Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- SUTRA— A code for simulation of saturated-unsaturated, variable-density groundwater flow with solute or energy transport—Documentation of the version 4.0 enhancements—Freeze-thaw capability, saturation and relative-permeability relations, spatially varying properties, and enhanced budget and velocity outputs, 2024, Techniques and Methods 6-A63
- Temperature, 2024, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.1
- Semi-automated methods to develop a unified geographic information system dataset, 2024, Techniques and Methods 11-C10
- A data exchange standard for wadeable stream habitat monitoring data, 2024, Techniques and Methods 16-B2
- Revision of ModelMuse to support the use of PEST software with MODFLOW and SUTRA models, 2024, Techniques and Methods 6-A64
- Guidelines for the use of automatic samplers in collecting surface-water quality and sediment data, 2024, Techniques and Methods 1-D12
- Accounting for the fraction of carcasses outside the searched area in the estimation of bird and bat fatalities at wind energy facilities, 2024, Techniques and Methods 7-A3
- West Nile virus (avian) case definition for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-C1
- Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) case definition for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-I1
- Electrocution (avian) case definition for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-H1
- Ophidiomycosis (snake fungal disease) case definition for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-F1
- Avian botulism case definition for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-E1
- [Disease/condition] case definition [template] for wildlife, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19-A1
- Case definitions for wildlife diseases, 2024, Techniques and Methods 19
- Methods of analysis—Determination of pesticides in filtered water and suspended sediment using liquid chromatography- and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, 2024, Techniques and Methods 5-A12
- Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) culture manual, 2024, Techniques and Methods 2-A21
- Cisco (Coregonus artedi) and bloater (Coregonus hoyi) culture manual, 2024, Techniques and Methods 2-A20
- Oil and gas reclamation—Operations, monitoring methods, and standards, 2023, Techniques and Methods 18-A1
- Use of multiparameter instruments for routine field measurements, 2023, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.8
- Creating oriented and precisely sectioned mineral mounts for in situ chemical analyses—An example using olivine for diffusion chronometry studies, 2023, Techniques and Methods 5-D5
- Design and utility of automatous, floating bait delivery platform for applying fish management baits, 2023, Techniques and Methods 8-D2
- Parameter estimation at the conterminous United States scale and streamflow routing enhancements for the National Hydrologic Model infrastructure application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS), 2023, Techniques and Methods 6-B10
- Evaluating oil and gas industry two-dimensional multichannel seismic data for use in near-surface assessment of geologic framework and potential marine minerals resources, 2023, Techniques and Methods 2-E4
- Best practices for distributing and deploying U.S. Geological Survey Shiny applications, 2023, Techniques and Methods 7-B2
- White-Nose Syndrome Diagnostic Laboratory Network handbook, 2023, Techniques and Methods 15-E1
- Guidelines for field-measured water-quality properties, 2023, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.0
- Field techniques for fluorescence measurements targeting dissolved organic matter, hydrocarbons, and wastewater in environmental waters: Principles and guidelines for instrument selection, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting, 2023, Techniques and Methods 1-D11
- Assembly methods for an external acoustic transmitter attachment device for fish telemetry studies, 2023, Techniques and Methods 8-D1
- User’s Guide to planetary image analysis and geologic mapping in ArcGIS Pro, 2023, Techniques and Methods 11-B14
- Field techniques for the determination of algal pigment fluorescence in environmental waters—Principles and guidelines for instrument and sensor selection, operation, quality assurance, and data reporting, 2022, Techniques and Methods 1-D10
- North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Mobile Acoustic Transect Surveys Standard Operating Procedure 2—Field Season and Survey Preparation, 2022, Techniques and Methods 2-C2
- North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) mobile acoustic transect surveys standard operating procedure 1—Locating and establishing mobile transect routes, 2022, Techniques and Methods 2-C1
- North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) mobile acoustic transect surveys standard operating procedure 3—Conducting mobile transect surveys, 2022, Techniques and Methods 2-C3
- Rapidly assessing social characteristics of drought preparedness and decision making: A guide for practitioners, 2022, Techniques and Methods 17-A1
- Quality assurance report for Loch Vale Watershed, 2010–19, 2022, Techniques and Methods 1-D9
- Methods for evaluating Gap Analysis Project habitat distribution maps with species occurrence data, 2022, Techniques and Methods 2-A19
- Planetary geologic mapping protocol—2022, 2022, Techniques and Methods 11-B13
- U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Toolbox — A graphical and mapping interface for analysis of hydrologic data, 2022, Techniques and Methods 4-D3
- Documentation for the Skeletal Storage, Compaction, and Subsidence (CSUB) Package of MODFLOW 6, 2022, Techniques and Methods 6-A62
- Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 Groundwater Transport Model, 2022, Techniques and Methods 6-A61
- An apparent dip calculator for spreadsheets, 2022, Techniques and Methods 7-C28
- hical—The HiRISE radiometric calibration software developed within the ISIS3 planetary image processing suite, 2022, Techniques and Methods 7-C27
- Protocol for installing and monitoring a RestoreNet restoration field trial network site, 2022, Techniques and Methods 2-A18
- Historical and paleoflood analyses for probabilistic flood-hazard assessments—Approaches and review guidelines, 2021, Techniques and Methods 4-B6
- Protocol for route restoration in California’s desert renewable energy conservation plan area, 2021, Techniques and Methods 2-A17
- A numerical model for the cooling of a lava sill with heat pipe effects, 2021, Techniques and Methods 13-B2
- Probabilistic methodology for the assessment of original and recoverable coal resources, illustrated with an application to a coal bed in the Fort Union Formation, Wyoming, 2021, Techniques and Methods 6-G1
- The basin characterization model—A regional water balance software package, 2021, Techniques and Methods 6-H1
- Chapter A6.4. Measurement of pH, 2021, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.4
- Procedures for field data collection, processing, quality assurance and quality control, and archiving of relative- and absolute-gravity surveys, 2021, Techniques and Methods 2-D4
- Multi-taxa database data dictionary, 2021, Techniques and Methods 16-B1
- DGMETA (version 1)—Dissolved gas modeling and environmental tracer analysis computer program, 2020, Techniques and Methods 4-F5
- Procedures and best practices for trigonometric leveling in the U.S. Geological Survey, 2020, Techniques and Methods 11-D3
- Approaches to highly parameterized inversion: PEST++ Version 5, a software suite for parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis, management optimization and sensitivity analysis, 2020, Techniques and Methods 7-C26
- Statistical methods in water resources, 2020, Techniques and Methods 4-A3
- Chapter A6.2. Dissolved oxygen, 2020, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.2
- Integrating climate change considerations into natural resource planning—An implementation guide, 2020, Techniques and Methods 6-C2
- GeMS (Geologic Map Schema)—A standard format for the digital publication of geologic maps, 2020, Techniques and Methods 11-B10
- Social Values for Ecosystem Services, version 4.0 (SolVES 4.0)—Documentation and user manual, 2020, Techniques and Methods 7-C25
- Elevation-derived hydrography acquisition specifications, 2020, Techniques and Methods 11-B11
- Elevation-derived hydrography—Representation, extraction, attribution, and delineation rules, 2020, Techniques and Methods 11-B12
- Safe work practices for working with wildlife, 2020, Techniques and Methods 15-C2
- Bayesian modeling of non-stationary, univariate, spatial data for the Earth sciences, 2020, Techniques and Methods 7-C24
- User guide to the bayesian modeling of non-stationary, univariate, spatial data using R language package BMNUS, 2020, Techniques and Methods 7-C20
- Passive sampling of groundwater wells for determination of water chemistry, 2020, Techniques and Methods 1-D8
- One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software, 2020, Techniques and Methods 6-A60
- Human dimensions considerations in wildlife disease management, 2020, Techniques and Methods 15-C8
- Standard operating procedures for wild horse and burro double-observer aerial surveys, 2020, Techniques and Methods 2-A16
- Regionalization of surface-water statistics using multiple linear regression, 2019, Techniques and Methods 4-A12
- Track tube construction and field protocol for small mammal surveys with emphasis on the endangered Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus), 2019, Techniques and Methods 2A15
- Guidelines and standard procedures for high-frequency groundwater-quality monitoring stations—Design, operation, and record computation, 2019, Techniques and Methods 1-D7
- SUTRA, a model for saturated-unsaturated, variable-density groundwater flow with solute or energy transport—Documentation of generalized boundary conditions, a modified implementation of specified pressures and concentrations or temperatures, and the lake capability, 2019, Techniques and Methods 6-A52
- Resource Assessment Economic Filter (RAEF)—A graphical user interface supporting implementation of simple engineering mine cost analyses of quantitative mineral resource assessment simulations, 2019, Techniques and Methods 7-C23
- User’s manual for the Draper climate-distribution software suite with data‑evaluation tools, 2019, Techniques and Methods 7-C22
- User’s guide for Assessment Tract Aggregation GUI (ATA GUI)—A graphical user interface for the AggtEx.fn R script, 2019, Techniques and Methods 7-C21
- US Topo Product Standard, 2019, Techniques and Methods 11-B2
- Chapter A6.3. Specific Conductance, 2019, Techniques and Methods 9-A6.3
- Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency — Bulletin 17C, 2018, Techniques and Methods 4-B5
- Preparations for water sampling, 2018, Techniques and Methods 9-A1
- GenEst user guide—Software for a generalized estimator of mortality, 2018, Techniques and Methods 7-C19
- GenEst statistical models—A generalized estimator of mortality, 2018, Techniques and Methods 7-A2
- SWB Version 2.0—A soil-water-balance code for estimating net infiltration and other water-budget components, 2018, Techniques and Methods 6-A59
- Monitoring riparian-vegetation composition and cover along the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, 2018, Techniques and Methods 2-A14
- User’s guide for MapMark4GUI—A graphical user interface for the MapMark4 R package, 2018, Techniques and Methods 7-C18
- Monitoring stream temperatures—A guide for non-specialists, 2018, Techniques and Methods 3-A25
- Department of the Interior metadata implementation guide—Framework for developing the metadata component for data resource management, 2018, Techniques and Methods 16-A1
- Operational tracking of lava lake surface motion at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai‘i, 2018, Techniques and Methods 13-A3
- SWToolbox: A surface-water tool-box for statistical analysis of streamflow time series, 2018, Techniques and Methods 4-A11
- THRESH—Software for tracking rainfall thresholds for landslide and debris-flow occurrence, user manual, 2018, Techniques and Methods 14-A2
- General introduction for the “National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data”, 2018, Techniques and Methods 9-A0
- Determination of δ13C, δ15N, or δ34S by isotope-ratio-monitoring mass spectrometry using an elemental analyzer, 2018, Techniques and Methods 5-D4
- Volume-weighted particle-tracking method for solute-transport modeling; Implementation in MODFLOW–GWT, 2018, Techniques and Methods 6-A58
- PDEPTH—A computer program for the geophysical interpretation of magnetic and gravity profiles through Fourier filtering, source-depth analysis, and forward modeling, 2018, Techniques and Methods 7-C17
- Description of the National Hydrologic Model for use with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), 2018, Techniques and Methods 6-B9
- Overview of a comprehensive resource database for the assessment of recoverable hydrocarbons produced by carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery, 2018, Techniques and Methods 7-C16
- Lakes and reservoirs—Guidelines for study design and sampling, 2018, Techniques and Methods 9-A10
- PRISM software—Processing and review interface for strong-motion data, 2017, Techniques and Methods 12-A2
- Documentation of the dynamic parameter, water-use, stream and lake flow routing, and two summary output modules and updates to surface-depression storage simulation and initial conditions specification options with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-B8
- Documentation of a daily mean stream temperature module—An enhancement to the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-D4
- Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 framework, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-A57
- Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 Groundwater Flow Model, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-A55
- Documentation for the “XT3D” option in the Node Property Flow (NPF) Package of MODFLOW 6, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-A56
- The National Map seamless digital elevation model specifications, 2017, Techniques and Methods 11-B9
- Efficient processing of two-dimensional arrays with C or C++, 2017, Techniques and Methods 7-E1
- Coding conventions and principles for a National Land-Change Modeling Framework, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-F1
- Probability calculations for three-part mineral resource assessments, 2017, Techniques and Methods 7-C15
- User’s guide for MapMark4—An R package for the probability calculations in three-part mineral resource assessments, 2017, Techniques and Methods 7-C14
- Vertical datum conversion process for the inland and coastal gage network located in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and South Atlantic-Gulf hydrologic regions, 2017, Techniques and Methods 11-B8
- Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD), user’s manual, version 1, 2017, Techniques and Methods 6-B35
- Continuous-flow centrifugation to collect suspended sediment for chemical analysis, 2016, Techniques and Methods 1-D6
- MT3D-USGS version 1: A U.S. Geological Survey release of MT3DMS updated with new and expanded transport capabilities for use with MODFLOW, 2016, Techniques and Methods 6-A53
- Determination of heat purgeable and ambient purgeable volatile organic compounds in water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2016, Techniques and Methods 5-B12
- Sediment acoustic index method for computing continuous suspended-sediment concentrations, 2016, Techniques and Methods 3-C5
- Recording and submitting specimen history data, 2016, Techniques and Methods 15-C3
- User’s guide for GcClust—An R package for clustering of regional geochemical data, 2016, Techniques and Methods 7-C13
- Identifying and preserving high-water mark data, 2016, Techniques and Methods 3-A24
- T-COMP — A suite of programs for extracting transmissivity from MODFLOW models, 2016, Techniques and Methods 6-A54
- Determination of pesticides and pesticide degradates in filtered water by direct aqueous-injection liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, 2016, Techniques and Methods 5-B11
- 1-Meter Digital Elevation Model specification, 2015, Techniques and Methods 11-B7
- Information resources, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15-C9
- Documentation of a restart option for the U.S. Geological Survey coupled Groundwater and Surface-Water Flow (GSFLOW) model, 2015, Techniques and Methods 6-D3
- Environmental DNA sampling protocol - filtering water to capture DNA from aquatic organisms, 2015, Techniques and Methods 2-A13
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion—PEST++ Version 3, a Parameter ESTimation and uncertainty analysis software suite optimized for large environmental models, 2015, Techniques and Methods 7-C12
- U.S. Geological Survey Noble Gas Laboratory’s standard operating procedures for the measurement of dissolved gas in water samples, 2015, Techniques and Methods 5-A11
- Design, analysis, and interpretation of field quality-control data for water-sampling projects, 2015, Techniques and Methods 4-C4
- Scoops3D: software to analyze 3D slope stability throughout a digital landscape, 2015, Techniques and Methods 14-A1
- A multipurpose camera system for monitoring Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, 2015, Techniques and Methods 13-A2
- PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system, version 4, 2015, Techniques and Methods 6-B7
- Wildlife specimen collection, preservation, and shipment, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15-C4
- Special considerations for specimen collections that may be involved in law enforcement cases, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15-C7
- Introduction, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15-A1
- Mortality investigation, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15-B3
- Field Manual of Wildlife Diseases, 2015, Techniques and Methods 15
- U.S. Geological Survey groundwater toolbox, a graphical and mapping interface for analysis of hydrologic data (version 1.0): user guide for estimation of base flow, runoff, and groundwater recharge from streamflow data, 2015, Techniques and Methods 3-B10
- User guide to Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) and dataRetrieval: R packages for hydrologic data, 2015, Techniques and Methods 4-A10
- General classification handbook for floodplain vegetation in large river systems, 2015, Techniques and Methods 2-A1
- Specification for the U.S. Geological Survey Historical Topographic Map Collection, 2014, Techniques and Methods 11-B6
- One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM), 2014, Techniques and Methods 6-A51
- The Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst: geographic information systems software for modeling hazard evacuation potential, 2014, Techniques and Methods 11-C9
- A methodological toolkit for field assessments of artisanally mined alluvial diamond deposits, 2014, Techniques and Methods 11-D2
- Determination of human-use pharmaceuticals in filtered water by direct aqueous injection: high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, 2014, Techniques and Methods 5-B10
- Two graphical user interfaces for managing and analyzing MODFLOW groundwater-model scenarios, 2014, Techniques and Methods 6-A50
- Automated determination of the stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total nonpurgeable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aqueous samples: RSIL lab codes 1851 and 1852, 2014, Techniques and Methods 10-C20
- fatalityCMR: capture-recapture software to correct raw counts of wildlife fatalities using trial experiments for carcass detection probability and persistence time, 2014, Techniques and Methods 7-C11
- Digital orthoimagery base specification V1.0, 2014, Techniques and Methods 11-B5
- HydroClimATe: hydrologic and climatic analysis toolkit, 2014, Techniques and Methods 4-A9
- Modifications made to ModelMuse to add support for the Saturated-Unsaturated Transport model (SUTRA), 2014, Techniques and Methods 6-A49
- Chapter A5. Section 2.2B. Syringe-Filter Procedure for Processing Samples for Analysis of Organic Compounds by DAI LC-MS/MS, 2014, Techniques and Methods 5.2.2.B
- Standard for the U.S. Geological Survey Historical Topographic Map Collection, 2014, Techniques and Methods 11-B3
- Digital-image processing and image analysis of glacier ice, 2013, Techniques and Methods 7-D1
- GWM-VI: groundwater management with parallel processing for multiple MODFLOW versions, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A48
- Use of multi-node wells in the Groundwater-Management Process of MODFLOW-2005 (GWM-2005), 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A47
- MODFLOW–LGR—Documentation of ghost node local grid refinement (LGR2) for multiple areas and the boundary flow and head (BFH2) package, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A44
- Documentation of the seawater intrusion (SWI2) package for MODFLOW, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A46
- Optical techniques for the determination of nitrate in environmental waters: Guidelines for instrument selection, operation, deployment, maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting, 2013, Techniques and Methods 1-D5
- Modeling crustal deformation near active faults and volcanic centers: a catalog of deformation models and modeling approaches, 2013, Techniques and Methods 13-B1
- Advective transport observations with MODPATH-OBS--documentation of the MODPATH observation process, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A42
- MODFLOW–USG version 1: An unstructured grid version of MODFLOW for simulating groundwater flow and tightly coupled processes using a control volume finite-difference formulation, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A45
- SLAMMER: Seismic LAndslide Movement Modeled using Earthquake Records, 2013, Techniques and Methods 12-B1
- Stochastic empirical loading and dilution model (SELDM) version 1.0.0, 2013, Techniques and Methods 4-C3
- CRT--Cascade Routing Tool to define and visualize flow paths for grid-based watershed models, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-D2
- Computing ordinary least-squares parameter estimates for the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish, 2013, Techniques and Methods 7-C10
- Standardized methods for Grand Canyon fisheries research 2015, 2013, Techniques and Methods 2-A12
- Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version 3: a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations, 2013, Techniques and Methods 6-A43
- Landsat surface reflectance quality assurance extraction (version 1.7), 2013, Techniques and Methods 11-C7
- User’s manual to update the National Wildlife Refuge System Water Quality Information System (WQIS), 2013, Techniques and Methods 11-C8
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion: bgaPEST, a Bayesian geostatistical approach implementation with PEST: documentation and instructions, 2013, Techniques and Methods 7-C9
- Measuring discharge with acoustic Doppler current profilers from a moving boat, 2013, Techniques and Methods 3-A22
- Lidar base specification, 2012, Techniques and Methods 11-B4
- Advanced methods for modeling water-levels and estimating drawdowns with SeriesSEE, an Excel add-in, 2012, Techniques and Methods 4-F4
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion: TSPROC, a general time-series processor to assist in model calibration and result summarization, 2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C7
- Determination of steroid hormones and related compounds in filtered and unfiltered water by solid-phase extraction, derivatization, and gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, 2012, Techniques and Methods 5-B9
- Digital database architecture and delineation methodology for deriving drainage basins, and a comparison of digitally and non-digitally derived numeric drainage areas, 2012, Techniques and Methods 11-C6
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion-PESTCommander, a graphical user interface for file and run management across networks, 2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C8
- Methods of practice and guidelines for using survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) to establish vertical datum in the United States Geological Survey, 2012, Techniques and Methods 11-D1
- Methods of analysis-Determination of pesticides in sediment using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2012, Techniques and Methods 5-C3
- Documentation of the Surface-Water Routing (SWR1) Process for modeling surface-water flow with the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model (MODFLOW-2005), 2012, Techniques and Methods 6-A40
- Determination of the δ2H and δ18O of soil water and water in plant matter; RSIL lab code 1700, 2012, Techniques and Methods 10-C19
- TracerLPM (Version 1): An Excel® workbook for interpreting groundwater age distributions from environmental tracer data, 2012, Techniques and Methods 4-F3
- User guide for MODPATH version 6 - A particle-tracking model for MODFLOW, 2012, Techniques and Methods 6-A41
- Design and maintenance of a network for collecting high-resolution suspended-sediment data at remote locations on rivers, with examples from the Colorado River, 2012, Techniques and Methods 8-C2
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion - PEST++, a Parameter ESTimation code optimized for large environmental models, 2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C5
- Analyzing legacy U.S. Geological Survey geochemical databases using GIS: applications for a national mineral resource assessment, 2012, Techniques and Methods 11-C5
- Approaches in highly parameterized inversion - GENIE, a general model-independent TCP/IP run manager, 2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C6
- Computing discharge using the index velocity method, 2012, Techniques and Methods 3-A23
- Determination of the δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon in water; RSIL lab code 1710, 2012, Techniques and Methods 10-c18
- RIP-ET: A riparian evapotranspiration package for MODFLOW-2005, 2012, Techniques and Methods 6-A39
- Colorimetric determination of nitrate plus nitrite in water by enzymatic reduction, automated discrete analyzer methods, 2011, Techniques and Methods 5-B8
- MODPATH-LGR; documentation of a computer program for particle tracking in shared-node locally refined grids by using MODFLOW-LGR, 2011, Techniques and Methods 6-A38
- MODFLOW-LGR-Modifications to the streamflow-routing package (SFR2) to route streamflow through locally refined grids, 2011, Techniques and Methods 6-A34
- Groundwater technical procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2011, Techniques and Methods 1-A1
- Computational considerations for collecting and using data in the equidistant cylindrical map projection and the bounds of sampling geographic data at progressively higher resolution, 2011, Techniques and Methods 2-H1
- MODFLOW-NWT, a Newton formulation for MODFLOW-2005, 2011, Techniques and Methods 6-A37
- ModelMate - A graphical user interface for model analysis, 2011, Techniques and Methods 6-E4
- User's manual for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program Invertebrate Data Analysis System (IDAS) software, version 5, 2011, Techniques and Methods 7-C4
- WTAQ version 2-A computer program for analysis of aquifer tests in confined and water-table aquifers with alternative representations of drainage from the unsaturated zone, 2011, Techniques and Methods 3-B9
- Documentation for the State Variables Package for the Groundwater-Management Process of MODFLOW-2005 (GWM-2005), 2011, Techniques and Methods 6-A36
- Monitoring habitat restoration projects: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and Coastal Program Protocol, 2011, Techniques and Methods 2-A11
- Levels at gaging stations, 2010, Techniques and Methods 3-A19
- Discharge measurements at gaging stations, 2010, Techniques and Methods 3-A8
- Stage measurement at gaging stations, 2010, Techniques and Methods 3-A7
- Guidelines for the use of the semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) and the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) in environmental monitoring studies, 2010, Techniques and Methods 1-D4
- MATLAB tools for improved characterization and quantification of volcanic incandescence in Webcam imagery: Applications at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, 2010, Techniques and Methods 13-A1
- SWB: A modified Thornthwaite-Mather Soil-Water-Balance code for estimating groundwater recharge, 2010, Techniques and Methods 6-A31
- Land-Use Portfolio Modeler, Version 1.0, 2010, Techniques and Methods 11-C4
- PHAST version 2-A program for simulating groundwater flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions, 2010, Techniques and Methods 6-A35
- A Natural History Summary and Survey Protocol for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, 2010, Techniques and Methods 2-A10
- One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry (OTEQ) - A reactive transport model for streams and rivers, 2010, Techniques and Methods 6-B6
- User's Guide to the Weighted-Multiple-Linear Regression Program (WREG version 1.0), 2009, Techniques and Methods 4-A8
- GWM-2005 - A Groundwater-Management Process for MODFLOW-2005 with Local Grid Refinement (LGR) Capability, 2009, Techniques and Methods 6-A33
- AnalyzeHOLE - An Integrated Wellbore Flow Analysis Tool, 2009, Techniques and Methods 4-F2
- Determination of glyphosate, its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid, and glufosinate, in water by isotope dilution and online solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, 2009, Techniques and Methods 5-A10
- The Farm Process Version 2 (FMP2) for MODFLOW-2005 - Modifications and Upgrades to FMP1, 2009, Techniques and Methods 6-A32
- Methods of analysis: Determination of pyrethroid insecticides in water and sediment using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2009, Techniques and Methods 5-C2
- Revised multi-node well (MNW2) package for MODFLOW ground-water flow model, 2009, Techniques and Methods 6-A30
- Excel Spreadsheet Tools for Analyzing Groundwater Level Records and Displaying Information in ArcMap, 2009, Techniques and Methods 4-F1
- Estimating Prediction Uncertainty from Geographical Information System Raster Processing: A User's Manual for the Raster Error Propagation Tool (REPTool), 2009, Techniques and Methods 11-C3
- Guidelines and Procedures for Computing Time-Series Suspended-Sediment Concentrations and Loads from In-Stream Turbidity-Sensor and Streamflow Data, 2009, Techniques and Methods 3-C4
- ModelMuse - A Graphical User Interface for MODFLOW-2005 and PHAST, 2009, Techniques and Methods 6-A29
- Quantifying Equid Behavior - A Research Ethogram for Free-Roaming Feral Horses, 2009, Techniques and Methods 2-A9
- Forest Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for National Parks in the North Coast and Cascades Network, 2009, Techniques and Methods 2-A8
- User Guide for HUFPrint, A Tabulation and Visualization Utility for the Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow (HUF) Package of MODFLOW, 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-A27
- User Guide and Documentation for Five MODFLOW Ground-Water Modeling Utility Programs, 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-A28
- Weather and Climate Monitoring Protocol, Channel Islands National Park, California, 2008, Techniques and Methods 2-B1
- Protocol for Monitoring Fish Assemblages in Pacific Northwest National Parks, 2008, Techniques and Methods 2-A7
- Secure Web-Site Access with Tickets and Message-Dependent Digests, 2008, Techniques and Methods 7-B1
- USGS Polar Temperature Logging System, Description and Measurement Uncertainties, 2008, Techniques and Methods 2-E3
- Interpreting and Reporting Radiological Water-Quality Data, 2008, Techniques and Methods 5-B6
- Field Techniques for Estimating Water Fluxes Between Surface Water and Ground Water, 2008, Techniques and Methods 4-D2
- Determination of human-health pharmaceuticals in filtered water by chemically modified styrene-divinylbenzene resin-based solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, 2008, Techniques and Methods 5-B5
- Fast, Inclusive Searches for Geographic Names Using Digraphs, 2008, Techniques and Methods 7-A1
- SEAWAT Version 4: A Computer Program for Simulation of Multi-Species Solute and Heat Transport, 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-A22
- Guide to the Revised Ground-Water Flow and Heat Transport Simulator: HYDROTHERM - Version 3, 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-A25
- NetpathXL - An excel interface to the program NETPATH, 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-A26
- GSFLOW - Coupled Ground-Water and Surface-Water Flow Model Based on the Integration of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Modular Ground-Water Flow Model (MODFLOW-2005), 2008, Techniques and Methods 6-D1
- Determination of the delta(15N/14N)of Ammonium (NH4+) in Water: RSIL Lab Code 2898, 2008, Techniques and Methods 10-C15
- Determination of the delta(2H/1H)of Water: RSIL Lab Code 1574, 2008, Techniques and Methods 10-C1
- Determination of the delta(18O/16O)of Water: RSIL Lab Code 489, 2008, Techniques and Methods 10-C2
- Herpetological Monitoring Using a Pitfall Trapping Design in Southern California, 2008, Techniques and Methods 2-A5
- Geographic Information System Software to Remodel Population Data Using Dasymetric Mapping Methods, 2007, Techniques and Methods 11-C2
- Documentation of a Conduit Flow Process (CFP) for MODFLOW-2005, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-A24
- Automated Routines for Calculating Whole-Stream Metabolism: Theoretical Background and User's Guide, 2007, Techniques and Methods 4-C2
- Field Guide to the Plant Community Types of Voyageurs National Park, 2007, Techniques and Methods 2-A4
- Landbird Monitoring Protocol for National Parks in the North Coast and Cascades Network, 2007, Techniques and Methods 2-A6
- MODFLOW Ground-Water Model - User Guide to the Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Package (SUB-WT) for Water-Table Aquifers, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-A23
- Protocol for Landsat-Based Monitoring of Landscape Dynamics at North Coast and Cascades Network Parks, 2007, Techniques and Methods 2-G1
- Determination of the δ15N of nitrate in water; RSIL lab code 2899, 2007, Techniques and Methods 10-C16
- MODFLOW-2005, The U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model - Documentation of the Multiple-Refined-Areas Capability of Local Grid Refinement (LGR) and the Boundary Flow and Head (BFH) Package, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-A21
- OPR-PPR, a computer program for assessing data importance to model predictions using linear statistics, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-E2
- MMA, A Computer Code for Multi-Model Analysis, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-E3
- Determination of the δ15N of nitrate in solids; RSIL lab code 2894, 2007, Techniques and Methods 10-C12
- Determination of the δ15N and δ18O of nitrate in water; RSIL lab code 2900, 2007, Techniques and Methods 10-C17
- Determination of the δ15N and δ18O of nitrate in solids; RSIL lab code 2897, 2007, Techniques and Methods 10-C14
- Section 4. The GIS Weasel User's Manual, 2007, Techniques and Methods 6-B4
- Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey Organic Geochemistry Research Group--Determination of dissolved isoxaflutole and its sequential degradation products, diketonitrile and benzoic acid, in water using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, 2007, Techniques and Methods 5-A9
- U.S. Geological Survey Field Leach Test for Assessing Water Reactivity and Leaching Potential of Mine Wastes, Soils, and Other Geologic and Environmental Materials, 2007, Techniques and Methods 5-D3
- Determination of Mercury in Aqueous and Geologic Materials by Continuous Flow-Cold Vapor-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CVAFS), 2007, Techniques and Methods 5-D2
- Guidelines for preparation of State water-use estimates for 2005, 2007, Techniques and Methods 4-E1
- The National Streamflow Statistics Program: A Computer Program for Estimating Streamflow Statistics for Ungaged Sites, 2007, Techniques and Methods 4-A6
- FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization (PostScript Implementation), 2006, Techniques and Methods 11-A2
- Determination of the δ15N of total nitrogen in solids; RSIL lab code 2893, 2006, Techniques and Methods 10-C11
- JUPITER: Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability - An Application Programming Interface (API) for Model Analysis, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-E1
- Determination of the δ15N and δ13C of total nitrogen and carbon in solids; RSIL lab code 1832, 2006, Techniques and Methods 10-C5
- Kendall-Theil Robust Line (KTRLine--version 1.0)-A Visual Basic Program for Calculating and Graphing Robust Nonparametric Estimates of Linear-Regression Coefficients Between Two Continuous Variables, 2006, Techniques and Methods 4-A7
- User's Manual for Program PeakFQ, Annual Flood-Frequency Analysis Using Bulletin 17B Guidelines, 2006, Techniques and Methods 4-B4
- Geographic Information System Software to Enhance Field-Data Collection and Management of Land Cover Trends Information, 2006, Techniques and Methods 11-C1
- Section 5. Procedures for Developing Models To Predict Exceedances of Recreational Water-Quality Standards at Coastal Beaches, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-B5
- Determination of wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2006, Techniques and Methods 5-B4
- User's manual for the Graphical Constituent Loading Analysis System (GCLAS), 2006, Techniques and Methods 4-C1
- Documentation of the Unsaturated-Zone Flow (UZF1) Package for modeling Unsaturated Flow Between the Land Surface and the Water Table with MODFLOW-2005, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A19
- Determination of the δ34S of sulfate in water; RSIL lab code 1951, 2006, Techniques and Methods 10-C10
- Section 3. The SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Model—Theory, application and user documentation, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-B3
- Determination of wastewater compounds in sediment and soil by pressurized solvent extraction, solid-phase extraction, and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2006, Techniques and Methods 5-B2
- Chapter 3. Determination of semivolatile organic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in solids by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, 2006, Techniques and Methods 5-B3
- Determination of the δ34S of low-concentration sulfate in water; RSIL lab code 1949, 2006, Techniques and Methods 10-C8
- Methods of the Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory (RSIL), 2006, Techniques and Methods 10
- User guide for the farm process (FMP1) for the U.S. Geological Survey's modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model, MODFLOW-2000, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A17
- User's guide to the Variably Saturated Flow (VSF) process to MODFLOW, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A18
- GoPhast: A graphical user interface for PHAST, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A20
- Guidelines and standard procedures for continuous water-quality monitors: Station operation, record computation, and data reporting, 2006, Techniques and Methods 1-D3
- Use of the Multi-Node Well (MNW) package when simulating solute transport with the MODFLOW ground-water transport process, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A15
- Chapter 1. Determination of elements in natural-water, biota, sediment, and soil samples using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, 2006, Techniques and Methods 5-B1
- User guide to the UNC process and three utility programs for computation of nonlinear confidence and prediction intervals using MODFLOW-2000, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A10
- MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model - documentation of shared node local grid refinement (LGR) and the boundary flow and head (BFH) package, 2006, Techniques and Methods 6-A12
- Determination of the δ34S of Total Sulfur in Solids: RSIL Lab Code 1800, 2006, Techniques and Methods 10-C4
- UCODE_2005 and six other computer codes for universal sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty evaluation constructed using the JUPITER API, 2005, Techniques and Methods 6-A11
- Documentation of the Streamflow-Routing (SFR2) Package to Include Unsaturated Flow Beneath Streams - A Modification to SFR1, 2005, Techniques and Methods 6-A13
- MODFLOW-2005 : the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model--the ground-water flow process, 2005, Techniques and Methods 6-A16
- Methods for synthesis of some jarosites, 2005, Techniques and Methods 5-D1
- Selection and application of microbial source tracking tools for water-quality investigations, 2005, Techniques and Methods 2-A3
- Selection of colors and patterns for geologic maps of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2005, Techniques and Methods 11-B1
- ShakeMap manual: technical manual, user's guide, and software guide, 2005, Techniques and Methods 12-A1
- Sampling protocol for monitoring abiotic and biotic characteristics of mountain ponds and lakes, 2005, Techniques and Methods 2-A2
- Middle Mississippi River decision support system: user's manual, 2005, Techniques and Methods 6-C1
- Section 1. Simulation of surface-water integrated flow and transport in two-dimensions: SWIFT2D user's manual, 2004, Techniques and Methods 6-B1
- Load estimator (LOADEST): a FORTRAN program for estimating constituent loads in streams and rivers, 2004, Techniques and Methods 4-A5
- Methods for the preparation and analysis of solids and suspended solids for methylmercury, 2004, Techniques and Methods 5-A7
- Methods for the preparation and analysis of solids and suspended solids for total mercury, 2004, Techniques and Methods 5-A8
- PHAST--a program for simulating ground-water flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions, 2004, Techniques and Methods 6-A8
- Guidelines for preparation of state water-use estimates for 2000, 2004, Techniques and Methods 4-A4