- Flow path studies in forested watersheds of headwater tributaries of Brush Brook, Vermont, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 9
- Climate, soil water storage, and the average annual water balance, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 7
- Marginal bed load transport in a gravel bed stream, Sagehen Creek, California, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 7
- Dating of shallow groundwater: Comparison of the transient tracers 3H/3He, chlorofluorocarbons, and 85Kr, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 6
- Surface energy balance estimates at local and regional scales using optical remote sensing from an aircraft platform and atmospheric data collected over semiarid rangelands, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 5
- Use of ground-based remotely sensed data for surface energy balance evaluation of a semiarid rangeland, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 5
- Transport of chromium and selenium in the suboxic zone of a shallow aquifer: Influence of redox and adsorption reactions, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 4
- Modeling of soil water retention from saturation to oven dryness, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 3
- Movements of water, solutes, and stable isotopes in the unsaturated zones of two sand plains in the upper Midwest, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 2
- The use of simulation and multiple environmental tracers to quantify groundwater flow in a shallow aquifer, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 2
- How permeable are clays and shales?, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 2
- Local energy flux estimates for unstable conditions using variance data in semiarid rangelands, 1994, Water Resources Research (30) - 5
- Comparison of episodic acidification of Mid-Atlantic Upland and Coastal Plain streams, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 9
- Spring climate and salinity in the San Francisco Bay Estuary, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 2
- Adaptive estimation of the log fluctuating conductivity from tracer data at the Cape Cod Site, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 12
- Mean flow and turbulence fields over two-dimensional bed forms, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 12
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CCl3F and CCl2F2) as dating tools and hydrologic tracers in shallow groundwater of the Delmarva Peninsula, Atlantic Coastal Plain, United States, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 12
- Numerical investigation of steady liquid water flow in a variably saturated fracture network, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 12
- An analytic solution of the stochastic storage problem applicable to soil water, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 11
- Correction of stream quality trends for the effects of laboratory measurement bias, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 11
- Simulating the volatilization of solvents in unsaturated soils during laboratory and field infiltration experiments, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 10
- Long-term frozen storage of stream water samples for dissolved orthophosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, and ammonia analysis, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 10
- A Fast Fourier transform stochastic analysis of the contaminant transport problem, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 9
- Role of physical heterogeneity in the interpretation of small-scale laboratory and field observations of bacteria, microbial-sized microsphere, and bromide transport through aquifer sediments, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 8
- Estimating discharge of shallow groundwater by transpiration from greasewood in the Northern Great Basin, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 8
- Groundwater as a nonpoint source of atrazine and deethylatrazine in a river during base flow conditions, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Simulation of fluid distributions observed at a crude oil spill site incorporating hysteresis, oil entrapment, and spatial variability of hydraulic properties, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Transport and accumulation of radionuclides and stable elements in a Missouri River Reservoir, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Use of output from high‐resolution atmospheric models in landscape‐scale hydrologic models: An assessment, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Transport of volatile organic compounds across the capillary fringe, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Measurement of variation in soil solute tracer concentration across a range of effective pore sizes, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 6
- Comparison of Penman-Monteith, Shuttleworth-Wallace, and modified Priestley-Taylor evapotranspiration models for wildland vegetation in semiarid rangeland, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 5
- Confirmation of rate-dependent behavior in water retention during drainage in nonswelling porous materials, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 4
- A methodology for quantifying and valuing the impacts of flow changes on a fishery, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 3
- Exact Scheffé-type confidence intervals for output from groundwater flow models: 2. Combined use of hydrogeologic information and calibration data, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 1
- Evaluation of the energy budget method of determining evaporation at Williams Lake, Minnesota, using alternative instrumentation and study approaches, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 8
- A finite-volume Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method for solution of the advection-dispersion equation, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 7
- The effect of streambed topography on surface-subsurface water exchange in mountain catchments, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 1
- An efficient numerical solution of the transient storage equations for solute transport in small streams, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 1
- Exact Scheffé-type confidence intervals for output from groundwater flow models: 1. Use of hydrogeologic information, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 1
- Advection and diffusion in a variable-salinity confining layer, 1993, Water Resources Research (29) - 8
- The role of groundwater transport in aquatic mercury cycling, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 12
- Modeling biotic uptake by periphyton and transient hyporrheic storage of nitrate in a natural stream, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 10
- A geochemical transport model for redox-controlled movement of mineral fronts in groundwater flow systems: A case of nitrate removal by oxidation of pyrite, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 10
- Use of chlorofluorocarbons (CCl3F and CCl2F2) as hydrologic tracers and age‐dating tools: The alluvium and terrace system of central Oklahoma, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 9
- Relation of nickel concentrations in tree rings to groundwater contamination, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 8
- Large-scale natural gradient tracer test in sand and gravel, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: 3. Hydraulic conductivity variability and calculated macrodispersivities, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 8
- Fat fractal scaling of drainage networks from a random spatial network model, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 7
- Solute transport with multiple equilibrium-controlled or kinetically controlled chemical reactions, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 7
- Solute transport with multisegment, equilibrium-controlled, classical reactions: Problem solvability and feed forward method's applicability for complex segments of at most binary participants, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 6
- A solute flux approach to transport in heterogeneous formations: 2. Uncertainty analysis, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 5
- A solute flux approach to transport in heterogeneous formations: 1. The general framework, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 5
- Legal mechanisms for protecting riparian resource values, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 4
- Gravity-driven groundwater flow and slope failure potential: 2. Effects of slope morphology, material properties, and hydraulic heterogeneity, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 3
- Flow resistance under conditions of intense gravel transport, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 3
- Gravity-driven groundwater flow and slope failure potential: 1. Elastic effective-stress model, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 3
- Evolution of coarse gravel bed forms: Field measurements at flood stage, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 10
- Debris flow rheology: Experimental analysis of fine-grained slurries, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 3
- Arrival times and temporal moments of breakthrough curves for an imperfectly stratified aquifer, 1992, Water Resources Research (28) - 1
- Groundwater flow and solute movement to drain laterals, western San Joaquin Valley, California: 1. Geochemical assessment, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 9
- Groundwater flow and solute movement to drain laterals, western San Joaquin Valley, California: 2. Quantitative hydrologic assessment, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 9
- Centrifugal techniques for measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 6
- Large-scale natural gradient tracer test in sand and gravel, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: 1. Experimental design and observed tracer movement, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 5
- Large-scale natural gradient tracer test in sand and gravel, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: 2. Analysis of spatial moments for a nonreactive tracer, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 5
- Sampling design for groundwater solute transport: Tests of methods and analysis of Cape Cod tracer test data, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 5
- Comment on the treatment of residual water content in “A consistent set of parametric models for the two-phase flow of immiscible fluids in the subsurface” by L. Luckner et al., 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 4
- Preliminary analysis of the hydrologic and geochemical controls on acid‐neutralizing capacity in two acidic seepage lakes in Florida, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 9
- Evaluation of unsaturated zone air permeability through pneumatic tests, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 10
- Response of Ned Wilson Lake watershed, Colorado, to changes in atmospheric deposition of sulfate, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 8
- Comment on “Macrodispersion in sand-shale sequences” by A. J. Desbarats, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 1
- Convergent radial dispersion: A note on evaluation of the Laplace transform solution, 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 12
- Comment on “Flow and tracer transport in a single fracture: A stochastic model and its relation to some field observations” by L. Moreno et al., 1991, Water Resources Research (27) - 1
- Solving groundwater flow problems by conjugate-gradient methods and the strongly implicit procedure, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 9
- Estimating groundwater exchange with lakes: 1. The stable isotope mass balance method, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 10
- Estimating groundwater exchange with lakes: 2. Calibration of a three-dimensional, solute transport model to a stable isotope plume, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 10
- An efficient deterministic-probabilistic approach to modeling regional groundwater flow: 2. Application to Owens Valley, California, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 7
- An efficient deterministic-probabilistic approach to modeling regional groundwater flow: 1. Theory, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 7
- Predicting the vertical structure of tidal current and salinity in San Francisco Bay, California, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 5
- Apparent dispersion in transient groundwater flow, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 10
- Chemical weathering in the Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 12
- The chemistry of iron, aluminum, and dissolved organic material in three acidic, metal-enriched, mountain streams, as controlled by watershed and in-stream processes, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 12
- Simulation of lake evaporation with application to modeling lake level variations of Harney‐Malheur Lake, Oregon, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 10
- Solute transport with multisegment, equilibrium-controlled reactions: A feed forward simulation method, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 9
- Application of the Stefan-Maxwell Equations to determine limitations of Fick's law when modeling organic vapor transport in sand columns, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 6
- Comparison of Darcian flow in corresponding flat and folded surfaces, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 8
- Characterization of transport in an acidic and metal-rich mountain stream based on a lithium tracer injection and simulations of transient storage, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 5
- Particle velocity interpolation in block-centered finite difference groundwater flow models, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 5
- A multilayered sharp interface model of coupled freshwater and saltwater flow in coastal systems: Model development and application, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 7
- Response of the water level in a well to Earth tides and atmospheric loading under unconfined conditions, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 8
- Comparison of photon correlation spectroscopy with photosedimentation analysis for the determination of aqueous colloid size distributions, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 11
- Kinetically influenced terms for solute transport affected by heterogeneous and homogeneous classical reactions, 1990, Water Resources Research (26) - 1
- Solute advection in stratified formations, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 6
- Circular convection during subsurface injection of liquid waste, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 7
- Estimating constituent loads, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 5
- Multiobjective sampling design for parameter estimation and model discrimination in groundwater solute transport, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 10
- Speciation and equilibrium relations of soluble aluminum in a headwater stream at base flow and during rain events, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 7
- Interaction of fine sediment with alluvial streambeds, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 1
- Assessing the validity of the channel model of fracture aperture under field conditions, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 5
- A channel dynamics model for real-time flood forecasting, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 4
- Dune migration in a steep, coarse-bedded stream, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 5
- A random spatial network model based on elementary postulates, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 5
- The relationship of catchment topography and soil hydraulic characteristics to lake alkalinity in the northeastern United States, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 5
- Accounting for intracell flow in models with emphasis on water table recharge and stream-aquifer interaction: 2. A procedure, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 4
- Analysis of accuracy of approximate, simultaneous, nonlinear confidence intervals on hydraulic heads in analytical and numerical test cases, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 2
- Convergent radial dispersion: A Laplace transform solution for aquifer tracer testing, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 3
- Simulation of calcite dissolution and porosity changes in saltwater mixing zones in coastal aquifers, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 4
- Accounting for intracell flow in models with emphasis on water table recharge and stream-aquifer interaction: 1. Problems and concepts, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 4
- Water content dependence of trapped air in two soils, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 9
- Interpretation of oscillatory water levels in observation wells during aquifer tests in fractured rock, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 10
- Air permeability and trapped-air content in two soils, 1989, Water Resources Research (25) - 9
- Nonparametric statistical methods for comparing two sites based on data with multiple nondetect limits, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 2
- Stochastic analysis of solute arrival time in heterogeneous porous media, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 40
- Internal inconsistencies in dispersion-dominated models that incorporate chemical and microbial kinetics, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 4
- Processes affecting the distribution of selenium in shallow groundwater of agricultural areas, western San Joaquin Valley, California, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 4
- A note on the recent natural gradient tracer test at the Borden Site, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 12
- Geochemistry of groundwater in tertiary and cretaceous sediments of the southeastern Coastal Plain in eastern Georgia, South Carolina, and southeastern North Carolina, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 2
- Assessing the Birkenes Model of stream acidification using a multisignal calibration methodology, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 8
- The chemical evolution of a travertine-depositing stream: Geochemical processes and mass transfer reactions, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 9
- Response of well aquifer systems to Earth tides: Problem revisited, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 3
- Estimation of descriptive statistics for multiply censored water quality data, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 12
- Further comments on sensitivities, parameter estimation, and sampling design in one-dimensional analysis of solute transport in porous media, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 2
- Effects of sulfur dioxide emissions on stream chemistry in the western United States, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 6
- Using exogenous variables in testing for monotonic trends in hydrologic time series, 1988, Water Resources Research (24) - 11
- Laboratory investigation of longitudinal dispersion in anisotropic porous media, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 11
- Selective transport of hydrocarbons in the unsaturated zone due to aqueous and vapor phase partitioning, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 10
- A compositional multiphase model for groundwater contamination by petroleum products: 1. Theoretical considerations, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 1
- A compositional multiphase model for groundwater contamination by petroleum products: 2. Numerical solution, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 1
- Tidal and tidally averaged circulation characteristics of Suisun Bay, California, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 1
- Stochastic model for the long-term transport of stored sediment in a river channel, 1987, Water Resources Research (2) - 9
- Theoretical analysis of the transient pressure response from a constant flow rate hydraulic conductivity test, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 8
- Direct comparison of kinetic and local equilibrium formulations for solute transport affected by surface reactions, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 3
- External effects of irrigators' pumping decisions, high plains aquifer, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 7
- The mobilization of aluminum in a natural soil system: Effects of hydrologic pathways, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 5
- Transport of reacting solutes subject to a moving dissolution boundary: Numerical methods and solutions, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 8
- Behavior of sensitivities in the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation: Implications for parameter estimation and sampling design, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 2
- Depth-averaging effects on hydraulic head for media with stochastic hydraulic conductivity, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 4
- Unsaturated flow in a centrifugal field: Measurement of hydraulic conductivity and testing of Darcy's Law, 1987, Water Resources Research (23) - 1
- On tide-induced Lagrangian residual current and residual transport: 1. Lagrangian residual current, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 12
- On tide-induced Lagrangian residual current and residual transport: 2. Residual transport with application in south San Francisco Bay, California, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 12
- Groundwater Seepage Vectors and the Potential for Hillslope Failure and Debris Flow Mobilization, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 11
- A new formula for the analytical solution of the radial dispersion problem, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 11
- Groundwater transport of strontium 90 in a glacial outwash environment, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 4
- Modeling contamination of shallow unconfined aquifers through infiltration beds, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 3
- Stochastic analysis of three-dimensional flow in a bounded domain, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 5
- Estimation of distributional parameters for censored trace level water quality data: 1. Estimation techniques, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 2
- Simulation of fluid flow and energy transport processes associated with high-level radioactive waste disposal in unsaturated alluvium, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 5
- The problem of complex eigensystems in the semianalytical solution for advancement of time in solute transport simulations: a new method using real arithmetic, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 7
- Estimation of distributional parameters for censored trace level water quality data: 2. Verification and applications, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 2
- A statistical methodology for estimating transport parameters: Theory and applications to one-dimensional advectivec-dispersive systems, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 8
- Ground-water flow in low permeability environments, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 8
- A comparison of several methods for the solution of the inverse problem in two-dimensional steady state groundwater flow modeling, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 5
- Manganese biogeochemistry in a small Adirondack forested lake watershed, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 12
- Regression approximations for transport model constraint sets in combined aquifer simulation-optimization studies, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 4
- Nonlinear-regression groundwater flow modeling of a deep regional aquifer system, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 13
- Adaptation of the Carter-Tracy water influx calculation to groundwater flow simulation, 1986, Water Resources Research (22) - 3
- Field determination of the three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity tensor of anisotropic media: 1. Theory, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 1
- Assessment of the instantaneous unit hydrograph derived from the theory of topologically random networks, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 11
- Comment on “Evaluation of slug tests in wells containing a finite-thickness skin” by C. R. Faust and J. W. Mercer, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 9
- Comment on "Possible effects of erosional changes of the topographic relief on pore pressure at depth" by J. Tóth and R.F. Millar, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 6
- Comment on “Possible Effects of Erosional Changes of the Topographic Relief on Pore Pressures at Depth” by J. Tóth and R. F. Millar, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 6
- Geochemistry of groundwater in Cretaceous sediments of the southeastern coastal plain of eastern Mississippi and western Alabama, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 10
- A comparison of several methods of solving nonlinear regression groundwater flow problems, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 10
- Unit hydrograph approximations assuming linear flow through topologically random channel networks, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 5
- The effect of glaciers on streamflow variations, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 4
- Downstream dilution of a lahar: Transition from debris flow to hyperconcentrated streamflow, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 10
- Modeling the rate-controlled sorption of hexavalent chromium, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 11
- Water balance models in one-month-ahead streamflow forecasting, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 4
- Assessment of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 11
- Interannual streamflow variability in the United States based on principal components, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 5
- Sorting of bed load sediment by flow in meander bends, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 9
- Type curve analysis of inertial effects in the response of a well to a slug test., 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 9
- Errors and parameter estimation in precipitation-runoff modeling: 2. Case study, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 8
- A quantitative analysis of the Lassen hydrothermal system, north central California, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 6
- A policy evaluation tool: Management of a multiaquifer system using controlled stream recharge, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 11
- Nitrogen and phosphorus speciation and flux in a large Florida river wetland System, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 5
- Field determination of the three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity tensor of anisotropic media: 2. Methodology and application to fractured rocks, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 11
- Errors and parameter estimation in precipitation-runoff modeling: 1. Theory, 1985, Water Resources Research (21) - 8
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘The Interaction of Lakes With Variably Saturated Porous Media’ by Thomas C. Winter”], 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 8
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Identifying sources of groundwater pollution: An optimization approach’ by Steven M. Gorelick, Barbara Evans, and Irwin Remson”], 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 6
- Note on the applicability of the James-Stein Estimator in regional hydrologic studies, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 11
- Aquifer reclamation design: The use of contaminant transport simulation combined with nonlinear programing, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 4
- Double-porosity models for a fissured groundwater reservoir with fracture skin, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 7
- A nonparametric trend test for seasonal data with serial dependence., 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 6
- Eulerian-Lagrangian solution of the convection-dispersion equation in natural coordinates, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 7
- Origin and distribution of carbon dioxide in the unsaturated zone of the southern High Plains of Texas, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 9
- On the treatment of evapotranspiration, soil moisture accounting, and aquifer recharge in monthly water balance models, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 8
- Interactions of solutes and streambed sediment: 1. An experimental analysis of cation and anion transport in a mountain stream, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 12
- Interactions of solutes and streambed sediment: 2. A dynamic analysis of coupled hydrologic and chemical processes that determine solute transport, 1984, Water Resources Research (20) - 12
- Measuring water surface and streambed elevation changes with the acoustic velocity metering system, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 5
- Transport of reacting solutes in porous media: Relation between mathematical nature of problem formulation and chemical nature of reactions, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 5
- Incorporation of prior information on parameters into nonlinear regression groundwater flow models: 2. Applications, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 3
- Simulation of solute transport in a mountain pool-and-riffle stream: A transient storage model, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 3
- Approximate sampling distribution of the serial correlation coefficient for small samples, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 2
- Simulation of solute transport in a mountain pool-and-riffle stream with a kinetic mass transfer model for sorption, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 3
- A review of distributed parameter groundwater management modeling methods, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 2
- Estimation of groundwater recharge parameters by time series analysis, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 6
- Asymptotic distribution of the maximum deficit with correlated, partially regulated outflows, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 1
- Kinetic analysis of strontium and potassium sorption onto sands and gravels in a natural channel, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 3
- Laboratory investigations of steam flow in a porous medium, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 4
- Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water for irrigated agriculture: Risk aversion, 1983, Water Resources Research (19) - 5
- On Lagrangian residual currents with applications in south San Francisco Bay, California, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 6
- On conducting the modified ‘Slug’ test in tight formations, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 2
- Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 1
- Incorporation of prior information on parameters into nonlinear regression groundwater flow models: 1. Theory, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 4
- Comparison of techniques for estimating annual lake evaporation using climatological data, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 3
- A model for managing sources of groundwater pollution, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 4
- Optimal dynamic management of groundwater pollutant sources, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 1
- A comparison of four streamflow record extension techniques, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 4
- Stability of βMnOOH and manganese oxide deposition from springwater, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 3
- An analysis of input errors in precipitation-runoff models using regression with errors in the independent variables, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 4
- Comparison of estimators of standard deviation for hydrologic time series, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 5
- Bank stability and channel width adjustment, East Fork River, Wyoming, 1982, Water Resources Research (18) - 4
- Earth fissures and localized differential subsidence, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 1
- The effect of snowmelt on the water quality of Filson Creek and Omaday Lake, northeastern Minnesota, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 1
- Preconsolidation stress of aquifer systems in areas of induced land subsidence, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 3
- Hydromythology and ethnohydrology in the New World, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 2
- A numerical inversion of the Laplace transform solution to radial dispersion in a porous medium, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 1
- Flow through fractures, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 1
- Estimation of impervious-area washoff parameters, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 4
- Estimation of accumulation parameters for urban runoff quality modeling, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 6
- Measurement and computation of bed-material discharge in a shallow sand-bed stream, Muddy Creek, Wyoming, 1981, Water Resources Research (17) - 1
- Flood risks and the willingness to purchase flood insurance, 1980, Water Resources Research (16) - 4
- Quantile estimation with more or less floodlike distributions, 1980, Water Resources Research (16) - 3
- A model to forecast short-term snowmelt runoff using synoptic observations of streamflow, temperature, and precipitation, 1980, Water Resources Research (16) - 4
- Accuracy of an estuarine hydrodynamic model using smooth elements, 1980, Water Resources Research (16) - 1
- Faulting caused by groundwater level declines, San Joaquin Valley, California, 1980, Water Resources Research (16) - 6
- Variation of rain chemistry during storms at two sites in northern California, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 3
- Barometric fluctuations in wells tapping deep unconfined aquifers, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 5
- The geochemistry of the Fox Hills-Basal Hell Creek Aquifer in southwestern North Dakota and northwestern South Dakota, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 6
- Probability weighted moments: Definition and relation to parameters of several distributions expressable in inverse form, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 5
- Worth of data and natural disaster insurance, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 6
- Some basic considerations in the design of hydrologic data networks, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 6
- Probability weighted moments compared with some traditional techniques in estimating Gumbel Parameters and quantiles, 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 5
- Space, time, and the third dimension (model error), 1979, Water Resources Research (15) - 6
- Numerical simulation of steady state three-dimensional groundwater flow near lakes, 1978, Water Resources Research (14) - 2
- Economic basis of resource information systems: The case of streamflow network design , 1977, Water Resources Research (13) - 2
- Classification of the hydrologic settings of lakes in the north central United States, 1977, Water Resources Research (13) - 4
- Hydrology of the North Cascades region, Washington: 1. Runoff, precipitation, and storage characteristics, 1976, Water Resources Research (12) - 2
- Hydrology of the North Cascades region, Washington: 2. A proposed hydrometeorological streamflow prediction method, 1976, Water Resources Research (12) - 2
- New tritium data on movement of groundwater in western Fresno County, California, 1975, Water Resources Research (11) - 5
- An approach to the design of statewide or regional ground water information systems, 1972, Water Resources Research (8) - 1
- A graphic presentation of stream gain or loss as an aid in understanding streamflow characteristics, 1970, Water Resources Research (6) - 1
- Saline groundwater resources of the conterminous United States, 1970, Water Resources Research (6) - 5
- Reply, 1970, Water Resources Research (6) - 3
- Accumulation of radionuclides in bed sediments of the Columbia River between Hanford reactors and McNary Dam, 1970, Water Resources Research (6) - 1
- An improved method for size distribution of stream bed gravel, 1970, Water Resources Research (6) - 5
- Effect of rainfall variability on streamflow simulation, 1969, Water Resources Research (5) - 5
- The linear decision rule in reservoir management and design: 1, Development of the stochastic model, 1969, Water Resources Research (5) - 4
- Relation of water loss to moisture content of hydrophytes in a natural pond, 1969, Water Resources Research (5) - 2
- Ground-water flow related to streamflow and water quality, 1968, Water Resources Research (4) - 4
- On the quantitative inventory of the riverscape, 1968, Water Resources Research (4) - 4
- Applications of factor analysis in study of chemistry of groundwater quality, Mojave River Valley, California, 1967, Water Resources Research (3) - 2
- Geohydrologic use of lithofacies maps in glaciated areas, 1966, Water Resources Research (2) - 4
- Nitrogen compounds in natural water—A review, 1966, Water Resources Research (2) - 1
- Glacier mass budget measurements by hydrologic means, 1966, Water Resources Research (2) - 1
- Determination of Columbia River flow times from Pasco, Washington using radioactive tracers introduced by the Hanford reactors, 1966, Water Resources Research (2) - 1
- Solute erosion and chloride balance in selected river basins of the western conterminous United States, 1965, Water Resources Research (1) - 4