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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2007–1194

Documentation of the U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Measurement Database


A wide range of instruments can be employed to measure current speed and direction; water temperature, conductivity, and depth; turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations; wave characteristics; near-bottom turbulence; and sea-floor topography in the coastal ocean. The measurement resolution and accuracy depends on the sensor deployed; consult the manufacturers specification as needed. Most of the instruments deployed are powered by batteries, though in a few cases power is supplied externally. Data are always logged internally during a deployment, but telemetry may also be used to recover data in near real time.

Instrumentation used to collect data in this data collection evolves over time, and the specific instruments listed below should be considered representative and not comprehensive.

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Current Velocity and Wave Measurements:

Vector-averaging current meter (VACM)
Vector-measuring current meter (VMCM)
Nobska benthic acoustic stress sensor (BASS)
Nobska modular acoustic velocity sensor (MAVS)
Teledyne RD Instruments acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and Sentinel V
Nortek Aquadopp and high-resolution Aquadopp (Aquadopp HR)
Nortek acoustic wave and current profiler (AWAC)
Nortek Vector
SonTek Argonaut-XR acoustic Doppler profiler (ADP)
SonTek pulse-coherent acoustic Doppler profiler (PCADP)
SonTek acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV)
SonTek IQ flow monitor

Water quality measurements

Sea-Bird SeaCAT
Sea-Bird MicroCAT
YSI 6600 Sonde and EXO
Satlantic ISUS

Turbidity measurements

Aquatec acoustic backscatter sensor system (ABSS)
Sequoia laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST)
D & A optical backscatter sensor (OBS)
C-Star transmissometer

Pressure measurements

Paroscientific Digiquartz

Pressure-based wave loggers

Sea-Bird Seagauge
RBR D|wave
Onset HOBO wave logger


Imagenex profiling and imaging sonars

Atmospheric measurements

Onset HOBO weather station
Down East buoy-mounted weather station

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