FISC - St. Petersburg
Tile 7/8
Introduction: The format adopted for discussion of geographic (tile) sectors has allowed for sector-specific studies to be addressed between Geography and Geologic Highlights sections. In the case of Tile 7/8, the sector-specific study is more appropriate for the Geologic Highlights section. Geographically, Tile 7/8 represents the westernmost extent of the chain of Florida Keys and their immediate offshore reefs. In keeping with an end-of-the-keys theme, Tile 7/8 differs in format from those of the other tiles by including sections that pertain to the general area of the keys and reef tract as a whole: Natural Stressors, Margin Evolution, Flooding the Florida Shelf, an Addendum, and Ephemeral Islands and Lighthouses. The Addendum section covers new information on the Florida reef record that came to light after completion of this report. The most important topics, relative to present reefs and to the dense population of the keys, are those addressed first under Natural Stressors. The other sections follow Geologic Highlights. One of many stressors and the most destructive natural physical forces to affect the keys and coral reefs are hurricanes. Hurricanes incorporate elements of each stressor source: atmospheric, terrestrial, and oceanic. |