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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1127

Construction of a 3-Arcsecond Digital Elevation Model for the Gulf of Maine

Data Processing Scripts and Software

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do_gom3.m: Program to create 1° × 1° squares of data. Squares will be pasted (do_paste.m) to produce a 3-arcsecond bathymetry grid of the Gulf of Maine DEM area.

do_paste.m: Program to paste together 1° × 1° squares of data a 3-arcsecond bathymetry grid of the Gulf of Maine DEM area.


ADCIRC Coastal Circulation and Storm Surge Model (version 47.11): Developed by Rick Luettich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences, and Joannes Westerink, University of Notre Dame, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences.

ArcMap (version 9.2): Component of ESRI ArcGIS. Developed and licensed by ESRI.

FWTools (version 2.2.6): Set of open source programs for GIS bundled by Frank Warmerdam for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms.

Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (version 2.2.6): Subpackage of FWTools that includes a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. Shareware developed and licensed by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

Gawk for Windows (version 3.1.6): Pattern scanning and processing language. Developed and licensed by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Generic Mapping Tools (version 4.3.1): Shareware developed and maintained by Paul Wessel and Walter Smith, funded by the National Science Foundation,

MATLAB (version 7.7.0, release 2008b): Numerical computing environment and programming language developed and licensed by The Mathworks, Inc.

Mirone (version 1.5.0): Microsoft Windows-platform MATLAB-based framework tool that allows the display and manipulation of a large number of grid and image formats through an interface with the GDAL library. Shareware developed and licensed by J.F. Luis, Universidade do Algarve. Mirone: A multi-purpose tool for exploring grid data. Computers & Geosciences, 33, 31-41, 2007.

Proj.4: Cartographic projections library.

XToolsPro Pro for ArcGIS Desktop (version 4.1.0. build 375).

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