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Oceanographic Observations, Hudson Shelf Valley, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-217

Mooring and Data
File Identifiers

Every mooring (surface, subsurface, or bottom tripod platform) deployed by the Sediment Transport Group at the USGS Woods Hole Field Center is assigned a unique 3-digit mooring number that is used to key all information about the mooring and the data. The moorings deployed in the Hudson Shelf Valley experiment were numbered 594 and 595 (site A), 596 and 597 (site B), 598 and 599 (site C), 600 and 601 (site D), 602 and 603 (site E) and 604 (site F) (Table).

The 3-digit mooring number is used to identify all files containing time-series data, and is the key through which one can identify and/or locate data records in the Woods Hole Field Center time-series data management system. Individual data files are labeled by 4-digit numbers: the first three digits being the mooring number, the last digit indicating vertical position of the instrument in the mooring. For example, 5961 identifies the topmost instrument on mooring 596, 5962 the next instrument down on mooring 596, etc. As data files are processed, additional identifiers are added to the four-digit identifier to indicate sensors, processing steps, and averaging (see digital data files).

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Title Page / Contents / Tables / Figures / Abbreviations / Introduction / Field Program / Observations / Instrumentation / Data Processing / Fouling / Mooring/Data File ID / Results / Digital Data / Acknowledgements / References / Matlab / Supplementary / Metadata
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