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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1178

Profile Measurements and Data from the 2011 Optics, Acoustics, and Stress In Situ (OASIS) Project at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO)


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We thank Steve Ackleson, original funding officer for Optics, Acoustics, and Stress In Situ (OASIS) at the Office of Naval Research, and subsequent managers of the Office of Naval Research Littoral Sciences and Optics Program, Thomas Drake, Joan Cleveland, and Reginald Beach. We also thank John Haines, manager for U. S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program.

The project was managed by Marinna Martini of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), who also designed the electronics of the arm-control system, programmed the embedded controller, and oversaw all other technical activities. Emile Bergeron designed and built the mechanical components. Jonathan Borden built the tripod, the housing for the electronics, and all the cables, and he ran logistics on deck during deployment and recovery.

Ellyn Montgomery wrote many of the C language programs and Linux scripts that controlled the arm, logged the data, updated the Web page that reported status of the profiling arm, and enabled the various computers to communicate. Pat Dickhudt was responsible for getting the new LISST-HOLO holographic particle sizer to work and programming the LISST-HOLO and the LISST-100X, the ADVs, the YSI, and other instruments (See the Instrumentation section for a description of these instruments). Pat Dickhudt, Chris Sabens, and Brandy Armstrong set up most of the instruments on the tripod. Summer Partnership Education Program (PEP) student Andy Klein helped calibrate the motor speed and arm movement. Michael Casso, Sandy Baldwin, and Chuck Worley made several maintenance dives alongside Emmanuel Boss of the University of Maine and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) divers Scott Mccue and Jared Schwartz, led by Jay Sisson. Dan Blackwood photographed instrument preparations and the deployment and recovery cruises.

We thank Sam Laney of WHOI who provided his data-logging code and helped us program the Moxa main control computer. Albert Bradley and Alan Duester of WHOI designed and built the circuit board for the logger and the controller. Janet Fredericks and Hugh Popenoe managed the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory 12-meter node, and information technology staff, including Kelleen List, Henri Papineau, and Jerry Charles of the USGS and Jon Krauspe of WHOI, assisted with networking issues. OASIS project collaborators included Emmanuel Boss, James Loftin, and Tom Leeuw of the University of Maine; Paul Hill and John Newgard of Dalhousie University; Tim Milligan, Brent Law, and Vanessa Page of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; and John Trowbridge, Janet Fredericks, Peter Traykovski, Jay Sisson, Norman Farr, Jon Ware, and Clifford Pontbriand of WHOI.

We thank Marco Liebeg, master of the University of Connecticut research vessel (R/V) Connecticut, and his crew for outstanding seamanship during deployment and recovery and Ken Houtler, master, and Ian Hanley, mate of the WHOI research vessel Tioga for their help during diver maintenance cruises and for deploying and recovering the Canadian optics tripod. We also gratefully acknowledge the shoreside efforts of Ed O'Brien and Doug Handy and the vessel operations groups at WHOI (led by Albert Suchy) and the University of Connecticut (led by J. Cabiness Turner).

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