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Long-term Oceanographic Observations in Western Massachusetts Bay, Offshore of Boston
U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-74, Version 2.0


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Abbreviation Definition
ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
Argos Satellite-based location and data collection system developed by Service Argos, Inc. (
BASS Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor
CECAP Controlled Environmental Chemical Antifouling Protection
CTD Conductivity, Temperature, Depth
DLCM Data Logging Current Meter -- A USGS data logger used on the bottom tripod systems
EPIC Data storage, retrieval, and management formats and tool maintained by NOAA (see Initially began as Equatorial Pacific Information Collection.
LED Light Emitting Diode
LNB Large Navigational Buoy
mab Meters above bottom
mbs Meters below surface
Matlab Software marketed by The Math Works, Inc., Natick, MA (see
MIDAS Multiparameter Intelligent Data Acquisition System - a USGS data logger used on the bottom tripod systems
MWRA Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (see
NDBC National Data Buoy Center (part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, see
NetCDF Network Common Data Form -- A data format and library of data access subroutines maintained by Unidata. See
NEWDDISC A Fortran program used in processing of oceanographic data (outdated)
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (see
NSINP Non Standard INPut -- Software program developed by WHOI Buoy Group to input data to processing system
PCARPHP Portable Cassette Reading Program -- Software to convert data recorded on SeaData cassette tapes into a format used by the WHOI Buoy Group
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association -- A credit card sized memory card for laptop computers
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (see
PSDEV Pressure Standard DEViation -- Standard deviation of bottom pressure measurements, typically sampled at 1-2 hz. Used as a measure of bottom currents from surface waves
SEACAT Instrument made by Sea-Bird for time-series measurements of temperature and salinity (see
SEADAT A program in C language used to change format of recorded data (outdated)
SeaData A manufacturer of low-power oceanographic data loggers and tape recorders (no longer in business)
SEASOFT Software created by Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. for processing conductivity, temperature, and depth observations (see
Tattletale A small, low power computer made by Onset Computer Corporation used in oceanographic data loggers to control sampling and data storage (see
UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (see
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (see
USCG United States Coast Guard (see
USGS United States Geological Survey (see
VACM Vector Averaging Current Meter
VAX A line of mid-range server computers made by Digital Computer Corp. in the 1980's
VMCM Vector-Measuring Current Meter
VMS Virtual Memory System -- The operating system for the VAX computer
WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (see

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