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Long-term Oceanographic Observations in Western Massachusetts Bay, Offshore of Boston
U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-74, Version 2.0

Principal Axes

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Principal axes for both the hour-averaged and low-passed currents were computed by year and month. Major and minor axes, orientation, and ellipticity were computed from the east (u) and north (v) current components as:

major axis = {[0.5 (UU + VV) + R] / n}(1/2)
minor axis = {[0.5 (UU + VV) - R] / n}(1/2)
orientation = 90° - 0.5 tan-1 [2 UV / (UU - VV)]
ellipticity = 1 - (minor axis / major axis)


UV = Sum(u*v) - n U V
UU = Sum(u*u) - n U U
VV= Sum(v*v) - n V V
R = [ (0.5 (UU - VV) )2 + (UV)2 ](1/2)

and U and V are the means of the east and north velocity components, respectively, and n is the number of points in the data series. The orientation is measured clockwise from true north. 0 degress is true north, and 90 degrees is east.

Site A, PCM*
5 mbs Hour Averaged Low-passed
10 mab Hour Averaged Low-passed
1 mab          Hour Averaged Low-passed
Site A, ADCP
5 mbs Hour Averaged Low-passed
15 mbs Hour Averaged Low-passed
Deepest Bin Hour Averaged Low-passed
Site B, ADCP
5 mbs Hour Averaged Low-passed
10 mbs Hour Averaged Low-passed
Deepest Bin Hour Averaged Low-passed

* = Point Current Meter

*Table containing a list of the depth of the deepest ADCP bin for each deployment.

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