Included in this report are digital data obtained
from the tripods and moorings, the Acoustic Backscatter system (ABS),
and hydrographic data.
The data format is the EPIC NetCDF standard
defined by the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
(PMEL). NetCDF is a very general,
self-documenting, machine-transportable data format created and
supported by UCAR (
is a set of standards which allow researchers from different organizations
to share oceanographic data without having to translate "foreign"
data types into the local vernacular.
NOTE: Depths in the NetCDF file headers differ slightly from those in the Table of instrumentation deployed. Users should use depths reported in Table.
The naming convention for NetCDF data files is as
Click here for the alternative accessible version of the following chart:
(optional) depth identifiers used
when a single data logger records the same variables at different
depths (requiring separate EPIC "time series" data
files) |
best basic version
hour averaged best basic version
low-pass filtered best basic version
merged basic versions
merged then hour averaged
spd or s
att or ats
velocities corrected for speed of sound
velocities (averaged or basic time step)
temperature, conductivity, transmission
pressure (averaged or basic time step)
pressure standard deviation
variances and covariances of velocity
conductivity, salinity, temperature
temperature, conductivity
temperature, conductivity, pressure
transmission and attenuation
pressure, conductivity (salinity), transmission
all ADCP variables
all VMCM variables
all SEACAT variables
all MicroCAT variables
all data from this data logger
Traditional data identifier |
First three digits identify moorings
chronologically. Fourth digit identifies data loggers sequentially
from top.Capital letter suffix (optional) identifies data subsets. |
Basic Sampling Interval, Hourly
Low-Passed Data (NetCDF)
Basic Sampling Interval, Hourly
Low-Passed Data (Matlab)
Hourly Averaged & Low-Passed
Data (ASCII)
sediment concentrations from time-series sediment sampler
ABS Data
Only data from the 2.5 Mhz sensors are included in
this report as this frequency provides the best comprise between
sensitivity to the fine sediment and low sediment induced attenuation.
3-frequency inversions for particle size were not performed due
to the fine sediment size, which is in the Raleigh scattering regime
for all frequencies.
All time stamps are in decimal days referenced to 1/1/2000 0:00:00
GMT and are stored in vectors sync_time_ABS_A or B.
Bottom elevations were estimated from the maximum bed echo and are
includes as vectors sync_botloc_ABS_A or B. Concentration water
estimates (in grams sediment /liter) from the 2.5 Mhz
data in 128 range bins (plus one header for 129 points) are in the
matrices sync_cal_conc25_ABS_A or B. The distance from the transducer
is located in vector zt. A second set of matrices sync_cal_conc25_ABS_A_zref
are also included that are referenced to bed elevation as opposed
to the distance from the transducer. These were created by shifting
the vertical reference using the estimated seafloor location contained
in the botloc time series.
Backscatter (Matlab - Single File)

Hydrographic Data:
Profiles of conductivity, temperature, depth and other variables
were obtained on the RV Oceanus and RV
Endeavor cruises. Configuration files for each Seasoft program
used to process the data are included in a zip file, along with
the batch job to run all individual programs for a particular cast.
Also included are the original data files (.dat), the ascii header files (.hdr) containing all processing information, and an ascii output file of the data after having been processed with the steps above; the bottle files for each cast contain the same information as the ascii output files for those depths where Niskin bottles were fired. For each cruise, there is also a
matlab file containing all of the data, sorted by cast, with the
same columns as described in the header files. For each cast on
the RV Endeavor cruise, there is also a data
configuration (.con) file used by datcnv to calibrate
the data; there is one single configuration file for all casts on
the RV Oceanus cruise.
RV Oceanus Cruise:
Map of Cast Locations:

Excel file of suspended sediment concentrations from filtered water
samples: oc_sed_and_optical.xls
Zip file containing all program configuration files:
Data configuration file: OC354.con
Matlab file with all CTD data: oc_ctd_mat.mat

RV Endeavor Cruise:
Map of Cast Locations:

Excel file of suspended sediment concentrations from filtered water
samples: Endeavor
Zip file containing all program configuration files:
Data configuration files:
CTD01.con, CTD02.con,
Matlab file with all CTD data: en_ctd_mat.mat
Time Series Sediment Sampler
Excel file contaiming sediment concentrations from Time Series Sediment Sampler deployed at Site A. See instrumentation for a description of the sampling scheme used in this deployment.