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Oceanographic Observations, Hudson Shelf Valley, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-217

Matlab m-Files

Most of the plots and statistical analysis included with this report were created using Matlab software created by Mathworks ( Plots were further aesthetically modified and converted to tagged PDF version using Adobe ( Illustrator and Acrobat.

DISCLAIMER: Matlab m-files provided here were not created as turn key programs. They were designed to run on Matlab 6.0 with NetCDF installed. Users are encouraged to look at ( for more information on the NetCDF format. M-files are provided here merely to give the user a better understanding of techniques used, and are not supported by their creator or by USGS. Additional sub-routines may be found at:

Plotting Tools Used for this Report:

ADCP_Plotmaker: Plots the low-passed wind stress for a chosen station along with an image plot of the available low-passed ADCP data in directional component form.

ADCP_Rot_Plotmaker: Plots the low-passed wind stress for a chosen valley station along with an image plot of the available low-passed ADCP data in directional component form, rotated along the valley axis.

ADCP_Rot_Valley: Creates image plots of the along valley axis component of available low-passed ADCP data for the valley stations.

ADCP_ScatterPlot_NY: For a given station, creates a four paneled plot containing scatter plots of eastward and northward current component and principal axes ellipse for hourly-averaged and low-passed ADCP current data from 5 meters below the surface and from the deepest depth bin available.

ADCP_Whisk_All_Plotmaker: Given a specific depth, or 'B' for the bottom-most bin, this program creates whisker plots of the low-passed ADCP data from each station closest to the given depth.

ADCP_Whisk_Plotmaker: Given a specific station, this program creates whisker plots of the low-passed wind stress and ADCP data from that station at particular depths (5, 15, and bottom for the shelf station; 5, 15, 30, 45, and bottom for the valley stations).

ADCP_Whisk_Rot_Val_Plotmaker: Given a specific depth, or 'B' for the bottom-most bin, this program creates whisker plots of the low-passed ADCP data rotated to along and across valley axis from each of the valley stations (A, B, C, & F) at approximately the selected depth.

ADCP_Whisk_Shelf_Plotmaker: Given a specific depth, or 'B' for the bottom-most bin, this program creates whisker plots of the low-passed ADCP data from each of the shelf stations (D & E) closest to the selected depth

ADCP_Whisk_Valley_Plotmaker: Given a specific depth, or 'B' for the bottom-most bin, this program creates whisker plots of the low-passed ADCP data from each of the valley stations (A, B, C, & F) closest to the selected depth

All_Sal_Temp_Plotmaker: Program which creates four separate plots, one each of deep and shallow salinity and deep and shallow temperature from each of the stations.

animateNY: Program that creates the individual frames (saved as PPM files) which can be combined to create the animation of the New York data in this data report.

contourEnCTD: Program that creates contour plots of the temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and beam attenuation data from the Endeavor cruise casts as a function of depth and distance along the canyon.

contourOcCTD: Program that creates contour plots of the temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and beam attenuation data from the Oceanus cruise casts as a function of depth and distance along the canyon.

Curr_Scat_Plot: For a given station, creates a multi-paneled plot containing scatter plots of eastward and northward current component and principal axes ellipse for hourly-averaged and low-passed BASS/MAVS current data from the available depths.

Curr_Sp_Dir_Plotmaker: Program which sorts current data for a given station and a given depth into current speed and direction bins and plots those bins.

locsCTD: Program which creates a map of the New York coast line and bathymetry in the area of the New York Bight along with the cast locations from the Endeavor and Oceanus cruises.

Mean_Flow_Ell_BASS: Program to plot the low passed wind stress and mean flow (by month) for shelf (plot one) and valley (plot two) stations from the BASS data.

Mean_Flow_Ellipse_Plot: Program to plot the low passed wind stress and mean flow (by month) for each station at specific depths from ADCP data.

NYCurr_Whisk: Program to plot ADCP current data as whiskers off of the x-axis. Had to be specifically tailored to site/data type because of axes range and labeling restrictions.

OBS_ATTN_Plotmaker: Given a specific station (other than F, at which there was no OBS or ATTN instrumentation), this program plots optical backscatter and beam attenuation from available depths.

P_CS_OBS_Plotmaker: Given a specific station, this program plots the st. deviation of pressure, and the current speed and optical backscatter from the available depths.

plotEnCTD: Program which takes the CTD data from the Endeavor cruise and creates plots of certain data variables for each cast.

plotMeteorNY: Program which creates time series plots of several environmental variables from the Ambrose Light station.

plotMeteorStatsNY: Program which plots meteorological statistics from various buoys.

plotOcCTD: Program which takes the CTD data from the Oceanus cruise and creates plots of certain data variables for each cast.

plotOpt2Sed: Program which plots beam attenuation and optical backscatter vs. sediment concentration for Oceanus and Endeavor CTD data.

PlotStatsNY: Program which plots the statistics of current and temperature calculated with Stats_Curr_Temp.m

PressurePlot.m: Given a specific station, this program plots the low-passed wind stress, the hourly averaged pressure, and the low-passed pressure.

Sal_Plotmaker: Given a specific station, this program plots the salinity data from the surface, two intermediate depths (if available), and the bottom.

Temp_Plotmaker: Given a specific station, this program plots the temperature data from the surface, two intermediate depths (if available), and the bottom.

whiskWindNY: Program to plot wind stress data as whiskers off of the x-axis. Had to be specifically tailored to site/data type because of axes range and labeling restrictions.

Statistics Calculation Tools:

Ellipse_Calc: Program which calculates the ellipse parameters for a given station at a given depth and outputs on-screen in matlab.

meteorStatsNY: Program to calculate various meteorological statistics for a given buoy.

nanmax: Program to calculate the maximum of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

nanmean: Program to calculate the mean of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

nanmin: Program to calculate the minimum of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

nanstd: Program to calculate the standard deviation of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

nansum: Program to calculate the sum of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

nanvar: Program to calculate the variance of a set of values ignoring the matlab fill value of "NaN".

Stats_Curr_Temp: Program which calculates the mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation values of current and temperature, by month and for the entire data set, at a given station and depth. Calls PlotStatsNY to plot these results.

Stats_Current: Program which calculates a variety of statistics for currents from several ADCP depths and all available VMCM/BASS data and outputs it to the screen. For the data report, this information was recorded in a table.

Stats_Ellipse: Program which calculates the ellipse parameters for all available VMCM/BASS data from a given station and from several ADCP depths and outputs it to the screen. For the data report, this information was recorded in a table.

Other Tools Used:

angleXtoCompass: Program to convert polar coordinate angles (measured counter-clockwise from x-axis) to compass angles (measured clockwise from north)

binsort: Program which sorts a given variable into bins defined by two vectors.

gregaxd_fooled: Program modified from gregaxd which can handle labeling the time axis when it has been scaled by some factor.

gregaxdNM: Modification of gregaxd which does not include month labels.

NY_Tides: Computes a tidal analysis on the pressure data available from a given New York station.

NY_Tides_Curr: Computes a tidal analysis on the current data available from a particular depth at a given New York station.

pcaben: Program which calculates ellipse parameters for currents.

ridfill: Program which replaces fill values with zeroes.

ridfill_nan: Program which replaces fill values with "NaN's" (Not A Number - matlab's fill value)

singleJD: This program converts julian dates from a two vector format to a single vector format.

transformNY: Given an angle of rotation for the valley, this program rotates current data to along and across valley axis.

UVtoSpDir: This program converts u and v (eastward and northward) velocity components into speed and direction (direction is standard polar coordinate, measured counter-clockwise from x-axis)

value2Index: Given a list of values and a target value, this program finds the index of the value in the list closest to the target value.

varify: Program which excludes empty data points from a data set.

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