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Oceanographic Observations, Hudson Shelf Valley, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-217

Principal Axes of Currents

Principal axes for both the hour-averaged and low-passed currents were computed for the entire record and by month. Major and minor axes, orientation, and ellipticity were computed from the east (u) and north (v) current components as:

major axis = [0.5 (UU + VV) + R] / n}(1/2)
minor axis = [0 5 (UU + VV) - R] / n}(1/2)
orientation = 90° - 0.5 tan-1 [2 UV / (UU - VV)]
ellipticity = 1 - (minor axis / major axis)


UV = Sum(u*v) - n*U*V

UU = Sum(u*u) - n*U*U
VV= Sum(v*v) - n*V*V
R = [ (0.5 (UU - VV) )2 + (UV)2 ](1/2)

and U and V are the means of the east and north velocity components, respectively. Sum means sum over the entire data set of n valves. The orientation is measured clockwise from true north. 0° is true north, and 90° is east.

Principal Axes for Entire Record (ADCP/MAVS/BASS Observations)

major  =  major axis
minor  =  minor axis
orient  =  orientation (measured clockwise from north)
ellip  =  ellipticity
alh  =  hour-averaged data
lp  =  low-passed data

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Principal Axes for Each Station


5 mbs

15 mbs

30 mbs

45 mbs



No Data




No Data
No Data


No Data
No Data


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