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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2007–1194

Documentation of the U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Measurement Database

Atmospheric Measurements

In some locations, no nearby meteorological data are available to use in determining forcing terms and other analysis. In these cases we deploy either land- or buoy-based meteorological stations.

Onset HOBO Weather Station

The Onset weather station is a self-contained, battery-powered, weatherproof system for measuring and recording wind direction, speed, and gust; air temperature; pressure; relative humidity; short wave radiation; and photosynthetically active radiation. It is used mounted on a mast for land-based measurements (fig. 29) and employs a small solar panel to keep parts of the logger charged. We have used the default sensors, but other options may be installed if more accuracy is required. More information about the system and sensors is available at

Down East Buoy-Mounted Weather Station

This automated weather station is designed be mounted in the hull of a surface buoy (fig. 30) and deployed as part of a surface mooring. It can withstand the rigors of the marine environment and acquires wind speed, direction, air temperature, pressure, and relative humidity data from its sensors at 15-minute intervals. The position is incorporated into the data stream, allowing buoy motion to be tracked. Because it has solar panels to charge the system, near real-time data telemetry to land is possible.

Click on figures for larger images.

Figure 29.  . Onset HOBO weather station mounted on a 3-meter mast
Figure 29.
Onset HOBO weather station mounted on a 3-meter mast

Figure 30. Buoy-mounted weather sensors as deployed south of Fire Island, New York, in 2014.
Figure 30.
Buoy-mounted weather sensors as deployed south of Fire Island, New York, in 2014.
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