Tutorial Step 5

Most of the maps of the study area have information layers that are not visible. You can determine the layers present on a map and change their visibility using the Map View/Group Manager Tool. This tool is opened by clicking on the toolbar as shown in the image below. You then select a layer and check or uncheck the box to change the visibility. Note that the order of the layers is important and layers higher in the list can obscure those lower in the list. You can modify the order of the layers using the buttons under the heading "Other Group Properties".


Image of viewer for step 5.


Tutorial 1 | Tutorial 2 | Tutorial 3 | Tutorial 4 | Tutorial 5 | Tutorial 6 | Tutorial 7 | Tutorial 8 | Tutorial 9 | Tutorial 10 |

Intro | Geology | Gamma-ray Data | Landsat Data | Maps | Discussion | Conclusions | Listing of Data Files | References | Tutorial


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URL: http://pubsdata.usgs.gov/pubs/of/2005/1371/html/Tutorial5.htm
Page Contact Information: Stephen Snyder
Page Last Modified: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 21:45:26 EST