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Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5245

Prepared in cooperation with Rockland County and
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Water Resources of Rockland County, New York, 2005–07, with Emphasis on the Newark Basin Bedrock Aquifer

By Paul M. Heisig



Figure7A Figure 7B Figure 9 Figure 11 Figure 16A
Figure 7A. Distribution of unconsolidated glacial and alluvial deposits in Rockland County, New York and the surrounding areas
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Figure 7B. Thickness of glacial and alluvial deposits in Rockland
County, New York and the surrounding areas
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Figure 9. Distribution of (1) traprock and thermally altered host rock and (2) bedrock-surface altitude within the Newark basin, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 11. Newark basin aquifer zones A through D, with associated characteristics - natural-gamma radiation and transmissivity, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 16A. Interpreted zonation of strike and dip in Newark basin bedrock with strike and dip measurements from outcrops and borehole geophysical logs, strike from gamma-log correlation at well pairs, lineaments, inferred faults (Ratcliffe, 1988), and traprock extent within the Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 16B Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 20 Figure 29
Figure 16B. Interpreted zonation of strike and dip in Newark basin bedrock with hydrogeologic data used in support of interpretation, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 17. Bedrock bedding strike and dip, bedrock-surface altitude, and aquifer zones of the Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 18. Diagram showing hydrogeologic sections A, B, and C, of the Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York.
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Figure 20. Well network used for groundwater-level surveys, Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York, 2005–2007
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Figure 29. Historic (1920–80) composite potentiometric surface map of the Newark basin aquifer, with locations of groundwater withdrawals for supply, institutional, and commercial/industrial uses, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 37 Figure 38
Figure 30. Spring 2007 potentiometric-surface map with points of groundwater withdrawal, Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 31. Seasonal groundwater-level change (Spring 2007 to Summer 2005), Newark basin aquifer, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 32. Newark basin aquifer groundwater-flow-system map, Spring 2007, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 37. Distribution of chloride in groundwater within the Newark
basin aquifer and surrounding areas, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 38. Distribution of nitrate in groundwater within the Newark
basin aquifer and surrounding areas, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 39 Figure 40 Figure 46 Figure 47  
Figure 39. Distribution of pH in groundwater within the Newark basin aquifer and surrounding areas, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 40. Distribution of sulfate in groundwater within the Newark
basin aquifer and surrounding areas, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 46. Estimated flow of streams on or adjacent to the Newark basin aquifer and pumping rates from production wells, September- October 2005, Rockland County, New York
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Figure 47. Specific Conductance and estimated flow of streams on or adjacent to the Newark basin aquifer, and pumping rates from production wells, September-October 2005, with distribution of specific conductance in groundwater, Rockland County, New York
24" X 36" PDF 2.61 MB


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