For meteorological and oceanographic data, monthly and yearly statistics of the mean, standard
deviation, minimum, and maximum were calculated. Included are the number of data points, which
should be equal to the number of hours of data in each month; if the number of data points is not equal
to 672, 696, 720, or 744 hours for months with 28, 29, 30, or 31 days, respectively, that the data are not
complete for that month due either to breaks during instrument deployment/retrieval,
biological fouling, or instrument malfunctions. Note that yearly averages do not always include
complete coverage for the entire year.
For scalar measurements (temperature, wave height, current/wind speed, salinity, sediment trapping rate,
and streamflow)
the table of data includes the number of observations for a given month, the mean for that month, the
anomaly calculated as the difference between the monthly mean and the mean for the same month of
all available data between 1990-2002, the standard deviation of the hourly averaged data, the standard deviation of
the low-pass filtered data, the minimum, and the maximum. Plotted are the monthly mean and anomaly
For vector measurements (wind speed, wind stress, and current) statistics were calculated for
the eastward and northward components and for the scalar magnitude. The vector mean speed and vector
mean direction were calculated from the monthly averaged east and north components. Direction is
measured clockwise from north. Plots show the monthly averaged scalar amplitude and anomaly, and the
monthly averaged vector mean speed and direction.
Meteorological Observations
Site A
* = Point Current Meter
Site B
*Table containing a list of the depth of the deepest
ADCP bin for each deployment.
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